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Confess: Your Secret Weirdness

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I know we all have at least one. Something that makes us buggy even when others don't see a problem. Things like: folding towels correctly, blowing noses while at the family table, leaving the toilet lid down.


I found a new one the other day: eating an ice cream cone. My eldest can never eat a cone without the ice cream falling to the ground. Every time he eats it, it's a haphazard process and every time, he ends up either in tears (when he was younger) or in a bad mood (now) because the ice cream falls off.


Yes, he's nine and I've shown him, multiple times, the most efficient way to eat a cone so as to minimize drip and spillage hazards. Yes, I know; as I mentioned, it's a secret weirdness.


This weekend, as a treat, I purchased ice cream for the kids. As he was eating, I could see he was applying too much pressure to one side, causing the ice cream to tilt and potentially go splat. I pointed this out. So he starts working his way around the cone, applying too much pressure to the base so it ends up too narrow at the top and again it looks like it's going to fall to the ground. I pointed this out. In my mind, I think I'm patiently pointing out the benefits of eating an ice cream cone logically and then, I notice DH laughing it because, I quickly realize, I'm acting crazy.


At that moment, I realized that I am Sheldon Cooper...


So, help me out. What's the trivial thing that drives you batty when other people don't do it logically or correctly?

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Seriously. I twitch when I see the kids squeezing the tube from the middle. It is common sense. From the bottom! There are no reasonable, rational alternatives.


I cannot just bite into a Butterfinger bar. The chocolate MUST be eaten off before you get to the middle. The universe has deemed it so.

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Seriously. I twitch when I see the kids squeezing the tube from the middle. It is common sense. From the bottom! There are no reasonable, rational alternatives.


Oh no! Another one to add to the list.

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Shoelaces. Don't walk around with untied shoelaces! You will step on them, fall, and cripple yourself for life. Yes, that means YOU, DH. You too. Besides the little clicking sound they make when they slap down onto the floor is so annoying.


And then there are locks. We live in a CITY. Lock the door. Every time you go through it. Yes. Every time. Without fail. That is all.

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Yes, I fold towels a certain way. I do not allow my kids to ride a bicycle without good shoes - no sandals, flip flops or bare toes - I am afraid they will amputate their toes. My parents required the same of me. I've never met someone that had their toe amputated by a bicycle.

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Don't do my laundry.

You don't know what the children stained and what that stain was.

You don't know what should be hung on the line vs clothes dryer.

Just don't touch.




I get Sheldon-ish when teaching DD12 how to take notes.

She is learning Algebra.

I want the rule in a color and boxed (for easy review later)

With it's corresponding example below the box, on a new line, indented.


I want the problem # in the margin

then the problems done with each "new" change on a new line to show each step.

I want the answer boxed

She rolls her eyes.

Good note taking will help you later (I think)

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Don't know if this is quite the same thing.... but I can't handle it when I cant find my sewing scissors or my tweezers. Seriously, I start to freak out, and can't let it go till I find them. :tongue_smilie:


Another one. Don't use my sewing scissors for paper, duct tape, or anything I have not pre-approved. Sewing scissors are for fabric!

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Don't have your hair in your eyes! Having to flip your hair or tuck it behind your ear every 1.4 seconds does not make you cool.



DD10 was threatened that her hair would be gone if she didn't stop doing that.

(She was starting to look like she had Tourette-- and I was afraid she would hurt herself)


The hair is now short.:)

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Shuffling feet drive me insane! My ds never picks up his feet when he walks so I hear that shuffle-scrape sound of his feet on the tile - constantly!


I point it out to him and then he exaggerates his steps lifting his knees very high as he walks. He turns and grins at me then shuffles off. :glare:



I have more. So many more. But I'll stop there.

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I may be the female sheldon cooper....


I can not stand pruney fingers. Hair must be washed immediately on getting in the shower, before they even THINK about starting to prune. If they ever become pruney, no one is to touch me until they stop. I can't touch anything until the prune goes away. This goes for feet too..... And my kids pruney hands. Keep it away.


I can not function without a blue pen and a yellow highlighter. Doesn't matter when I am doing. And no, a black pen won't work. Blue and yellow. (Black pens make it so you can't tell the original from a good black and white copy, and yellow highlighter doesn't show when you copy it. It's important.

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Don't know if this is quite the same thing.... but I can't handle it when I cant find my sewing scissors or my tweezers. Seriously, I start to freak out, and can't let it go till I find them. :tongue_smilie:


Arrgh. In my case it is specifically my kitchen shears. I swear they have only spent about ten minutes in the last year actually where they are supposed to be. (And the biggest culprit is dh. The last time I found them in a box with packing peanuts from a box he had cut open. For one thing, the kitchen shears are not for that sort of a job. For another thing, return them already!)

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I'll admit that I am pretty proud of how i fold fitted sheets. I don't know if it'd make me twitchy for someone else to fold them wrong; I don't give them the opportunity. ;)


I like to keep a bit extra in the pantry of certain things. I don't want to think about how much ketchup or hot sauce we have left. So, I but a bunch of it at a time so that we always have some when the bottle runs out. My kids have been banned from taking things out of the pantry. At one point, I counted 4 mustards in the fridge, openned and partially used. We don't even eat that much mustard. That extra should be stock in the pantry, not taking up space in the frigerator! Growing up, we were on the poorer side and never really had extras. Sometimes I wish my kids had a little taste of running out of something. They can be so wasteful.

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I do not like plastic containers. After I buy a product that is packaged in plastic, I transfer it to a glass mason jar or other container and then wash and recycle the plastic one. I do not want them in the house. This applies to shampoo, conditioner, liquid soaps, yogurt, cottage cheese, oils, paints, condiments, etc. I make home made toothpaste and cleaning supplies. I have some things that I cannot take out of their original plastic packaging: superglue, caulk and caustic cleaning agents. They are stored in the garage. They bug me.

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I may be the female sheldon cooper....


I can not function without a blue pen and a yellow highlighter. Doesn't matter when I am doing. And no, a black pen won't work. Blue and yellow. (Black pens make it so you can't tell the original from a good black and white copy, and yellow highlighter doesn't show when you copy it. It's important.


Yes! I can function with a black pen, like to address an envelope or take notes, but if I am filling out a form, I must use a blue pen. *Channeling Sally Field* You get me. You really get me.:001_smile:


I didn't realize that about copying something with yellow highlighting. Thanks!

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I've never met someone that had their toe amputated by a bicycle.


I came a little too close. When I was about 3, I was riding on big brother's handlebars (kids these days never know that pleasure) barefoot and let my feet relax too much, bloodying both of them up horribly. One of my earliest memories in life is going to the ER to get cleaned up.

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I can't handle it when people try to use a towel more than once. To me you use it then it is dirty. People who talk with a cigerete hanging out the side of their mouths gives me the willies. Animals using furniture as a toilet freaks me out to no end. Dirty diapers on a floor makes my skin crawl. I can't drink a soda if someone has shaken it after it has been opened.


I think I have alot of issues :lol:

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Things that make me nuts are never trivial. :lol::lol:




My BIL once re-arranged my fridge. I think a blood vessel popped in my brain when I discovered the deed. Although I didn't say anything, my face must have revealed my displeasure, because he never did it again. Some might say it's trivial, but really... who re-arranges a woman's fridge?


Stay outta my kitchen!

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If I can hear you chewing your food (I swear my family has hollow heads!) then it is all I can do to politely stay in the same room.




:iagree: Me too! Silent eating environments are the worst, because then you can hear every slurp and squishy food/mouth noise. Background noise (music, etc.) is a MUST.

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another one for folding towels, I have to have them folded in threes, the same way I fold a letter to put in an envelope. Sometimes dh will be "nice" and fold the towels for me but he folds in twos. I try to sneak to the linen closet and re-fold them.


And this is a biggie (ds I am talking to you) DO NOT put my scissors or any of my tools where they do not belong. They have certain places they go back to and I will rant if they are not put back in their proper place

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The thing that really drives me crazy right now is when the dog decides it is time to clean himself after the lights are out while I am trying to sleep. It is worse when he does it while laying on the bed, but it still bothers me while he is on the floor. Can't he just do it during the day time?

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Seriously. I twitch when I see the kids squeezing the tube from the middle. It is common sense. From the bottom! There are no reasonable, rational alternatives.


I cannot just bite into a Butterfinger bar. The chocolate MUST be eaten off before you get to the middle. The universe has deemed it so.



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I think clothes in a closet all need to be organized with knit shirts grouped together and woven shirts grouped together. It should look something like this:


knit sleeveless shirts

then woven sleeveless shirts

then knit short sleeve shirts w/o collars

then knit short sleeve shirts w/collars

then woven short sleeve shirts w/o collars

then woven short sleeve shirts w/collars

then any short sleeve tops that could be classified as "sweaters". I know these are technically knit, but I give them their own section.


I do the same with the long sleeve shirts. Ideally, the solids would be separate from the prints as well for each category, but that doesn't always happen.


The pants and skirts have their own organizational system.


I haven't successfully convinced any other members of my family to embrace my system. Since my kids put away their own clothes (something I value more highly than them following my closet system), I can't complain. I try with my husband's clothes, since I put them away most of the time, but it frustrates me to no end when I see his side of the closet after he does laundry :) He thinks it's neurotic, but he loves me and will at least hang all of my clothes on a seperate rod to let me organize myself instead of just hanging things in inappropriate catagories.

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Bathroom Rugs. Once a week, People. Wash them once a week. Every two weeks at the bare minimum. Yes, I know the backings disintigrate. That's why you don't put them in the dryer. And, they are not expensive to replace. ONCE A WEEK!


Whew! I feel better. All my secret weirdnesses are job related. Sometimes I really hate cleaning houses.

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My BIL once re-arranged my fridge. I think a blood vessel popped in my brain when I discovered the deed. Although I didn't say anything, my face must have revealed my displeasure, because he never did it again. Some might say it's trivial, but really... who re-arranges a woman's fridge?


Stay outta my kitchen!


My DH did this. You would have thought he knew better after almost 15 years of marriage! I was like Do. Not. Do. That. Again...........Please :D


I don't like feet shuffling. DH does this...ugh! Reminds me of those people who go to the store in their "house shoes" and shuffle along in their pajama pants. It's like they are so tired that they can't even pick up their feet much less be bothered with putting on a decent pair of clothing before going out in public.


I also don't like washclothes (or towels) used more than once. Makes me shudder to think of reusing it. I mean, it was just used it to wash your dirty body...then you'll use it again. How do you know you're not washing your face tomorrow with the part you washed your hind end with :001_huh:. YUCK!

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Bathroom Rugs. Once a week, People. Wash them once a week. Every two weeks at the bare minimum. Yes, I know the backings disintigrate. That's why you don't put them in the dryer. And, they are not expensive to replace. ONCE A WEEK!


Whew! I feel better. All my secret weirdnesses are job related. Sometimes I really hate cleaning houses.


I found ones at a store some years ago that were made of heavy weight cotton, like towels, but not so fluffy. They are small rectangle bath towels, but for the floor. I love them and have 6. They take a while to wear out and they dry fast (we pick them up and hang them over the bathtub when done. Use it for the week and then it's off to the wash with the towels and washclothes. That I like, since I can wash them on the Sanitize cycle and not worry about any backing peeling off. :lol:

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Yes, I fold towels a certain way. I do not allow my kids to ride a bicycle without good shoes - no sandals, flip flops or bare toes - I am afraid they will amputate their toes. My parents required the same of me. I've never met someone that had their toe amputated by a bicycle.


My dad and stepmother were big on shoes. I learned why one visit. A girl down the street started screaming at the end of our driveway. We ran down and here foot Had gotten weaved into the spokes of the bike. She was riding barefoot and tried to stop herself with her feet. It was scary. I don't know what happened to her after that.


The boys must wear shoes on bikes.

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Get. Out. Of. My. Kitchen.


Seriously. I really hate ppl in my kitchen when I'm trying to work. Now, b/c of RSD, I *have* to ask for help w/certain things...and as soon as that's completed, GET. OUT.


Do NOT come for a visit and then try to putter around in my kitchen while I'm trying to cook. When I said, "I've got it, you go visit w/the kids and Wolf" I mean *exactly* that.


Do NOT try and tell me how to organize my kitchen 'better'. I don't care how your kitchen is organized. I don't care if Martha Stewart taught you personally how to organize a kitchen. My space. Get out.

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My mom hit on one of my big ones today. When you send an email, take time to add capital letters and punctuation! My mother is highly intelligent but seems to think that emails don't require any attention to detail (or at least her emails to me that is.) This is what I received today and it just drives me crazy!

dad said you wanted to know the day that were booked


check in nov 18 check out nov 25 sun to sun same as always

ARGH! And to think this is the woman who is so OCD that her house looks like a museum and can't be touched. If I were to send her an email like that, she would call me and ask for more respect. UGH!
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Another one - don't use toilet tissue to blow your nose when the kleenex box is sitting right next to the sink.


Put trash in the trash. I have neighbor kids who just throw whatever it is down where ever they are. Hello! There are multiple places for trash - the grass is not included!

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