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When/why did you give your DD her first AG doll?


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DD is almost 5 and has always loved dolls. I know one day we will get her one, I'm just trying to figure out what the best age would be. She's just learning to read, and so hasn't read the American Girl books yet. I've seen the "World of..." books at the library but haven't checked them out yet.


Anyway, I guess I'd just love to hear how others have come about getting American Girl dolls for their daughters. What age is best to get them? Should we read the books first? And, ultimately, did/does your daughter play with her doll?



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My dd got hers at age 7 and only because the girl of the year happened to be a gymnast and she is one, too. I wouldn't say my dd does extensive pretend play with the doll, but she does dress her up, do her hair take her with her places with us. She also puts her to bed at night.

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We started with Corolle baby dolls, then transitioned to Corolle and Gotz toddler dolls. There were a few Lee Middleton baby dolls too. The first American Girl dolls we purchased were the "Just Like You" dolls. I honestly can't remember how old the girls were when we purchased them. They were a great started doll for that type of doll. The girls could dress them and do their hair. Other American Girl dolls followed over the years. The most recent purchase was "Emily" last year for my then 12 year old's birthday.


The only concern I would have with that type of 18 inch doll is the hair. The hair is a bit picky and needs to be cared for properly. You have to be careful about what type brush used on the hair for instance. If you have a dd who wants to do quite a bit with the hair, then you might consider another type of doll until she is a bit older and can understand better how to maintain it. My dds have loved their AG dolls and still have them on display in their bedrooms. They still change their outfits for the season.

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I'm interested in this, too. My dd actually just got the Samantha books for Christmas (I plan on reading them to her), because I kinda want her to have an interest in the books/characters before I invest in a doll. I guess you could say I want her to love the doll for who she is, and not just because she's pretty or popular. ;)


If she takes the bait this year, we'll probably go for it next Christmas (she'll be 6 1/2).

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DD#1 (now 8.5 years old) got her first AG doll for her 7th birthday. She wanted Kit and I figured that she was old enough to take care of one. Since then she's gotten four more (Kaya, McKenna, Ruthie, and Kanani) with various birthday, Christmas, and chore money over the past year and a half. She just got Kaya the other day for Christmas.


DD#2 (now 5.5 years old) just got her first AG doll the other day for Christmas. She's been eyeing Caroline since she came out. She loves dolls with long curly hair and blue eyes. She's a few years younger than DD#1 when she got one, but I figured that she wanted one because her big sister has one. She's had a Target doll for a few years, as well as some Disney dolls that she really enjoys. So I figured Santa could bring Caroline this year.

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My dd got hers last year just before her 4th birthday. She had seen the catalogue and asked for one from Santa. It's not one of the historical dolls with the books, it's just one of the dolls where you can select the hair/skin/eye color. She plays with her doll daily and has taken very good care it. I know that not-quite four years old is young for such a gift, but she's so careful and cautious with her belongings in general that we knew she'd be fine.

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DD is my only baby girl. I could not wait to get her an AG doll. I waited until she was 6 after reading advice from here. I wanted to make sure she understood we don't write on or put make up on or put nail polish on these dolls. I did get a tea table and tea set for her doll along with the beauty parlor chair and bunk bed and lots of clothes and shoes. I do play with her sometimes and her friends who come over like to play with dolls also. DD got a historical doll this year, I could not resist when the marie Grace doll was over 50% off a few weeks ago. She loves all her dolls.

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Dd7 got her doll on her 6th birthday. We told her we would get her one IF she read all the Kit books. She did. BUT, she didn't really start to love it until around this past (7th) bday. She asked for another doll for Christmas, but we said that she would need to find another way to get an additional doll because we were only buying one/kiddo. She asked for money from other relatives, saved her allowance, and is buying her very own soon. That is how much she likes it now. :laugh:

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Odd got her 1st in 2nd grade (age 7) because she had read all of the Kit books over the summer, then taken a Portraits of American Girl co-op class on Kit that semester. So her whole life was about Kit at the time, then the movie came out! So it was the perfect year for Santa to bring her. She LOVED her, and has carried her around for 3 years, though more the first year or two. Kit did school with her. She read aloud to Kit at night. She wrote books for Kit to read and made activity books for her.


Ydd was only 5 at the time, and we bought her an Our Generation that year. At first she didn't know the difference, but it didn't take her long to want the real thing. We just told her she wasn't old enough. We did get hers the next year for Christmas when she was 6.5. I would have waited longer, but she wanted Elizabeth (Felicity's friend) and they were dicontinuing her, so we didn't have a choice. The long hair has not been kept up as well as I would have liked, but she does her best. She keeps it up in a bun now to help protect her.


Over the years they have added to their collections. Ydd has bought another Our Generation doll. DD10 just bought Marie Grace during the Today show sale recently. And she bought an Our Generation a year ago. Altogether they each have 3 18 in. dolls. The newer ones they have since they were older are in much better shape, but they have really loved them. They set them up for parties and sleepovers and dress them and even bring them to watch T.V. or video games daily.

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MIL had no daughters, so she and I were both excited to buy the first. We got it for dd on her 5th birthday. She liked her, and wanted more, but didn't really love playing with them until closer to 7. I don't know that I will start my youngest at 5. She's very into Bitty Baby and I may wait until she shows an interest in having her own.


My advice is to get one with shorter, straighter hair unles you dd is older or very responsible. The hair is very high maintenance and my dd who is 8 still does not take very good care of their hair. The curly hair is tough, and the long, curly hair is even tougher.

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We just got DD 2 1/2 an itsy bitsy twin doll (we are saving the other one for younger DD), for Christmas. She LOVES it!!! Honestly I got teary-eyed watching her play with it all day long on Christmas.


We specifically got one of the twins because we knew she would love the hair, and she does. She is very gentle with her and maternal anyways, so it was the right time.

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My dd got a Bitty Baby for her 3rd birthday. I had Samantha and Molly already, and my dd couldn't resist playing with them. She was very gentle and good with them (she's never been rough with any of her dolls), so I think she got Kirsten around age 4 or 5. We have 9 total AG 18" dolls (with all their furniture, clothing and accessories), and they came pretty steadily for birthdays and Christmases after that. I highly recommend investing in the trunks. That's where my dd's are stored now that she no longer plays with them. The rest of their furniture and larger accessories are in Rubbermaid containers, but the trunks are great for holding all of the tiny things.

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Dd got a bitty baby when she was little (like 2 years?), and then she received the bitty twins (a boy and girl) last year for Christmas at the age of 4. She loves her bitty twins, so I am planning on holding off on an actual American Girl Doll until she is 6. I did buy Marie Grace, but I am holding it till her birthday or even next Christmas.

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My girls were/will be 5yo for their first AG dolls. My 10yo received Felicity when she was 5yo, and then a Look A Like AG when she was 8yo.


My second dd will be getting Kit (which is her Look A Like doll) for her 5th birthday. My second dd is 4.5yo, and she carries around a Target knock off every day. Her Target doll is considered a part of the family complete with her own chair at the dining table. She is undoubtedly ready for an AG doll. I just hope I can convince her to throw away the ugly Target doll.

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Dd was given $100 by some sweet ladies at church to buy an AG doll on her 8th "half-birthday." They surprised her (and me!) by baking half a cake and giving her the certificate.

She got Emily, which was neat b/c her grandfather (my dad) was evacuated during WWII from Liverpool to Wales.

She never really played with her, although she dressed her up a handful of times. The doll was too realistic for her, and creeped her out at night,so we had to put her in the closet.

FAIL. lol!

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My oldest daughter got Felicity when she was 6 yrs old. She had already read all the books. She got a Just-Like-Me doll last Christmas, but she continues to collect Felicity accessories (which cost me an arm-and-a-leg on ebay). She spent all afternoon playing with her Felicity paperdolls and I hope she continues to play with dolls for a very long time.


My younger daughter got a Just-Like-Me doll last Christmas when she was almost 4 yrs old. She wants the new doll Caroline, but we will probably wait a year or two until she has read the books.

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DD got her first for Christmas when she was 7. She picked Emily because that was the doll that looked the most like her. We had read some of the books (a couple of Kaya, and most of the Kirsten ones, I think), but they didn't really influence Ariel's desire for one. If anything, they dampened it. I remember she was reading one of the books, (Brave Emily, IIRC, LOL) and said it was "dreadful." She hasn't read any since. She got McKenna for Christmas this year, because she's into tumbling/gymnastics. She plays with both McKenna and Emily. Yesterday, McKenna was teaching Emily to do cartwheels.


I noticed the girl of the year for 2013 likes horses. My first reaction was "Oh, no!" DD loves horses. I already know that she's going to be begging for that one. And the horse to go with it. :001_rolleyes:

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My youngest has two AG dolls that were her older sister's when she was young.


Oldest dd had them, plus a Magic Attic doll (who currently has a broken leg). I believe she got the first one when she was 4, from my mother.


Youngest dd was given the two AG dolls last Christmas (so 4 1/2) along with a ton of clothes and accessories. She plays with them some, puts them to bed, changes their clothes.

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My girls received Samantha and Felicity for Christmas at age 5 and age 3. They have been loved on for many years, and these dolls have been hand carried to our several overseas assignment when all other dolls/toys were packed in household goods. I haven't read any of the the other posts yet, but I've always felt dolls are for playing with and stretching the imagination. I was scolded by a dear friend for giving these dolls to my girls when they were so young. I've never regretted it. I used my first paycheck after going back to work outside of the home full time to pay for them and the complete collection of books.

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My kid was 8 because everyone said they were too expensive for younger girls. I so wish I had given it to her younger, she would have enjoyed it that much longer. Who cares if they take don't care of them like an older child would, as long as they enjoy them.


DD did have cheaper versions at younger ages, but she would have loved that Samantha doll more when she was younger.

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Our oldest daughter got Kit for her birthday when she turned six. She had wanted that doll, and only that doll, since she first saw her in the catalogue when she was three. I made her wait until I was certain she could be responsible with her. She's goten three more dolls since then, one as a gift, and two she saved for, and she's taken great care of all of them!


I'm still not sure when middle DD will get her first AG doll. She'll be six on her next birthday, and even though she knows which doll she wants, she's flightier, and I'm not sure she's really ready for such a nice doll yet...

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My 8 1/2 yo just got her very first own AG doll Christmas Day. She had read a lot of the books and it was a very hard decision as to which doll she wanted more, a historical doll or a Just like me doll. She agonized over her decision quite a bit but in the end she decided to go for an Just like me doll. She had been playing with her older sister's doll for a couple of years already.

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My kids (5 1/2yo b/g twins and 4 1/2 yo girl) all got inexpensive 18" dolls for Christmas, with one modified (hair cut, "boy" outfit) for my son. The girls already have the dolls from the Disney Princess Tea we went to last year (Basically an AG type doll with a Disney label & princess dress) that they treat as baby dolls. They've started to see friends carrying AG dolls around, but don't really know the difference yet. I did want to get them "big girl" dolls beyond Barbies, and I'm hoping these dolls will be helpful when they start learning to sew, crochet, etc., so we can make things for the dolls (very hard to do for Barbie).


I'm going to wait and see how they take care of the new dolls, and how much they play with them before we spend the $$ for a real AG doll. I have a feeling it will be a few more years -- maybe we'll tie it to when they can read the books on their own or something.


We're really trying to avoid having them get hung up on brand names or what all the other kids have (just one of our many reasons for homeschooling), but we do make exceptions for things that have the quality to go with the price tag.

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My almost four year old daughter just got one for Christmas/birthday. We choose Julie because of the straight hair and because it looks like my daughter. I was thinking abut the bitty twins, but decided to save some money and just buy what I knew she would get eventually. My daughter has had Corolle baby dolls since she was one and has taken care of them and played with them well.


She has only had her doll for a few days, but loves thinking of it as her sister, not a baby to care for. I won't get her another doll for a few years and just let her enjoy playing with Julie when she wants to and as she grows up. My family got her some clothes, but I am going to wait on the accessories until she is older and will be able to take care of them better.

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My dd got her doll when she was 9. I had considered getting the doll earlier for her, but AG recommends these dolls for either age 8 (or 9) and up. In the past, I had ignored those kind of recommendations for toys and regretted it, so I waited. In the end, it was a mistake because my dd is 11 and has pretty much outgrown her doll now. She would have gotten a lot more enjoyment out of her if she'd had her at a younger age.


One of the things that she loved doing was attending an American Girl library program each month. She has friends who have dolls as well and they would play with them. We've also gone to the American Girl store a couple of times with my niece and had a lunch and shopped. That was fun! She has never played with the doll on her own, though. That is just not her.

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We got our daughter an American Girl this Christmas, she is almost 5 (birthday in March). She got the Caroline doll because her name is Caroline. She loves that doll. She sleeps with it, sings about it, talks to her, she loves her. She seems to understand that Caroline is a very special doll, we got her just the one book the Meet Caroline book and we are going to read through it together. Overall, I am pleased we purchased her, I can see how by adding in accessories you really get more use out the doll.

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DD is 4 and we got her one of the bitty twins this Christmas. I bought the set of two girls and sold the extra because she didn't need two dolls. She has been carrying her around, changing her clothes, and putting her to bed. I looked at the Target dolls and almost went with one of those instead, but I was concerned the cheaper hair would turn into a matted mess really fast.

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DD got her first for Christmas when she was 7. She picked Emily because that was the doll that looked the most like her. We had read some of the books (a couple of Kaya, and most of the Kirsten ones, I think), but they didn't really influence Ariel's desire for one. If anything, they dampened it. I remember she was reading one of the books, (Brave Emily, IIRC, LOL) and said it was "dreadful." She hasn't read any since. She got McKenna for Christmas this year, because she's into tumbling/gymnastics. She plays with both McKenna and Emily. Yesterday, McKenna was teaching Emily to do cartwheels.


I noticed the girl of the year for 2013 likes horses. My first reaction was "Oh, no!" DD loves horses. I already know that she's going to be begging for that one. And the horse to go with it. :001_rolleyes:



Horses, hot air balloons, art and drama.

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Dd 9 got hers at Christmas this year (Rebecca). We had seen the dolls before but she never had an interest. Suddenly in November she looked through the catalog and fell in love with Rebecca. I like it because although it's a steep investment, it brings out the creativity/original play in her. Really looking to get away from video/computer for awhile.

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My daughter got her first the Christmas she was 5 (she turned 6 in January) and she got her 2nd on her 6th birthday. She will be 10 in a couple of weeks and will be getting her 6th doll. She loves them and I really wish I would have started her earlier. She loves creating food, clothing, furniture, etc for her dolls. She takes wonderful care of them and they have been well worth the money to us. They are the only thing that she has continually played with over the years- everything else has been a fad that I felt like I wasted money on.

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I had planned to get dd one for her 7th birthday, with a trip to the store too. But MIL got her one without asking me the Christmas before.


DD would have picked an historical doll, but MIL got her a look alike. DD likes it and plays with it and it's fine. We don't do tons of AG stuff but she does have a number of outfits.

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We ended up getting her one when she was 6. I had a few from childhood by Pleasant Company that also plays with. She is now 10 and loves them to death. She love to design hair styles with them. She just got McKenna for Christmas (which had a different type of hair/head) and she has already styled it several times. She use to change their clothes and play with the accessories but now mainly does the hair. She had read a few of the books before choosing her first doll which was Elizabeth, Felicity's friend before they retired her. She mainly choose the doll cause the way she looked, 2nd that Felicity's stories had horses in them (which at the time she adored horses), and lastly she choose it cause of the time period Colonial.


AG can be pricey but the doll's are better then say Walmart/Target knockoffs. The only other place we have gotten her a doll that the hair is nice is Vision Forum, years ago she got Liberty when it was on sale because she couldn't decide which AG doll to get next.

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