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Please pray for dear friends. Twins at 24 weeks gestation & things aren't good.

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Hi everyone, just wanted to give you a daily update. Mom is not better; she's also not worse. So she hasn't improved enough to put off taking the babies tomorrow at 25 weeks 1 day. So, they are basically pouring more meds into in prep for tomorrow and the hopes that she will let them deliver the babes. At the present time, she does not seem to have softened her stance. However, her MIL, a person very dear to her, made it from a LONG ways away and spending the day with her. Hopefully, it won't be too much pressure, but I'm sure she will try to help her d-i-l see how awful this is for her hubby.


We are very thankful she hasn't worsened. At 25 weeks, they say there is chance the babes could make it.


Thank you for all your prayers and good thoughts. We really, really appreciate them.



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Keeping them in my thoughts. She's done a great job to get to 25w. At this gestation it isn't smooth ailing but statistically the odds are in their favour. Hoping everything goes smoothly and the babies can be stabilized quickly. The next 2-3 weeks will be the toughest ride of their lives.

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Thank you for the update Faithe. I'm so sorry to hear things haven't improved. I think Amber's suggestion to find the very best hospital is a good one. I don't know if she's even able to be moved at this point, but it might be something worth just mentioning as they may not have even thought of that as an option.


Praying for all. :grouphug:

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Another update:


One of the twins is completely out of amniotic fluid. He also has "reversed" organs if the ultrasound reading was accurate. So, it looks as though delivery at 25 weeks cannot be avoided since this babe will not be able to continue to live in utero. Now that it's come to the fact that putting her life on the line will not increase the babies' odds, she has agreed to be delivered.


I'm really scared for the one boy. I would assume that organs being in opposite positions is an indicator of minimal chance for survival. But, no predictions are being made. Does anyone know anything about reversed organs?



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Another update:


One of the twins is completely out of amniotic fluid. He also has "reversed" organs if the ultrasound reading was accurate. So, it looks as though delivery at 25 weeks cannot be avoided since this babe will not be able to continue to live in utero. Now that it's come to the fact that putting her life on the line will not increase the babies' odds, she has agreed to be delivered.


I'm really scared for the one boy. I would assume that organs being in opposite positions is an indicator of minimal chance for survival. But, no predictions are being made. Does anyone know anything about reversed organs?




There was a family in my old neighborhood who had three kids with reversed organs. The only one they had to watch closely was the one who had a partial reversal. Instead of everything being flipped, only some organs were, which caused a bit of crowding. They were all healthy.


I know these babies are in for a hard road, but I hope they and and mama pull through.

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Thankyou for the further update. I would imagine so long as all of the organs are present and the blood flow particularly to the heart and lungs is all in the right direction it would not effect the babies chance of survival. The main issues are going to be breathing troubles and infection. I hope she has had 2 rounds of steroids now, that will give the babies lungs the very best chance.

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Another update:


One of the twins is completely out of amniotic fluid. He also has "reversed" organs if the ultrasound reading was accurate. So, it looks as though delivery at 25 weeks cannot be avoided since this babe will not be able to continue to live in utero. Now that it's come to the fact that putting her life on the line will not increase the babies' odds, she has agreed to be delivered.


I'm really scared for the one boy. I would assume that organs being in opposite positions is an indicator of minimal chance for survival. But, no predictions are being made. Does anyone know anything about reversed organs?



I know a lady with reversed organs. She is in her 40's. She does have health problems but I think they are not related to the reversed organs. She is a twin.

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If he contacts you again, do not offer to have your atty contact him, as that puts the onus on you and will be very expensive! Simply tell him that you have contacted the police and an attorney, and you are not at fault, and that you will have no further contact with him. Tell him that if he needs to contact you in the future, please do so through the police or legal system. Then calmly say good bye and hang up.

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People with reversed organs can lead perfectly normal lives.




The worst I've seen from it was an intern who nearly wet his pants reading a very abnormal EKG. The leads have to be put down the right chest, not the left (although there are people with a normal placement of the heart, but the guts are flipped).

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