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So I can get to know you all better, and vice versa.....

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Fun threat. Here goes....


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

Aaron (almost 15), Logan, 12


2.) What is your favorite food?

Pizza, of course!


3.) What is your favorite movie?



4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?



5.) What is your favorite book?

The Bible; To Kill a Mockingbird


6.) What is your least favorite household job?



7.) What is your favorite season?

I like them all


8.) What is your favorite sport?

Football-watching; tennis-playing


9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


Wal-Mart---I'd rather get a root canal. :D

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? In my signature line.


2.) What is your favorite food? I like comfort food - mashed potatoes, chicken fried steak, fried okra, homemade mac and cheese.


3.) What is your favorite movie? The Shawshank Redemption


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Diet Coke, in a can.


5.) What is your favorite book? To Kill a Mockingbird and The Good Earth are tied


6.) What is your least favorite household job? Floors.


7.) What is your favorite season? Summer!


8.) What is your favorite sport? Soccer


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas


ETA: I missed the last q. I shop very little. I hate Walmart, but I don't HAVE to go there so that doesn't count. Not sure what to answer.


It's nice to meet you!

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 7.3 kids, ages in my signature


2.) What is your favorite food? Italian...yum!


3.) What is your favorite movie? Anything Bourne...totally addicted!


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? neither, don't like carbonated drinks


5.) What is your favorite book? hmmmm...can't decide and haven't read a book outside of the hs realm for a while


6.) What is your least favorite household job? dusting


7.) What is your favorite season? spring


8.) What is your favorite sport? to play - tennis; to watch - football


9.) What is your favorite holiday? New Year's


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Wal-Mart...going on 5 years of boycotting it, yeah!

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I thought I'd ask some questions.

1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

Raziya is 16 months, #2 is minus five months, or thereabouts.


2.) What is your favorite food?

Nothing. I'm pregnant and don't like anything!


3.) What is your favorite movie?

I have a fondness for musicals and romantic comedies...


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Vanilla coke if I'm really desperate.


5.) What is your favorite book?

Les Miserables.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

I get vacuum cleaner rage.


7.) What is your favorite season?

You know, those 2 days a year where it's not too hot or too cold. Where you can wear pants or a skirt and be comfy.


8.) What is your favorite sport?

Sorry dudes, but SCA combat are the only *real* sports! Heavy fighting, rapier and archery.


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Geez. That's been a while. We like road tripping. Not fussed where we go. The last one would have been to Cameron corner, which is how we trashed our car. It was almost worthwhile for the quandong tart we had in Broken Hill. Ah, I see you are talking about things like Christmas. Haven't got one, we don't celebrate many so I'll stick with original answer.


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

I hardly do shop! I guess Coles is my least favourite. We try and buy most of our food from the wholefoods shop and butchers.




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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

2 - DS(3), DD(1)


2.) What is your favorite food? Mexican and Cheesecake...but probably not together


3.) What is your favorite movie? So many movies...I do love the Lord of the Rings. And Pride & Prejudice. I love Pirates, too. Oh and the Bourne movies...nope, can't pick just one.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Coca Cola Classic, as a fountain drink


5.) What is your favorite book? Francine Rivers' Mark of the Lion Trilogy are some of my favorites


6.) What is your least favorite household job? with two little ones - mopping the floor.


7.) What is your favorite season? Cold Winter


8.) What is your favorite sport?Football (Go Steelers!)


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? I really hate Wal-Mart, too. I just found a Super-Target and it is Heaven!!!!

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

ds 6, dd 2.5


2.) What is your favorite food?

whatever I'm in the mood for--I crave variety; but I love eating appetizers, and then there are cookies....


3.) What is your favorite movie?

lately, it's Amazing Grace


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Coke, but I don't drink it much. I really love lightly sweetened iced tea.


5.) What is your favorite book?

The Bible


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Dealing with paperwork


7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?



9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving or Easter


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Wal-mart, hands down--too overwhelming

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


DD - 31

DD - 26

DS - 20

DS - 18


I also have 2 son inlaws, 2 grandson, one granddaughter and grandson due in October!


2.) What is your favorite food?


It might be steak and baked potatoes with a lovely salad on the side.

Otherwise, it is whatever I don't ahve to cook and clean up afterwards!


3.) What is your favorite movie?


Really don't have one.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Neither. Iced Tea with lemon..no sugar


5.) What is your favorite book?


Little Women


6.) What is your least favorite household job?




7.) What is your favorite season?


Fall..leaves, crayons, new books..love it!


8.) What is your favorite sport?


sewing. Well, maybe swimming..I get confused


9.) What is your favorite holiday?


Thanksgiving. Just food, no gifts..no guilt.


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?




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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

5 ages 12 (twins), 7, 2, 18 months.


2.) What is your favorite food?



3.) What is your favorite movie?

Tough, since I love movies. I guess if I have to choose just one, The Princess Bride is at the top of my list.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Neither now but Pepsi when I drank soda.


5.) What is your favorite book?

Mr. Pudgins


6.) What is your least favorite household job?



7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?



9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Any grocery store - I miss Webvan!

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

Emma - 8; Abbie - 7; Isaac - almost 1


2.) What is your favorite food?

Pizza! Or Chocolate! I don't know if I can choose between them. Oh, and chicken tikka masala.


3.) What is your favorite movie?

I don't know. I asked dh and he doesn't know what my favorite is either. Sentimentally, it's Heart and Souls with Robert Downey Jr - our first date movie.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Diet Coke, regular Pepsi


5.) What is your favorite book?

I do love Harry Potter! And Stephen Lawhead's Pendragon Cycle. And anything by Patrick McManus.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

dealing with the dishwasher


7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?

Anything I don't have to watch on TV. I like to watch basketball best, I suppose.


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Christmas (really, my birthday, although no one has seen fit to make it an official holiday, LOL)


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Wal-Mart - and I just don't go there anymore. It's rare that I *have* to go to Wal-Mart.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?4,ages 12, 8, 7, 2.


2.) What is your favorite food?Mexican


3.) What is your favorite movie?Serenity


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Coke


5.) What is your favorite book?Too many to list


6.) What is your least favorite household job?cleaning bathrooms


7.) What is your favorite season?winter, which means not-summer here.


8.) What is your favorite sport?Taekwondo


9.) What is your favorite holiday?Halloween and Christmas


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Walmart

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How fun!!


Here are my answers:


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 3 girls: almost 8, 5, 2.5


2.) What is your favorite food? pizza-all kinds and chocolate.


3.) What is your favorite movie? I don't have one favorite! I love many movies.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Diet Pepsi


5.) What is your favorite book? Again, I don't have one favorite, but I love to read historical fiction.


6.) What is your least favorite household job? laundry


7.) What is your favorite season? Autumn


8.) What is your favorite sport? Baseball (Atlanta Braves baby!!!)


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Without a doubt, Christmas


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? the grocery store

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Alrighty. I'll answer, and then pop back and read everyone else's!


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 1 son, age 5 1/2


2.) What is your favorite food? Mexican


3.) What is your favorite movie? Legend


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? neither


5.) What is your favorite book? "Goblin Moon"


6.) What is your least favorite household job? dishes


7.) What is your favorite season? autumn


8.) What is your favorite sport? football (New England!)


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Samhain


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Walmart. :ack2:

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 1 dd, age 7.


2.) What is your favorite food? Salmon.


3.) What is your favorite movie? Fantasia.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Coke Zero.


5.) What is your favorite book? It's a toss-up between The Hobbit and The Iliad. (The Bible is a given, 'k?:))


6.) What is your least favorite household job? Putting away clean dishes. I'd rather clean the cat box. Go figure.


7.) What is your favorite season? Autumn.


8.) What is your favorite sport? To do, swimming or weight-lifting. To watch, Australian rules football. (I don't actually watch sports.)


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas.


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Walmart. They are the only even remotely local store that carries my clothing size. :(

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

One, ds, 11


2.) What is your favorite food?

Oranges or corn


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Hmmm. Braveheart, I think! And LOTR.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Diet Pepsi


5.) What is your favorite book?

no one favorite; way too many favoriteS to list (very partial list: Walking On Water: Reflections on Faith and Art; A Severe Mercy; anything by C.S. Lewis; Hobbit / LOTR; A Chance to Die; most Dorothy Sayers (especially Lord Peter))


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

vacuuming, dusting, and unloading the dishwasher


7.) What is your favorite season?

all; I appreciate the blessing of change!


8.) What is your favorite sport?

watching and playing: tennis, tennis, tennis.

...and watching: football (Redskins!)...and baseball...and Aussie rules football


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Easter - He is risen indeed!


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

department store


11.) Do you typically find it difficult to answer "single-best answer" questions?

Apparently so. Welcome to the Boards!

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

7 children, dd11, ds10, ds8, ds7, ds5, dd3 and ds3mos.

2.) What is your favorite food?

Hmmm...pizza for casual and a good filet mignon w/ Bernaise sauce when going formal (hah!)

3.) What is your favorite movie?

Gosh, it's been so long since I've watched one, but I think Bridges of Madison County is one of my faves

4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


5.) What is your favorite book?

Not sure, but WTM is up there!

6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Dishes, definately dishes.

7.) What is your favorite season?


8.) What is your favorite sport?

To watch: football or college Basketball, To play: soccer or swimming

9.) What is your favorite holiday?


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

I don't think I've met a store I don't like :D

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

4 boys - 15, twins 14 and 8

2.) What is your favorite food?

Right now everything! Reading everyone's answers has my stomach growling. I guess I'd say seafood!!!!

3.) What is your favorite movie?

Hard to choose. The Godfather, probably.

4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


5.) What is your favorite book?

I could never pick just one!! I love a great number of the books already mentioned. Also Little Women, The Grapes of Wrath, Jane Eyre,

6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Making dinner

7.) What is your favorite season?

In Florida, it's winter. When I lived in the NE, fall.

8.) What is your favorite sport?

I love to watch gymnastics and college football. I enjoy kayaking and anything in the water

9.) What is your favorite holiday?


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

I HATE to shop, period. But, Walmart gets my vote, hands down.


Welcome to the boards - nice to meet you. Now someone get me a pizza!:lol:

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I thought I'd ask some questions.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 2 boys, 14 and 12


2.) What is your favorite food? tex mex


3.) What is your favorite movie? Pride and Prejudice (or any good period film) Oh, and TLOTR


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Coke ~


5.) What is your favorite book? too many to choose from ~


6.) What is your least favorite household job? cleaning bathroom ~ (remember ~ 2 sons)


7.) What is your favorite season? fall


8.) What is your favorite sport? none (don't follow sports)


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Kroger

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? Knox, 16, and Liam, 10.


2.) What is your favorite food? Hmmmm, I love seafood, especially crab. I like lots of different kinds of food!


3.) What is your favorite movie? Oh, I don't know, there are loads of old classics that I love. At Christmas, we always watch It's a Wonderful Life and Christmas Story. Recently, I liked National Treasure (I, not II) a lot. I liked the way Ron Howard made the Da Vinci Code. I just watched Privileged Planet (a documentary) and loved it.....


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? COKE, if drinking a soft drink. Otherwise, iced tea (unsweetened, with lemon).


5.) What is your favorite book? That's hard. I like everything by C.S. Lewis I've read. I like Anne Rice as an author. I love Ginsberg's Hebrew mythology. I reread Tolkien and Elspeth Huxley and other authors I love over the years.....


6.) What is your least favorite household job? Probably doing dishes, which I don't do.


7.) What is your favorite season? I love things about each that are special to me, but I think fall is best!


8.) What is your favorite sport? Sport? What's a sport, LOL? Reading? Couch potatoing?


9.) What is your favorite holiday? I like the period from Halloween through New Years - it's one long holiday for me!


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Meijer

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


5 girls: 18, 16, 10, 7 and 7


2.) What is your favorite food?


Thai or vegetables of any variety

3.) What is your favorite movie?


Just one? Dr. Zhivago.... plus a 100 others


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


Neither, Iced tea


5.) What is your favorite book?


Again, just one? Anything Jane Austen for starters.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?




7.) What is your favorite season?




8.) What is your favorite sport?


Reading, walking, thinking ;) or did you mean like football???


9.) What is your favorite holiday?




10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


Costco. It's huge and crowded.




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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

FIVE: Nicholas (11) Gretchen (9) Lillian (8) Gabriel (5) & Kurt (18 mo)


2.) What is your favorite food?



3.) What is your favorite movie?

The Return of the King and Pride and Prejudice


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

either, but it must be diet

5.) What is your favorite book?

the Bible


6.) What is your least favorite household job?



7.) What is your favorite season?

it was fall when I lived in CT, now it's spring

8.) What is your favorite sport?

field hockey..I was on the state champion team my senior year of high school

9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Costco (esp. if I have everyone with me!!)

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I thought I'd ask some questions.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

4 kiddos: 7, 5, 3, 21 months


2.) What is your favorite food?

ooh, a hard one....um.....homemade Italian food (especially my grandmother's)

3.) What is your favorite movie?

hmmm...just one? probably The Princess Bride

4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

a really good red wine. second place - a properly pulled Guiness

5.) What is your favorite book?

gosh, just one again - The Eight

6.) What is your least favorite household job?


7.) What is your favorite season?

summer...no, really, I enjoy melting in triple digit weather with near triple digit humidity:tongue_smilie: . Late fall/winter -- in other words, reasonable temperatures.

8.) What is your favorite sport?

to participate in: fencing with swimming a close second; to watch - baseball

9.) What is your favorite holiday?

MMHD - Mama's Mental Health Day.


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Anyplace which doesn't sell books or music.





Nice to know ya, ma'am. <tipping hat>

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


Four kids, ages 14, 14, 14 (boys, triplets) and 12.8 (DD).


2.) What is your favorite food?


Homemade German chocolate cake and all-I-can-eat lobster.


3.) What is your favorite movie?


My Blue Heaven


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?




5.) What is your favorite book?


Too many books make the list.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?


Mopping floors


7.) What is your favorite season?




8.) What is your favorite sport?


Watching: Baseball - Red Sox

Playing: Racquetball


9.) What is your favorite holiday?




10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


Any store at a mall.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


1, she is 9


2.) What is your favorite food?


Peanut Butter! Don't think I could live without it! Well, it would make life a lot harder!


3.) What is your favorite movie?


Four Weddings & A Funeral


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


Used to be diet coke with lime--now, just water :(


5.) What is your favorite book?


Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen


6.) What is your least favorite household job?


Cleaning the toilet!


7.) What is your favorite season?




8.) What is your favorite sport?




9.) What is your favorite holiday?




10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


Anything you have to route through, like TJ Max or Ross

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I thought I'd ask some questions.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? one son almost 11, (DH sometimes counts as a child, I've had him for almost 16 years ;))


2.) What is your favorite food? chocolate, peanut butter, cashews, and pesto sauce. Only a few of those go together well.


3.) What is your favorite movie? Currently "The Dark Knight"


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Dr. Pepper, baby!


5.) What is your favorite book? The one I'm trying to write. :D


6.) What is your least favorite household job? Cooking


7.) What is your favorite season? Winter (at least in the south)


8.) What is your favorite sport? NASCAR!!!


9.) What is your favorite holiday? St. Patrick's Day, everyone deserves to be Irish at least once a year.


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Wal-mart.


Great questions.

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I thought I'd ask some questions.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

3 boys ~ 15, 13, 6


2.) What is your favorite food?



3.) What is your favorite movie?

I don't know. LOTR: RoTK Extended I guess.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Diet Pepsi, although I'm trying to give it up entirely


5.) What is your favorite book?

Brave New World


6.) What is your least favorite household job?



7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?



9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Tie between Walmart and Kmart

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2.) What is your favorite food? chocolate, peanut butter, cashews, and pesto sauce. Only a few of those go together well.
Ohhh, I LOVE pesto sauce! Aaargh EL, now I want some! WOnder if we have any? Sometimes we get a jar from Costco that is VERY good. Sometimes ds14 makes it which is also VERY good and very fresh!
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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

4, their ages are DD1 8 1/2, DD2 51/2, DD3 2 1/2, and DS9 months.


2.) What is your favorite food?

chocolate :) I like a lot of Thai foods.


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Much Ado About Nothing, LOTR, Star Wars, Matrix are also favorites


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Water, Lemonade, or Dr. pepper


5.) What is your favorite book?

Bible, the HP series, Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon and The Book of God by Walter Wangerin, Jr.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?



7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?

gymnastics or ice skating


9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Our local Kmart

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3.) What is your favorite movie?

inspirational sports movies (Remember the Titans, etc) or inspirational teacher movie (Mr. Holland's Opus, etc)

Mindy, Did you ever look for/get/watch "Music of the Heart with Meryl Streep? If you like the Inspirational Teacher Movie, this one's pretty good. I know I mentioned it to you before, so just wondering.
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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

2 girls - ages 5 1/2 and 1 1/2, and 1 son who is 3 1/2


2.) What is your favorite food?

Chicken kashmiri


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Drama - Gone with the Wind

Comedy - A Fish Called Wanda

Action - Die Hard

I can't narrow it down any further than that.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

As a native Atlantan, I have to say Coke; but recently I've developed a preference for sweet tea over all sodas.


5.) What is your favorite book?

Too many to name; but the book I consult most often is my NFP book.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Cleaning the toilets - ick. (A close second is hanging children's clothes.)


7.) What is your favorite season?

Toss up between Spring and Fall.


8.) What is your favorite sport?

I loathe and despise sports - playing, watching, hearing about...


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving for being with family; Christmas morning for seeing the kids.


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

I don't have a least favorite store, but I buy research software at my office and there is one particular salesman I dread having to meet with every 3-4 months.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


Two kids, ages 10 & 7.

2.) What is your favorite food?


Probably Mexican food.


3.) What is your favorite movie?


Raiders of the Lost Ark.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


Diet Coke.

5.) What is your favorite book?


Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad or The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. Recently, I'd add in Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?


Cleaning the tub.


7.) What is your favorite season?


Can't choose. I love them all for different reasons.


8.) What is your favorite sport?


As a spectator, the Winter Olympics. If I were daring enough to try any sport, I wish I could try Ski Jumping (but seeing as how that would be an immediate death sentence, I'll pass, lol). I've never been much of a sport participant, so I guess I'll say walking. (Yes, I know that's not a 'sport', lol. It's about the best I can do w/ my athletic ability.) Or snow skiing (even though I've only done it once for real in my entire life, lol).


9.) What is your favorite holiday?


Probably Halloween, lol.


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


Probably the grocery store -- that's why dh does the grocery shopping. :001_smile:

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

Only one child; a daughter named Molly who just turned 11.


2.) What is your favorite food?

Fresh pineapple. Definitely.


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Tough one. Field of Dreams, A League of Their Own, An American President, The Birdcage.....there are tons more, I'm sure!


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Coke. Definitely. But my preference is Diet Dr. Pepper.


5.) What is your favorite book?

Another toughie. Sarum by Rutherford stands out.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Ironing. Definitely.


7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?

Skiing, curling, softball, riding, dog sports


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Honestly? They're all too stressful!


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Well, I REFUSE to shop in Wal-Mart, so I can't put that, because I don't HAVE to shop there, thankfully. But maybe Kohl's? Or any clothing store.



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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

I have 4 dc ages 8, 8, 6, and 2.

2.) What is your favorite food?


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Pride and Prejudice

4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


5.) What is your favorite book?

Gone With the Wind

6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Sorting the white socks

7.) What is your favorite season?


8.) What is your favorite sport?

Ice Skating

9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving (all the eating w/o all the shopping)

10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


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I thought I'd ask some questions.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 3-Samuel 10, Matthew 9, Elizabeth 6


2.) What is your favorite food? the kind they serve at expensive restaraunts


3.) What is your favorite movie? Pride and Predjudice (BBC)


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Cherry Coke (on a splurge) usually lemonade or water


5.) What is your favorite book? biographies


6.) What is your least favorite household job? laundry


7.) What is your favorite season?Summer


8.) What is your favorite sport? does beach sitting count as a sport?


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Fourth of July


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Walmart - only when I absolutely have to, otherwise I like shopping in most any store

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ummm, I think I remember SWB saying there are 5000 people here? (registered at least, probably not all regulars). How are you going to remember us all :)

I will just say hi- I am in Australia, I have two kids, but you can get that from below my name.


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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 1, just six


2.) What is your favorite food? Tabbouli


3.) What is your favorite movie? Hard question....The Fog of War


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Nix!


5.) What is your favorite book? Three Men in a Boat


6.) What is your least favorite household job? Picking up before vacuuming


7.) What is your favorite season? The fall


8.) What is your favorite sport? Nix


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving...only because I love to cook


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? None...I don't *have* to go there. Walmart is my favoured avoidance.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

2 boys - one is 6 and the other turns a year old TODAY. :001_wub:


2.) What is your favorite food?

A well-seasoned medium steak. Ooh, or chicken Caesar salad! Mmm, add some homemade bread, and that's a great meal, lol.


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Raising Arizona or Best in Show (or anything Christopher Guest)


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

I prefer Diet Dr. Pepper when I have one, but I'm not THAT picky.


5.) What is your favorite book?

WTM is tops on my list (new homeschooler) b/c it really cleared the fog, so to speak, when I was first researching how/what to do. For fiction, I like anything Carl Hiaasen or Saving Graces was good, too.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Putting away laundry. I don't mind washing, drying, folding, hanging, etc. but I HATE putting it away.


7.) What is your favorite season?

I have lived in southern Florida for the past 5 years and have nearly forgotten what a season is.:tongue_smilie:


8.) What is your favorite sport?

I'm going to steal "internet surfing" from a previous poster, lol. I like to watch gymnastics, too.


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Does Black Friday count? I love the thrill of the hunt!:D


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Would the post office count?

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I thought I'd ask some questions.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? Three kids ages ds 12, ds 10, and dd (newly turned) 6


2.) What is your favorite food? Chocolate chip cookies


3.) What is your favorite movie? Gladiator


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? neither- milk or water


5.) What is your favorite book? I have too many to name


6.) What is your least favorite household job? Laundry


7.) What is your favorite season? Fall


8.) What is your favorite sport? To watch collegiate wrestling


9.) What is your favorite holiday?Christmas


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Walmart

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.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

see sig line

2.) What is your favorite food?

Bread and chocolate

3.) What is your favorite movie?

I like lots of movies but don't rewatch too many of them


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Neither, I drink milk, coffee, juice, water or unsweetened iced tea



5.) What is your favorite book?

no favorite book, favorite genre-mystery


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

dealing with things like fish tank operations (not the feeding but disassembling the filter type thing) or anything else to do with attaching or reassembling electronic components. If my dh preceeds me, I will need to hire people for these things.


7.) What is your favorite season?

In Belgium, spring. In Ohio and NM, fall. In CA and FL, winter.

8.) What is your favorite sport? I usually only watch Olympics and World Cup. Sometimes I will watch the Eurocup if someone else puts it on.


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Halloween because it is just fun and completely stressfree for me. I can't enjoy the other holidays too much because they are heavy workperiods for me.

10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Walmart. I don't shop there often but sometimes I need craft material or something like that on an emergency basis and Walmart is only 3 miles away and other craft stores are on the mainland and more then 10 miles away.


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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

2 dd - 7 and almost 6


2.) What is your favorite food?

Sushi, grouper Caesar salad, rare roast beef & twice baked potatoes. I think I should go eat breakfast...


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Mary Poppins


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Neither. Water, please.


5.) What is your favorite book?

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Umm...most of them


7.) What is your favorite season?

Hands down - fall. Not the still summer feeling fall in Sept and some of Oct, but when it really starts to cool down.


8.) What is your favorite sport?

To watch: Bella swimming, college basketball or football, NFL Football


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Christmas followed by Halloween


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

I don't usually shop where I dislike to go, but from time to time I have to go to Walmart and really, I don't even like to drive in the parking lot of that place.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 2 - ages 5 (6 in Sept) and 3


2.) What is your favorite food? Vietnamese


3.) What is your favorite movie? So many... The Patriot is one


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Vanilla Coke


5.) What is your favorite book? Again, there are many: The Kite Runner, His Dark Materials trilogy, Ishmael


6.) What is your least favorite household job? Changing Bedding


7.) What is your favorite season? Fall


8.) What is your favorite sport? Running


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? An autoparts store (thankfully, I rarely need to)



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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

5 boys-newly9, almost8, 6, 4.5, & 2.5


2.) What is your favorite food?

Mexican. If I had to pick one in that category it would be a good taco. But I never met a mexican food I didn't like (well, unless it includes sea food, which is my least favorite food).


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Princess Bride, A Christmas Story, and O Brother, Where Art Thou?


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

I gave up soda a year ago and drink water almost exclusively now, so I guess I'd have to say neither. It used to be Dr. Pepper, though.


5.) What is your favorite book?

For fiction, Watership Down. But I prefer mostly non fiction, and I don't have a favorite, I don't think.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Washing the windows


7.) What is your favorite season?

The current season, for about 2 months. Then my favorite is the one coming up. I'm working on being content in the moment, rather than longing for what's to come.


8.) What is your favorite sport?

To watch: Football. But I love doing Judo (I love watching it, too, but it's not like it's televised regularly).


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Christmas. Thanksgiving.


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?



dd18, dd15, ds14, dd13, ds5

2.) What is your favorite food?


hmm. That's tough. I'd have to say Chocolate Cake but that's not really a food; Cheese Manicotti


3.) What is your favorite movie?


Gone with the Wind


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


Iced Tea, natural...sometimes a Pepsi


5.) What is your favorite book?


that is an unfair question to ask a homeschooler!! :D

Anything by Elizabeth Elliott

6.) What is your least favorite household job?


Picking up the same stinking toys over and over again...


7.) What is your favorite season?


Definately fall!


8.) What is your favorite sport?


Not a big sports fan here. I like to watch figure skating though. Does that count?


9.) What is your favorite holiday?


Christmas of course!!


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


Oh man, I hate to offend anyone but I hate to shop at Wallyworld.

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Here's my answsers


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 3, ds age 9, dd age 6.5 and ds age 3


2.) What is your favorite food? chicken chimichanga


3.) What is your favorite movie? Mr. Blanding's Builds his dream house


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Definitely Pepsi


5.) What is your favorite book? Marley and Me, or anything Harry Potter


6.) What is your least favorite household job? cleaning the bathrooms


7.) What is your favorite season? Fall


8.) What is your favorite sport? Gymnastics


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Halloween


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Walmart (it's so hard to find things in the one here and it's always a mess)

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Here's My Answers

1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 2 girls, 7 & 4


2.) What is your favorite food? Ice Cream.


3.) What is your favorite movie? Chariots of Fire and Dead Poet's Society


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Dr. Pepper, but I can't drink anything Carbonated.


5.) What is your favorite book? Oh Man. I read too many to to pick just one.


6.) What is your least favorite household job? Mopping


7.) What is your favorite season? Summer


8.) What is your favorite sport? Gymnastics


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Best Buy or any other computer/electronics store; Dh gets soooo wrapped up in that stuff. And we never buy anything.




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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 3-dd 20, dd 18, ds 10


2.) What is your favorite food? Penne Rustica



3.) What is your favorite movie? Sleepless in Seattle



4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Diet Coke



5.) What is your favorite book? To hard to say



6.) What is your least favorite household job? Vacuuming



7.) What is your favorite season? Fall



8.) What is your favorite sport? Football



9.) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? None..I'm in Europe I love them all!

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I'm Dy, and these are my answers.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

We have five - they are DSalmost-10, DS8, DSalmost-5, DD2.5, and DS4mos. (The kids insisted on the "almost" b/c it's NEXT MONTH, and that COUNTS - said with eyes wide is disbelief that I don't automatically assume that.)


2.) What is your favorite food?

Oh, hands down, a thick, med-rare steak. I don't care what you serve with it, as long as it's a nice, thick steak.


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Uhhh... that's a hard one to narrow down, but I'd have to say either The Boondock Saints or U-571, or maybe Enemy at the Gates. Pride and Prejudice... North and South... The Venture Brothers (wait, no, that's a TV show). Well, I'm flexible and easily amused.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

I tend to be all-coffee, all the time. But if it's gotta be a soda, can I have a Cherry-Lemon Sun Drop?


5.) What is your favorite book?

No way, no how could I narrow this down. Not gonna even try.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Keeping the paper beast at bay. I swear, my kids sweat paper. It's everywhere.


7.) What is your favorite season?

Fall. Glorious fall. Proof that I lived through summer and won't have to deal with it again for another year. WOOHOO! Come on, Autumn!!


8.) What is your favorite sport?

Eating? That's a sport, right? Seriously, not a sports fan. But the three oldest boys play baseball, so I'll pick "watching my kids play" as my favorite sport to watch. But I'm still sticking with eating, if we're talking participation, here.


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

It used to be Christmas, hands down. But I didn't marry a Holiday-Sort-of-Man, and the constant negotiating sucks the glee out of it. So perhaps the Fourth of July, where I read the Declaration of Independence aloud. And cry. Every time. Next year, I'm making the almost-10-yo read it, instead. ;)


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Can't think of one, really. I don't like to shop, per se, so I really only hit stores out of necessity. I think the Krystal (yes, again with the food) just up the road from us has THE WORST customer service ever. So, yes, Krystal is my least favorite place to make a purchase.

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