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I want to lose weight, get a face lift, highlight my hair, get a mani/pedi, and maybe a tattoo!

DB in NJ

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I'm in for a new tattoo. I have to call for an appointment and my artist is 4 months out. She's worth the wait though. I'm getting my dad's favorite coin surrounded by my mom's favorite flowers. It's a memorial for my dad which is why I'm dragging my feet.

I'm feeling fat and old too. And I'm only 42. I've lost 15 pounds and am now a size 12. Not bad, but could be better.

Maybe the new tattoo will help.

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I have just had plastic surgery to repair damage due to the removal of a basal cell carcinoma.


In my opinion, anyone who prefers this surgery to wrinkles is insane.




My current opinion, not necessarily reliable. But I am done with this...and i have VERY good care and doctors. I'm just whiny. But I would NEVER do this voluntarily.



That was my MIL after her masectomy. Insurance would pay for reconstructive surgery for the removed breast, but she said, "Well, I don't want a new perky one, and the old droopy one, and I'm sure not going through that for another droopy one. I'm just fine lopsided."

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I have just had plastic surgery to repair damage due to the removal of a basal cell carcinoma.


In my opinion, anyone who prefers this surgery to wrinkles is insane.




My current opinion, not necessarily reliable. But I am done with this...and i have VERY good care and doctors. I'm just whiny. But I would NEVER do this voluntarily.

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I don't want a tattoo or a face lift, but I wouldn't mind a bit of filler for my crow's feet. I need to get a haircut, as mine has gotten a bit too long (funny to say that as I recently had about 16" taken off), and I need my highlights done again. I could also go for a mani/pedi. Oh, and those last 7 lbs will NOT go away! My size 8's hang on me and I look like a hobo, but my 6's (exact same brand and cut) give me muffin top and make me look like a ho. So it's hobo or ho. I don't care for either look.


Oh, and I'll be 40 in March.

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I've got another tattoo already designed and ready to go, but it's a large rib piece. After I thought I was going to die when I got my last (tiny) one on my foot a few months ago, I'm a little gun shy!


I was just looking at the Lifestyle Lift commercials on TV thinking I'll definitely go that route when the time comes.


I need to lose another 30 pounds but I think I'm just stuck at this weight forever.


I was going to get a pedi today, but I have a rotten head cold and it's raining and cold outside, so my big plans for today now include a couple loads of laundry, and a couple of Oscar nominated movies on cable On Demand.


I don't have any gray hair yet, so that's something since I'm 41.


Hair cut and highlights on Friday.

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I am ready. My face has 'fallen' due to years of stress, depression and unhappiness. Now that I am feeling better, I am so disappointed in how my face looks. I would love to have a lifestyle lift so that I actually look happy (or less grumpy) when I am happy and smiling or just sitting there. My daily countenance is not pleasant.


The best I have been able to do is get electrolysis. It's been 16 weeks and there is such a difference on my chin and neck. I may look grumpy but at least I don't look like a goat. :)

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I'm working on losing weight. I'm fine with the way my face and body are aging, and I embrace my grey hair. But I don't want to be fat and fifty, and I turn fifty in March. I've lost 5.5 pounds so far and would like to lose another 5-10.




This is me. I've decided my 40s will be my best decade ever, and I've taken the steps to make that happen. That doesn't mean anti-aging, though. It means aging well.


I could get on board for new ink, though.

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I lost 30 pounds about three years ago and have kept it off by eating low carb and exercising, so I'm happy with my weight. But I would love to have my "under the chin" sag lifted, along with my "bookshelves" being lifted as well (they are large and gravity is beginning to take its toll.) I like my haircut, but I need to color it again...greys appearing in my roots?!? And I am getting a tattoo in April for my 38th birthday. It is going to be on my wrist: the Chinese character for strength.

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Me too.


I need to lose about 50 pounds (or more), can't figure out what to do with my frizzy, no style hair with a few grays that stick straight up. I think part of mine is February blues. I need something to change! I'm so tired of the cold, the gloom, having to stay inside all the time. I wish we could go outside more but the cold causes real pain in my arm (old break that healed badly).


I'm 43.

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I'd love to fill in wrinkles on my face. I also toy with the idea of bOOkshelf redo if I wasn't 1) afraid of surgery 2) afraid of the stigma 3) too poor to afford it. Reason #2 is the biggest reason. I would struggle with the hypocrisy within myself.


I recently read in a book that women actually have a much harder time with midlife crisis than men do.....overall of course. This is because we realize (unconsciously) that we are losing our fertility and therefore our desirability. Men don't lose their fertility as the age in the way a woman does which is why there are many many older men who have younger girlfriends/wives. Even when you account for high social status a woman is much less likely to have a younger mate. Humans unconsciously look for signs of fertility and for women that means youth.

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Midlife crisis, anyone??


I have lost 45 pounds, but still have about 30 more to lose. I recently got a haircut, which I hate (as I usually do). I just feel fat, old, and ugly.


Anybody else ready for a makeover?


Aren't you supposed to use quotation marks when you quote me? ;)


I said the exact same things when I turned 50. So I started losing weight, started taking martial arts and kayaking, dyed my hair, and changed my attitude. Now my mantra is, "I'm 50 yo, I don't have to take any crap any more!" So I don't. I am pleasant, direct, and straightforward. If anyone tries anything, I will calmly call them on it. Because I am old enough that I don't have to defer, bow or scrape.


I am living proof that you CAN lose weight over 40. I have had people say they thought I was in my 30's, but they were teens and not good judges of age!


One area in which I do restrain myself is clothing. I do make a conscious effort not to dress like a teen - I think that looks gross. My basic style is casual, though (Eddie Bauer, Land's End, Gladiator, etc.), so most of that clothing is pretty timeless and ageless.


The bottom line, you are not fat, old, or ugly unless you want to be. You can drop some weight, get a makeover and learn how to apply "modern" makeup well, participate in fun things that energize you. You can view every day as an adventure, not as a chore. You can strive to make the second half of your life even more fun than the first.


BTW, I am seriously considering getting a tattoo when I get my black belt. I'm thinking about the Bible verse Psalm 144:1, "Praise be to the Lord, My Rock, who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle." But that won't be for at least another couple of years. Some people who have heard of my plan have said, "but what will happen when you are old and wrinkled?" My response is that I will have a wrinkly tattoo and be able to kick their butts.

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Well, I could use the losing weight part. I think we're going to buy an exercise bike today - it seems like such a weird thing to do (Idky I have some stigma in my head about exercise bikes? :001_huh: but anyway... :lol: ) but it'll take away all my excuses for NOT exercising. :)

I've decided on no more tattoos, though part of me wouldn't mind another - but DH isn't a tattoo fan. :) I don't mind manicures but I hate pedicures, they tickle my feet too much. :lol:

I do need to go in and get my hair shaped up and colored again, though. I'm trying to wait until March so that it looks really good for our easter musical. All people will be able to see of me is my back so I'd like for my hair, at least, to look nice. :D

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Well, I could use the losing weight part. I think we're going to buy an exercise bike today - it seems like such a weird thing to do (Idky I have some stigma in my head about exercise bikes? :001_huh: but anyway... :lol: ) but it'll take away all my excuses for NOT exercising. :)



we've gone through several exercise bikes. this type is by far the favorite/winner. we picked it up used on craigslist. still not cheap, but not nearly as much as new. (my favorite apparatus is an old nordic track skier. I like yoga more.)


I'm working on the losing weight thing.

never done a mani or a pedi (except giving them to myself. I don't do polish as it weakens my nails.) - though I have as my goal doing yoga minimum of 4x per week for a month and I get a really good massage. =D

already do my hair. I've decided to bite the bullet and I just have to go in every six weeks to get it cut. it just grows too fast. I told my stylist (who is reluctant to "prune hard" even though she knows how fast my hair grows) to "go for it" when she cut. at worst, it will take a week (or two 'gasp') to be the right length.

don't care about a face lift (the pac nw is very very good for skin)

am very against tatoos


I'm learning piano for my "finally doing it' as it's something I've always wanted to do. the drawback is I have to cut my nails shorter than I'm accoustomed to keeping them. . . . . nails are so useful.

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I'd like to get in shape without putting any effort into it. Is there a pill for that or something?




Sing it sister. I am working on the weight loss. I woke up recently and took a good hard look in the mirror. It was time to admit that I was no longer overweight but bordering on obese. I have been tracking my food and exercising at least 5 times a week. I can't say the weight is droppin goff fast but I have lost inches and I feel so much more energetic. But what I wouldn't do for a pill.

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I know what you mean. I also feel spread too thin but I had to make a change. Our school day starts later and ends later then I would like but I had to do it before I started having serious health issues. It was time to take control and do something for me.


As for the plastic surgery-I wouldn't mind a boob lift but I don't want to go under the knife. I will just continue to flash my dh by lifting the hem of my skirt and accept the wrinkles and all the other stuff that comes with aging. Except for the grey hair-I color and highlight.


OP-get a new hair stylist and a cut and color you like.

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I'm 55. I do not embrace my gray hair. My identity is too wrapped up in having long bright hair. So I went to a hair place, and said, I have not had a haircut in over 15 years, and I do not want one. But I want my hair to look naturally colored, the way it was before I started to go gray. I want to look like myself, only better. So they used 4 related colors and fixed me right up. And I love it. I get touch ups every so often. It's great.


I started getting pedicures 3 years ago because I wear sandels a ton, dress sandels for special occasions year round, and it just looks funny not to have toe nail polish on. They are fun, and they last for months on me, which is nice because I have always been so low maintenance that putting the time and money into these kinds of things is very annoying to me. I use crazy colors. Right now my toeys are deep purple. Before, they were deep green with little gold sparkles. I don't do manicures because my fingernails are very flexible and so mani's do not last.


I hate tattoos and piercings. I don't think I would ever have a face lift but I have started to use make up more often. I hate the feel of it, though.


I would like to lose some weight, but I have a very busy but sedentary life, and and tendency toward bursitis that makes it hard to exercise. However, I just (last Thursday) met with a health coach, and am going back to food journalling (considering one of those medically supervised liquid diets, but that's very unlikely) and adding in water walking--she feels that that is an exercise that would not trigger the bursitis like regular walking, jogging, and biking do. I'm so happy to have a plan!

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My size 8's hang on me and I look like a hobo, but my 6's (exact same brand and cut) give me muffin top and make me look like a ho. So it's hobo or ho. I don't care for either look.


Oh, and I'll be 40 in March.


I have thIs exact same problem with those same sizes. What's up with that?!

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I hear you and feel you. I will be 39 next Saturday. I'm blue, fat, I have an eye infection, I look old, feel old and am just generally depressed today. Oh, and to top it all off 'Aunt Flo' is here. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. :eek: Oh, and I go Monday for an IV full of vitamins (specifically, I'm low in D too. It's no wonder I feel crappy.

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You've lost 45 lbs! That's great! Don't look at how far you have to go, but how far you have come. Sorry you don't like your hair cut. I hate when that happens, but go for the coloring! Have fun. Go far a facial and mani/pedi. Cheaper than surgery. I'm not one for tatoos (I can't even stand writing on my hand), but if you really want one...........:) Nothing like a little mid life crisis. Personally, I'm switching up my workouts to do more kettlebells. I want to be strong (I've always been weak, no muscle tone at all). That's my solution this year.

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I have thIs exact same problem with those same sizes. What's up with that?!


Does that not infuriate you? They aren't that different if you hold one pair in front of the other, but they fit very differently.



What's up is that you need to change brands.



No! I love this brand and have about 10 pair in a size 6 that I used to fit into perfectly (about 4 years ago). They're beautifully cut and I love the color, I just need them to fit!!! Well, what I really need is to get up off my bum and lose those 7 stubborn lbs. of course the Hershey's kisses I'm eating probably aren't helping. :)

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We must be sisters. I lost weight which makes it obvious I've had 7 kids and makes my face look more lined without the fat to fill it out, my nails are a mess, and I'd like my kids' names down my side and Micah 6:8 on my hip. I'd also love to have someone figure out what to do with my curly red mess( that stays red thanks to Lady Clarol. I'd love to have a real colorist.)Then I feel shallow and vain for wanting all that. Geesh!

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Well, I'm glad to see I'm in good company! :D


FTR, I am kidding about the facelift. I'd actually prefer a face transplant ;) Or an eyelift. Or a tan.


The tattoo thing is new for me. I wanted one back in another life when I was a rebellious teenager who hung out with Warlocks (motorcycle gang, not Gandalf or Dumbledore). But I grew out of it; or so I thought. After losing my mother almost 2 years ago, I keep thinking about how lost I felt....as Edward Ferrars says in reference to losing his father in Sense & Sensibility, "I was like a ship that had lost its anchor." It is *exactly* how I felt. And now, I'm considering getting an anchor...somewhere, with a verse of scripture to go with it.


Anyhoo, I am back to eating like a real person after what could be considered the equivalent of a drunken stupor of eating (i.e. holidays, post-holidays-what-the-hay-moments, stress, etc.), and I am SO ready to get back to exercising! I miss it. A lot.


And hey, thank you all for your kind words about my picture! Could someone please tell me how to make it my avatar?

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