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What do you do with your husband in the evenings?

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What do you and your husband do in the evenings after the kids are in bed? ( I'm NOT talking about THAT!) Do you watch tv? Read books? play games? Have a staring contest?


We are considering giving up the TV, since we need a new one and don't want to spend the money right now. Our evening usually consist of getting everyone in bed then using whatever energy if left to find the tv remote and watching till bedtime. I'm kind of at a loss of what we would do besides watch tv... ( Lame, I know. :( )

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He usually writes, has meetings with his business partners, plays with his nerd poker stuff. Sometimes we'll watch Scrubs or Psych or something on Netflix. I usually read or am on the computer.


Lately I've been trying to get a wiggly Digby to go to bed. 11 pm and the kid is still awake!!!!!! :glare: *grumbles grumbles grumbles*

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After we put the children to bed, we cuddle and talk for 15-30 minutes, and then we do a mix of the following: read, play with the dogs, watch TV, talk, clean, pay bills, look through recipes, play cards, and other stuff.


Two nights a week he plays video games while I ignore him and do other stuff.


I usually get out once a week for a knitting group or MNO.


We also have a date night at least once a week.

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Argue about whose turn it is to scoop the cat litter.


My husband isn't a TV watcher. Except for football, which I also like, so during the football season we'll sometimes watch that.


But he's also an over-grown teenager, so if we're going to do something together, I might get on the XBox with him (for some Ticket to Ride or Carcassonne) or we might play Civilization on the computer or we might play a board or card game. But that's just 2-3 nights a week, at MOST.


Most nights he stays up working on his computer, and I hop on the treadmill. After that, I'm "working" on The Hive Mind and HST+ and then I go to bed and watch some Netflix on my iPad or read while he stays up way way too late.

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My DH is a great talker, he can talk, intelligently, for hours, on almost any topic. He'd happily talk away the evening, every evening. When I was young and in love we spent many nights doing just that. Now I'm old and worn out and I hide here in my bedroom with my computer. DH has agreed to help DS7 build a life-size Tardis, so he now spends most evenings (and a great deal of money) looking at Tardis designs and buying more and more power tools :rolleyes:.

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Well, my dh likes to go to bed around 8pm. I prefer 9-10. He gets home at 6, we eat and clean up and it is usually 7 by then. He might get on the computer for a bit or read, sometimes he turns on the tv but then he stays up later.:tongue_smilie: He gets the kids ready for bed and puts them to bed. I'm usually putering around the house or on the computer. At 8 I go out and take care of the animals and when I get in he is usually in bed reading. Sometimes I go to bed and read or join him in front of the tv and sometimes I'm on the computer until 11.:tongue_smilie: So the short answer is we do whatever and it's not typically something we're doing together.:)

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My DH is a great talker, he can talk, intelligently, for hours, on almost any topic. He'd happily talk away the evening, every evening. When I was young and in love we spent many nights doing just that. Now I'm old and worn out and I hide here in my bedroom with my computer. DH has agreed to help DS7 build a life-size Tardis, so he now spends most evenings (and a great deal of money) looking at Tardis designs and buying more and more power tools :rolleyes:.


Let's get together, have our husbands talk and build things, and you and I can go ignore each other on a couch in another room. That will satisfy our husband's chattiness and our need for down time. Win for all!

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I generally put him away and read for a while.


:lol: The very same answer sprang to my mind before I read yours...


Yeah, I had to post to the forum game before opening the thread. Just to hard to resist.:lol::lol::lol:


But seriously,

At the moment we both sit in the library going over books. I am looking at what to do with homeschool next year. So, he is looking through his photography books as he doesn't mind when I interrupt him with those.


Sometimes we both are reading novels (we are both bookworms, but our books do not get along with each other:D)


We like 2 player games; backgammon, Parcheesi, cribbage, mancala etc...


We watch Big Bang Theory (on the lap top) or a dvd from the library. Our current ones are Hustle and Midsommer Murders. I will be looking into the new Sherlock Holmes based on Jen's recommendation :D


We like looking up you tube videos; flash mobs, comedy shorts, pranks (especially Ellen Degenerous ones)


Of course when it is a full moon we go outside in our birthday suits and howl....:tongue_smilie::auto:

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He watches TV...sometimes with me in the livingroom or by himself in the bedroom.


I sometimes watch TV and read and get on the computer (I cannot stand to just sit and watch a TV show anymore, I usually am doing 2 or 3 things while the show is on)


We pretty much dont do anything together at night...just do our separate things.

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After the kids are in bed? We go to sleep. Because my dad doesn't get home from work until 7, and sometimes my husband doesn't either, we don't eat dinner until 7. We read scriptures and family read-aloud at 8. Kids are sent off to bed about 9 and that's when we get in bed, too.

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We don't spend much time together after the kids go to bed. Honestly, we're both introverts and we need space-out time. He is likely to be out in his Garage-Mahal, doing whatever it is he does out there and I usually read, write or do something on-line. If he's inside, he's watching TV, which I don't care about, so I retreat to my bedroom.


I would be totally content to throw out the TV completely. :glare:


Our "together" time is generally in the morning before the kids are up. We watch the news and weather and have coffee. Or teA. ;)

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We stopped staying up super late at night, because we just feel better. And, with my kids waking at night usually 3-5 am for something, I get the chance to sleep with DH for longer.


AND, my kids have a standing sleepover at grama and gramps every Friday. They love it, the kids love it, and all of their best friends live on the block (about a dozen great kids). My parents live 10-12 minutes away, and I cherish the way it is right now. This is the night DH and I have our special date night. I am quite the exhibitionist. :tongue_smilie:

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I usually do chores and he does house projects or works. Our kids go to bed pretty late now so sometimes we all watch a movie together. Sometimes we'll have a glass of wine or a cocktail together and talk. It's very rare we watch a movie or tv show without the kids. I like to do needlework while watching tv; he likes the lights low. So, our watching styles are not compatible. :) Once or twice a month we meet some friends at a local pub for a drink. But we don't spend a ton of time together, and as far as I can tell it's not a problem for either of us. We too are introverts so no one feels a lack of attention.

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We have different ways of spending the evening. Dh has a man cave down the basement, so he usually goes down there after dinner. He is often catching up on calls to clients and the rest of the time he watches TV. Sometimes the kids go down and hang out with him for a while. Sometimes dh has a work related dinner or other event. He also plays poker (with the same 8-9 guys at our house) once a week down in the man cave. He usually takes older ds to Cub Scouts every other week, since I have my dance class that night.


After dinner, I clean up the kitchen, hang out on the computer, make the kids take a shower, fold laundry, do read alouds with the kids, read for myself, then go to bed. I led a Cub Scout meeting every other week, along with attending multiple pack events. I have a dance class one evening a week. Occasionally, I go out to dinner with friends or to some other event.


We don't sleep in the same room because of dh's snoring, so on the nights we aren't spending adult time together, I just usually yell good night down the basement steps and go to bed! :tongue_smilie:

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Well, the kids aren't "in" bed til between 9 and 10 (once school's finished for the summer, it's later), but they are supposed to be upstairs and not bothering me (downstairs) after 7:30 or 8. Dh and I will usually spend some time playing World of Warcraft together and socializing online with other people in our guild (we have it set up so we can talk with them). He doesn't watch a lot of TV with me, but we have several shows we watch together. That's pretty much it. Typically, even if we're not playing Warcraft together, we're in the same room and can converse if something pops into our heads, but I'm usually pretty tired by evening.

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We aren't really big TV people, but DH and I have picked up a few shows in the past couple of years, and usually on Friday nights, we catch up on those online. For the past year, we've also been working, off and on, through the entire X-Files series on DVD; I guess we need to find a new series now that we're almost finished with that.


We have enjoyed playing board games together too. DH reads a lot or hangs out on the computer; our office and bedroom are a little suite, so I can be reading or knitting, and we can be chatting.

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We try to talk. I don't mean that in a bad way. Life's been crazy lately, so it's a matter of saying "hi" when he's picking up the boys from practice and I'm driving DD to a game. Friday nights we watch CSI: New York and Blue Bloods together and chat during commercials. Sometimes I read and he's on the computer, but both in the same room.

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We're both introverts, so neither one of us is big on going out on a weekly basis. We do on occasion visit friends, but neither one of us is depressed if we're "stuck" at home on a Friday night.


Generally, we'll watch videos (we don't have broadcast TV, cable, satellite, that sort of thing, so we have a very limited selection). I'll do a bunch of work on the laptop during that time too -- buying used curriculum, researching whatever topics I need to learn about for school, chatting on forums, getting Swagbucks, that sort of thing. Then we'll read before bed.

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Often I stitch while he does a puzzle and we half-watch the Discovery channel or something together. Other times he plays computer games while I try to get some writing done. Some nights we watch a movie or play a game. I usually go to bed and read after a few hours and he stays up a while.


We have a lot of 'companionable silence' times where we are enjoying each other's company but are doing our own thing, and other nights we feel chatty and we get out a bottle of wine and trade rantings about life and the world in general. :001_smile: It's not much but it is what it is.

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Different things on different nights.


We do love watching TV and movies, but both of us work on computers all day, so we try to wait until weekends for the movies. Dh watches the Canucks and for some games I'll hang out with him and watch and do something crafty at the same time.


Otherwise, we talk and talk and talk. And if the weather isn't awful (or sometimes if it is), we walk and walk and walk. Or go on bike rides. Or putter in the garden once in awhile (he has the vegetable garden and fruit trees, I have the flower garden). Until we just bought our dream house, we spent time cruising around looking at other houses and properties. Over the years we have spent tons of time swapping "crazy ideas" for our future. Now our future is getting more settled since we're getting older.


We also stretch, swap massages and listen to audio books. It's hard to find one that's right for both of us, so when we do, we're pretty happy. We have a real massage table, which makes all the difference in the world.


In a couple of years I will take up golf, so we'll have that to do together, too. I'm too busy with my business to do it yet.


He plays games with a group of geeky friends 1x per week. Sometimes I go out with friends or go to an exercise class. Other nights I read and he works, or watches a scary movie I don't want to see. Some nights we're both working until midnight.

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Talk, play cribbage, watch t.v. (him) read on here (me) - or each do our own thing. It depends on the night, how much the kids drove me batty during the day (if I dare not speak or I might bite off his head), and what we've got going on the next day (any advance prep needing done).

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My hubs isn't home when the kids go to bed :( I typically do my housework and then read. He gets home around midnight, I heat up his dinner, speak for about 10 minutes, give him a good night kiss and hug and go to sleep. He stays up to unwind a bit.


same here. My DH works 2nd shift and isn't home in the evenings.

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A few sentences about the kids

A few sentences about our jobs

A few sentences about family/friends

A recap of the day


It takes about 5 minutes and we are talked out for the night.


We used to debate topics, but now we just let each other be heard, and move on. Neither of us has the energy to worry about having a counter-opinion any more.



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We lay in bed, watch something on Netflix, and play Words With Friends with each other when he's home. Come to think of it, when he's at work (every 4th day), we do the same, but we're not watching the same thing and the dog gets to sprawl out on his side. Lol.

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