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Anyone care to share what their dh/dw does for a living?

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My husband is a Senior Network Engineer and web security person. It is for a publishing company that specializes in Law. They were in D.C. but are now across the street from the Pentagon in Crystal City....how I envy y'all country people....I only have one word to say....TRAFFIC!!! He slugs to work everyday.....he sleeps during his commute.


He is an IT person with a degree in Psychology. We tease him about this because he doesn't use the psych degree....He doesn't like people....:lol:


He does phone tech support for all of my friends all across the 50 states....the guy dreams in code....He will tell you he is a geek but it must be with a Capitol G....lower case g's are high water's and pocket protector's.


I am a SAHWAH mom who one day hopes to go back and finish my teaching degree.


I am impressed.....we have some very hard working hubby's here....and should be proud of all of them.....

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My hubby is a lineman. When your power goes out, he gets it back on.;)


We had a terrible ice storm a couple of winters ago; our power was out completely for five days. When I saw the linemen coming down our road, I almost hugged them!




My dh is a self-employed carpenter. He will be roofing next week in 100+ heat index temperatures. :glare: He can literally do anything construction related, but finish work and painting is his specialty.


Elegantlion (Paula), can your dh come to our house? We could really use his help here! My dh does not do well at these things! :)


My dh is an attorney; his specialty is workers' compensation cases, primarily, particularly very difficult ones. He's also a Christian and, I believe, a very ethical lawyer (although I know that some people think that's an oxymoron!). He's not your typical "hard-driven" personality one would imagine with some attorneys; he's a very regular guy, very laid back. He also loves sports, the news, and reading. :)

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He and his partner have pieces in the Vice President's residence and in the MD State House, but mostly they build for private homes. They also restore antiques, again, high end. They cater (as we say) to the folks with all the "long driveways" around here. :001_smile: If you care to take a look, you can see pictures on their website.

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My dh is a Clinical Psychologist. He sees clients in private practice, does Biblical Counseling at a retreat center, teaches classes at University, speaks, writes, consults, does psych evals.

His true love (besides me :001_smile:) is teaching and Biblical theology. He has a weekly Bible Study that rocks!

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Dh is a network engineer at Cisco - he has done some pretty cool stuff, designing networks for the new buildings they put and such. His main job is developing and maintaining the networks for labs, where engineers go to recreate and test problems customers are having. In his spare time, he networks our house. :D

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My dh is a truck driver. He works for one of the biggest food distribution companies here in Florida. They deliver food to all kinds of restaurants and prisons. Dh normally has his own route, but they have had him delivering to the state prison all week. There are only 3 drivers in the company that have clearance to go there. He went to the death row section of the jail this week and it is kinda scary knowing that if something happened in the jail, dh would not be able to get out until it all cleared.

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Laura, if my dh had to switch careers he would pick what your dh does or something similar with investing. He thinks he way get into that line of work if he is able to retire early. Right now investing is his "hobby".


DH hits sixty when Calvin reaches 19 and Hobbes 16, a nasty combination of retirement and college expenses. Right now, we are just happy that compulsory retirement in his firm has been raised to 65. But he enjoys his work, so he's fine with carrying on working.



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Elegantlion (Paula), can your dh come to our house? We could really use his help here! My dh does not do well at these things! :)


My dh is an attorney; his specialty is workers' compensation cases, primarily, particularly very difficult ones. He's also a Christian and, I believe, a very ethical lawyer (although I know that some people think that's an oxymoron!). He's not your typical "hard-driven" personality one would imagine with some attorneys; he's a very regular guy, very laid back. He also loves sports, the news, and reading. :)



Sure, we'll stop by on our way to visit family in St. L. :D You'll have to wait until he gets done with his mother's to do list. There is always one when we go to visit. :lol:

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He and his partner have pieces in the Vice President's residence and in the MD State House, but mostly they build for private homes. They also restore antiques, again, high end. They cater (as we say) to the folks with all the "long driveways" around here. :001_smile: If you care to take a look, you can see pictures on their website.


That is beautiful furniture. We are antique lovers here, I'm bookmarking that for when we get our forever house.

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He has worked for the town for 14 years. Up until 2 years ago he was on call 24 hours a day everyday of the week. His intelligence and common sense always amazes me. I tell him I know what it must have been like to live with Edison of Einstein. His mind is always working. He developed a system to correct inoperability(this was a big problem on 911) and he gave the technology away instead of patenting it because he wanted it to be able to help people as quickly as possible. He is incredibility humble. We always say the Lord has paid us back double and triple for the work he has done gratis. I feel very blessed to be married to him.

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My dh is a Program Manager in the Air Force.


Right now he is working with his team to get a non-invasive microray (I think I got that right) deployed that will keep our boys and girls safer over seas. It would also be a big help at protecting embassies and our prison systems.


God willing, we will have another line of defense available soon.

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DH is an attorney - specifically divorce, custody, child support, adoption.


I'm an attorney (hence the sig name) - specifically divorce, custody, child support adoption.


We work at separate firms, and occasionally other attorneys at my firm and my husband are opposing counsel - makes things "interesting" for me.


DH and I don't talk shop around the kids - we wait until after bedtime, but we are each allowed an "out" - if one doesn't want to talk about work stuff, the other has to immediately stop the discussion.

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My guy is a Middle School Minister - you know, those guys who find interesting, yet spiritual activities for a bunch of 6th through 8th graders! Really we both love it! He gets to go to camp with them, and lots of other fun stuff. He is also our church "media" person, meaning he gets all slides ready for the Sunday morning worship and sermon. He creates any videos that our worship leader wants to use along with songs. He also maintains our church website - http://www.fbcgarner.org. And, as if that's not enough, he also run our church sports programs - Upward Basketball, Upward Soccer (coming soon!), weight room, gym, etc.


Before Seminary, he worked for Coca-Cola, and was a probation and parole officer before that.


I am a part-time assistant for the worship leader at our church. It is really nice to work in the same office as my dh. We often get to run away for lunch together! I love it!

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My guy is a Middle School Minister


Before Seminary, he worked for Coca-Cola, and was a probation and parole officer before that.



Talk about appropriate experience before starting your career... ;)


Just kidding! I also LOVE middle school ministry. :001_smile:

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My dh is a Wall Street dude. He runs the NY branch of a large broker/dealer. They specializes in equites lending, locating large chunks of stock, borrowing them from institutional investors (banks, hedge funds) and lending them to end users (venture capitalists and traders) for a fee. The end users use the stock primarily for short selling.

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Hmm.... Dh has had a lot of jobs - he worked at an office supply store, cooked at a fast food place, was a dessert maker {there was a proper term, I forget it LOL} at a higher end restaurant (it folded, couldn't make it in our town), worked at a department store doing overnight stock, spent two years in college (accounting tech diploma program) sponsored through unemployment program that, despite being top of his class, he never got to use because accounting places wanted more than just a college diploma course {that sucks because he's REALLY good at that stuff!}, worked as a shipper/receiver for a small local hardware store, and now he works & lives on the other side of the country as a parts/warehouse guy for an oil company because none of the previous jobs nor anything else he could get here paid enough to raise a family. Everything was pretty much minimum wage.


Myself, I've had jobs in the past that included: department store, fast food, telemarketing, bulk food store, office {gopher basically}, and then mostly private childcare. Few others along the way. Now I'm a homeschooling SAHM who still babysits sometimes.


That's the shortest way I could put things since neither of us ever had a specific "career" to claim. ;)

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Mine is a research scientist in quantum optics (in physics). He mainly just plays with lasers and trying to get photons to do what he wants. Or something like that.


My husband and sons would want to play with your husband.



It is really great to see what everyone does and how all of us make up the fabric of life.....and how each of them contributes in their chosen or unchosen careers.....Great thread!!!

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Hmmm...the many hats we wear! :) Who else besides our family seems to believe these 80 or so years we may have on this earth were meant for many vocations?? :)





Unless federal guidelines are changed, and we hope that they will be, my dh will be forced into retirement in five years. Our youngest child is 8 years old, so my husband will definetely be looking for a new hat to put on his head to keep paying the bills!


He is very interested in continuing his education to get the needed courses to switch to a career in alcohol and drug counseling. He does a lot of that now, but from a position of authority. He would like to be more in the position of helping people heal from their addictions rather than threatening people with a return to prison if they cannot let go of their addictions. He has such a heart for people trapped in addiction, I think he would marvelous at counseling. He is the right combination of compassionate and tough.

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My dh is a mechanic. When we were first married, he got a degree in computer science. He hated it. Then our engine died in our car. We didn't have the money to fix it at a typical shop. We took it to the local trade school. They took FOREVER to fix it. He found himself going in to check on progress. While he was there, he would start working on it with one of the teachers. The next thing I knew, he was a mechanic. He doesn't love it these days, but he is really good at it. I feel bad for him when it is so darn hot outside!

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Dh was a 17 year band/orchestra director - mostly at public high school, but also at a private school and most recently (and most disastrously, don't even GET me started) at a "Christian" school. (Note the quotes)


He has also gigged from time to time on woodwinds, playing shows from the pit, and is a fabulous conductor. I love playing bassoon when he's conducting!! That's when I first was attracted to him, actually! :001_wub:


Now - well, it's strange - but he's an Operations Senior Specialist for a health care company. He says it's like managing his band, only he's got 14 employees, not 88 teenagers. :D We're simply rejoicing in a paycheck!

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Mine's a priest. He has his doctorate from SMU, so we are constantly getting calls asking if this is a medical office (to sell him supplies) and junk mail from medical billing services! He is also an author, and (drum roll, please) one of the world's foremost authorities on Second Temple Synagogues.

But I haven't read his books. Gotta keep the man humble somehow...:lol:

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