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RANT: People are disgusting...

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I wonder if she brought a young child to the open house with her, and she didn't supervise him when he went to the bathroom? Normal adults don't sully up bathrooms that way.


My sister had a realtor poop in her toilet and make a mess without an attempt at flushing the toilet or cleaning the mess up. It was disgusting. My sister was sitting in her car down the street and saw the man come and go... Without a child in tow.


OP - I am so sorry you came home to this. I would definitely let your realtor know.

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When we were house shopping, it was quite common to find houses with electricity only and no water. The sellers shut off the water with the electric company.


When we go out of town, we always shut off our water (a well) and hot water tank. We have had pipes break while we were here and wouldn't want it to happen while we are gone. Water can do a lot of damage in a short time so it is a good idea to turn it off if you won't be at home.


I don't really think there is any excuse for what happened to you. Sorry you had to clean it up while pregnant. I would contact the realty office.

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That would be quite a disgusting surprise. I would not be happy about coming home to that.




Filing a police report? Vandalism? Getting fired? It was poop. In/on/around the toilet.


It should have been cleaned-up by the pooper but - Im not feeling the horror.


A stranger goes into your house, and smears poop in your bathroom (NOT just used the toilet) and you *don't* think that's vandalism?


You think a person like that should have an electronic key to people's houses?

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A stranger goes into your house, and smears poop in your bathroom (NOT just used the toilet) and you *don't* think that's vandalism?


You think a person like that should have an electronic key to people's houses?


Well, im not sure anyone purposely smeared poop anywhere with their hands. If someone is just a messy pooper, no I don't think that's vandalism. I think its quite an overreaction to treat bad/unhygenic bathroom habits as criminal behavior.

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Well, im not sure anyone purposely smeared poop anywhere with their hands. If someone is just a messy pooper, no I don't think that's vandalism. I think its quite an overreaction to treat bad/unhygenic bathroom habits as criminal behavior.


Sorry, I'm normally a huge underreactor here, but this...


And it was smeared all over the seat and toilet back.


...is NOT an accident. Anyone normal human being who had that kind of accident would at least make an attempt at cleaning it up.


I still don't think I'd call the police, but yes, I'd absolutely report it to the realtor's agency, and I don't think firing is out of line for a business professional who has regular access to people's empty houses.

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We had a phantom pooper at work, but it was pretty easy to figure out who it was. There were only 4 of us on 2nd shift and one night, the housekeeper mentioned that someone had crapped all over the toilet seat, onto the back of it and on the handle. She said it was one floor down from us, so I didn't even think about it being one of the people from our floor until it occurred to me that our floor is the only one with people who stay later than 5pm. So, I was suspicious about who it was, but never said anything. Later, the housekeeper mentioned that the person I suspected as the pooper eats her dinner on the floor below ours in their break room, and leaves a horrible mess. She said it was like the woman left a big mess deliberately. So, I figured she had to be the pooper. Interestingly enough, when this woman was fired (I'd posted about that fiasco about a year ago), the messy break room and poopy potties stopped.


People are just crazy sickos.

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When my water has been turned off, I can still flush once because water is in the tank. The tank can't fill for the next flush, but it sounds to me like whoever used the toilet didn't try to flush. A normal person doesn't leave feces all over the place.


It is a bit puzzling why the water was turned off, though. I think most prospective owners turn on the taps. People expect there to be running water. So if you knew someone was coming, it would have been better to leave it on, I think.

:iagree: with everything above.

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Sorry, I'm normally a huge underreactor here, but this...

...is NOT an accident. Anyone normal human being who had that kind of accident would at least make an attempt at cleaning it up.


I still don't think I'd call the police, but yes, I'd absolutely report it to the realtor's agency, and I don't think firing is out of line for a business professional who has regular access to people's empty houses.


I totally agree! I would normally say this person should be relegated to a desk job, but I'd hate to do that to the office custodians!

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You should have taken pictures, e-mailed them to the realty house of the walk through agent and your agent and told them that you wanted an apology.


You should even NOW be on the phone with your realtor, and tell them you want an answer back from the walk through realtor's company that this person has at the least been reprimanded.


Too bad you didn't take pictures. I am sorry, that is vandalism as far as I'm concerned, and that realtor should be fired.


Yes, all this.

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Sorry, I'm normally a huge underreactor here, but this...




...is NOT an accident. Anyone normal human being who had that kind of accident would at least make an attempt at cleaning it up.


I still don't think I'd call the police, but yes, I'd absolutely report it to the realtor's agency, and I don't think firing is out of line for a business professional who has regular access to people's empty houses.


I agree that its totally gross. You can't really underreact in the gross dept. But I still think it could have been accidental - I've known some people with bad toilet habits & they really didn't realize.


However gross you think it is, I can't make the leap to criminal or deserving of the pink-slip. Again, its poop. In/on/around the toilet.


Hopefully, a call to the realtor's office will be enough to give this person a clue.

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I agree that its totally gross. You can't really underreact in the gross dept. But I still think it could have been accidental - I've known some people with bad toilet habits & they really didn't realize.


However gross you think it is, I can't make the leap to criminal or deserving of the pink-slip. Again, its poop. In/on/around the toilet.


Hopefully, a call to the realtor's office will be enough to give this person a clue.


Smearing it all over the back is not accidental, not in an adult. If they do, it's probably a developmental delay of some kind and then should they really be a realtor?


It was purposeful, which makes it vandalism, and worthy of a pink slip. If that was all over the outside of your house, you'd have the cops on the phone.


Because it's on the inside doesn't make it any less bad, just more of a private attack, which to me, actually makes it worse.

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We always turn off our water when we're out of town for a few days. In addition to something we've always done, I've read several articles that advise turning off your water when away on vacation. Water tubes get old and appliances can leak. A family member had a dishwasher that leaked water all over his hardwood floors even though it wasn't running.


:iagree: My SIL had her whole finished basement flooded by refrigerator water tube that burst while they were away on vacation for a week.

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Yes, I agree that there should have been running water if you expected someone to be in your home. You should also have left notes around, as someone else said.


However, the person responsible for the mess should have left a note apologizing, and she certainly should have tried to clean it up.


Bad communication all around. I would just let it go.


As far as the realtor criticizing your house, I actually *hate* seeing the comments left by prospective buyers who have toured my house. It's hurtful to see that my house isn't right for someone, or that they don't like the colors, or something else. I realize that they're just being truthful (and I've said worse things about homes I've toured), but it still hurts. Thankfully, we got a contract three days after we put it on the market, so I know that someone really likes it, but the house is still being shown, and we're still getting comments (frown).



Yuck! I'm so sorry this happened to the OP. As a realtor, I do previews mostly for my own knowledge of what's on the market, but occasionally for a client who doesn't want to look at everything. Or, worse yet, wants me to know exactly everything about a home even if she doesn't want to look at it...sigh..


You should report this to your realtor. That person should contact their broker and the broker should call the other office. That's the official way to handle it...or you could just call the managing broker of the offending realtor's office and let them have it. If you have an electronic lockbox on your door, the realtor can confirm when and who entered your home.


I would have expected the water to be on, (or temporary signs if it wasn't) but either way, the mess should have been reported and cleaned up. On our vacant listings, we do a 'flush and fluff' every week. If the water isn't on, we haul water over for a flush. Toilet bowls look icky when water, just plain water, sits for a week or two.


Lastly...I always 'filter' feedback to my clients. I read it and if needed phrase it a bit differently. Same message, kinder tone.



Hope the house sells soon!

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Smearing it all over the back is not accidental, not in an adult. If they do, it's probably a developmental delay of some kind and then should they really be a realtor?


It was purposeful, which makes it vandalism, and worthy of a pink slip. If that was all over the outside of your house, you'd have the cops on the phone.


Because it's on the inside doesn't make it any less bad, just more of a private attack, which to me, actually makes it worse.


Either the offender has knowingly poop-vandalized the toilet & doesn't care because he has a vendetta against the OP and he is not deterred by the surety of being found-out


he didn't realize how pervasive the poop was & made the disgusting decision to leave it.


I think the later is more likely.

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Gross. I'm so sorry you had to deal with this in your own home.


That being said, we own a business that has restrooms. Judging by many of the responses, I think you all would be VERY surprised at the bathroom habits of MANY people. I know I was, when we took over the family business. It is sooooooooo common to have cr*p smeared on the back of the toilet. That doesn't even phase me any more. What gets me is the smears on the underside seat in FRONT. Weird. I mentioned on another thread that my husband dealt with an intentional smearer for a week. Always 2 fingers on the back of the door :glare:.


Seriously, if you deal with restrooms available to the public, you will face something incomprehensible to YOU at least weekly. Be thankful to those who try to keep the restrooms clean for you:001_smile:. My husband took great pride in a google review of our business that commented on the cleanliness of our restrooms :D.

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Can the OP clarify - did the pooper sit on the lid and it smeared onto the tank (back of the toilet) or did they sit on the seat and the lid was what was smeared? Either way, disgusting, but one seems a bit more obviously intentional than the other.

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Either the offender has knowingly poop-vandalized the toilet & doesn't care because he has a vendetta against the OP and he is not deterred by the surety of being found-out


he didn't realize how pervasive the poop was & made the disgusting decision to leave it.


I think the later is more likely.




OK, whatever.


OP, do what Happy said to do.

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Can the OP clarify - did the pooper sit on the lid and it smeared onto the tank (back of the toilet) or did they sit on the seat and the lid was what was smeared? Either way, disgusting, but one seems a bit more obviously intentional than the other.


Yes, I'd like some clarification on exactly where the poop was. Perhaps since you didn't take a picture, you could draw the poop smears on a picture of a toilet for us. That would be helpful in determining intent.


I did know an intentional smearer in high school. I had no idea that this was a problem for adults. This guy was incredibly immature and it went with his personality. He worked at Hardee's. You don't want to know what he did to the mayonnaise.

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Gross. I'm so sorry you had to deal with this in your own home.


That being said, we own a business that has restrooms. Judging by many of the responses, I think you all would be VERY surprised at the bathroom habits of MANY people. I know I was, when we took over the family business. It is sooooooooo common to have cr*p smeared on the back of the toilet. That doesn't even phase me any more. What gets me is the smears on the underside seat in FRONT. Weird. I mentioned on another thread that my husband dealt with an intentional smearer for a week. Always 2 fingers on the back of the door :glare:.


Seriously, if you deal with restrooms available to the public, you will face something incomprehensible to YOU at least weekly. Be thankful to those who try to keep the restrooms clean for you:001_smile:. My husband took great pride in a google review of our business that commented on the cleanliness of our restrooms :D.



Maybe that's why im not so horrified. I've cleaned public toilets for a living. People ARE disgusting. Being disgusting is more common, maybe more 'normal', than I'd like but I think thats reality.

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Maybe that's why im not so horrified. I've cleaned public toilets for a living. People ARE disgusting. Being disgusting is more common, maybe more 'normal', than I'd like but I think thats reality.


:iagree: How many times have I walked in the restrooms at work and uttered, "Oh, you have GOT to be kidding. HOW????"


OP, I'd definitely let the realtor's office know that you had a mess to clean up when you got home, but I probably wouldn't go much further than that.

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I did know an intentional smearer in high school. I had no idea that this was a problem for adults. This guy was incredibly immature and it went with his personality. He worked at Hardee's. You don't want to know what he did to the mayonnaise.



I really don't want to know. But now I'm curious and scared to eat mayo at restaurants! Thanks!

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I would have expected the water to be on, (or temporary signs if it wasn't) but either way, the mess should have been reported and cleaned up.



Hope the house sells soon!



It's one thing to find pee or a turd in the commode. I would have thought the water being off caught them off guard. No biggie. But really the mess that OP found has NOTHING to do with the water being off or on. Smeared crap on the back of the toilet?!?!? And from what she said, it wasn't from TRYING to clean up the mess. And being able to flush or not had nothing to do with it. This person is just one sick >fill in the blank< and needs to NOT be touring other people's homes. vomit-smiley-015.gif

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You should have taken pictures, e-mailed them to the realty house of the walk through agent and your agent and told them that you wanted an apology.


You should even NOW be on the phone with your realtor, and tell them you want an answer back from the walk through realtor's company that this person has at the least been reprimanded.


Too bad you didn't take pictures. I am sorry, that is vandalism as far as I'm concerned, and that realtor should be fired.


Yeah, I agree with this. She's a realtor, supposedly a professional, not a four year old boy.

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Yeah, I agree with this. She's a realtor, supposedly a professional, not a four year old boy.


No kidding.


And, yes, I'm sorry. It is absolutely an act of vandalism to enter another person's home and smear a fixture with biohazard waste. Public restrooms, gross as it is to do there, are (hopefully) stocked with personal and cleaning supplies appropriate to the task; homes are not.


Frankly, if the realtor entered the home and smeared food from the refrigerator on the kitchen wall, it still should be grounds for disciplinary, and possibly legal, action. Not only is it a personal violation, but the listing agent (or other agent) could have had the occasion to show the house after.

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people. are. so. weird. :001_huh:


:iagree: I feel like I've been sheltered all my life. I just don't get it. Unless you're under a year old, ok maybe two years old, there's no excuse for being that disgusting. Oh my Lord. I feel like somebody needs to write a thesis paper on phantom poopers.

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I just want to know how? How can an adult smear poop on the seat and the lid? I know it's done. I've worked in a few hotels. I just don't see how it can be unintentional.


We also turn off our water when we go away for the weekend. We had an incident where our toilet ran all weekend while we were gone. I never want a water bill like that again. If I knew someone would be viewing the house, I would probably left notes about the water being off.


I really just want to know how? Or maybe I don't.


ETA: Our toilet will also flush one time after the water is shut off.

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OC, you have me laughing. I'm so glad I read this when no other adult was around.


Imagine trying to explain yourself.


"I'm laughing about a note about.."




Oh, ps:


In urban malls, it's very common for people to act out passive/aggressive this same way. I remember one of these kinds going through the mall and just destroying every fitting room they entered. Another time, they added on the lovely act of putting it IN the clothing on the racks. .and another thought it fit to leave female products (used) in high end purses...go figure?



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What did the realtor's office say? Curious minds would love an update.


I'd be furious and out for "blood" legally and professionally, but I suspect you'd have had to have pictures to prove it.


yes, what did the office say?

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Ok I am curious too, some posters have said 'some people are just messy poopers' or whatever but I cant for the LIFE of me figure out how someone can be such a messy pooper that the poop is smeared on the seat and lid???? Even if you have wretched diarrhea, there should only be a mess IN the bowl right? I mean you sit on a HOLE, your tush covers the hole....how in the world does the poo go anywhere else???

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Sorry, for the delay! I didn't realize this was still a hot topic.


According to our realtor, there was someone (not a buyer) in the house with the realtor. The requesting realtor apologized for not supervising better. I don't have any more details. Next time we go out of town, I think I'll take PP suggestion, put up signs, and tape down the toilets. As our appliances are getting on in age, I don't trust leaving the house for more than a day with the water on.


I've just never considered a home walk-through as a place to use the restroom. In past moves, we've been in temporary housing before selling our home and moving the furniture so when I look at potential homes, I don't assume the water is on.


I'm so ready to sell the house!

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I think smearing is unacceptable.


But turning off water for a walk-through? Expecting that no one would use a bathroom? As people turn older, they need to use facilities more often. Also, many people with some illnesses need to use facilities more often. I wouldn't have turned off the water at my house. It isn't winter and the pipes aren't freezing.


My mom went on vacation and came back with 2 inches of water in her home from a broken pipe behind her toilet. It was a 100% loss of the interior of her home..had to be gutted and started over and lost most of her furniture and a lot of her possessions that were on the ground.

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I am sorry for your experience:grouphug: I am confused though as to why turn off the water especially to a house that might be shown. I know when I was looking, water pressure is of interest to me only when I am serious about a house since some houses have poor water pressure. I was taught that when apartment hunting (and I think this applies to house hunting) that one should check how the water pressure is and check under sinks for bugs and what not.

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Ok I am curious too, some posters have said 'some people are just messy poopers' or whatever but I cant for the LIFE of me figure out how someone can be such a messy pooper that the poop is smeared on the seat and lid???? Even if you have wretched diarrhea, there should only be a mess IN the bowl right? I mean you sit on a HOLE, your tush covers the hole....how in the world does the poo go anywhere else???


WAY TMI, but I have severe IBS and I have about 15 seconds from the first pang to find a bathroom. If one is not available, I'm in a bind and have, several times, not made it and when that happens, it makes a mess all over the front of the bowl. Yes, outside the bowl, etc. The only thing I can't figure out is the lid..unless that was down and they didn't realize it. I know this is gross...I know...I deal with it. It is a terrible thing to have to deal with. It only happens every few months so it's hard to anticipate. I have NO warning...and yes, I have had it happen in public...but I clean up my mess with the available water. I would be mortified if water weren't available but would find a way to get it cleaned up, even if it required telling somebody and mortifying myself even further (so far, when it happens to me, I'm the only one that knows).


NOT an excuse to leave it there...that is something I would NEVER do, but just offering why it might be all over the place.

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WAY TMI, but I have severe IBS and I have about 15 seconds from the first pang to find a bathroom. If one is not available, I'm in a bind and have, several times, not made it and when that happens, it makes a mess all over the front of the bowl. Yes, outside the bowl, etc. The only thing I can't figure out is the lid..unless that was down and they didn't realize it. I know this is gross...I know...I deal with it. It is a terrible thing to have to deal with. It only happens every few months so it's hard to anticipate. I have NO warning...and yes, I have had it happen in public...but I clean up my mess with the available water. I would be mortified if water weren't available but would find a way to get it cleaned up, even if it required telling somebody and mortifying myself even further (so far, when it happens to me, I'm the only one that knows).


NOT an excuse to leave it there...that is something I would NEVER do, but just offering why it might be all over the place.


But that's why I'm wondering exactly where it was. Because I thought of this, but the description sounds more like it was in a more unlikely place.

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But that's why I'm wondering exactly where it was. Because I thought of this, but the description sounds more like it was in a more unlikely place.


Being a mom... Having owned a store... and worked at McDonalds... and Chick-fil-A...all I can say is I've seen it all (and cleaned it.). My own dd had me wondering how in the heck that got all the way over there at 2am this morning (she was vomiting...I understood the spatter on the door and walls, I grasped the not quite hitting the toilet... but how it got into the opposite corner, up into the shower and in the hidden corner of the shower niche, and on the back-side of the shower curtain I have absolutely no. idea. (and neither does she).


We did have someone get sick (not vomit) all over our only restroom in our store...it. was. everywhere. HazMat suits would have been appropriate for that clean-up (and the poor girl did make the attempt, she was mortified).


WRT the OP and pit-stops when house hunting... house hunting for many is an all-day affair, and emergencies happen (pregnancy, ate the wrong thing at lunch, little kid who didn't have to go 30 minutes ago...). If you are going to have the water up, definitely put up signs, tape down toilet seats...whatever you need to do. Houses that have been winterized (water off, or no facilities), usually state that in the description, as well as have notices everywhere. FWIW, I have always assumed my bathrooms were "fair game" during a house-showing (food in my fridge and pantry, or covered up...no). Maybe it's because of how I was brought up (open house visitations was a regular Sunday family activity, and moved a LOT...averaging one move a year for 13 years)

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