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I'm waiting to hear about Dinner at Crazytown too.:tongue_smilie:


Which reminds me: Audrey, could you secretly video the dinner and then post it for us? It could be your very own adaptation of "My Dinner With Andre." We could call it "Audrey's Dinner with NapkinLady."

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You do realize that on 'her board' the story will be go like this:


I invited the lady and her family over that doesn't know how to cook. You remember right, the one who still uses cloth napkins (I tried to help her out and thow them away) and feed us grass fed beef (:ack2:). Can you believe that she canceled on one hours notice! ONE hour! She is a nut job! My delicious tree leaf and bark dinner....all gone to waste...you know how it doesn't hold over from day to day. Now she wants me to do it all again, in a couple weeks!




OOOH, I love, love, love bechamel!!! My rear end, however, does not. :glare:


Ok, you know the forum game thread? When I read this the first thing that popped into my mind was:

You are not supposed to put in on your rear end !



On another note, I finally figured out how to subscribe to a thread. I just have to know how dinner at crazy lady's house will be.

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I am posting after only reading your first post, and I have to tell you after reading about the 1st incident (which I still say that you were soooooo gracious!), I just seriously think this lady needs a psychiatric evaluation.


.....now off to read the rest of the posts. This is WAY more intriguing than anything on TV right now....my apologies. ;)

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Oh. My. Word.


Can you block her number? I mean, really, this lady has some serious screws loose. I'd stop taking her calls.


I really don't understand this kind of thought... several of you posted about how rude and crazy this lady is. Clearly, no one understands the situation here. Audrey and NutJob are friends, maybe even the best of friends. You know the kind of friend whose door you don't even knock on. You just walk on in. Best buds!


After all, didn't Audrey take the trouble to make dinner. Albeit a poor excuse of a meal. Why-ever else would NutJob have felt compelled to through away the beef and the napkins? At least NutJob, being the true friend that she is, has offered to teach Audrey how to cook. She was so sincere that she has followed up with her own "invitation." True friends don't even have to ask at times. They just tell it like it is.


Keep in mind, it is friends like NutJob that keep therapists in business.


[Please note that the above comments were meant with extreme SARCASM and should not be taken literally.]


You do realize that on 'her board' the story will be go like this:


I invited the lady and her family over that doesn't know how to cook. You remember right, the one who still uses cloth napkins (I tried to help her out and thow them away) and feed us grass fed beef (:ack2:). Can you believe that she canceled on one hours notice! ONE hour! She is a nut job! My delicious tree leaf and bark dinner....all gone to waste...you know how it doesn't hold over from day to day. Now she wants me to do it all again, in a couple weeks!


What we all wouldn't give to know what is going on in NutJob's head!


I personally can not wait to read about the evening out on the 6th.


Audrey, please note that you cannot possibly go to bed that night without updating us all on your evening. Failure to do so will result in not only extreme disappointment throughout cyberspace, but also MUTINY!

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I really don't understand this kind of thought... several of you posted about how rude and crazy this lady is. Clearly, no one understands the situation here. Audrey and NutJob are friends, maybe even the best of friends. You know the kind of friend whose door you don't even knock on. You just walk on in. Best buds!


After all, didn't Audrey take the trouble to make dinner. Albeit a poor excuse of a meal. Why-ever else would NutJob have felt compelled to through away the beef and the napkins? At least NutJob, being the true friend that she is, has offered to teach Audrey how to cook. She was so sincere that she has followed up with her own "invitation." True friends don't even have to ask at times. They just tell it like it is.


Keep in mind, it is friends like NutJob that keep therapists in business.


[Please note that the above comments were meant with extreme SARCASM and should not be taken literally.]




What we all wouldn't give to know what is going on in NutJob's head!


I personally can not wait to read about the evening out on the 6th.


Audrey, please note that you cannot possibly go to bed that night without updating us all on your evening. Failure to do so will result in not only extreme disappointment throughout cyberspace, but also MUTINY!


Yeah, I might have to mark your dinner on my calendar...

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at the crazy lady's house tonight. She called just after 5pm, and said "so you'll be coming for supper at 6 tonight." It wasn't a question. I was confused because my first thought was that my dh had forgotten to tell me about an invitation. But, no. THAT was the invitation.


I declined.


And, since I had my hands full making our own supper for tonight, I told her I'd get back to her if she could email me some acceptable dates for another evening. :D


I just saw this -- thanks -- I really needed the chuckle!:lol:


And, I'm sure that someone already said this, but when I was telling my sister the story of your 'dinner' with this woman, my sister's commented that when the woman said she would teach you how to cook, you could have replied: 'Good. And, I will teach you manners.':lol:

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I don't know if I can surreptitiously update under the table and not look rude. I can't look rude. I just can't do that.


As an intermediate update... I still have not received a reply from her either by email or phone or anything as to whether or not the 6th is confirmed. My dh worked with her dh today and he had no clue about a date. My dh was... umm... unimpressed. We both agree we're going to be ready to go to supper on Sunday, and if she doesn't say something by supper time, we'll go out to eat instead.

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Shouldn't this be updated today?


Nothing to update. She still hasn't replied. We are still going to be ready anyway. We're either eating out tomorrow at their place or at the restaurant in town. One way or the other, I'm not cooking Sunday dinner! :D

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I filled Wolf in, and he was ready to smack her.


And, feels bad for her dh, figures that your place was the first good meal he'd had in ages.


careful, Audrey...she may consider you her bestest friend by now...

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Was there enough time for her to show you how to cook? Chicken florentine lasagna just is not fancy enough and it wasn't made with free range certified organic chicken from the Peruvian rainforest served with bamboo napkins? Cloth ones are only suitable for the garbage after all. She gave you a whole hour notice with her knowledge and expertise she could of invited you after the food was halfway eaten. In all seriousness I am dying to know what she would make for dinner and if she really would be trying to teach you how to cook.

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Nothing to update. She still hasn't replied. We are still going to be ready anyway. We're either eating out tomorrow at their place or at the restaurant in town. One way or the other, I'm not cooking Sunday dinner! :D


Lucky you!!! I am not sure which version I am rooting for. Either way....have fun! And thanks for the giggles!

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I'd like to take the opportunity and speak for all of us here at the WTM General Message Boards when I say you have an obligation to go to supper at this person's house sometime in the near future and come back and give us a full report.


It will keep us fascinated for pages and pages here on the boards.


Really, it's your duty. Please go. For us.




All of us



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at the crazy lady's house tonight. She called just after 5pm, and said "so you'll be coming for supper at 6 tonight." It wasn't a question. I was confused because my first thought was that my dh had forgotten to tell me about an invitation. But, no. THAT was the invitation.


I declined.


And, since I had my hands full making our own supper for tonight, I told her I'd get back to her if she could email me some acceptable dates for another evening. :D



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Nothing to update. She still hasn't replied. We are still going to be ready anyway. We're either eating out tomorrow at their place or at the restaurant in town. One way or the other, I'm not cooking Sunday dinner! :D


I'm guessing that this time she will be expecting you but will not inform you of the fact.



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I'm guessing that this time she will be expecting you but will not inform you of the fact.




:iagree:, that's what I'm thinking.


I really doubt she has enough social intelligence to know that she needs to confirm.


Whatever happens, I hope you have a good time.

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I'm guessing that this time she will be expecting you but will not inform you of the fact.



:iagree: You should just show up at her house at 6pm, smile brightly, and expect to be fed. :D


A hostess gift of cloth napkins that someone else recommended would be icing on the cake. :)

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I agree, I would have just showed up, and if she wasn't having dinner, then went out to eat and had a good laugh over it.:lol:


You know if you don't show up, she will have made dinner and be there with her food all ready wondering where you are, and if you do show up, she'll be like :001_huh: we didn't confirm. So I guess you just need to show up!

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I am afraid this will be somewhat anti-climactic. Apologies for those who had hoped for drama. There was none. It simply went like this:


We did get ready to go, and at about 5:30, I got a phone call from her saying "you're coming at six." I replied, "of course!" with as much cheeriness as I could possibly muster. It was actually a lot of cheeriness because I was truly looking forward to this. We arrived 5 minutes early. We know it was 5 minutes early because she mentioned that throughout the evening several times.


The meal was nice, but curious. Considering the list of restrictions she had given me, I was a bit confused to be served frozen pizza with cheese and most certainly with a wheat crust. We had the one 12" inch pepperoni pizza for the 7 of us which doesn't seem like a lot, but she also served creamed corn, homemade cranberry sauce, cut up tomatoes, sweet pickles, Kraft dinner and a rainbow jello salad with marshmallows for dessert. Everything was tasty.


The dinner conversation had been carefully prepared ahead of time and consisted solely of an informative lecture on how serving a variety of foods was important. I certainly agreed with her and complimented her on what a lovely job she had done accomplishing just that. As soon as everyone had finished eating, she graciously showed us to the door and said good-bye.


We thanked her for an unforgettable evening. And that was it!

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Grass fed beef is a no no, but frozen pizza and KD is fine? And who the heck puts cranberry sauce w/pizza?


I would have gacked. Seriously. And starved. :lol:


And creamed corn?




ETA: Were those organic marshmallows in organic jello? :lol:

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Don't mind me. I'm just over here in the corner trying to reconcile her instructions to you:


No dairy, no gluten, no seafood, no brassicas, no nightshades, no artificials colours, etc. etc.


With the food she served:


We had the one 12" inch pepperoni pizza for the 7 of us which doesn't seem like a lot, but she also served creamed corn, homemade cranberry sauce, cut up tomatoes, sweet pickles, Kraft dinner and a rainbow jello salad with marshmallows for dessert.


Audrey, you'll win the Iron Chef match-up any day of the week. I hope any lingering bad feelings from the night they came to dinner at your house are gone, because it seems clear to me that this woman is hampered by something that is either not diagnosed or not sufficiently treated and this is all about the world she lives in and has nothing to do with reality.

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Can I just say that I'd be pretty peeved?


For one thing, w/her list of restrictions, I would have assumed that I'd have been able to eat whatever she'd be serving.


Second, wth was the point of putting YOU through all of that?

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