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Apparently, Tom and Katie Cruise are over

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I guess the contract is up.


ETA: Or maybe it's not, seeing that she's asking for sole custody. Good for her.

Edited by nmoira
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The article does rub their noses in that, doesn't it?


It's pretty much half the article.


ETA: FTR I don't particularly like or dislike either of them, but really... they're just another in-your-face celebrity couple. I can't muster any sympathy for that, but I also don't think the media needs to point and laugh either (which is how the article comes across).

Edited by Audrey
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It's pretty much half the article.


ETA: FTR I don't particularly like or dislike either of them, but really... they're just another in-your-face celebrity couple. I can't muster any sympathy for that, but I also don't think the media needs to point and laugh either (which is how the article comes across).


Yeah. I never care about celebrities. I just always think of the children. They do not ask for the drama.

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ETA: FTR I don't particularly like or dislike either of them, but really... they're just another in-your-face celebrity couple. I can't muster any sympathy for that, but I also don't think the media needs to point and laugh either (which is how the article comes across).



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I do think she got tired of the control.
My go-to gossip site (yes, I'm ashamed to say I have one) says she's gone back to her pre-Tom publicist and is working on replacing her entire staff. She's tired of feeling spied on. One thing that was telling early in their relationship was that *everyone* around her was replaced with Tom-approved people.
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I laughed a lot during the movie "Knight and Day". But, the reality is that I don't think he was acting...it was just a normal day for him, stalking a woman, telling bizarre stories, and acting creepy with charm. All in a day's work!


Poor child. That's always what I think about...just how screwed up some of these celebrity kids are going to be.



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I feel the same way. I never understood all the fawning over him.
I remember seeing him in one of the Mission Impossible movies... the one with Thandie Newton. I was struck that I hadn't seen anyone so obviously uncomfortable in an intimate scene since Eyes Wide Shut. :tongue_smilie: It was so painful, I couldn't help but wonder if he has an aversion to touching/being touched.
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I never heard of Katie Holmes until she started dating Cruise. I thought he was so hot in Risky Business and later in Top Gun. After that, not so much. Once he started showing his true (crazy) self, he was just too creepy to watch. I can't even watch his movies, new or old, because I now have a hard time separating the actor from the character he's portraying. I feel the same way about Mel Gibson, though for different reasons. Both creep me out to the point where I can't stand to watch anything with either of them in it.

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I remember seeing him in one of the Mission Impossible movies... the one with Thandie Newton. I was struck that I hadn't seen anyone so obviously uncomfortable in an intimate scene since Eyes Wide Shut. :tongue_smilie: It was so painful, I couldn't help but wonder if he has an aversion to touching/being touched.


I deliberately avoid watching intimate scenes involving Tom Cruise. Blech. I had a friend in hs who was gaga over him. I do love Thandie Newton, though, especially in Flirting, which also has Nicole Kidman in it.

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I haven't followed them at all. :001_huh: Can someone explain to me the control thing? The contract? I feel like I've missed something important now. :tongue_smilie:

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I guess the contract is up.


ETA: Or maybe it's not, seeing that she's asking for sole custody. Good for her.


Im willing to bet shes got enouh on him to get sole custody.


I knew a hollywood bodyguard way back when we lived on his first wife's brother's property. Bodyguard swore up and down Cruise knew Travolta so very very well.

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Katie always seemed, pre-Tom, like a happy girl next door type, who was about as normal as anyone could be in that industry. Let's hope she regains some of that, for her sake and her daughter's. I wish her the best.


She was so sweet and naieve and full of hope.

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Im willing to bet shes got enouh on him to get sole custody.


I knew a hollywood bodyguard way back when we lived on his first wife's brother's property. Bodyguard swore up and down Cruise knew Travolta so very very well.


Interesting. I don't read news or follow celebrities much, but I do remember seeing a headline about Travolta to that effect not too long ago.

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Interesting tidbit: "Katie Holmes" was trending on G+, so I clicked to see what people were saying. Almost to a person, the sentiments were, "Good for her," and "I can't believe it took her so long." Methinks Tom's brand has really taken a hit in the intervening years since Nicole Kidman.

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Interesting. I don't read news or follow celebrities much, but I do remember seeing a headline about Travolta to that effect not too long ago.
I feel bad for Travolta.
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Google the religion (according to the IRS but not according to France and Germany).


Is there a good link? I googled scientology + IRS--pages and pages of stuff. Then I found out it was rulled a cult in France, and banned in Germany? How does that relate to mind control and contracts? Didn't Katie convert to scientology?

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Maybe she got tired of the crazy. :glare:


:lol: This about sums it up. Every time I've seen him interviewed I got the strong feeling he needed a mental health professional. I am shocked it lasted as long as it did. I truly hope she gets custody.


I never found him attractive-- not even in Top Gun. He seems uber-creepy to me.


:iagree: He's not kilt wearing material in my world. :ack2:

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How does that relate to mind control and contracts? Didn't Katie convert to scientology?
Both Cruise and the Church of Scientology are famously controlling wrt publicity and the latter cautions against the influence of those outside the Church. Holmes was isolated from friends and former staff and surrounded by "approved" personnel; and, for the first couple years of the marriage was rarely seen in public without a handler. Whether she converted or not would be known only to her, though she did take classes. Nicole Kidman took classes too, but didn't become a Scientologist. The child is in a Scientology-friendly school, which might be one reason why Holmes wants sole custody. Edited by nmoira
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Im willing to bet shes got enouh on him to get sole custody.


I knew a hollywood bodyguard way back when we lived on his first wife's brother's property. Bodyguard swore up and down Cruise knew Travolta so very very well.


While I don't watch southpark but they have an episode about Cruise and Travolta in the closet.

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