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Hive, please pray for me!!

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I really believe in the prayers of the Hive and I REALLY need them right now.


I'm currently on vacation, can't get medical attention tonight and am having some really frightening symptoms.


PLEASE pray that this will resolve itself and that it's not something serious and that I'm ok.


I promise I'll get seen as soon as I can if I don't get better, but please Hive, don't let me down and send up some prayers for me.


I'm frightened. :crying:


Ugh. I'm so sad for my kids. This is their first ever vacation and I may end up in the ER. :( We're far from home, can't go back, and need to move tomorrow as our reservation here is up and we need to check out and go to next place, which isn't close. :willy_nilly:


Dh is here with me so I'm in good hands, please don't worry for me :) I just need lots of prayers that I'm okay.

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Everyone, thanks for the prayers.


I had sudden onset of some really alarming symptoms (not gastro related) last night and I was really worried. I'm not typically one to worry about my health and being sick (kids yes, me not so much :tongue_smilie:) but these hit so hard and fast and the list of possibilities as to what it could have been were worrisome.


Things escalated for a couple hours after I posted but then settled down so dh and I felt safe about staying put and not rushing to the ER (over an hour drive) with the kids. When I woke this morning I felt better than last night but not well again, iykwim.


We had to get out of the place we were in or pay exorbitant fines so dh took over while I rested. It's been a crazy day, especially with my not feeling well and everyone else being just fine ;) .


I've been trying to take it easy all day but we've been travelling and my iPhone quit working so I couldn't update. :glare:


Sorry to cause worry but THANK you so much for your prayers. I'm going to continue to keep things easy but I think for now I'm out of danger. I don't think it's some freak virus but I don't quite know what is wrong.


I'm really thankful I didn't have to go to the ER although I hope we didn't make a bad decision.


Thank you everyone. It means a lot to me. :grouphug:


ETA: I won't be on much, if at all the next few days. No news is good news. If things get worse again, I'll be back asking for prayers. ;) Truly, your prayers and thoughts have meant a great deal to me.

Edited by plain jane
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