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Is it me or do the boards seem less active since the changeover?


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Well I'm a die-hard, have loved being here for years, and can't fathom that a week of problems kills everything off. There's no where to go (that I know of) anyway. But why they decided to use the system SL used is beyond me. I haven't heard the whole story there, but seriously was a change to this software part of their demise? They had a lot of other stuff going on, yes, but was this software part of that change?


I can't even pinpoint why, novice that I am, but to me the boards have lost their homeyness, their small, easiness. It has turned into this production where you're part of a cog. (run the wheels of all this technology)



As I understand it, the board had gotten big enough that we had to switch to this format to handle the bigger traffic load. The other software was not designed to handle as many users which is why the boards would overload in the spring.

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As I understand it, the board had gotten big enough that we had to switch to this format to handle the bigger traffic load. The other software was not designed to handle as many users which is why the boards would overload in the spring.



So we left a springtime problem for a year-round one? Cool. Well if this is a permanent change into permanent problems, count me out. I hate the visuals, the slowness, the whole nine yards. They should have asked us to charge for the boards and somehow made the old format work. Or kept the old format as classical and let the 1 million come to this one. But this they can keep. I have better things to do, and this format wastes my time. If it's never getting better, I won't be here.

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Honestly it is getting to the point where I might take everything to e-mail. I've already done that with stuff that I want to stay more private. My PM box was loaded up with PMs that I deleted years ago, including some from Molly who died. It made me cry to see those. But it also made me wonder just how private, my private messages were that deleted ones could be dredged up in their entirety like that.

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So we left a springtime problem for a year-round one? Cool. Well if this is a permanent change into permanent problems, count me out. I hate the visuals, the slowness, the whole nine yards. They should have asked us to charge for the boards and somehow made the old format work. Or kept the old format as classical and let the 1 million come to this one. But this they can keep. I have better things to do, and this format wastes my time. If it's never getting better, I won't be here.



Well, the speed and server glitch issues are supposed to be resolved soon. I guess we'll have to wait and see if that is true. But I for one hope you stick around or take a break an come back to find it fixed!

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Honestly it is getting to the point where I might take everything to e-mail. I've already done that with stuff that I want to stay more private. My PM box was loaded up with PMs that I deleted years ago, including some from Molly who died. It made me cry to see those. But it also made me wonder just how private, my private messages were that deleted ones could be dredged up in their entirety like that.



Does anyone have recommendations for private groups? Yahoo or just email ones? I admit all of this fb privacy stuff freaks me out.

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http://forums.welltr...ommunity/��This is the thread on the issues with FB. Read all the way, even though it takes a while, because, frankly, it takes a while to understand.



SWB said on that thread that the sharing feature with FB has been removed because of the backlash. It wasn't anything different from before, it just made it easier for people to share links (she said people were doing that already anyway -- copying and pasting links to a discussion that when clicked would bring people to the site). Putting the "Share" feature here just lessened the sharing by a step or two. The "like" button and status updates have NOTHING to do with FB, they are forum tools here.

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Honestly it is getting to the point where I might take everything to e-mail. I've already done that with stuff that I want to stay more private. My PM box was loaded up with PMs that I deleted years ago, including some from Molly who died. It made me cry to see those. But it also made me wonder just how private, my private messages were that deleted ones could be dredged up in their entirety like that.



Does anyone have recommendations for private groups? Yahoo or just email ones? I admit all of this fb privacy stuff freaks me out.

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Does anyone have recommendations for private groups? Yahoo or just email ones? I admit all of this fb privacy stuff freaks me out.



I think there is a big misunderstanding. There isn't a connection to FB as far as I understand. There was a link to make it easy to share threads but you could do that anyways by copying the URL and pasting it at FB, no difference. From what I understand that capability is now removed. In the words of SWB:


PEOPLE. Please. The "like this" button is a forum tool. The status updates were forum tools. Our forum tools have nothing to do with Facebook. We don't want to have to disable them, like John already had to do with the status update, to calm things down.


All we had was a button where you could share a thread on Facebook. That was it. Now it's gone.



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Does anyone have recommendations for private groups? Yahoo or just email ones? I admit all of this fb privacy stuff freaks me out.



According to SWB, nothing has changed from before in that regard. She made the valid point that this board is very expensive for them to run They use Peace Hill Press monies to pay for it, so using their page at Facebook to draw people here, or making it easier for people here to share posts on Facebook (which in turn draws people here) is certainly to be expected. There's no subscription fee or advertising here -- they do have to pay for these things.


I hope that even if they bring the Share button back, it won't be included on the social groups, or at least that as the moderators, we can opt out. Our social group is something I wouldn't want linked here there and everywhere.

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Well the glitches and slower speeds don't bother me too much because I understand that they are (or should be!) short-term issues. Whenever there's a major update there will be bugs found after the fact; it's inevitable.


I do think that it would have been wise for the owners to consult with their users before making major changes, and should have done more beta testing before going live. My DH is in this field and he'd find this degree of bugginess unacceptable so many days after the update.


That said, I don't see any benefit to this new format. From a functionality standpoint it is a huge step down. Since posts take up too much space (too much wasted space to scroll through), there's no thread preview hover feature, and it's not compact and efficient in appearance, I find the whole experience unappealing.


I also used to frequent Mothering.com for years. When they switched to a similar format I stopped going. :(

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I think it's just going to take some time to fizzle out what doesn't work, and work out litte bugs that are bound to exist with a huge website change. I did not know of WTM in 08 but I understand that was quite the uproar with that change over. And then everyone got used to that place. So much that we are kicking and screaming to bring that place back. Maybe this will be the same? I have received more good information here than anywhere else I could imagine. It is just too much of a resource to not stick around.

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That said, I don't see any benefit to this new format. From a functionality standpoint it is a huge step down. Since posts take up too much space (too much wasted space to scroll through), there's no thread preview hover feature, and it's not compact and efficient in appearance, I find the whole experience unappealing.





try hitting ctrl - (the minus sign) It will shrink your font a bit on the screen allowing you to fit more stuff without scrolling. Still lots of white space, but not quite so much to scroll through.

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I don't see any benefit to this new format. From a functionality standpoint it is a huge step down. Since posts take up too much space (too much wasted space to scroll through), there's no thread preview hover feature, and it's not compact and efficient in appearance, I find the whole experience unappealing.



The amount of extraneous white space is insane! I'm generally on my laptop when I'm here, and I can basically see ONE post at a time. If people only post a single sentence, then I can see 2 whole posts at once. The idea that a post with one line should take up half a laptop screen is ridiculous. I won't even bother logging in when I'm on my ipad.


The old format was clean, efficient, and functional. I've been on quite a few boards that used the old format (or very similar), and they are active, long-term, functioning communities. I'm not surprised that the SL & Mothering forums faded away after they changed to this format. Bleh.



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Honestly it is getting to the point where I might take everything to e-mail. I've already done that with stuff that I want to stay more private. My PM box was loaded up with PMs that I deleted years ago, including some from Molly who died. It made me cry to see those. But it also made me wonder just how private, my private messages were that deleted ones could be dredged up in their entirety like that.



:grouphug: I was thinking about Molly not too long ago. I actually went and visited her profile page. I thought of leaving a message, but wasn't sure anyone was checking. I had exchanged a few messages with her as well, it would have made me cry had those returned. I did have a lot of old old deleted messages come back too.


The slowness is what is keeping me from posting much. I am trying to do school this week. :lol: The facebook issue I have discussed ad nauseum elsewhere.

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The amount of extraneous white space is insane! I'm generally on my laptop when I'm here, and I can basically see ONE post at a time. If people only post a single sentence, then I can see 2 whole posts at once. The idea that a post with one line should take up half a laptop screen is ridiculous.


I agree - I find this very annoying as well.

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I find it funny how much people resist change. It is the same thing every time FB makes upgrades people go crazy over it. There is no way we can expect something online to stay the same for years, or we would still be using old style chat rooms. :lol: I think everyone just needs to take a deep breath and enjoy. B) :grouphug:

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"I think it is just going to take some time to get the speed back up! Plus I am spending a lot of time learning and understanding what is and is not happening. I really miss the status updates though. Those were a blast last night!!!! :D I hope they are back soon!"


What are status updates?



"I *thought* somebody said we could customize stuff on here, but I don't know where we'd do that."



At the very, very bottom of the page is a 'change theme' link, I haven't tried it yet.



"I can open the entire thread in the time the preview arrow takes, so that isn't really helping much. I really loved hovering and being able to see the first line, especially with threads where the title is vague.


I missed the whole facebook thing. Guess I need to check into that."


I loved the hover also, but I think the new preview is an attempt to get a hover-like feature to work on a tablet/ipad, which many users asked for.



"Oh, and I do like the little things that pop up telling you stuff, even though I haven't a clue what they are or what to do with them, lol."


You have little things popping up?


I still can't find the emoticons.



And this is the first time I've tried multiquote and it didn't work right.


I'm going to keep checking back and hope the glitches get worked out.

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Click the smiley face and a menu of smileys will open across the bottom of the text window. There is a little arrow at the end to scroll through them.


Where is the smiley face? I haven't found emoticons at all. When I go to the reply page there is a box to the right that says 'enable emoticons' and I have that checked but no smiley.

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Where is the smiley face? I haven't found emoticons at all. When I go to the reply page there is a box to the right that says 'enable emoticons' and I have that checked but no smiley.


When you click in the reply box there should be some formatting options; things like fonts (size, color, type), the copy paste clip boards, bullets/numbering, etc. In this area is the smiley button. If you don't see these options click the little triangle on the upper right of the reply box, it should open.

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I find it funny how much people resist change. It is the same thing every time FB makes upgrades people go crazy over it. There is no way we can expect something online to stay the same for years, or we would still be using old style chat rooms. :lol: I think everyone just needs to take a deep breath and enjoy. B) :grouphug:

I think dismissing the concerns raised in this thread as if we're just old fogeys who are "resistant to change" is unfair. The previous format is not some old-fashioned, out-of-date technology; it is in current use by many many online communities. It's clean, it's (IMO) much more functional, and it's less glitchy than this one. I find this format very inefficient and difficult to read. Had it proven to be more efficient, functional, and easy to read, I'd be celebrating. Change is great — when it's for the better.



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There are other options for getting a private board. You can make it pretty private, but even so, members can do things *unwittingly* that open the access to the board to outsiders. Some are free--with advertising--and for some you pay an annual fee and a hosting fee.


I've been on a couple of private boards--one started because of a desire to talk about sensitive political issues without getting lambasted by opposition, and the other to talk about issues from a very narrow lifestyle/cultural point of view. Both have essentially died. It takes an awful lot of people to make a board active enough to be interesting enough for people to participate.


TWTM BOOK gave me the courage to start homeschooling. TWTM boards gave me the instruction, endurance and encouragement to keep at it. Actually, it wasn't the boards but the people...the boards were the vehicle. But without the vehicle, however would I have found what I needed?


I don't have any inside line, but I can make a couple of assumptions:


1. TWTM folks didn't make the board change for aesthetic reasons. Maybe somewhat for front-end functionality. My guess is that they needed far more robust administration ability and sheer software "power" on the backend.


2. These boards have *always* been a marketing tool. That doesn't make the PEOPLE tools..but the vehicle is intended to help the business of Peace Hill Press. The fact that they have allowed (sometimes very intense) criticism of same over the years is witness to remarkable tolerance and generosity to the members. I myself would not have been so generous. Perhaps this generosity has clouded the reality that the boards are not publicly owned, but privately.


3. I hope people stick around, and be the best person they can be on the boards. Give the new format a chance (or not). Benefit from what happens here, and bring something to the table. I know that this board has its faults, but I have to say that compared to what I have seen on the internet, it is by and large a miracle of cyber-civility. I have made IRL friends, traveled to and from their homes, broken bread with them in mine, shared playdates, curriculum, joys and sorrows with people in the the 10 years I have been part of the place. I'm thankful for it. Even when it makes me mad. :0)


Patty Joanna, nee Patty in WA


I cannot like a post at the moment, so I am going old school and quoting! Thank you PJ, you put into words what I have been trying to say all day. This place is amazing!

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When you click in the reply box there should be some formatting options; things like fonts (size, color, type), the copy paste clip boards, bullets/numbering, etc. In this area is the smiley button. If you don't see these options click the little triangle on the upper right of the reply box, it should open.


I don't see any of that (was wondering where all the editing options had gone), nor do I see the little triangle. (Here's where I'd insert that confused emoticon). Is this because I'm on an ipad? I'll try on my pc later.


When younsay click in the reply box, do you mean from this same page in the thread? Even if I go to 'more reply options' I can't see any of that.

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I don't see any of that (was wondering where all the editing options had gone), nor do I see the little triangle. (Here's where I'd insert that confused emoticon). Is this because I'm on an ipad? I'll try on my pc later.


When younsay click in the reply box, do you mean from this same page in the thread? Even if I go to 'more reply options' I can't see any of that.


I think it is because you are on an Ipad and probably using the mobile version. At the bottom of the page is there a button you can click that says "Full Version"?

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I think dismissing the concerns raised in this thread as if we're just old fogeys who are "resistant to change" is unfair. The previous format is not some old-fashioned, out-of-date technology; it is in current use by many many online communities. It's clean, it's (IMO) much more functional, and it's less glitchy than this one. I find this format very inefficient and difficult to read. Had it proven to be more efficient, functional, and easy to read, I'd be celebrating. Change is great — when it's for the better.



I don't think I called anyone an old fogey. ;) I'm not sure I like all the changes yet either, but I have just seen this same reaction to any website that has been changed. That is what I was commenting on.

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So far, my only problem with the new forum is that I'm having trouble getting pages to load, and it takes forever to post a new message. I have completely given up and logged off on several occasions so far.


One other thing -- and maybe it has already been mentioned and I've missed it -- how do we report spam posts? I don't see the little icon thingie any more.

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So far, my only problem with the new forum is that I'm having trouble getting pages to load, and it takes forever to post a new message. I have completely given up and logged off on several occasions so far.


One other thing -- and maybe it has already been mentioned and I've missed it -- how do we report spam posts? I don't see the little icon thingie any more.


Next to the MultiQuote button there is a link that says Report.

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So far, my only problem with the new forum is that I'm having trouble getting pages to load, and it takes forever to post a new message. I have completely given up and logged off on several occasions so far.


One other thing -- and maybe it has already been mentioned and I've missed it -- how do we report spam posts? I don't see the little icon thingie any more.


There is a faint gray Report next to the MultiQuote button.

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I usually read and post from my phone. I cannot reply right now from my phone, only read. I hope that glitch is fixed soon. I guess I don't see the issues with "white space." I like the way it looks. I don't like that the names and avatars are not above the actual post anymore. On my phone, I have to scroll side to side to see who wrote a post.


It is a little slow, but I have not had many issues. I would never stop coming to such a helpful forum because I did not like some changes.


I have my FB settings pretty private, but I have shared a post or two with friends on FB. It is a public board. I have been a part of a paid, private board. It was incredibly active and helpful until it became paid and private. Now it is pretty slow.

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I have been smacked upside the face today with the knowledge that every. single. post. I have ever made on these forums -- pro/con a curriculum, about myself, about my family, about politics/religion/current events, days I've encouraged others, days that I've needed encouragement -- is the property of PHP and subject to Google searches for the rest of forever.


This is nothing new, but It has given me a great deal of heartburn this morning. I am now absolutely sure that some idiotic remark I made five years ago will ruin my children's chances of getting into a college or getting a good job. And there is nothing I can do about it. Yeah, I am feeling particularly disinclined to comment on anything at all, ever.

I have been smacked upside the face today with the knowledge that every. single. post. I have ever made on these forums -- pro/con a curriculum, about myself, about my family, about politics/religion/current events, days I've encouraged others, days that I've needed encouragement -- is the property of PHP and subject to Google searches for the rest of forever.


This is nothing new, but It has given me a great deal of heartburn this morning. I am now absolutely sure that some idiotic remark I made five years ago will ruin my children's chances of getting into a college or getting a good job. And there is nothing I can do about it. Yeah, I am feeling particularly disinclined to comment on anything at all, ever.


WHAT! ?I didn't realize that. I'm sure it's an oversight on my part but where/when did we agree to this? I also didn't know about the FB/WTM connection. Is that only if we sign-in with a FB account?


And, not related, but an iritant of the highest degree: Where the h3lll is the spell check? Posting is just too much pressure if I don't have the squiggle red line to show me the error of my ways.

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Question: What is the "like" thingy in the profile? I have a green bar with the number 96 and the word excellent written on it. As I hover over it a pop up says, "Cynthia has 96 Likes". What does that mean? Did I hit the like button 96 times this morning? This is the first day I've been on and I don't think I did that. Did this carry over from the old board? If so, I must have missed it all those years :confused1: :confused1:

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Question: What is the "like" thingy in the profile? I have a green bar with the number 96 and the word excellent written on it. As I hover over it a pop up says, "Cynthia has 96 Likes". What does that mean? Did I hit the like button 96 times this morning? This is the first day I've been on and I don't think I did that. Did this carry over from the old board? If so, I must have missed it all those years :confused1: :confused1:

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WHAT! ?I didn't realize that. I'm sure it's an oversight on my part but where/when did we agree to this? I also didn't know about the FB/WTM connection. Is that only if we sign-in with a FB account?


And, not related, but an iritant of the highest degree: Where the h3lll is the spell check? Posting is just too much pressure if I don't have the squiggle red line to show me the error of my ways.


The FB thing was a button you could use to link stuff from here to FB if you chose to do so. It has been discontinued due to all the outrage.


I still get a red squiggly line if I spell things incorrectly. Perhaps your spelling has been impeccable? (It told me that impecible was wrong and showed me the correct spelling.)

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Question: What is the "like" thingy in the profile? I have a green bar with the number 96 and the word excellent written on it. As I hover over it a pop up says, "Cynthia has 96 Likes". What does that mean? Did I hit the like button 96 times this morning? This is the first day I've been on and I don't think I did that. Did this carry over from the old board? If so, I must have missed it all those years :confused1: :confused1:


In my case the board had liked 26 posts for me. I have no idea how that happened but I didn't do it. Some of the posts looked like they were from threads I had saved. I haven't liked one thing yet so weird!

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I do think in time we'll get used to the new format. It does seem more laborious to sign in and post; not just the load time which will probably get corrected. But there is loss of efficiency because you have to click and open a preview of every thread, scrolling through seems to be more time consuming and if you want to reply to a thread but haven't signed in, you lose your spot on that thread and have to go back and find it after signing in. On the previous board, you could sign in and then the reply box to that thread would immediately pop up. That made popping from lurk to comment mode much easier.


Still finding my way around otherwise. :auto:

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