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Do you think Jesus is coming back ? Take a look at this .....

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Church Service Ends Abruptly when the unexpected happens.



This is a very short video. Maybe just a minute or 2. Take a look ......




Well, that's pretty darn abrupt, isn't it? ;)


At least they knew exactly what happened, having just been told.


And yes, I do believe he is coming back, but I'm not sure it will look exactly like this....

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I think that if you want only positive responses to a video like that, you should post it on a forum for like-minded believers.


Or are you looking for feedback about whether it's an effective evangelism tool? From my non-Christian perspective, it totally isn't.

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I liked it...good reminder that we never know how much time we have left :D

That's what I thought when I saw it, that it serves as a good reminder that we don't know how much time we have left. Not enough info for those that may wonder what it's about but could serve as a jump off for more research, or not, Your choice.

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She titled the thread, "Do you think Jesus is coming back?" I think that pretty much eliminates anyone who thinks otherwise, does it not?


Actually titling it like that leaves the thread open to people who would answer "no."

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:iagree: Frankly, that looked completely staged and not very well at that.


Well, when it actually happens, we might feel it looks totally staged. And it won't be.


I think though there will be more precursors to the actual moment. Like signs in the sky and all that.


Probably the best evangelism tool would be a personal tap on the shoulder by God. Which I sort of believe in. You know, as an upcoming event.

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She titled the thread, "Do you think Jesus is coming back?" I think that pretty much eliminates anyone who thinks otherwise, does it not?


No. A title that eliminated anyone who thinks otherwise would look something like this: "If you think Jesus is coming back, check this out!" Or "Hey, Christians, look at this!"


I thought the video seemed to be targeted at people who aren't "saved," as a warning. I assumed that it was being posted to this religiously diverse board as a tool of evangelism. Therefore, my opinion as an "unsaved" person seemed relevant.


Christianity is not the default religion of this board. If y'all don't want to include me in the conversation, you have to tell me up front.

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Actually, it is not the appropriate response. Sorry, I would not hysterically laugh at anyone's beliefs...even if they were very far from my own. Jmho....


I agree with Faithe here. People hold many different beliefs.


As for the topic at hand... I haven't 100% settled my eschatology beliefs, but I absolutely believe that Christ will return.

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I thought the video seemed to be targeted at people who aren't "saved," as a warning.







Actually, I think the target audience of the video is people within the church who are not *really* saved. They are suppose to reflect upon whatever it is that they think or do incorrectly and change it quickly! Just what those things are is a mystery that the video does not make clear.

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I thought the video seemed to be targeted at people who aren't "saved," as a warning.


Actually, I think the target audience of the video is people within the church who are not *really* saved. They are suppose to reflect upon whatever it is that they think or do incorrectly and change it quickly! Just what those things are is a mystery that the video does not make clear.

"Actually, I think the target audience of the video is people within the church who are not *really* saved." Well, good point because, as we saw in the video, it did take place in a church, which I suppose is representative of "The Church", so to speak, and I would interpret those that were left behind as being those in church that are really not part of "The Church - The Body of Christ". I think the message may be to use your time well because none of us knows how much we have left. Christ will come back as a thief in the night and we do not know when. So be ready at any time. Also, don't cause anyone to be one that is left behind.

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I think that if you want only positive responses to a video like that, you should post it on a forum for like-minded believers.


Or are you looking for feedback about whether it's an effective evangelism tool? From my non-Christian perspective, it totally isn't.




BOARD RULE: Do not assume that everyone on the boards shares a particular religious conviction

These boards are inclusive. You are welcome to ask theological questions, but don't post as though everyone who frequents the boards shares your ideology. Offending posts may be deleted. Don't use inquiries as an excuse to proselytize for anything. Answer questions that are posted but don't use these questions as an excuse to springboard into criticism. For example: If someone asks, "What are your kids dressing up as for Halloween?" don't launch into an explanation of how evil Halloween is. If someone asks, "Is Halloween evil?" have a ball. (Conversely: if someone posts, "We don't do Halloween; what can we substitute?" don't take this as an opportunity to prove to them that Halloween is really just fine.)


Church Service Ends Abruptly when the unexpected happens.




Rolling over the thread title, the bolded part looked like it might have been a news article. I thought it might have been something interesting, instead I got a proselytizing video.

Edited by Amy in NH
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As a Christian, I don't *do* this sort of thing. My parents used the "second coming" to scare the ever-loving snot out of me as a child. I was constantly terrified that Jesus would come back when I was doing something wrong/behaving as a child. Every little thing was a "sign" that Jesus was coming RIGHT THEN AND THERE. The video made me want to vomit as I remembered that childhood terror. I still feel sick. This isn't what Jesus was about. Jesus was/is about love, grace, mercy, and compassion. He didn't scare people into believing in Him. He ministered to the lost, sick, hopeless rejects. He showed love, grace, mercy, and compassion.


You won't win any converts with the Law. Jesus said to share the GOSPEL, not the Law.

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"Actually, I think the target audience of the video is people within the church who are not *really* saved." Well, good point because, as we saw in the video, it did take place in a church, which I suppose is representative of "The Church", so to speak, and I would interpret those that were left behind as being those in church that are really not part of "The Church - The Body of Christ". I think the message may be to use your time well because none of us knows how much we have left. Christ will come back as a thief in the night and we do not know when. So be ready at any time. Also, don't cause anyone to be one that is left behind.

I think you miss my point. I don't think the video is a good or useful message. It seems designed to raise vague doubts and fears but does nothing to point to Christ or assure us to put our faith in Him. Instead we are to look to ourselves to see if we are *ready*. The focus is all wrong.

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For those interested in reading about the Second Coming of Christ here is a link to Baker's Evangelical Dictionary.

On page 3, second paragraph down, you will find a reference to the "rapture".






Interesting, it says on page 3 "Pretribulationists hold that there follows a period of tribulation for those remaining on earth (Matt. 24), which will last for a thousand years ( Rev 20:5 ). Midtribulationists think that the church will experience three and a half years of the tribulation before being raptured (citing Dan 7:25 , etc. ). Posttribulationists hold that the church will remain on earth throughout the tribulation and that the return of Christ is after that. " This part - WHICH WILL LAST FOR A THOUSAND YEARS " must be a misprint. I didn't think anyone thought the tribulation would last for a thousand years. The millennium,yes, but not the tribulation. OK, much of the article I thought was helpful but that part confusing. I think it's just a mistake. I think it meant to say 7 years.

Edited by Miss Sherry
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Oh. Um... is hysterical laughter not the appropriate response here? :tongue_smilie:


:lol: I have to say, that was my reaction too. I'm sure that's not what the makers of the video intended, but that's the response they got from me.


I think that if you want only positive responses to a video like that, you should post it on a forum for like-minded believers.


Or are you looking for feedback about whether it's an effective evangelism tool? From my non-Christian perspective, it totally isn't.


:iagree:I think it's hard for believers to understand that quoting the bible at unbelievers has no effect on us. If we don't believe in the bible, then what's written in it is meaningless to us.

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As a Christian, I don't *do* this sort of thing. My parents used the "second coming" to scare the ever-loving snot out of me as a child. I was constantly terrified that Jesus would come back when I was doing something wrong/behaving as a child. Every little thing was a "sign" that Jesus was coming RIGHT THEN AND THERE. The video made me want to vomit as I remembered that childhood terror. I still feel sick. This isn't what Jesus was about. Jesus was/is about love, grace, mercy, and compassion. He didn't scare people into believing in Him. He ministered to the lost, sick, hopeless rejects. He showed love, grace, mercy, and compassion.


You won't win any converts with the Law. Jesus said to share the GOSPEL, not the Law.

:iagree: My grandmother and the churches I went to growing up did the same. There is nothing like being dragged, at 5yrs old, to an after dark viewing of a Christian "horror" (proselytizing) film about the anti-christ and people getting their heads chopped off. I had nightmares about that stuff. When DH and I got married, he was really into it (he had grown up with it also). Thankfully, we have come a long way and left those types of churches behind us.

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I thought it was going to be a news article too.


Yuck. It makes me mad to see fear being created and distributed.

At least it was poorly done so it would be hard to take seriously.

Growing up, this idea terrified me. It paralyzed me. It didn't bring me closer to God.

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I thought it was going to be a news article too.


Yuck. It makes me mad to see fear being created and distributed.

At least it was poorly done so it would be hard to take seriously.

Growing up, this idea terrified me. It paralyzed me. It didn't bring me closer to God.

I thought maybe an apparition or something.


To answer the question, yes, I believe Jesus will return. But, no, I do not believe his return will happen as depicted in the video.


Mk 13:26-27 And then they will see 'the Son of Man coming in the clouds' with great power and glory, and then he will send out the angels and gather (his) elect from the four winds, from the end of the earth to the end of the sky.

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I think it's hard for believers to understand that quoting the bible at unbelievers has no effect on us. If we don't believe in the bible, then what's written in it is meaningless to us.


I wouldn't say that personally. (I'm not an atheist, I'm just not a Christian.) There are parts of the Bible that I think are beautiful. There are powerful ideas in the Bible that I find meaningful and try to apply in my own life - such as the constant focus on caring for the poor and helpless, and the constant questioning/inversion of power relationships. (The last shall be first, the peacemakers will be the victors, etc.)


It's the element of threat in this kind of evangelism that repels me - the whole idea that if I don't accept Christianity, I will suffer through agonizing tribulations (if Christians are raptured, as in the video) and then eternal torture and punishment in hell. Supposing that this theory were true, why would I want to worship a God who set things up that way?

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I have to admit I laughed too. Not at the beliefs behind it, but at how cheesy the video is.


:iagree: It is possible to laugh at a cheesy and poorly done video without extending that to the entire belief system behind it.


I think some christians are a little too quick to take offense at any perceived slight to their worldview.

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I wouldn't say that personally. (I'm not an atheist, I'm just not a Christian.) There are parts of the Bible that I think are beautiful. There are powerful ideas in the Bible that I find meaningful and try to apply in my own life - such as the constant focus on caring for the poor and helpless, and the constant questioning/inversion of power relationships. (The last shall be first, the peacemakers will be the victors, etc.)

It's the element of threat in this kind of evangelism that repels me - the whole idea that if I don't accept Christianity, I will suffer through agonizing tribulations (if Christians are raptured, as in the video) and then eternal torture and punishment in hell. Supposing that this theory were true, why would I want to worship a God who set things up that way?


The bolded makes me think of evangelists (just a general type, no one in particular) that start off with, "I have good news for you today, you're going to hell...":001_huh:

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In my humble opinion, a belief, or conversion (or more dedicated faith, I guess), based on or caused by fear is empty.


:iagree:my grandmother tried these types of fear-based tactics with us because of her faith background - not only did they not work, we all (including my mother) ignored her and outright rejected her version of God.

so, who benefits from those of fear-based tactics?


eta: I'm the ONLY member of my natal family who believes in a God of any type, and that was *despite* my grandmother preaching of a God of death, h3ll, fire, brimstone and destruction. (which I rejected.)

Edited by gardenmom5
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:iagree:my grandmother tried these types of fear-based tactics with us because of her faith background - not only did they not work, we all (including my mother) ignored her and outright rejected her version of God.

so, who benefits from those of fear-based tactics?


I suppose they worked well early in history (read: middle ages). To me, it is very,,, well,, immature faith? I don't know how to explain it. Hopefully if anyone is caused to look to at certain faith because of a fear, they will eventually develop a more mature faith in the religion based on their increasing knowledge...

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I believe in the second coming of Christ. I don't hold to any particular view since The Bible is pretty clear on the fact that we aren't intended to know when or how it's coming. I thought the video was sort of silly, and can see why people might find it funny. They should watch those scary head-lopping-off videos that churches used to show in youth group.


I thought it was going to be a news story too. I think the OP should have been clear about the content, jmo.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I also thought it was a news story and instead got a cheesy fear mongering video. Maybe next time be a little clearer in your description of the link and you might not be so many negative reactions.


I'm a Christian and I laughed at the video. I haven't worked out my own beliefs with regard to the end times, but I have strong doubts that this video is going to convince anyone who isn't already convinced. Therefore, the "target audience" may be non-Christians, but really the video is for the already-saved to sit back and feel all assured that they've got it all figured out.

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In my humble opinion, a belief, or conversion (or more dedicated faith, I guess), based on or caused by fear is empty.

I really don't understand this sort of proselytizing. I find it sad.



I find it pathetic, amusing and outright weird. And I don't get who gets converted this way nowadays. Do people have no other friends of other faiths period? So even if you get to revel in being raptured, if you fail to convert your friends/family in your lifetime then you just get raptured and leave them to be tortured forever in hell?


Why would a god do this? Why would a god make a special, secret chosen group that sounds so wacky no one would be attracted to it just so he or she could have a smaller group of "real" christians?


Wouldn't a better plan for a god be to give away a free Porshe to everyone on the right path? Or amazing chocolate that magically appears to his followers just when they need it?

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Wouldn't a better plan for a god be to give away a free Porshe to everyone on the right path? Or amazing chocolate that magically appears to his followers just when they need it?


Wait...I don't get magical chocolate?!? Forget it. I guess the tribulation has already started. :lol:

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