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Reason #1 Why you should Always, ALWAYS, have a clean house!


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So when the nice policeman who comes to take your statement and gather evidence when your cars get broken into, asks to use the bathroom, you don't die of embarrassment. :svengo:


FYI- I will be moving now. To another state, because TX just isn't big enough anymore! :blush:

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My MIL dropped off some canned food for us and used our bathroom today. Thankfully, I was sick upstairs and didn't know about it until after they left. Our toilet looks like it has an infection, and I have pregnancy test boxes and wrappers on the counter....from the weekend before Christmas. :blushing: (I'm 9 weeks along and have been too sick to do anything normal.)

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I have boxes and papers stacked and spread around in the midst of a long over-due purge as we speak. But at least I found and cleaned the floor!

I've also been living hoping that we'd have no emergency as I would NOT let anyone in.


So, yeah, I get it.


On the plus, maybe it can provide the motivation you require?

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Understand :grouphug: Back when kiddoes were little and dh worked nights I heard a noise. I am not easily spooked but this sounded like someone in the house. I called the police and told the dispatcher I heard a noise and would she stay on the line while I checked it out. I called in case someone was in the house she could send someone. She quickly told me to stay put she was sending an officer. The officer looked all over the house and under the beds. Oh My Goodness :scared: I was so embarressed. My house was a wreck and man that dust showed up with his flashlight. :blushing:

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So when the nice policeman who comes to take your statement and gather evidence when your cars get broken into, asks to use the bathroom, you don't die of embarrassment. :svengo:


FYI- I will be moving now. To another state, because TX just isn't big enough anymore! :blush:





Enjoy Alaska. :laugh:

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If it helps any, I'm sure the nice policeman has seen it all before. I feel your pain though.

I doubt it. He didn't look old enough to have seen much. Then again, maybe he isn't so far from being a teenager that slob city doesn't affect him. Now there's a bright spot!


I have boxes and papers stacked and spread around in the midst of a long over-due purge as we speak. But at least I found and cleaned the floor!

I've also been living hoping that we'd have no emergency as I would NOT let anyone in.


So, yeah, I get it.


On the plus, maybe it can provide the motivation you require?

Oh yeah, I immediately called my bf and begged for her assistance this week!


wouldn't have been so awful, but he came through the mudroom, where the litterboxes are. They were gross as dd hadn't cleaned them out yet. OY!

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My best friend is married to a cop so I get to hear stories. They go to homes and find people who have been dead for days, and the only reason they were found is that they had begun to stink enough to be smelled outside the home. Your bathroom can't be worse than that, can it?

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I doubt it. He didn't look old enough to have seen much. Then again, maybe he isn't so far from being a teenager that slob city doesn't affect him. Now there's a bright spot!


I would go with that. :) Many men are oblivious to dirt and messes anyway. My DH and I can be looking at the same room and he thinks it's clean and neat while I think it's dirty and messy. The vast majority of guys I know fall into the "oblivious to messes" category. Statistical probability based purely on my anecdotal data makes it likely that the nice officer who visited your home today falls into that category too. ;)

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He's probably been in many, many homes and has surely seen worse than yours!


But yeah, I'd be completely embarassed if someone stopped by unannounced. I'm trying to get on top of things but I have these kids who insist on being kids and undoing all my fine efforts at a clean house! :)

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LOL! I share a house with some childless people, and one of them was asked to host a reception for a high-level politician at "her" home. She (we) had a couple of days to prepare. The house was in need of cleaning, remodeling, and repairs, but we managed to complete an amazing amount of work before the big day. We stuffed all the kid stuff in my kids' bedroom and shut the door. I made myself (and my kids) scarce for the evening.


Well, on that very evening the downstairs toilet flusher decided to break. No problem, there's a bathroom upstairs. (Which was even clean.)


I got home and heard how the evening had gone. Then I went upstairs to use the bathroom. That's when I remembered that on the back of the bathroom door, my kids' pink hoodie bunny towels were hanging. Hee hee. Wonder what all those "important people" thought about that.

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years and years ago, our house (before this one) was broken into...the day I was told I would be given an unplanned c-section the next day. My house was actually really clean because I went through a nesting phase the weeks before but it was tiny and I had no laundry room. I would bring the dry clothes in from the outside garage and throw them on the couch and then fold them. or not. :D


so the police come and one walks into the living room and says with a tinge of disbelief, "so they ransacked this room too?" and I looked, saw all the laundry thrown on the couch and had to say, "no, that was all me...." I was really, really embarrassed. Though now I wonder why, my house is never that clean these days.... :blushing:

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Decades ago, when we were in high school, we lived in a small town and my brother was known as the local computer geek. (This was in the days when very few people owned computers.) Someone stole a computer from the town community center, and the first thought was that it must have been my brother. The cops came to our house when we were at school, and my mom let them in. They asked to search his room. "Go for it." Unfortunately for them, my brother was also the town slob, LOL. The cops opened his door, beheld the room in horror, and declared, "there's no computer in there."


My mom later said there could have easily been a dozen computers in there under all those piles of junk.

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Oh, and then there was the day when our dryer broke, and we had a service man come to fix it. Nobody thought to remove the undies that our 19yo houseguest had left in the dryer. The dryer tech had to do that himself. All manner of modern undies that I don't even know how to pronounce. LOL. Eew.

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Last year when we were on vacation, our security alarm went off. We were unreachable so a policeman got into our house to look around and see if anyone had got in. Well, our house is cluttered/messy on a good day, and that week had been very busy before we had to go away. I wound up leaving the house a huge mess. I was SO much more upset that the policeman had SEEN my HOUSE like that, than that some supposed thief had broken in and maybe taken things. (turns out it was nothing).

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When we were house-hunting we were in the market for a two-family house. I don't know if this is the case everywhere, but in our neighborhood, the culture is not to ask tenants to vacate for property showings. I don't know if they were asked to clean or not but, yeah, it made me feel a lot better that my house is actually reasonably clean most of the time compared to what we saw traipsing through all these apartments on our house hunt.


My sister is a social worker and she has seriously seen it all. We were having trouble with a neighbor at one point and someone suggested we get ready for a CPS visit as I guess that is a common form of retaliation in some parts. I called my sister, worried that my "kid clutter"-covered house would get me in trouble. She cracked up and told me the kinds of things that they consider "really" bad. It's sad how some people live (and I get that there are a lot of things that contribute to those situations--not trying to disparage anyone here) but that cop probably didn't even blink.

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It may have been a compliment that he was wiling to ask; I'm sure he enters many homes and would rather die holding it.

(I know, I've told myself that before.)


So when the nice policeman who comes to take your statement and gather evidence when your cars get broken into, asks to use the bathroom, you don't die of embarrassment. :svengo:


FYI- I will be moving now. To another state, because TX just isn't big enough anymore! :blush:

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Yeah I'm sure he has seen far worse. Really. FWIW, we had new cable installed the other day. I didn't go crazy cleaning and decided I didn't care so much. My house was messier than I like though. The guys actually commented to my husband that they couldn't believe how clean our place is including our basement (which frankly is very old and looks like a dungeon). Apparently a few gigs prior they dealt with knee deep trash and rodents in the basement!



Oh, that was probably me (his previous gig). I am not the only adult who lives here, and there is no way I can keep up with other people's mess. I have tried, believe me, before kids. No way. The service guys always assure me that they have seen far worse. I take their word for it ;).

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When we were house-hunting we were in the market for a two-family house. I don't know if this is the case everywhere, but in our neighborhood, the culture is not to ask tenants to vacate for property showings. I don't know if they were asked to clean or not but, yeah, it made me feel a lot better that my house is actually reasonably clean most of the time compared to what we saw traipsing through all these apartments on our house hunt.



Oh, this reminds me of when I was renting my first apartment, and I'd given notice of moving out. They didn't bother to tell me when they were going to show the place. My roommate and I were in finals week and I was also a grader, so keeping my apartment spic and span wasn't my highest priority.


One day I came home and the custodian told me he'd shown the apartment. I about died. There was a huge pile of dirty laundry practically in the entryway, among other things. He didn't seem to think anything of it. I asked him to give me advance notice next time. So another day, I come home and there's a note. "We will be showing this apartment at x:00 today." That was in about 5 minutes. I panicked, gave up, turned around and walked in the opposite direction. :p

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So when the nice policeman who comes to take your statement and gather evidence when your cars get broken into, asks to use the bathroom, you don't die of embarrassment. :svengo:


FYI- I will be moving now. To another state, because TX just isn't big enough anymore! :blush:



That's weird that he asked to use the restroom. Seems unprofessional to me.


That said,YES, great reason to keep the house clean.

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He's a cop. He's seen REALLY scary bathrooms. I'm sure yours doesn't even make the top 20.


I have a friend who keeps wipes in her bathroom. If she gets unexpected company, she excuses herself to go to the bathroom and wipes it down real quick before anyone has a chance to get in there.

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Trust me. He has seen worse. And if he hasn't yet, he will.




I think the worse I ever went into was the house of a dead horder. He died in his bed. It was a maze to get through the house to the bedroom with all stuff piled to the ceiling.



BTDT. And it's the reason I keep a small jar of Vick's vapor rub in my kit at all times. You know it's bad when the firemen give you a crash course in using a SCBA before you enter the house. <insert vomiting "smilie" here>

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One time we were selling our van on CL and a family came to look at it. They weren't here long, but they did come from quite a ways (45 min drive), and there are not many places around here to just run in and use the bathroom. Anyways, they lady with them asked to come in and use our bathroom. I hadn't gotten to it yet as I was busy with Sat am laundry. Thankfully DH gave me the heads up, so I ran in and wiped it down with clorox wipes.

But yeah, I always keep wipes handy in the guest bath. I also use the excuse "One of the kiddos just used it (which they usually just have, since they use it mainly) and let me make sure they didn't make a mess" before any unexpected company enters it.

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BTDT. And it's the reason I keep a small jar of Vick's vapor rub in my kit at all times. You know it's bad when the firemen give you a crash course in using a SCBA before you enter the house. <insert vomiting "smilie" here>

Oh, the memories I'd rather keep suppressed popped up. Thanks for that. :glare: :laugh:

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Yeah I'm sure he has seen far worse. Really. FWIW, we had new cable installed the other day. I didn't go crazy cleaning and decided I didn't care so much. My house was messier than I like though. The guys actually commented to my husband that they couldn't believe how clean our place is including our basement (which frankly is very old and looks like a dungeon). Apparently a few gigs prior they dealt with knee deep trash and rodents in the basement!


My step-father has worked in cable, phone and internet installation as long as I can remember. He has stories.

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He's a cop. He's seen REALLY scary bathrooms. I'm sure yours doesn't even make the top 20.


I have a friend who keeps wipes in her bathroom. If she gets unexpected company, she excuses herself to go to the bathroom and wipes it down real quick before anyone has a chance to get in there.




I totally do this! And sptay enough cleaner that it smells clean.

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He's a cop. He's seen REALLY scary bathrooms. I'm sure yours doesn't even make the top 20.


I have a friend who keeps wipes in her bathroom. If she gets unexpected company, she excuses herself to go to the bathroom and wipes it down real quick before anyone has a chance to get in there.




I totally do this! And spray enough cleaner that it smells clean.

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The guys actually commented to my husband that they couldn't believe how clean our place is including our basement (which frankly is very old and looks like a dungeon). Apparently a few gigs prior they dealt with knee deep trash and rodents in the basement!


Oh, yes. My husband has been crowing for a week now because the furnace repair guy complimented him on his tidy garage. Evidently, the average man has a different definition of "tidy" from any I would employ.



Last year when we were on vacation, our security alarm went off. We were unreachable so a policeman got into our house to look around and see if anyone had got in. Well, our house is cluttered/messy on a good day, and that week had been very busy before we had to go away. I wound up leaving the house a huge mess. I was SO much more upset that the policeman had SEEN my HOUSE like that, than that some supposed thief had broken in and maybe taken things. (turns out it was nothing).


My grandmother never left the house without making sure it was "clean enough for the firemen." She wouldn't even walk to the corner shop unless her house was tidied to her satisfaction, "just in case something happens." I just try to leave things orderly enough that the cat sitter isn't scared.


Anyway, I think the collective logic here is unimpeachable: either the police officer is experienced enough to have seen everything and a lived-in bathroom wouldn't even register, OR he's a young guy who probably wouldn't want you seeing his bathroom, either. Sounds like you're off the hook and Alaska can wait.

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my sil told me that once she went to go visit her brother (my dh, but many years before he was my dh) . He was in college and rented a house with 3 other guys. Sil had a toddler at the time who had to go to the bathroom. She took him into the bathroom and refused to let him sit on the toilet, she held him up above the seat while he did his business. Now that is a bad bathroom.

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my sil told me that once she went to go visit her brother (my dh, but many years before he was my dh) . He was in college and rented a house with 3 other guys. Sil had a toddler at the time who had to go to the bathroom. She took him into the bathroom and refused to let him sit on the toilet, she held him up above the seat while he did his business. Now that is a bad bathroom.



And yet oh, so typical of a college apartment occupied by four guys! I mean, we hope at least one of them will clean periodically. My dh went to boarding school in high school and had to clean, do some chores, do his own laundry, etc. I'm so grateful!

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my sil told me that once she went to go visit her brother (my dh, but many years before he was my dh) . He was in college and rented a house with 3 other guys. Sil had a toddler at the time who had to go to the bathroom. She took him into the bathroom and refused to let him sit on the toilet, she held him up above the seat while he did his business. Now that is a bad bathroom.


Now see, when dh and I were dating, his house was pretty clean. A bit dusty and some dishes in the sink, but I had that. Bathroom was spotless! Did not know that it was his roommate who kept it clean. :(


and what really bothers me, is that I have more cats than you. we're only supposed to have 1/2 the number that you do. :D

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My step-father has worked in cable, phone and internet installation as long as I can remember. He has stories.


My mom used to work in a plumbing shop. The guys would come back from some places with some stories, too. They especially enjoyed regaling their tales to Mom, who is a neat freak. Those guys worked in the cleanest plumbing shop in town while she worked there. :)

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My Mom use to say we had to have the house clean in case some robbers broke in. She wouldn't want them finding the place a mess. ??


Well after having the cars ransacked, and not having a clue whether anything was taken, I totally understand that thought! :tongue_smilie:

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Call me crazy, but sometimes I get this vision of CPS coming and checking to see how many days' dishes are in the sink. It is a bit of a motivator when I need it (I usually am not that bad). Not that I have done anything to deserve a visit from CPS, but from what I've heard, you never know . . . .

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I would like to hear more anecdotes from the emergency workers here. So I can feel better about my own house.



Heh. You sure? Because I've been doing this gig for 15 years and I have what I think of as "morality" tales. Sometimes they inspire a feverish cleaning bout when I get home. Many times, I'm sad to say, I come home, look at my house, and think, "Well, it's not as bad as the house I was in last night." I then settle for a shower and a cuppa. Or a V&T w/extra lime if I've pulled overtime and the sun is close to the horizon. Whatever works.


P.S. Love your title. Though I do try to stay away from downtown during that time.

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Call me crazy, but sometimes I get this vision of CPS coming and checking to see how many days' dishes are in the sink. It is a bit of a motivator when I need it (I usually am not that bad). Not that I have done anything to deserve a visit from CPS, but from what I've heard, you never know . . . .


Yeah, I know the feeling. I think that every time my house gets trashed- and that usually is when everyone stops by. I did wonder if he didn't ask to use the facilities, because I said I homeschooled. I kept the doors locked and the blinds drawn yesterday...just in case! lol

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