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Prayers needed, please. I found a lump.

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I haven't been around for a while because my computer died and then we went camping for the past week. Just as we left on vacation I discovered it on my right br*ast, sort of attached to my rib. I tried to keep it to myself but by the second morning I had to tell my dh because I was just a basket case. After I told him I was able to calm down and enjoy the camping trip. I have a mammogram scheduled for Monday afternoon. If you are the praying type (or wish to send good vibes) I'd sure appreciate it.



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I haven't been around for a while because my computer died and then we went camping for the past week. Just as we left on vacation I discovered it on my right br*ast, sort of attached to my rib. I tried to keep it to myself but by the second morning I had to tell my dh because I was just a basket case. After I told him I was able to calm down and enjoy the camping trip. I have a mammogram scheduled for Monday afternoon. If you are the praying type (or wish to send good vibes) I'd sure appreciate it.




Dana I am praying right now and also will continue to pray. Please let us know what happens. :grouphug::grouphug:

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I'm sorry you are having to suffer through this. I had two very hard nodes in my arm earlier this yr and the waiting for the results were some of the hardest weeks ever. Know that hard lumps can form that are nothing. Thankfully, that is what mine were and have now just in the last week or so disappeared. Just sharing that to maybe lower your stress a little (though nothing anyone said to me lowered mine! So, I know how terrified you are.)


Praying for peace and "insignificant" result report.

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I am praying for you, Dana. It may be nothing, or it may be something, but either way you are doing the right thing to get a mammogram and check it out ASAP.


Four years ago the doctors found a tumor on my ovary, and I faced the very real possibility of ovarian cancer. God was merciful, and my tumor turned out pre-malignant (and taken care of with surgery alone), but I do understand that "punched in the gut" feeling when something like this occurs. May God's grace and peace sustain and strengthen you! :grouphug:

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As someone who has had to go to the br*st surgeon for 3 different lumps, I understand what you are going through. Fortunately, I've only had to have 1 biopsy out of those 3, and it was benign. It is very stressful worrying about it though. I'll be praying for you and do keep us updated.

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My tests came back normal. I still don't know what is causing so much pain but it has been suggested that maybe I pulled a muscle or injured a rib. I still need to follow up with the doctor but for now, despite being exhausted from stress, I'm celebrating!


Thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts, it's been a rough week and I've really needed them.



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My tests came back normal. I still don't know what is causing so much pain but it has been suggested that maybe I pulled a muscle or injured a rib. I still need to follow up with the doctor but for now, despite being exhausted from stress, I'm celebrating!


Thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts, it's been a rough week and I've really needed them.




Oh Hooray!!!!!!!! I have been praying and I'm so glad to know it is nothing!!

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My tests came back normal. I still don't know what is causing so much pain but it has been suggested that maybe I pulled a muscle or injured a rib. I still need to follow up with the doctor but for now, despite being exhausted from stress, I'm celebrating!


Thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts, it's been a rough week and I've really needed them.




YES! I was starting to get worried when we didn't hear from you. Hooray for good test results! I hope your pain subsides soon.

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