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s/o trolls. What do you think is one of your most troll worthy stories?

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Hmmm, don't know if it is/was or ever considered troll-worthy, but I have wondered if people didn't believe my 7th, 8th, & 9th miscarriage. 8th one sent me to the er b/c I was hemorrhaging. :D


Other than that, my life is pretty boring and oh so untroll-like. :tongue_smilie:

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Hmmm, don't know if it is/was or ever considered troll-worthy, but I have wondered if people didn't believe my 7th, 8th, & 9th miscarriage. 8th one sent me to the er b/c I was hemorrhaging. :D


Other than that, my life is pretty boring and oh so untroll-like. :tongue_smilie:


Ive had 8. It sucks. :grouphug:

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For me, probably an ex I dated years ago. Oh my, he provided a lot of material! I really wouldn't believe it myself if I hadn't lived it.


The other reason I've been accused of being a troll is that I have an odd combination of personal data. It could sound like I make it up as I go along. I was born rather poor, got a lot of education, have a diverse work history, lived very frugally, saved up a lot of money, did a lot of reading/travel/volunteer work, branched out spiritually, never married, went into business, adopted two kids who don't look like me, engage in "intentional parenting" as Tiger Mom would say, joined this site when looking for ways to meet my gifted dd's needs. I break most stereotypes and really don't fit in anywhere, which is OK with me.

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One of the most bazaar things that has happened to us was ds17s trial last year.


He was arrested as he walked to the mail box about 1.5 years ago. The officer told him he was being arrested for murder, but then changed his story to robbery. Tossed him in the car and took him to jail.


To see why this is so crazy you have to understand....Ds17 is going to college to become a pastor and is one of the most straight people I have ever met. He teaches Sunday school, volunteers several days a week, works as an upper level math tutor, started college at 15yo, rides the bus so he can minister to people just by 'listening to them and their stories', carries a Bible with him whenever he leaves home, doesn't drink caffeine (not a restriction in our faith--he just doesn't want to ever take a 'drug'), and is sending himself to Haiti for a working missions trip....among other things....you get the general idea.


The story is this. Our neighbors were on vacation and had a house sitter. The house sitter says that she woke up at 3-4am to find 2 teens in the house. One ran out, she cornered the other one for a full minute. That teen then ran into the garage and left. The next day, 12 hours later, she finally decided to call the police. On the 911 call, she says she knows who did it, and that she had talked to this kid the day before. Her description fits a teen in our neighborhood CS but he is maybe 12 and isn't as tall as she claims he was. Once that description fell through she saw ds17 walking to the mail box, pointed him out and said it was him. The officer was at her house, at the exact time ds was walking to the mail box, she said 'that is him', so the officer just walked across the street and arrested him.


The police collected no evidence. The only sign of any damage to the house was that someone broke the door knob to the inside of the house from the INside of the garage. There was no sign of a break in at all. The only thing missing....was a medicine bottle of oxycodone (a powerful pain med). The laptop sitting on the counter...not touched. Just the meds.


The police did not investigate ds at all. They arrested him and booked him based Solely on her ID from a few hundred feet away saying he did it (even though he was not the first person she identified).


They decided to prosecute. The booking officer at the JDH spent one hour with ds, came out and said "I've done this for 20 years, there is no way this kid did what he is accused of. This story makes No sense, At.All."


We paid for a private lie detector test. Again a retired officer with 20+ years did the exam. He said the same thing. If you spend any time around ds17....there is no way anyone would even suspect him of this crime. The test came back unequivocally that he was telling the truth, saying he didn't commit the crime.


They offered him a plea bargain to a misdemeanor, ds declined saying he wouldn't admit to something he didn't do. We went on to a felony trial.


After all the case was heard, the judge told ds that he was finding him innocent, since there was no evidence....but that he really thinks that he did do it and was just getting away with it. :banghead: The way he was found innocent was due to what the attorney called a 'push'. The house sitter was one witness saying he did do it, ds was his own witness saying he didn't. Since there was no evidence and neither party could be proven wrong, nor could their testimony be discredted....the judge had to rule that he was innocent. If ds would have had one little nick of infraction on his record, the judge could have used that against him and found him guilty.


This will show up on ds's record forever. Any time he applies for a job, he will have to answer the "have you ever been arrested of a felony" as a 'yes' and write out what happened. Same for applying for colleges. It will inevitably cost him opportunities in life for something he didn't do.



The thought that someone could just point to anyone walking down the street and say they committed a crime....and to have it stick....is just maddening.


ETA: I just wanted to add a thank you to the family I have here who helped me through this time (especially one lawyer here who pm'd with me a lot--thanks extra for you :) ). This board was my biggest source of support during this very bleak time in my life. The prayers that went up for my ds were immense and are still appreciated to this day.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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One of the most bazaar things that has happened to us was ds17s trial last year.


He was arrested as he walked to the mail box about 1.5 years ago. The officer told him he was being arrested for murder, but then changed his story to robbery. Tossed him in the car and took him to jail.


To see why this is so crazy you have to understand....Ds17 is going to college to become a pastor and is one of the most straight people I have ever met. He teaches Sunday school, volunteers several days a week, works as an upper level math tutor, started college at 15yo, rides the bus so he can minister to people just by 'listening to them and their stories', carries a Bible with him whenever he leaves home, doesn't drink caffeine (not a restriction in our faith--he just doesn't want to ever take a 'drug'), and is sending himself to Haiti for a working missions trip....among other things....you get the general idea.


The story is this. Our neighbors were on vacation and had a house sitter. The house sitter says that she woke up at 3-4am to find 2 teens in the house. One ran out, she cornered the other one for a full minute. That teen then ran into the garage and left. The next day, 12 hours later, she finally decided to call the police. On the 911 call, she says she knows who did it, and that she had talked to this kid the day before. Her description fits a teen in our neighborhood CS but he is maybe 12 and isn't as tall as she claims he was. Once that description fell through she saw ds17 walking to the mail box, pointed him out and said it was him. The officer was at her house, at the exact time ds was walking to the mail box, she said 'that is him', so the officer just walked across the street and arrested him.


The police collected no evidence. The only sign of any damage to the house was that someone broke the door knob to the inside of the house from the INside of the garage. There was no sign of a break in at all. The only thing missing....was a medicine bottle of oxycodone (a powerful pain med). The laptop sitting on the counter...not touched. Just the meds.


The police did not investigate ds at all. They arrested him and booked him based Solely on her ID from a few hundred feet away saying he did it (even though he was not the first person she identified).


They decided to prosecute. The booking officer at the JDH spent one hour with ds, came out and said "I've done this for 20 years, there is no way this kid did what he is accused of. This story makes No sense, At.All."


We paid for a private lie detector test. Again a retired officer with 20+ years did the exam. He said the same thing. If you spend any time around ds17....there is no way anyone would even suspect him of this crime. The test came back unequivocally that he was telling the truth, saying he didn't commit the crime.


They offered him a plea bargain to a misdemeanor, ds declined saying he wouldn't admit to something he didn't do. We went on to a felony trial.


After all the case was heard, the judge told ds that he was finding him innocent, since there was no evidence....but that he really thinks that he did do it and was just getting away with it. :banghead: The way he was found innocent was due to what the attorney called a 'push'. The housesitter was one witness saying he did do it, ds was his own witness saying he didn't. Since there was no evidence and neither party could be proven wrong, nor could their testimony be discredted....the judge had to rule that he was innocent. If ds would have had one little nick of infraction on his record, the judge could have used that against him and found him guilty.


This will show up on ds's record forever. Any time he applies for a job, he will have to answer the "have you ever been arrested of a felony" as a 'yes' and write out what happened. Same for applying for colleges. It will inevitably cost him opportunities in life for something he didn't do.



The thought that someone could just point to anyone walking down the street and say they committed a crime....and to have it stick....is just maddening.


WOW! Just WOW! Couldnt you appeal it? Get a change of Venue?

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WOW! Just WOW! Couldnt you appeal it? Get a change of Venue?


He was found innocent, so there was nothing to appeal. It will be on his record though showing he was arrested for the crime. Since it is a felony arrest, it could also be used against him in any court cases he is involved in in the future.


We may be able to get the record sealed, but we won't know until we contact an attorney after he is 18. Even sealed it will still be viewable by certain agencies, it won't go away.

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I grew up overseas. I had many experiences there that are different than the norm - like going to boarding school at age 11.


I came to the US when I was 17, by myself. I have a number of experiences from that time. I've shared bits of them in the hope that they might help others. They aren't funny and there is no way to make them lighthearted so I won't give the stories here.


I've worked in many different places, with many different kinds of people. Many of my jobs were part-time jobs or unpaid ministry positions. I've taught in many different situations, including at a state juvenile corrections facility.


I have one troll worthy story to tell: when I worked with the homeless, I had a wino friend named Jack. Jack was an old man who lived on the original skid road. When I would visit Jack, he would walk down the street with me, yelling "She's an angel! Everyone be nice to this one!" And many of the homeless were very nice to me because of his recommendation.;) (Except for the time I got my hair pulled out by the handful by a homeless woman but that was a different story. . . )


My life has gotten very boring and tame since I met and married dh and had kids. (Well, we did have a ministry to the elderly which was right by one of the main drags for hookers and so I met and talked to a number of them. But they were not the focus of the ministry.)

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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I grew up overseas. I had many experiences there that are different than the norm - like going to boarding school at age 11.


I came to the US when I was 17, by myself. I have a number of experiences from that time. I've shared bits of them in the hope that they might help others. They aren't funny and there is no way to make them lighthearted so I won't give the stories here.


I've worked in many different places, with many different kinds of people. Many of my jobs were part-time jobs or unpaid ministry positions. I've taught in many different situations, including at a state juvenile corrections facility.


I have one troll worthy story to tell: when I worked with the homeless, I had a wino friend named Jack. Jack was an old man who lived on the original skid road. When I would visit Jack, he would walk down the street with me, yelling "She's an angel! Everyone be nice to this one!" And many of the homeless were very nice to me because of his recommendation.;) (Except for the time I got my hair pulled out by the handful by a homeless woman but that was a different story. . . )


My life has gotten very boring and tame since I met and married dh and had kids. (Well, we did have a ministry to the elderly which was right by one of the main drags for hookers and so I met and talked to a number of them. But they were not the focus of the ministry.)


:D Maybe that should be your siggy. "I'm an angel, be nice to me, cuz' Jack says so. :Angel_anim: I am sure we would all agree with him. :D

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He was found innocent, so there was nothing to appeal. It will be on his record though showing he was arrested for the crime. Since it is a felony arrest, it could also be used against him in any court cases he is involved in in the future.


We may be able to get the record sealed, but we won't know until we contact an attorney after he is 18. Even sealed it will still be viewable by certain agencies, it won't go away.



You may look into a governor's pardon. In some states (such as Texas) you can get a pardon for the arrest which essentially wipes it away fully since he was found innocent. This is important because it can keep him from getting into certain countries. I would look into every option you might have because your son did not deserve what happened to him.

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Tap Tap Tap...that is absolutely terrifying and wrong. I'm guessing your son grew spiritually via the experience of being unfairly accused. :grouphug:


I'm going to be a downer a bit.


I sometimes feel troll like in real life with people who haven't known me/us pre-kids. My son came with a slew of horrible issues and got progressively sicker. The ultimate cause took a long time (3.5 years) to diagnose and begin to treat. It's been one thing after another. I just never dreamed what we'd face with him. Then just when my son was finally diagnosed and became stable medically I started to feel normal. I really felt we could just go and do and blend better. Then his twin threw in some anaphylactic allergies so he could stand out a little too and the son with issues developed (or presented with) an immune system issue. I wish we were just normal. Sometimes people just get hit with a lot more than others.


Beyond that I have sought support here in the last year going through some other things. I always hesitated to post because I didn't want people to think me a troll or attention seeker. That's why I hate the whole troll accusation stuff that comes around from time to time. I'd rather be duped than make someone fail to seek support when they need it for fear of being thought insincere.


Here's a (kinda sorta) trolly story. A homeschooling mom and I got together with our kids last week to hike in a state forest here. We had the map and there are only six trails. We've both hiked there before multiple times. Yet, despite the map and clear path, we got lost.


We were so lost we hiked approximately 4.5 miles before we finally found our way back. The trail we intended to take was about .5 a mile and easy. Our unintended trails became mostly uphill and rugged trails. We picked a dozen ticks off the kids as we went. We hadn't brought water or anything given we were thinking we were doing a quick walk and then playing at the playground. At points the saint of a friend carried my medically compromised son up hills while I dragged myself along thinking I might collapse.


Oh, and I lost (they fell out of my pocket I guess) my van keys and didn't realize it until well into this hours long hike while we were still lost. There was no going back of course though, in retrospect, we would probably have been better off!


When we finally got home I pulled out the map to show my husband how far we walked and he, um, was incredulous. He knew we were incredibly lost. He never dreamed we were that lost with a map.

Edited by sbgrace
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Tap Tap Tap...that is absolutely terrifying and wrong. I'm guessing your son grew spiritually via the experience of being unfairly accused. :grouphug:


I'm going to be a downer a bit.


I sometimes feel troll like in real life with people who haven't known me/us pre-kids. My son came with a slew of horrible issues and got progressively sicker. The ultimate cause took a long time (3.5 years) to diagnose and begin to treat. It's been one thing after another. I just never dreamed what we'd face with him. Then just when my son was finally diagnosed and became stable medically I started to feel normal. I really felt we could just go and do and blend better. Then his twin threw in some anaphylactic allergies so he could stand out a little too and the son with issues developed (or presented with) an immune system issue. I wish we were just normal. Sometimes people just get hit with a lot more than others.


Beyond that I have sought support here in the last year going through some other things. I always hesitated to post because I didn't want people to think me a troll or attention seeker. That's why I hate the whole troll accusation stuff that comes around from time to time. I'd rather be duped than make someone fail to seek support when they need it for fear of being thought insincere.


Here's a (kinda sorta) trolly story. A homeschooling mom and I got together with our kids last week to hike in a state forest here. We had the map and there are only six trails. We've both hiked there before multiple times. Yet, despite the map and clear path, we got lost.


We were so lost we hiked approximately 4.5 miles before we finally found our way back. The trail we intended to take was about .5 a mile and easy. Our unintended trails became mostly uphill and rugged trails. We picked a dozen ticks off the kids as we went. We hadn't brought water or anything given we were thinking we were doing a quick walk and then playing at the playground. At points the saint of a friend carried my medically compromised son up hills while I dragged myself along thinking I might collapse.


Oh, and I lost (they fell out of my pocket I guess) my van keys and didn't realize it until well into this hours long hike while we were still lost. There was no going back of course though, in retrospect, we would probably have been better off!


When we finally got home I pulled out the map to show my husband how far we walked and he, um, was incredulous. He knew we were incredibly lost. He never dreamed we were that lost with a map.


......and you lost your keys too. :banghead:....that was one very bad day! I am glad you made it out alive and safe. :001_smile:

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When I met husband, he had an infertility diagnosis. We had been together for eight years when, to our shock, I fell pregnant. The doctor (despite my prompting) did nothing to prevent a likely miscarriage due to incompetent cervix (I had had surgery previously) but Calvin went to term.


When we started trying to have a second child nothing happened, so we made an appointment to see a fertility doctor. The waiting list was several months, and the week before we were due to see him, I fell pregnant. Hobbes resulted.



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Mine happened long ago, so not something very troll-worthy, unless we were talking about the Wen Ho Lee story (My Country Versus Me). I didn't buy into his innocence (or guilt) as I listened to the audio book, until he described his interactions with the FBI. I have first-hand knowledge of dealings with some FBI agents in a different part of the country, a few years earlier, and it was shocking the similarity. That's when I started to believe the man's story. I'll leave it at that, but that's also why I believe things like what Tap Tap Tap wrote. Once you've seen how far things can go wrong, many more things become plausible.

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I could tell some stories from my days in law enforcement, but maybe just the fact that I used to be a cop (and a fire fighter) is enough for others to think I'm a troll.


Otherwise I'm a pretty boring person. We do move frequently due to dh's job, but that is about it now.

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After BB but before these kind of boards, USENET was king, and while I "lived" at rec.food.cooking, I haunted alt.english.usage. There was a prolonged, lively, slightly predictable, somewhat irritating and very hostile war between a man and a woman poster (and the battles were over correct usage of English, remember!) The woman was a bit of a battle axe, and on the prim and inflexible side. The kind who would die than have an affair, and past her prime. Her opponent was an overweight man who made his living through obscenity in some way. Slightly published and rather blue. I **think** he was a real person.


It turned out his opponent was also him, and this battle went on without a slip for years. It was just amusing and aggravating and realistic enough that everyone was slightly addicted, and if they ever caught on, before he outed himself, no one every mentioned it. And no one said "I knew it". It was a bit of a shock!


There was also either a very good troll, or a very misguided RN on rec.food.cooking who came to fame by claiming honey would spoil if not put in the fridge and one of those "as seen on TV" counter-top plastic, bubble-shaped convection ovens would "blow the fat" off the meat. A real poster (I met him in real life) pretended to be madly in love with her and wrote her paeons of passionate love poetry, following her all over USENET, to slightly belittle her, entertain us, and mostly to overwhelm her so she would shut up (she was like the loud boor at a party). She *appeared* to believe this and became both flattered and alarmed that this man would fly over from Germany and track her down in Florida. I recall she posted from a WebTV address. Remember them? Made aol-ers look like Steve Jobs.


Ah, memories.

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Tell us a true story (tell it again if we already know it :D ) that would put you in contention for being a troll. One that leaves people wondering....could that possibly be true?




I put a keylogger on my now XH's computer and within 24 hours discovered he was having an affair with a 24 year old (he was 45 at the time). I made him think I discovered the affair via a PI. I filed for divorce, got him out of the house legally and left the keylogger in place for 6 more weeks. In that time I took off enough evidence of his um, sickness, to ensure I would easily get custody of our son--the biggest part of said evidence was proof of an affair he had with my 19 year old cousin SEVEN years earlier when he was 38.


I considered it Divine intervention....there is no way I would have EVER known if it had not been for that keylogger AND if I had revealed my source when I first caught him in the affair with the 24 year old.


That sounds a little trolllike I think. :D

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Tell us a true story (tell it again if we already know it :D ) that would put you in contention for being a troll. One that leaves people wondering....could that possibly be true?





You mean I can only pick one?? I think the one that made most people question things until I posted pictures was when all my van windows got smashed out. It seemed so movie worthy and insane the entire situation. I hardly believed it myself and it was happening to me. I won't rehash the whole this, the drama is in old posts. But recap for the newer members of the board. I slashed water on some guy due to the end of my street being a lake during spring thaw. I did not mean to but he thought I did because I swerved to avoid splashing someone else (I didn't see him) and he got splashed. Anyway, he jumped in his car and chased after me and tried to make me crash by swerving into me. Instead of swerving away from him and into on coming traffic I swerved back towards him and he leaned out his window keyed my van and threatened to come back and kill us all. That night every window on my van was smashed out and then cam ethe watching. The guy would stand outside watching us everytime we left the house. I had the police to the house daily. I had to do a photoline up trying to catch the guy. The whole thing was like a movie plot and insane. When I first posted about it I was sure people thought I was a troll, I had not been a member her all that long before it all happened. Once I posted pictures of the van though it was readily apparent that it was all true.


Since then there have been other major incidents, issues with my son etc that are troll worthy that I have posted. What can I say my life really is that insane. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: Obviously if this is a spin off I missed out on some fun yesterday/last night. Was there another troll? Did I miss out on a hunt? Or was it someone legit with a troll like story?

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You mean like my first husband was murdered.....still unsolved with a lot of really 'interesting' details like he supposedly left his last will and testament on a computer screen leaving everything to his girlfriend, the one who incidently found his body?


Or my second husband who became addicted to oxycontin after getting his leg crushed in an industrial accident and later started giving pot to my kids from my first marriage and attempted to sexually assault the oldest? And during his criminal trial my nurse-midwife clinical fell through because the nurse-midwife I was doing it with was irritated that I was subpoened (sp?) to the trial and missed clinical days. She told me she didn't think I was serious about being a midwife because if I was I would never miss any days. She was also irritated because when she had me doing all of her appointments for her at one practice she worked for while she sat around bsing, her clients complained that they were only seeing her student so the md she worked with told her that she couldn't bring me there anymore.


Or maybe you mean the many things I went through with daughter number two which really started escalating past shoplifting, underage drinking, and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle with her felony arrest for witness intimidation at fourteen when she was acting on the orders of one of her drug lord boyfriends. Of course she had to date the two main drug lords in our small town simultaneously. She had many adventures, many placements in juvenile facilities, lied to many people and often about me, escaped dramatically from the courthouse one time and was later caught several states away, and culminated in her arrest for selling heroin at the age of eighteen (which was reported on the front page of our paper). Her adventures continued for years after that but since she was no longer under eighteen I was less, um, involved. I actually went through a time when I literally chained her to me with two padlocks and a length of chain from the hardware store. I was told by some human services folks that if I really cared about her I would stay home and not work (I was a single mom at the time, too). Told by a juvenile judge that I needed to set a better example for her because the judge believed her lies that I was drug addicted, drunk, and sleeping around, and I was threatened with being put in jail by the juvenile probation people because I refused to house her and support her after the age of eighteen when she was put on house arrest with a monitoring bracelet and they insisted this take place in MY house after she was released from the county jail. I refused, and had to call the ACLU about my right not to have an adult prisoner placed in my home. Oh, there is more, but I think we can leave it at that......

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i don't *think* i've ever posted anything troll worthy. but then again, i've never actually read anything here that i thought was posted by a troll. i'm naive i guess, lol. i just assume people posting here are stating true and factual things. i was shocked when i read on here about the woman pretending to be like the duggars (and i so liked her too!:D). i just don't have that much time or that big of an imagination. it blows my mind that people do it for fun. to each his own i guess.

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You mean like my first husband was murdered.....still unsolved with a lot of really 'interesting' details like he supposedly left his last will and testament on a computer screen leaving everything to his girlfriend, the one who incidently found his body?


Or my second husband who became addicted to oxycontin after getting his leg crushed in an industrial accident and later started giving pot to my kids from my first marriage and attempted to sexually assault the oldest? And during his criminal trial my nurse-midwife clinical fell through because the nurse-midwife I was doing it with was irritated that I was subpoened (sp?) to the trial and missed clinical days. She told me she didn't think I was serious about being a midwife because if I was I would never miss any days. She was also irritated because when she had me doing all of her appointments for her at one practice she worked for while she sat around bsing, her clients complained that they were only seeing her student so the md she worked with told her that she couldn't bring me there anymore.


Or maybe you mean the many things I went through with daughter number two which really started escalating past shoplifting, underage drinking, and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle with her felony arrest for witness intimidation at fourteen when she was acting on the orders of one of her drug lord boyfriends. Of course she had to date the two main drug lords in our small town simultaneously. She had many adventures, many placements in juvenile facilities, lied to many people and often about me, escaped dramatically from the courthouse one time and was later caught several states away, and culminated in her arrest for selling heroin at the age of eighteen (which was reported on the front page of our paper). Her adventures continued for years after that but since she was no longer under eighteen I was less, um, involved. I actually went through a time when I literally chained her to me with two padlocks and a length of chain from the hardware store. I was told by some human services folks that if I really cared about her I would stay home and not work (I was a single mom at the time, too). Told by a juvenile judge that I needed to set a better example for her because the judge believed her lies that I was drug addicted, drunk, and sleeping around, and I was threatened with being put in jail by the juvenile probation people because I refused to house her and support her after the age of eighteen when she was put on house arrest with a monitoring bracelet and they insisted this take place in MY house after she was released from the county jail. I refused, and had to call the ACLU about my right not to have an adult prisoner placed in my home. Oh, there is more, but I think we can leave it at that......


So far you win!

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Oh, I have SO much in my life that's troll worthy.


After my parent's divorced my mother married a man whose son once dated my older sister (in high school). Then, my sister and his son got married too (and eventually divorced).


My dad and his wife (who is 6 years old than me) had their first baby last May. I'm 33 years older than my little brother.


God brought us our middle daughter through adoption, and I always tell people that the circumstances were unusual. But, we literally got a phone call from a woman asking if we would like a baby. Our daughter was born

3 1/2 weeks later.


And I won't even get into the things that have happened to us during our time in ministry or all of the crazy people we've encountered... :tongue_smilie:

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Every single time a troll hunting post comes up, i wonder if it's me! :(


My park issues are really out there. My kids can be a bit strange, like me. My narcissistic father pays our rent until our approved housing kicks in. I used to work for a carnival with dd (carnie stories alone would be bad enough!). I am a tad OCD stuck in a body that refuses to clean. I likely have aspergers and see myself in many of ds and dd's struggles.


Maybe the biggest was my father getting sick. It looked like pancreatic cancer and turned out to be his gall bladder and we went on a 7 day cruise after he realized how quickly things can change.


My fathers wife has said some crazy things, unbelievable things unless you had been in the room (like blaming me for the length of her commute, or not letting me do laundry when ds wet. Or going through the garage and throwing away all of my extra blankets and sheets, but then telling me a week later that i need to have more sheets so i dont have to bother her with laundry when a bed is wet!).


I had an anaphylactic reaction while mowing the lawn! It has been 2 years, but i am going to try mowing again soon.


I was accused of abuse by a psychologist who never reported me. I called and begged for an investigation, then filed a complaint against the psychologist.

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One of the most bazaar things that has happened to us was ds17s trial last year.


He was arrested as he walked to the mail box about 1.5 years ago. The officer told him he was being arrested for murder, but then changed his story to robbery. Tossed him in the car and took him to jail.


To see why this is so crazy you have to understand....Ds17 is going to college to become a pastor and is one of the most straight people I have ever met. He teaches Sunday school, volunteers several days a week, works as an upper level math tutor, started college at 15yo, rides the bus so he can minister to people just by 'listening to them and their stories', carries a Bible with him whenever he leaves home, doesn't drink caffeine (not a restriction in our faith--he just doesn't want to ever take a 'drug'), and is sending himself to Haiti for a working missions trip....among other things....you get the general idea.


The story is this. Our neighbors were on vacation and had a house sitter. The house sitter says that she woke up at 3-4am to find 2 teens in the house. One ran out, she cornered the other one for a full minute. That teen then ran into the garage and left. The next day, 12 hours later, she finally decided to call the police. On the 911 call, she says she knows who did it, and that she had talked to this kid the day before. Her description fits a teen in our neighborhood CS but he is maybe 12 and isn't as tall as she claims he was. Once that description fell through she saw ds17 walking to the mail box, pointed him out and said it was him. The officer was at her house, at the exact time ds was walking to the mail box, she said 'that is him', so the officer just walked across the street and arrested him.


The police collected no evidence. The only sign of any damage to the house was that someone broke the door knob to the inside of the house from the INside of the garage. There was no sign of a break in at all. The only thing missing....was a medicine bottle of oxycodone (a powerful pain med). The laptop sitting on the counter...not touched. Just the meds.


The police did not investigate ds at all. They arrested him and booked him based Solely on her ID from a few hundred feet away saying he did it (even though he was not the first person she identified).


They decided to prosecute. The booking officer at the JDH spent one hour with ds, came out and said "I've done this for 20 years, there is no way this kid did what he is accused of. This story makes No sense, At.All."


We paid for a private lie detector test. Again a retired officer with 20+ years did the exam. He said the same thing. If you spend any time around ds17....there is no way anyone would even suspect him of this crime. The test came back unequivocally that he was telling the truth, saying he didn't commit the crime.


They offered him a plea bargain to a misdemeanor, ds declined saying he wouldn't admit to something he didn't do. We went on to a felony trial.


After all the case was heard, the judge told ds that he was finding him innocent, since there was no evidence....but that he really thinks that he did do it and was just getting away with it. :banghead: The way he was found innocent was due to what the attorney called a 'push'. The house sitter was one witness saying he did do it, ds was his own witness saying he didn't. Since there was no evidence and neither party could be proven wrong, nor could their testimony be discredted....the judge had to rule that he was innocent. If ds would have had one little nick of infraction on his record, the judge could have used that against him and found him guilty.


This will show up on ds's record forever. Any time he applies for a job, he will have to answer the "have you ever been arrested of a felony" as a 'yes' and write out what happened. Same for applying for colleges. It will inevitably cost him opportunities in life for something he didn't do.



The thought that someone could just point to anyone walking down the street and say they committed a crime....and to have it stick....is just maddening.


ETA: I just wanted to add a thank you to the family I have here who helped me through this time (especially one lawyer here who pm'd with me a lot--thanks extra for you :) ). This board was my biggest source of support during this very bleak time in my life. The prayers that went up for my ds were immense and are still appreciated to this day.



That is an absolute nightmare. I'm so sorry that your family went through this. :grouphug:

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I'm told there is an ancient Chinese curse that says something like "May you have an interesting life". I've spent years wondering about that ancient Chinese guy who cursed me.



I haven't even gotten into the stories about my narcissistic parents either. Or marrying dh #3 and getting his tribe of adopted kids and stepkids-who-didn't-go-with-their-own-crazy-mother-in-the-divorce and trying to fit everyone under one roof. Or the crazy ex-wife-who-later-died-of-a-drug-overdose stories.


That Chinese guy is in a lot of trouble when I catch up to him! The dust is pretty much settled on all of that past stuff now. Dh #3 is the most wonderful man in the universe and my best friend. I just hope the worst of the drama is done and all I have left to look forward to is the normal family stuff. I do think all of this is what has contributed to make me a real b**ch to deal with sometimes, because I needed to be able to channel that so often that it became part of me.

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So many years ago, on the old boards I was branded a troll.


I posted about my SIL and how she was the world's most negligent parent I had ever meet. The main reason is she had her two kids watch tv all the time, and I wondered what I could do to get her investigated or something. At the time we lived 5 hours away and I had my own two little boys to take care of.


I also said I had never seen anything like it. She barely looked at her kids or talked to them. She took care of physical needs but as for social needs she treated them like dogs.


When she was asked to seek a professional opinion the family dr. didn't see anything wrong. He answer was, "They are all up to date on there shots".


So everyone begged her to seek another opinion, a professional one. So she went to see a physic who said, "Your kids will be fine". Then when she couldn't ignore the signs anymore she went for another opinion - she saw another physic. This one to said, "Your kids will be fine".


She ended up moving in with us for several months. She then moved in with her new boyfriend and they are now married. Both kids are/have PDD-NOS and are very obviously not fine.


Now for those who say that the PDD-NOS was not caused by bad parenting. Here is one state that might explain put things into perspective. She was the main parent at home. Her DH was a good for nothing... Well being the only parenting adult in the house she still managed to play actively play a computer game for 80 to 90 hours a week.


I got totally chased away for condemning her parenting and not understanding that others parent and that there is nothing wrong with having the tv on all the time - and that this could not have caused the PDD-NOS or had any effect on it.


I was deemed to be a troll stirring up trouble and that was the end of that. But she ended up getting help because a few months after I posted asking for help to get her help she moved in with us.

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I don't know that anything in my life is worthy of this thread. But my first experience with an actual troll was when dh and I played wow. We joined a guild and made some friends, including two other couples and a few ladies. We all got vent, so that we could talk to each other, and things got weird. One lady didn't have a mic, so she wOuld type everything out and listen. That got old real fast, but she never seemed to have the funds to buy a mic. When we offered to buy on for her, suddenly "she" was able to get one. Yeah, not a she. We had been playing together for about a year at that point and he had hung out with us (actual) girls quite a few times, pretending to be one of the girls. Later, we had someone else try the same thing. This one announced that "she" was pregnant, when his wife got pregnant. To the extent that he even would fake aches and pains and the need for the bathroom. There are some interesting people in internet land, especially on WOW.

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I'm always excited to share things, but sometimes it does seem like they can't be true. So, most things I just put on my blog instead, lol.


Sometimes I feel like a troll if I talk about things like:

My daughter's life at the Fame school with celebrities/celebs kids, all of her truly unbelievable experiences as a dancer, and that our homeschooling involves frequent trips to the most incredible places in NYC.


I'd love to post more about these experiences, but I don't know how to just jump in and start a conversation.

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I'm always excited to share things, but sometimes it does seem like they can't be true. So, most things I just put on my blog instead, lol.


Sometimes I feel like a troll if I talk about things like:

My daughter's life at the Fame school with celebrities/celebs kids, all of her truly unbelievable experiences as a dancer, and that our homeschooling involves frequent trips to the most incredible places in NYC.


I'd love to post more about these experiences, but I don't know how to just jump in and start a conversation.


I'd love to hear more about it.


I think you jumped in and gave me pointers when I visited NYC in 2010---just before I got married.

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LOL, fun idea for a thread.


My unbelievable stories are pretty much any story about my MIL. She used to steal things from our house, say really weird things to the kids, sneak gifts into eldest dd's closet when she'd been asked not to, and more. Always little bizarre things, not anything completely over-the-top, but even I would find myself asking dh, "Did she really say that? Did that really happen?" She's gotten a lot more stable in recent years.


And any story that involves my MIL and my stepdaughter (eldest dd), or my stepdaughter and her mother. No details because they involve dsd, though I did ask for advice with a couple situations. My stepdaughter is a lovely young woman, by the way. It's just the combinations of personalities that create situations that leave dh and I going like this ----->:001_huh:



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Here's my 6 degrees (actually less) of trolling Kevin Bacon.


1. My mother

2. went to high school with Burt Reynolds

3. who starred in Cannonball Run with Adrienne Barbeau

4. who starred in Creepshow with Ed Harris

5. who starred in Apollo 13 with Kevin Bacon.

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I put a keylogger on my now XH's computer and within 24 hours discovered he was having an affair with a 24 year old (he was 45 at the time). I made him think I discovered the affair via a PI. I filed for divorce, got him out of the house legally and left the keylogger in place for 6 more weeks. In that time I took off enough evidence of his um, sickness, to ensure I would easily get custody of our son--the biggest part of said evidence was proof of an affair he had with my 19 year old cousin SEVEN years earlier when he was 38.


I considered it Divine intervention....there is no way I would have EVER known if it had not been for that keylogger AND if I had revealed my source when I first caught him in the affair with the 24 year old.


That sounds a little trolllike I think. :D


Good grief, you are my hero. You sound like my sister. Do you have a sister?

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After BB but before these kind of boards, USENET was king, and while I "lived" at rec.food.cooking, I haunted alt.english.usage. There was a prolonged, lively, slightly predictable, somewhat irritating and very hostile war between a man and a woman poster (and the battles were over correct usage of English, remember!) The woman was a bit of a battle axe, and on the prim and inflexible side. The kind who would die than have an affair, and past her prime. Her opponent was an overweight man who made his living through obscenity in some way. Slightly published and rather blue. I **think** he was a real person.


It turned out his opponent was also him, and this battle went on without a slip for years. It was just amusing and aggravating and realistic enough that everyone was slightly addicted, and if they ever caught on, before he outed himself, no one every mentioned it. And no one said "I knew it". It was a bit of a shock!


There was also either a very good troll, or a very misguided RN on rec.food.cooking who came to fame by claiming honey would spoil if not put in the fridge and one of those "as seen on TV" counter-top plastic, bubble-shaped convection ovens would "blow the fat" off the meat. A real poster (I met him in real life) pretended to be madly in love with her and wrote her paeons of passionate love poetry, following her all over USENET, to slightly belittle her, entertain us, and mostly to overwhelm her so she would shut up (she was like the loud boor at a party). She *appeared* to believe this and became both flattered and alarmed that this man would fly over from Germany and track her down in Florida. I recall she posted from a WebTV address. Remember them? Made aol-ers look like Steve Jobs.


Ah, memories.



My first internet connection was with a WebTV! lol

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Oh where should I start. So many crazy stories that it's hard for me to believe I am not a troll and I haven't even posted everything that has happened because some of it really was just a little too private.


Of course, I was an unmedicated bi-polar teen so those years were pretty turbulent but after I got married I settled down a bit and after my married my current husband I had 15 years of a perfectly norma life. And then everything just fell apart and the last five years have been pure hell. I honestly can't remember most of '09 through '11. The cloud have just really started to clear this year. I am think about going back through all of my post and trying to recreate a journal from my most important posts.


The one thing that a lot of people have a hard time believing is that I posted about my mother's heart attack as it was happening. I was home alone at the time and didn't really know what to do. Everyone was in transit on the way here and I didn't have a way to talk to them. This group has always been my support group so it seemed perfectly normal to post so that you guys could help get me through until someone else showed up to help.


If anyone can remember anything else I would love it if you refreshed my memory.


ETA: My mother was not here. She was in another state and I was hearing this from a third party.

Edited by KidsHappen
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