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Update on my dad...

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Update on my dad...


He is still on the bipap machine, because his blood oxygen levels are too low without it. He was able (and happy!) to eat dinner last night. I got to help him with that, which was both very hard and quite a blessing at the same time. It's hard to watch your dad struggle with something as simple as eating; he had to put his oxygen mask back on between each bite, because he was short of breath. After a few mintutes, his (wonderful!) nurse came back in and gave him a 'I'm going to have to put you back on the bipap soon to keep your oxygen levels up' warning. Dad was able to finish what food he wanted before she returned.


He wanted jello available to him later that evening, but his nurse was not able to find any, so (my son) and I went on a jello hunt. A wonderful cafeteria worker was able to get us some 'from the back', so we took that to his nurse who kept it for dad for when he wanted it. Seems like a small thing, but it was a blessing from the Lord to be able to give dad that one small thing he wanted.


Mom had to go while he was eating dinner because she had to take their dog to the vet. My sisters and I stayed and got him settled back in after dinner, then his nurse said it was best if we all left and he got rest.


He had to have dialysis yesterday because his kidney funtion is too low. He will have that again tomorrow.


My sister is sitting with him today. Mom works at the hospital so she'll be there to, but is trying to work; she could use the distraction.


He is improving, but more slowly than we would like. However, all in the Lord's time and way is our prayer. His will be done in all.


(The above was copy/pasted from my facebook. The below is what I can share here; mom is on my facebook.)

I'm kind of irritated/annoyed/bewildered at my mom. I'm trying to tell myself that it's just what she's doing to 'cope', but that's not working. :tongue_smilie: She just SAT THERE yesterday when dad's dinner arrived. It was the FIRST meal he's had in DAYS, and the man was STARVING! But he can only use one hand (the other hand/arm is hooked up to too much stuff). So there he is, trying to eat without wearing his food, but he's weak, he's short of breath, he can't cut his own salad up, etc. So of course I jump in and start helping him. But I stayed back for a minute or two, trying to give mom the opportunity to help him first, you know? But she just sat there! Watching him fumble and struggle! And to top it all off, she started worrying dad with the fact that their dog is sick and needs to go to the vet! I think I have a bruise on my tongue for how hard I bit it to keep myself from telling her to shut up and stop bothering dad about the dog!!! Dad finally told her he wanted her to take the dog in. So then mom had to leave and do that before the vet's office closed. Honestly, I was glad she left, because I was mad with her at that point (I think I hid it well from both her and dad, however).


I don't know. Maybe the Lord did all that to give me the blessing of being able to help dad eat his dinner, get him back on his bipap, get him comfortable, and get his jello. But as much of a blessing as it was to me to get to help him, I used all my strength to not cry. It could only have been harder if it was my own husband or children in that hospital bed.


I won't keep updating unless something bad happens, because I don't want to bother everyone. But anyone who wants to know the latest is welcome to ask here on this thread or via pm, and then I will update.


Your prayers have meant so much. I can't even express. :grouphug:

Edited by bethanyniez
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I am so glad to hear that he is doing a bit better. You have really been on my heart.


Sounds like your mom is overwhelmed and not sure how to respond. Is this the first time your dad has been seriously ill? Either way that's rough on you.


Thank you for updating. I wanted to know what was going on with you all.

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Oh, sweetie --



Tons of (((hugs))) -- I have been thinking about you, praying and wondering how it was going.


Just keep doing what you are doing -- having been there, i can tell you, your mom is in shock -- you are being an incredible daughter and teaching your kids a valuable lesson.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Thank you so much for posting, Bethany -- I keep wondering how your dad is doing, and I'm glad to hear that he seems to be moving in the right direction, even if the progress is slow.


Your mom is probably in such shock right now that she is operating on auto-pilot and has no idea what she's doing. The more you can help with your dad, the easier it will be on her, because she's probably desperate for someone to tell her that everything is going to be OK, and that things will eventually be "normal" again.


If your dad was 90 years old, I would be annoyed with your mom because major health problems are almost "expected," but your dad is only 56, so I'm sure your mom never had a clue that anything would ever happen to him, and she is probably in a fog right now. (I'm sure you are, too, but some people stay calmer and more level-headed than others, and thankfully you are there for your dad when your mom gets flaky.)


BTW, I completely understand about the Jello thing. I have been in your position, and I remember feeling so helpless most of the time, so whenever I could do any little thing to make my mom or dad feel better, it was a huge deal.


I'll keep praying for your dad and for your whole family. :grouphug:

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I think that perhaps there is "something" about feeding your spouse that people find hard to cope with. I had exactly the same thing when my mother was ill. There was no way my father would help her. The same with my father in law and his wife. In their eyes, that was what the nurses were for, they are trained to do it. Neither could understand that perhaps their spouse would prefer the help of a family member. They just point blank refused to do it, even if it caused hardship.



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I know you guys are right, and I'm trying to take it easy on my mom. It's just frustrating. And all dad cares about is making sure SHE'S ok. My sisters and I all keep telling him how we're taking care of her; we're making sure she eats, sleeps, etc.


Cat, you'd usually be right about no one expecting dad to have a heart attack at 56. However, the Lord has been preparing me for it for a few years. My husband and I have even talked about how it was an near future almost given, if that makes sense. Not because he has a history of heart problems, but because of the anger and depression he has carried around since my bio mom left him. You'd really have to be me or one of my sisters to see/understand it, and I guess I foolishly assumed mom could see it coming, too. Obviously she did not. I won't share more details about that out of respect for my parents. But I pray this is what the Lord uses to help my dad get set free from a lot.

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PLEASE do not feel like you are bothering us! I am sure I am speaking for many - we WANT the updates. i was away all day yesterday and several times I was wondering how you and your dsd were doing.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


I have to admit that aside from your original thread, this update is kind of shocking. I am SO SORRY he is so weak. My father had four heart attacks, his first at 27. So I do understand them a bit. What are the doctors saying? Is this typical for a heart attack patient? Do they expect the kidneys to return to normal function? How long do they expect him to be on the bipap machine?


about your mom. I thin she is in denial about the seriousness of your dad's condition because she is just too scared to "go there.". I remember being angry (internally) with my own mom in declining health. It took me awhile to realize what was going on. People all react differently to these very traumatic, scary times. I k ow how annoying this appears but hnestly, I really believe it is her fear taking over and she may not even realize it! Just step in and do what she should be but isn't, and try not to bite off your tongue in the process.;):grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


P,ease do update us. I am so sorry.:grouphug:

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I know you guys are right, and I'm trying to take it easy on my mom. It's just frustrating. And all dad cares about is making sure SHE'S ok. My sisters and I all keep telling him how we're taking care of her; we're making sure she eats, sleeps, etc.


Cat, you'd usually be right about no one expecting dad to have a heart attack at 56. However, the Lord has been preparing me for it for a few years. My husband and I have even talked about how it was an near future almost given, if that makes sense. Not because he has a history of heart problems, but because of the anger and depression he has carried around since my bio mom left him. You'd really have to be me or one of my sisters to see/understand it, and I guess I foolishly assumed mom could see it coming, too. Obviously she did not. I won't share more details about that out of respect for my parents. But I pray this is what the Lord uses to help my dad get set free from a lot.


No matter how sick my dad was, my mom was ALWAYS his first concern. :sad:



I am so sorry your dad carries so much anger and sadness. I hope he is completely delivered of it and can have happy, emotionally and physically healthy years ahead of him.

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I know you guys are right, and I'm trying to take it easy on my mom. It's just frustrating. And all dad cares about is making sure SHE'S ok. My sisters and I all keep telling him how we're taking care of her; we're making sure she eats, sleeps, etc.


My dad was the exact same way. He was so ill, and all he did was worry about how my mom was doing.


Cat, you'd usually be right about no one expecting dad to have a heart attack at 56. However, the Lord has been preparing me for it for a few years. My husband and I have even talked about how it was an near future almost given, if that makes sense. Not because he has a history of heart problems, but because of the anger and depression he has carried around since my bio mom left him.


I'm so sorry to hear that. :(

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PLEASE do not feel like you are bothering us! I am sure I am speaking for many - we WANT the updates. i was away all day yesterday and several times I was wondering how you and your dsd were doing.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Ok, I will update. :D


I have to admit that aside from your original thread, this update is kind of shocking. I am SO SORRY he is so weak. My father had four heart attacks, his first at 27. So I do understand them a bit. What are the doctors saying? Is this typical for a heart attack patient? Do they expect the kidneys to return to normal function? How long do they expect him to be on the bipap machine?


Two years ago, dad had to have a stent put in one of his kidney arteries to help with both his blood pressure and his kidney function (if I understood that right). So he has a nephrologist that he sees who monitors his kidney function, which before the heart attack was at 50 percent. I'm not really clear on what has caused his kidney function to be low in the first place. All I know was that before the heart attack, he was being monitored by his nephrologist, but his kidney function was ok enough not to need any more intervention after the stent.


But the stress of the heart attack has caused his kidneys to quit functioning well enough. Which in turn is causing him to retain fluid in his body, especially around his lungs, which causes him pain when he breathes. So the dialysis is to aid the kidneys in pulling the fluid out of his body, so that his lungs are more comfortable, so that he can breathe better, so that his oxygen levels can go back up.


Mom was very upset when they had to dialyse him, but my sister and I (the one who I donated a kidney to) were able to explain to her that it was a good thing that would help his body. Of course, we wish his kidneys could do the work themselves, but the kidneys are not the concern right now, the heart is.


He has been on the bipap longer than anyone would like, but we're comforting ourselves with the fact that he hasn't needed to be intubated. Progress is slowed because of the fluids.


There were two times yesterday that he was a little too weak to talk, so he wrote. One was to tell mom to call a friend of his. The other was to tell us that he's more worried about mom than himself. I have that paper.


Mom and dad's marriage is not very strong or close. That meant a lot to her. I will figure out what to do with that paper eventually for mom. For now, I'm just going to keep it in a safe place until the Lord tells me what I should do with it. It has been a comfort to her to know that dad is just worried about her.


Sorry to ramble so long. :tongue_smilie:

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I know you guys are right, and I'm trying to take it easy on my mom. It's just frustrating. And all dad cares about is making sure SHE'S ok. My sisters and I all keep telling him how we're taking care of her; we're making sure she eats, sleeps, etc.


Cat, you'd usually be right about no one expecting dad to have a heart attack at 56. However, the Lord has been preparing me for it for a few years. My husband and I have even talked about how it was an near future almost given, if that makes sense. Not because he has a history of heart problems, but because of the anger and depression he has carried around since my bio mom left him. You'd really have to be me or one of my sisters to see/understand it, and I guess I foolishly assumed mom could see it coming, too. Obviously she did not. I won't share more details about that out of respect for my parents. But I pray this is what the Lord uses to help my dad get set free from a lot.



In red, that's what an individual does when they need to focus on something over which they do have control as opposed to focusing on something over which they have no control -- in your dad's situation, the heart attack he just had.


Take deep breaths -- feel lifted up by the prayers and good thoughts everyone here is sending your way --:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:.

Being an 'adult child' is so difficult!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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PLEASE do not feel like you are bothering us! I am sure I am speaking for many - we WANT the updates. i was away all day yesterday and several times I was wondering how you and your dad were doing.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:




Please do update us. I am so sorry.:grouphug:



:iagree: I would much rather HAVE updates! I am praying for your family.



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Continued prayers for you & your family :grouphug:


I agree w/ PP's- as difficult as it is to fathom, its likely your mom feels incredibly afraid and powerless right now. People react so unpredictably different in difficult circumstance...and many times its not always the preferred response.


Prayers for supernatural grace to continue carrying you through this. :grouphug:

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Continued prayers for you & your family :grouphug:


I agree w/ PP's- as difficult as it is to fathom, its likely your mom feels incredibly afraid and powerless right now. People react so unpredictably different in difficult circumstance...and many times its not always the preferred response.


Prayers for supernatural grace to continue carrying you through this. :grouphug:

I agree, give her slack and forgiveness. My mom almost died a few years back from a horrible allergic reaction called Stevens Johnson Syndrome. She had never been sick before and while some of the symptoms were gradual, they got horrible quickly. My dad, usually the calm, loving, collected, thoughtful, patriarch man that everyone else goes to for advice and guidance, was at a total loss. He missed meetings with doctors, he only took her to the emergency room after I pushed him to do it, and so on. I was so angry for a time, then I realized that he had so much emotion tied up into this - some emotions he didn't quite want to face, so he kind of became a space cadet for a time. He was deeply scared, tired, felt like he had no control... He wasn't prepared for something like this to happen emotionally. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Ok, I will update. :D




Two years ago, dad had to have a stent put in one of his kidney arteries to help with both his blood pressure and his kidney function (if I understood that right). So he has a nephrologist that he sees who monitors his kidney function, which before the heart attack was at 50 percent. I'm not really clear on what has caused his kidney function to be low in the first place. All I know was that before the heart attack, he was being monitored by his nephrologist, but his kidney function was ok enough not to need any more intervention after the stent.


But the stress of the heart attack has caused his kidneys to quit functioning well enough. Which in turn is causing him to retain fluid in his body, especially around his lungs, which causes him pain when he breathes. So the dialysis is to aid the kidneys in pulling the fluid out of his body, so that his lungs are more comfortable, so that he can breathe better, so that his oxygen levels can go back up.

Ok, that makes sense now. it is. Derstandable that an attack on his heart is making his kidneys very weak, especially where they were already compromised. I do hope things improve steadily. I am sure he is on diuretics....



Mom was very upset when they had to dialyse him, but my sister and I (the one who I donated a kidney to) were able to explain to her that it was a good thing that would help his body. Of course, we wish his kidneys could do the work themselves, but the kidneys are not the concern right now, the heart is.

I didn't want to ask about your sister at such a time, but knowing I had to face mi e u der similar circumstances, I was really hoping things were ok.



He has been on the bipap longer than anyone would like, but we're comforting ourselves with the fact that he hasn't needed to be intubated. Progress is slowed because of the fluids.


There were two times yesterday that he was a little too weak to talk, so he wrote. One was to tell mom to call a friend of his. The other was to tell us that he's more worried about mom than himself. I have that paper.

When my dad was at the later stages of COPD and was in heart failure, talking was just too much on him. Your dad saving his energies, and his air, is wise. I do hope he gets stronger with each passing day!



Mom and dad's marriage is not very strong or close. That meant a lot to her. I will figure out what to do with that paper eventually for mom. For now, I'm just going to keep it in a safe place until the Lord tells me what I should do with it. It has been a comfort to her to know that dad is just worried about her.


Sorry to ramble so long. :tongue_smilie:


Their marriage isn't close but it sounds lie your dad adores her. This also reminds me so much of my parents. While I never understood parts of their marriage, they truly loved each other so much. But, my mom did find my dad annoying.:tongue_smilie:

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When the person you love and have leaned on as a rock is suddenly, inexplicably reduced to a kitten-weak invalid, it is as much a shock to your heart as it is to your mind. Even though you logically know that these things are possible, your heart does not follow through on that logic. Sometimes, all you can muster is the "deer-in-headlights" mode, which, while not exactly helpful, does at least allow you to remain upright.


Just some thoughts on your mom's reaction...



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Dad is doing worse.


He had to be intubated this morning. He just couldn't keep his oxygen levels up on the bipap. Plus, they think that not being able to breath well enough is what is causing all the fluid to accumulate on his lungs. They removed 3.8 liters of fluid yesterday with dialysis, but today they could only remove 3.3 liters because his blood pressure could not tolerate any more than that.


He is in a drug induced coma because of being on the ventilator. They are walking a fine line/balance between keeping him sedated and not giving him too much meds, because when they do, it affects his blood pressure too much. So that's been tricky.


I was there all day with him. Got there about five mintues after they intubated him; wish I could have been there before they did that.


My mother is still bewildering me. She wanted me there today, but then she kept leaving. She went home to take care of their dogs, instead of calling someone else to do that. Then, she went up to her office at the hospital to work. I don't understand why she's dealing with this the way she is, but I'm trying to just let it be and give her grace.


Honestly friends, there's not much more they can do for my dad. They will attempt to recussitate him if he goes into cardiac arrest again; but other than that, it's kind of come down to the fact that his body is strong enough to recover, or it isn't.


So we wait. More. And It's wearing on me. And I'm exhausted. And I had to watch my dad lay there, naked (besides a small blanket for dignity's sake) on a hospital bed, on a ventilator, restrained in case he were to wake up and try to resist.


May the Lord's will be done. Please pray for His mercy either way.

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I am sorry your dad is having a downturn. My prayers are with you all. It sounds like your mom is in shock....and just not dealing. My mom did the same thing when my dad was sick. It was :confused: .... But, looking back I can see she was in a fog, and not really thinking straight. Here was the love of her life, the man who always took care of her, reduced to being spoon fed by his daughter. It is mind numbing to the wife. Your mom is probably in auto-pilot....and not really there.....try not to judge too much, even though it is hard. We all react differently to sickness in those close to us....and we never know how we will act when the time comes. I am not exactly proud of how I acted when my mom was dying....I went completely hysterical....which is so far from my normal personality that I even shocked myself.



And many, many prayers.


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:grouphug: and prayers.


I think your mom must be in denial. Keep giving her grace. Ask if she needs to talk. She might just break down. Honestly, I am ashamed of this but I am worthless in an emergency. I immediately go into either frantic or denial mode. DH never believed me but we once had a life or death emergency with DD and he learned firsthand what I meant. Fog is right. Fog and denial. Not an excuse, but perhaps an explanation.



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:grouphug: and prayers.


I think your mom must be in denial. Keep giving her grace. Ask if she needs to talk. She might just break down. Honestly, I am ashamed of this but I am worthless in an emergency. I immediately go into either frantic or denial mode. DH never believed me but we once had a life or death emergency with DD and he learned firsthand what I meant. Fog is right. Fog and denial. Not an excuse, but perhaps an explanation.




I get this. Bethany. I am so sorry to read this latest update. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.

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I'm so sorry this is happening to your family, Bethany.:grouphug:


My dad had a heart attack at 57 and I know the shock of something happening so out of the blue to someone so young. I will pray for him.


Give your mom lots and lots of grace. The way other people handle crises and grief are sometimes baffling but it's what they need to get through it. I was really frustrated with how some of my family handled things. But, I learned to let each person handle it the way they needed to. Just because I deal with things in one way, doesn't mean it's the "right way."


Remember, you are ministering to her as well as your day.


Lots of love for you....:grouphug:

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Bless your heart! Waiting at the hospital is so exhausting. You want to do something and there isn't much that can be done. I'm sure your mom is in some kind of protective shell right now, and is coping with seeing him incapacitated the best way she can. I'm praying for you all this morning. :grouphug:

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I am heart brokem for you. It is so hard to watch a loved one suffer. I hope his body gets stronger and he can make a full recovery. I am so sorry.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


I don't think your mom can be completely in denial while things are so serious, but she is definitely very scared. :sad:

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