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Do you know what this is?


Do you know what this is?  

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  1. 1. Do you know what this is?

    • Yes, and I was born before 1970.
    • Yes, and I was born in the 70s.
    • Yes, and I was born in the 80s..
    • Yes, and I was born in the 90s
    • No, and I was born before 1970.
    • No, and I was born in the 70s.
    • No, and I was born in the 80s.
    • No, and I was born in the 90s.
    • Obligatory other... and you'd better explain. :D

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Huh. I didn't know what it was... because we had a 45 adapter that looked totally different when I was a kid. And then when I was in high school in the early 90's and used to collect indie 45's, I had a record player that had one that also looked totally different.


But a google image search seems to suggest that that's the typical look.


Ours looked different too. I was born in 1973 and we had a house record player, one of those kid fisher price ones, and an 8 track player. My husband was 1974 and he's never seen one either. He remembers a tube type thing. At any rate, we still don't recognize it and we're not on the young side of that age range.

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Ours had an extender for the part that you could stack the records on and then they'd release down one at a time.



Here's one for the same generation ... dh has his phone set to a chime sound when his phone needs a charge. I tell him that Tinkerbell says that it's time to turn the page. :laugh:


Yep. That's it! Don't know why we had two, unless the different players came with different accessories.


Now, let's all talk cameras. Anybody else here have a genuine Kodak Brownie Box? :D

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There was also a taller cylinder kind so you could stack the...


:lol: Yes...I remember those too!



I guess I'm an oldie too- 1966! I knew what it was too, my sister and I had a record player in our room. She would listen to Peter, Paul and Mary and I would listen to Shaun Cassidy or the Partridge Kids! Haha!


Oh my goodness! :lol: I have a vivid memory of listen to Elvis Presley's "Burning Love" over and over and over, while my cousin did the signature Elvis moves. Good times. LOL


Born in 1970, and proud of it! :D

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I have never seen one if those in my life. I was born in 1980.



Ditto, only I'm slightly older than you. I can remember records (my family switched over to CD's when I was in elementary school) but the player we had was a multi-speed one. So I'm guessing this adapter thingie was unnecessary & that's why I've never before seen one.

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Ours had an extender for the part that you could stack the records on and then they'd release down one at a time.



Here's one for the same generation ... dh has his phone set to a chime sound when his phone needs a charge. I tell him that Tinkerbell says that it's time to turn the page. :laugh:




As I read through this thread I was thinking of that extender bar letting the records drop one at a time. And how the needle arm would swing out and then back and pause just a second before it dropped down on the record.


BTW I also remember those Tinkerbell audiobooks. I'm *that* old! :D

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Yeah, I recognized it at first, but then the big picture with all the variations threw me off. I also remember the higher number than what this was for. Well, the higher number things were antiques when I was young. But I think I may have some of them stored away. I have lots of the lower number, but none of the middle type that the thing is for.

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That is what we had, if you mean the tall kind. We also had that under discussion. I studied the photo uploaded to this thread, and the closest thing I could see was that red-orange one in the lower right-hand corner. Except ours had no ridges or decorations; was simply plain, plain plastic.



This is why I didn't recognize it. Ours was not fancy at all.

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Born in 1972 and never seen that. I would have thought it was Beyblade's predecessor. I did have a turntable.



Born slightly earlier than you...don't remember ever seeing or using something like that. Of course I no longer remember whether it was the 45s or 33s that were bigger.

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Oh my goodness! Those guns were so much fun! My brother and I ran all over the house shooting each other. Then, I got in trouble because I was just home from having my adenoids out and my mom was all worried about me running around. Good times...



I do remember those 45 adapters, but when I saw the picture, I thought it was one of these things --




We have a bag of those upstairs I would be thrilled to get rid of. :glare:


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I was with Arcadia, thinking it must have something to do with Beyblades, LOL!!


Born in the mid-70's here, and I had no earthly idea what it was. It looked vaguely familiar so I'm sure I've seen one. We had records in our house, but by the time I got my first stereo at age 10, I was more into cassettes! ;)

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Ours had an extender for the part that you could stack the records on and then they'd release down one at a time.



Here's one for the same generation ... dh has his phone set to a chime sound when his phone needs a charge. I tell him that Tinkerbell says that it's time to turn the page. :laugh:



I saved all my story books with records! I really need to get them converted. That's how I taught myself to read.

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Mine never worked properly.

And I shall now go make a very large cup of coffee and feel sorry for myself for being in the oldest demographic in the poll. :)


You're in the cool group!

Heh, well I knew what it was, but I never knew there were so many variations.

I thought they only came in red and yellow!


At least you get to claim late 60s. I'm stuck with mid 60s. :bored:

You're in the cool group, too!

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Born in 1978. I had this handy-dandy Fisher Price record player with the center that popped up and down. I've never seen those adapters before. My dh (born 1965) knew exactly what they were.




I had one of these and a collection of the storybooks with records that chimed when you turned the page. My kids of course have no idea what I'm talking about. Fun memories.

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Born in '73 and knew what it was. My mom had a ton of 45s and 33 1/3s. My sister (older than me) had a bunch of 8 tracks. We listened to music all the time. When I was in early high school, I think, she bought an old Wurlitzer that took 78s - those things were heavy! Oh, and it wasn't until I was in early high school that we got our first CDs and a stereo system with a CD player.

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Now nmoira will tell me why the lovely old opera recording I sold last year had side 8 on the back of side 1. :)


Well, I haven't seen anyone explain it, so ... for all you youngun's out there ... I'm pretty sure it was so you could stack all the records on the player at once, and then when Side 4 finished you could turn the whole stack over to hear Sides 5-8, without having to rearrange the records (or place them on the turntable one at a time).

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Well, I haven't seen anyone explain it, so ... for all you youngun's out there ... I'm pretty sure it was so you could stack all the records on the player at once, and then when Side 4 finished you could turn the whole stack over to hear Sides 5-8, without having to rearrange the records (or place them on the turntable one at a time).


Oops. I misread it at the time. 8 and back turned into 8 track in my mind.

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