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Text. I've never texted anyone, ever. I don't actually own a cell phone, so that could make it difficult :lol:. I'm sure it's not as big a deal as it seems in my mind, but, I always feel a tremendous sense of awe whenever I hear of people texting each other, especially the very young and very old. Sad, I know :tongue_smilie:.

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What's an 'anemometer'? (I have looked it up in my dictionary and it's not there). And whenever are you required to pronounce it on demand?


It measures wind speeds. :) You hear it down here a lot during hurricane season. :D hehe

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It measures wind speeds. :) You hear it down here a lot during hurricane season. :D hehe


Ah, thank you! You get a wonderful education here, don't you? I'm very glad I've had no reason to know what an anemometer is, I'd be a total wreck.

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Text. I've never texted anyone, ever. I don't actually own a cell phone, so that could make it difficult :lol:. I'm sure it's not as big a deal as it seems in my mind, but, I always feel a tremendous sense of awe whenever I hear of people texting each other, especially the very young and very old. Sad, I know :tongue_smilie:.

Dh just forced me to learn last week.:lol: Hope i don't have to again because I can't remember the first step. :001_huh:

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Dh just forced me to learn last week.:lol: Hope i don't have to again because I can't remember the first step. :001_huh:


That is such a relief :001_smile:. I thought I must be among the very few people left on the planet who'd never sent a text (well, I suppose I still might be, since you've now achieved that milestone :D).

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What's an 'anemometer'? (I have looked it up in my dictionary and it's not there). And whenever are you required to pronounce it on demand?


We did a unit on weather last term, including making an anem... anum... aninum... wind measurer thingamy.

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Spell answer. Yup, spell check corrected me AGAIN!


I also can't stick to a schedule, though I love making them. It's as though the act of writing it down makes some part of my subconscious rebel. :D


Cassy, don't worry. My in laws are incapable of texting. My FIL sells stuff on Craigslist and won't take email responses, either. My MIL may eventually text, as I have recently gotten her to handle email and Facebook. And then she asked me to help her with Pinterest. But FIL will never text. Ever.

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* Bake brownies from scratch - even though I can make pretty much any other baked good like a pro. It's a shame, too, because I love brownies. :(


* Do a proper squat or lunge. My legs just don't bend the way they're supposed to. DH gets much pleasure from watching me attempt to do squats. I go down maybe 1/2" before my leg just won't bend anymore. I can't even do it when he tries to help me. :tongue_smilie:

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I can't dance. Even when I was a young adult and went to a club (twice in my lifetime!) I looked absolutely ridiculous trying to dance. In my life, dancing is something I do while I'm totally alone in a room, and even then I think twice about it. :tongue_smilie:


DH can't whistle or carry a tune. Poor guy.

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I don't text either! Too cheap to pay for a texting plan on our phones. I was a software engineer in my previous life and am very tech savvy. My husband and I IM with Skype all the time (it's free with a wireless connection!) No desire to join the texting set!

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I can't drive a stick shift



I can't sleep on my back


I can't remember my schedule long enough to actually implement it


I can't do the splits.


I can't lift my body weight. Like chin ups, pull ups, I can't even do plank although that may have more to do with an enormous Diastasis :D



There are lots of things I have never tried, like skiing or driving a tractor. I may or may not be able to if I did try. ¿quien sabe?

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Text. I've never texted anyone, ever. I don't actually own a cell phone, so that could make it difficult :lol:


I can't either, and we don't own a cell phone either. Dh's decision not to have cell phones; I'd like to have them for emergency use ONLY.


I can't touch my toes or tolerate sun.


I don't tolerate the sun, either. Makes me lose energy. Now an overcast day - I feel great!


I can't dance. Even when I was a young adult and went to a club (twice in my lifetime!) I looked absolutely ridiculous trying to dance. In my life, dancing is something I do while I'm totally alone in a room, and even then I think twice about it. :tongue_smilie:


I can't dance either. I've always wanted to be able to slow dance and to ballroom dance.


I also can't knit, though I've been "taught" several times; I am currently on yet another quest to learn this.

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I can't sit still for more than 15 min. After that I start vibrating and annoying anyone sitting near me.

I can't sleep for more than 4-5 hours at a time and I have been that way since I was 5.

I can't remember people's names until I've read/heard them numerous times over (usually takes me a few months).

And I guess I can't remember much as I know there's lots of other things I can't do, but I can't remember what they are.

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I can't:

I can't whistle, either...

Or lift one eyebrow, like Mr. Spock.

There's a difference between Dawn and Don!?!:huh:

Park DH's truck inside the yellow lines of a parking stall.

Resist explaining *exactly* why I chose to edit....

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to remove double spacing
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Ah, thank you! You get a wonderful education here, don't you? I'm very glad I've had no reason to know what an anemometer is, I'd be a total wreck.



Text. I've never texted anyone, ever. I don't actually own a cell phone, so that could make it difficult :lol:. I'm sure it's not as big a deal as it seems in my mind, but, I always feel a tremendous sense of awe whenever I hear of people texting each other, especially the very young and very old. Sad, I know.



I've only just recently learned how to text myself. I never had it with our own cell phone plan package, but with the new one it had unlimited calls and texting so I've finally learned how to do it. I'm not very good at it, but I can get a message sent now. The one I still have trouble navigating is Twitter. :confused:




I can't ski or drive a stick shift even though MULTIPLE people have tried to teach me.


I can't ski either (never learned), but I do miss my stick shift. I LOVE my SUV don't get me wrong. We've bonded and she's my baby, but I really wish that she came with a manual transmission. Sticks are just soooo much better. For one thing they don't leave you in the lurch if the battery conks out. If you can find someone to push, you can always get home with a stick. :tongue_smilie:




I can't dance. Even when I was a young adult and went to a club (twice in my lifetime!) I looked absolutely ridiculous trying to dance. In my life, dancing is something I do while I'm totally alone in a room, and even then I think twice about it. :tongue_smilie:



Okay, this just gave me the mental image of Elaine in Seinfeld. :lol: I'm sure you dance much better than her, but it's just what came into my mind. hehe


DH can't whistle or carry a tune. Poor guy.


I can't whistle either! I've never been good at it. :p


@Dory, I have the name thing too. I always sort of dread meeting new people because I know I will forget their name. It's like while I'm shaking their hands to meet them and they are telling me their name, it's already going out of my head. I have to say their name over and over and over again to myself and I still forget it. It's awful.


I can't crochet. I've always wanted to learn, but always wind up with a jumbled mess or miles of chains. :confused:

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Fold fitted sheets neatly. I've watched tutorials, I have tried a few different ways. I've improved, but they are still borderline shapeless blobs in my linen closet. They've just gotten a *bit* more shapely.


I can cook nearly anything, but cannot make a good porkchop.


I ski like a dolt.


Cannot drive stick shift either.

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Text. I've never texted anyone, ever. I don't actually own a cell phone, so that could make it difficult :lol:. I'm sure it's not as big a deal as it seems in my mind, but, I always feel a tremendous sense of awe whenever I hear of people texting each other, especially the very young and very old. Sad, I know :tongue_smilie:.


Not sad. Delightful. I never wanted a cell phone but we got them last fall for good reasons. I have used it as a phone only 3 or 4 times. I do text, and it's been useful sometimes, but a large part of me misses the unconnected life.


Want to be pen pals? :)

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I can't snap the fingers on my left hand. I only learned the right hand after my sister, then 4 or 5, started doing it. (I was 18.) My own kid was able to snap with both hands at age 3 or 4, but I still can't figure it out. I'm a loser!


I can't whistle those loud whistles to get attention. I can whistle a tune, but apparently that's a completely different skill.


I can't navigate in high heels. I no longer even try.

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I can't say Arnold Palmer without getting my tongue twisted. It's a popular drink around here, ice tea and lemonade, but I have to say it like I'm talking in slow mo. LOL


My dh loves this drink!




I cannot fold fitted sheets either. Very annoying.


I have to think for a second before saying prerequisite or else I won't say it properly. :lol:

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I can't snap the fingers on my left hand. I only learned the right hand after my sister, then 4 or 5, started doing it. (I was 18.) My own kid was able to snap with both hands at age 3 or 4, but I still can't figure it out. I'm a loser!


I can't whistle those loud whistles to get attention. I can whistle a tune, but apparently that's a completely different skill.


I can't navigate in high heels. I no longer even try.



I do not bother with high heels much more either. My balance is awful.


I cannot whistle a tune or whistle loudly to get someone's attention.

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I can't navigate in high heels. I no longer even try.


I was patting myself on the back for finally conquering 2in heals. My sister wears 5in heals when she is modeling and it makes me jealous that it comes so easy to her. I had to ask for her help just to figure out the small ones. Apparently a person has to move their hips just right:tongue_smilie:. :D

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I can't make good sugar cookies, even though I make every other kind just fine. I can't sit still.


Oh my gosh me too! I don't know what it is! I can make so many other kinds, but sugar cookies are always a disaster! I always buy them.

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I can't fold a fitted sheet or whistle either, but also can't:



  • make Jello
  • peel potatoes (without cutting off some of my own skin)
  • mail a package without mummifying it with tape


...and probably several more things that I can't think of right now :tongue_smilie:

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I cannot say "coin toss" on the first try. Even if I try to paraphrase, I end up talking about when they coss the toin.


I cannot make a remotely round pie crust. It'll probably taste good, but I must roll unevenly or something, because my crusts always end up resembling Norway.

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I can't braid hair. My poor daughter ended up teaching herself when she was about 6, but I still haven't figured it out.


I can't color inside the lines. I'm 42.


I can't understand The Lakehouse. I've watched it 3 or 4 times and it still doesn't make sense to me.

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