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My grandma had whiskers


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And I don't mean a few stray hairs. She had a full face of man whiskers. I remember how much I hated kissing her as a kid.


My 30s seem to have come with a lot of facial hair. The lip waxing has been part of my entire adult life, but now I have chin hair. This freaks me the heck out. Right now it's just a few, but unless a windfall allows me to get laser treatment at some point, I may end up being an old lady with man-whiskers.


Also, one side of my face has more dark/thick hairs than the other. What's up with that?

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5 o'clock shadow has nothing on me! I have PCOS and hirsutism in the worst way. I have seen women with it worse but to me, mine is bad! I agree with the 15 times magnifying mirror and a good pair of tweezers. I wish I could afford laser. I had 5 laser treatments done about 8 years ago and it didn't work (now I know that the doc had an old p.o.s. laser) Our hospitals "Med-spa" has a new fandangled one but it is $$$$$. So tweezing it is! I also have a razor in every vehicle, in my locker....everywhere! Yuck!

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I don't know what threading is.


Check you tube. There are threading salons and my local mall even has a threading kiosk. They do eyebrows, but you can have other areas threaded. I've never experienced it. I think you can have more precision on somewhere like eyebrows with threading vs. waxing.


You would not use the spring sprong thing linked upthread on eyebrows though! You can't be precise with it like they can with threading. I just mean that the idea is a bit similar (I think?).

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My mother blames my older brother for her hormones going out of whack when she was pregnant with him.


She uses a magnifying mirror and tweezers. She has made me promise that when she can't do it anymore that I will do it for her. I think I have been hearing about this for at least the last 25 years.

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Check you tube. There are threading salons and my local mall even has a threading kiosk. They do eyebrows, but you can have other areas threaded. I've never experienced it. I think you can have more precision on somewhere like eyebrows with threading vs. waxing.


You would not use the spring sprong thing linked upthread on eyebrows though! You can't be precise with it like they can with threading. I just mean that the idea is a bit similar (I think?).




You can use it inbetween your eyebrows, as well as above them. I've gotten good at it. ;)

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You can use it inbetween your eyebrows, as well as above them. I've gotten good at it. ;)


Well, I can see that. I don't have that talent yet LOL. I've tried though, but quickly abandoned the idea.


I just didn't want anyone attempting to shape their eyebrows using the spring tool. That would likely not go well!

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Check you tube. There are threading salons and my local mall even has a threading kiosk. They do eyebrows, but you can have other areas threaded. I've never experienced it. I think you can have more precision on somewhere like eyebrows with threading vs. waxing.


You would not use the spring sprong thing linked upthread on eyebrows though! You can't be precise with it like they can with threading. I just mean that the idea is a bit similar (I think?).




My two thoughts on threading:


~It works. It is nice to have it all done and not have to worry about it for a few weeks.

~ The CIA could use it as an interrogation technique in Guantanamo.


I bought myself an epilady. The results are not quite as satisfactory as threading, but far less painful, the cost of an epilady is the same as being threaded 1-2 times, and I can torture myself in my own home...not have someone else do it for me.

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My family line has genes for a serious lady 'stache, and I got those genes. Took care of it in my 20s with about 6 months of weekly electrolysis appointments. 20 years later, it has never. come. back ! If any more undesireables pop up on my face, I will go get them frizzle-fried too. A few minutes of sobbing and a post-pain stupor once per week for a few months, for hopefully a lifetime with nothing growing out of those follicles - worth it !

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Vaniqa, ladies. Prescription cream. Pricey but a tube lasts forever. It seriously, seriously inhibits hair growth on your face. I went from weekly hair removal cream on my upper lip to maybe once every 2 months. Worth every penny.



When I last checked it was $80 a tube and insurance wouldn't touch it. Now it looks like it's running about $110-120 or so per tube. http://www.goodrx.com/vaniqa Plus, it would depend on how much area one had to cover as to how long it would last. Right now, it's definitely not in the budget, I'm afraid.

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It happened to me when I started having kids. I'll just deal with it for as long as I am able; after that, I guess I'll be too senile to care!

Yeah I started having the odd stray hair after I had my kids. And I also am terrified because my Nana had serious whiskers and while I loved her more than anything I would almost scream when she would come in to kiss my cheek. I don't want my grandkids to be freaked out by my face!

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My best friend told me the price for her laser hair removal, and I decided it was worth it to me to get rid of my chin hair.  It's not perfect, but it is worth it to me.  Next on my wish list is the home laser.  I've paid for 6 treatments which will take me through most of this year, so I will decide by Christmas whether I will pay for another round or try the home one.  (It was $400 for 6 treatments if I paid up front.  I go in every 5-7 weeks, so approximately a year's worth of treatment for me.  We don't travel, I rarely get my (LONG) hair cut, I gave up waxing my eyebrows (back to tweezing), and decided to cut other corners to allow myself this treatment.




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My chin and facial hair was a symptom of PCOS and insulin resistance. These things whack up your hormones and cause you to grow the hairs, and it can be genetic.


I bought a Gigi home waxing kit from Amazon. It's hard wax, I think it's supposed to be for Brazilian waxes- but I'm not that brave, lol!


It came with the oil you wipe on first, the wax, the warmer, and cooling gel for afterwards. I also bought a giant tub of waxing sticks- which has lasted for years now.


It doesn't take long at all, and doesn't hurt as getting it done at a salon. The whole kit was less than $50 and I have only had to replace the wax once so far. (I just checked and it's only $32.95)



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Get some good tweezers and a 15 times magnifying mirror, lol! More ladies have this problem than will ever admit it. 001_tt2.gif



Yep,  My hairdresser said she has clients who have set appointmennts to get facial wax services and not just lip and eyebrows.

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A few minutes of sobbing and a post-pain stupor once per week for a few months, for hopefully a lifetime with nothing growing out of those follicles - worth it !


So electrolysis is pretty painful? 


I'm wondering if anyone has used the NoNo thing that I see advertised on tv?  (I assume there is some pain involved in that, too, regardless of their claims, but I'm OK with that.)

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Uck. I've always tweezed  my brows (though I could use some help with the shaping lately) but I've noticed more upper lip hair, too. I've bleached it, but that takes too long & the results seem to fade rather quickly. I'm using one of those spring things now & that works alright. But I wouldn't mind trying the hard wax. I'd be tempted to do my eyebrows, too, though & I think that could be disastrous.

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Thank you, I been tweezing the chin area for a few years, and thought I was just a weird hairy chick! So glad to hear I am not alone! I have tweezers all over the house, at my desk, in my car, in the bathroom. Between chin hair and grays on the head, I need to invest in a tweezer company! I've found the best lighting outside, while sitting in the car, waiting to pick up children from activities, lol.

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I use these eyebrow shaper razors for the mustache. Works really well in that area. I don't feel like it's a "shave" cuz that scares me it would cause thicker hairs to grow back, but just cuts the hair very close to skin. Super easy and quick, and they are cheap. Wouldn't work to well on my random, thick chin hairs, I prefer those to be tweezer out. http://www.amazon.com/Noxzema-Eyebrow-Shaper-Shapers-Total/dp/B00B8VVD6K/ref=sr_1_11?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1401374102&sr=1-11&keywords=eyebrow+razor

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My sister's insurance paid for laser facial hair removal due to a diagnosis of PCOS. It was 10 years ago so that was back when insurance was a little better at covering services, but it could be worth a look to see if your plan would cover it. 

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I use these eyebrow shaper razors for the mustache. Works really well in that area. I don't feel like it's a "shave" cuz that scares me it would cause thicker hairs to grow back, but just cuts the hair very close to skin. Super easy and quick, and they are cheap. Wouldn't work to well on my random, thick chin hairs, I prefer those to be tweezer out. http://www.amazon.com/Noxzema-Eyebrow-Shaper-Shapers-Total/dp/B00B8VVD6K/ref=sr_1_11?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1401374102&sr=1-11&keywords=eyebrow+razor

 Luckily, it has been proven many times over that the theory of shaving = thicker hair, is a wives tale and not true.  You might perceive a thicker growth because it makes all the hairs the same length as they grow in, but since you are already shaving it off anyways, it won't be any different if you use a small mustache razor vs regular size beard razor.  They do the exact same thing, one is just half the size of the other.

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Uck. I've always tweezed my brows (though I could use some help with the shaping lately) but I've noticed more upper lip hair, too. I've bleached it, but that takes too long & the results seem to fade rather quickly. I'm using one of those spring things now & that works alright. But I wouldn't mind trying the hard wax. I'd be tempted to do my eyebrows, too, though & I think that could be disastrous.

I use the hard wax on my eye brows, chin and upper lip- works great! You just need the really thin applicator sticks for your eye brows.

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My great aunt (88 years young) came to visit me this past weekend.  She told me that a good pair of tweezers is a ladies best friend! (Then she asked to borrow my magnifying mirror so she could take care of her whiskers!)


My middle dd has PCOS with insulin resistance-- in other words she has the full 'stash and beard'.  It seriously depresses her that she has to shave multiple times each day... and most of the time she still has a shaddow.  People can be so cruel...


Laser worked for her before-- but if her hormones get out of whack it all comes back.  I'm currently checking out some Groupons for laser centers (she has light skin and dark hair so the 'Candella' laser works great on her)... it will be a few hundred dollars--but it it worth it for her.


I just suffer with a few stray hairs here and there... I remember my mother having them too....


Something that most women prefer NOT to talk about in public!

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Yeah, not something we like to talk about in public, but if I were to be parted from my tweezers for too long, I would make Gimli jealous with my luxuriant facial hair.


Like Samiam, I find that tweezing works best for these old eyes on a sunny day in the passenger seat of the car.  VERY bright sunlight makes them positive glow.  I discovered that I had been failing to notice a rather large percentage in the bathroom mirror.


One delightful side effect of menopause has been that I no longer care if I gross out the younglings who notice what I am doing.  :p  They, too, shall one day know the joy of outliving one's modesty.

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Do a YouTube search for a video by Ms. Gold Girl called "how I shave my face" I think.  Her channel has really awesome beauty advice for women over 35.  I'd link but my linker is broke.  Sob.



I had no idea these existed!


ETA: I didn't really mean to embed the video...if that makes it a pain for anyone on their mobile, let me know & I'll get rid of it. :)

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My great aunt (88 years young) came to visit me this past weekend. She told me that a good pair of tweezers is a ladies best friend! (Then she asked to borrow my magnifying mirror so she could take care of her whiskers!)


My middle dd has PCOS with insulin resistance-- in other words she has the full 'stash and beard'. It seriously depresses her that she has to shave multiple times each day... and most of the time she still has a shaddow. People can be so cruel...


Laser worked for her before-- but if her hormones get out of whack it all comes back. I'm currently checking out some Groupons for laser centers (she has light skin and dark hair so the 'Candella' laser works great on her)... it will be a few hundred dollars--but it it worth it for her.


I just suffer with a few stray hairs here and there... I remember my mother having them too....


Something that most women prefer NOT to talk about in public!

Waxing gets rid of it longer than shaving, and will cut down on the "shadow".


I hate shaving, and have only done it a few times in desperation- it does not get rid of the hairs as well as waxing does, and they come back faster with shaving, and it makes your skin feel funny.


The more you use the hard wax, the more used to it you become and the easier it is to just add it in to your beauty routine.


I wax, then the next few days just pluck the random few hairs that pop out. I only have to wax every 3-4 days, but could easily do it every day if I had to.

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