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Do you have middle-of-the-night teA parties??

Do you have middle of the night teA parties?  

  1. 1. Do you have middle of the night teA parties?

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I refuse to answer, but I am just waiting for someone to start tabulating results of responses and correlating yea/nay according to number of children in the signature line :lol::lol::lol::lol:


I think you just volunteered :tongue_smilie: We'll be waiting for the results. :toetap05:

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Once asleep, we are done for the night. Sigh. Getting old...


But I have read that setting the alarm to wake up after 90 minutes of sleep can be good timing for a middle-of-the-night teA party.


Actually if he wakes me 60-90 minutes after I'm asleep it's a pretty good time. Lets me get past that exhausted feeling.


Not as common as it used to be! ;)

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Not a chance. If I'm asleep, you should only wake me up if the house is on fire. (And that's *not* a euphemism for anything. :D )




And if the house is on fire he should make a good effort to let me sleep while he puts it out first and only if we have to vacate should he wake me. I believe that Grizzly bears have a sweeter disposition than I do if I am woken in the middle of the night for any reason.

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Oh hell no! As a serious insomniac, if I am sleeping somebody better be bleeding or the house better be burning down before they wake me up. Unfortunately, my hubby has managed to get me quiet aroused and involved in the process before I was completely awake before which just reinforces his behavior since he is successful sometimes. I prefer afternoon teA parties. My kids know what is going on and they have told me that they are glad to know that their parents still got it goin' on. ;)

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Other: the last time we had one, DS was unexpectedly conceived. Personally, I would rather sleep. It's rare that I actually sleep through the whole night w/o being woken up by one child or another.


That being said, before the advent of electricity, there was First Sleep and Second Sleep. Ppl would go to bed soon after dark, wake up in the middle of the night, socialize in various ways, then go back to sleep until morning. I remember reading an article about it sev yrs ago.


I'm getting groggy, so maybe it's obvious to everyone else--but why? I can't fathom getting up in the middle of the night, hanging out, and then going back to sleep.

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:lol: The best is when you're both half asleep during the teA party and you wake up the next morning feeling satisfied, look at each other, and ask "Did we really have that teA party last night."




I like middle of the night TeA. I like day time TeA. I like any TeA. :lol:

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Anytime is good TeA time. :D



(I'm assuming that you meant "any time the kids aren't watching".)



I notice there are women who would like some midnight tea, and there are women whose husbands are going thirsty. You need to do some swapping :tongue_smilie:

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"Do you get up in the middle of the night to go get gas?"




Yes I have....if I wake up and can't sleep. I start picking off things on my to do list for the next day. :)


I also think age might be a factor in our case.....we both wake up regularly overnight anyways, so....party's occasionally on!

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Before kids - yeah all the time


After kids - Heck No -you wake me and you die :angry:


My 3yo only just started sleeping through the night - after 6 years of broken sleep I am entitled to SLEEP :glare:


DH is ready for a tea party anytime but I ain't arriving with the teapot till it's past 7am :lol:

Edited by sewingmama
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I'm getting groggy, so maybe it's obvious to everyone else--but why? I can't fathom getting up in the middle of the night, hanging out, and then going back to sleep.



This article spoke to me bc I have always been a very light sleeper and middle of the night activity person. All my siblings and oth parents complained that I'd wake up around 2 or 3 and play for a couple hours then go back to bed.


Historicly, it makes a bit of since bc they were going to bed MUCH earlier than we typically do. As much as 6 or 7 at times. So they'd wake up a several hours later and be active, but not quite as active as during the day, then go back to bed. If I'm good friend with a neighbor, then yeah, if I see her kitchen light on - why not go have a cup if tea and chat without kids underfoot? In high school, I'd be walking home at 2 am from work and if my BFFs bedroom light was on, I'd go tap the window and we'd be social for a bit. She did the same with me. In fact we didn't stop doing that until after my 5th baby was born and I moved out of town. That's also about the time her and my dh's work schedule became more daytime centered and we had to adjust our bioclocks. Well she did. I don't think I've ever slept a solid typical 8 unless I was sick. Too much to do!



Yes I have....if I wake up and can't sleep. I start picking off things on my to do list for the next day. :)


I also think age might be a factor in our case.....we both wake up regularly overnight anyways, so....party's occasionally on!



Me too. I'm better now bc it annoys dh to wake up and wonder where the heck his wife is. But now that dh travels a lot, I find myself vacuuming at 4 am. Or rearranging furniture at 2am. Or playing words with friends with friends in other time zones. My dh and friends accuss me of never sleeping. They aren't far wrong some days.

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I actually like waking up at night. The house and world are quiet, it's peaceful, there's time to whisper. Even when he sleeps, I still enjoy the time.


Now, there are nights when my head hits the pillow and I might as well be dead till 7am, and even then I'm wondering why someone got me up at midnight. :D

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I simply have to say:


40%????? Really? Forty percent absolutely do NOT? Wow. I'm shocked.


So... Do you "schedule" your tea parties? Seriously?


I am shocked on the other end. Why on earth would I wake up in the middle of the night to do it?!? There are tons of things (um, everything) that I don't wake up in the middle of the night to do. That doesn't mean I schedule it.

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So... Do you "schedule" your tea parties? Seriously?


Well, no, but not sure what that has to do with not having them in the middle of the night?


We do generally go to bed at the same time, the earlier the better. Makes for good uninterrupted post-party sleep.


Actually sometimes we do schedule. On those rare occasions that the kids are out and both parents are in during the day... we do schedule teA parties then. Because quite honestly in my life right now, afternoon is the best time.



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I simply have to say:


40%????? Really? Forty percent absolutely do NOT? Wow. I'm shocked.


So... Do you "schedule" your tea parties? Seriously?


Early morning, late evening, afternoon quiet time, and then there's always the days that the kids are fishing with Grandpa. No need to schedule or be tortured in the middle of the night, there are lots of other moments to enjoy.

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As the OP, I feel compelled to respond now that so many have voted!!


For those who are enjoying middle of the night teA, can I just say I want whatever you are taking to have all this energy??!! The idea is great - but the execution, not so much. I would be exhausted the next day....never mind annoyed at being woke up to begin with!


Off to contemplate whether or not to show the poll results to DH :lol:


Thanks for your honesty - I really & truly thought he was crazy......apparently, perhaps it is me :D

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:iagree: Small house. Teens. Catch it when you can get it. I don't like the not sleeping part nor the middle of the night breath part. However, we just don't have the privacy for a real romantic date warm up;).


:iagree: only one teen, but this is usually when we can guarantee all kiddos are sleeping.

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We used to, before we had kids.


Now every second of sleep is precious, and when I wake up in the middle of the night it's usually because some child or other is crawling into bed and kicking me in the head whilst doing it.


Ditto. It was a common occurrence before we had kids. Why not?

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As the OP, I feel compelled to respond now that so many have voted!!


For those who are enjoying middle of the night teA, can I just say I want whatever you are taking to have all this energy??!! The idea is great - but the execution, not so much. I would be exhausted the next day....never mind annoyed at being woke up to begin with!


Off to contemplate whether or not to show the poll results to DH :lol:


Thanks for your honesty - I really & truly thought he was crazy......apparently, perhaps it is me :D



Coffee doesn't hurt.;)


Tho really why does it have to be so energetic and exhausting? Why assume olympic feats? Why not relaxed, slow, and cozy? Or for that matter, why should YOU feel that way? If he is the one most interested, let him do most of the work some times.


Oh geez. I'm blushing. But seriously, it's not that complicated.


I can understand how a person might not care to be woken up every night, but a few times a week isn't that big a deal to me. (NOTE: I have not slept through the night in decades, so that concept of not waking at night is lost on me regardless of sex.)

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Yep, I'm with Martha here. Not that complicated. Middle of the night teA is not typically the "wake the neighbours, scare the dog, knock over the lamp" sort.


Re: morning breath:


I keep a toothbrush loaded with toothpaste on my nightstand. I dip it into some water, brush my teeth and spit into a paper towel. quick, painless and minty fresh! :D Then I turn back to dh and start humming, "brownchickenbrowncow!" :tongue_smilie:


Although, many times with middle of the night teA our faces are not facing each other, iykwim.....:001_huh:

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Coffee doesn't hurt.;)


Tho really why does it have to be so energetic and exhausting? Why assume olympic feats? Why not relaxed, slow, and cozy? Or for that matter, why should YOU feel that way? If he is the one most interested, let him do most of the work some times.


Oh geez. I'm blushing. But seriously, it's not that complicated.


I can understand how a person might not care to be woken up every night, but a few times a week isn't that big a deal to me. (NOTE: I have not slept through the night in decades, so that concept of not waking at night is lost on me regardless of sex.)


Again, I agree.

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yep. frequently. But we both are typically asleep when it occurs and neither one of us knows who initially started it :lol: mid-dreaming tea is sweet!


This, only not as frequently as we might like (that is, not that often, since we have to wake up early, sigh). It's a very nice way to be woken up!


:lol: The best is when you're both half asleep during the teA party and you wake up the next morning feeling satisfied, look at each other, and ask "Did we really have that teA party last night."



I'm not the only one!!!!


I sleep walk (still - even though "everyone grows out of it" - :glare:) and sometimes my walking isn't exactly walking :lol:. I wake up mid-brew and have no idea what is going on, but it's usually pretty pleasant so we keep going. DH says it's the best thing ever and that Sleep teA is even better than our usual teA. Apparently, I am quite the fox while sleeping :lol:.

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