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Who is your favorite Harry Potter character?

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I posted this on Twitter & Facebook, and I'd thought I'd post here. We need a fun thread amidst all the spring fever and planning madness. :001_smile:


My favorite adult female character is Mrs. Weasley. She is just the bomb. I love that her house is messy but a place the kids want to be. She is warm, caring, sweet, but also bad@ss!


My favorite adult male character is Snape. I always had a soft spot for him and thought he was totally misunderstood. I am so glad JKR redeemed him in the end!


As far as kids, I LOVE Neville (especially loved watching him grow up through the books) and Weasley twins (sniff sniff).


Gosh, I could go on and on. I just love HP.


OH! My very least character, by far, is Moaning Myrtle. She just creeped me out in the books, and especially in the movie!


I'm heading to bed, but I can't wait to see the responses tomorrow. Have a great night!

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Remus Lupin.


Though I thought that Ms. Rowling sort-of threw him away in the final battle - he should have had a nice death scene of his own.


The struggle between man and beast. The soul ground-down by adversity, yet battling thru in the end to do the right thing.



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Remus Lupin.


Though I thought that Ms. Rowling sort-of threw him away in the final battle - he should have had a nice death scene of his own.


The struggle between man and beast. The soul ground-down by adversity, yet battling thru in the end to do the right thing.





I do like that he and Tonks went out together, though.


I also love Luna, and thought the actress who played her in the films was cast most excellently.


And how can you not like Mrs Weasley?!!!

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I do love Mrs. Weasley (and I'm still floored that she is Meryl Streep's friend in Mamma Mia).


I also adore Luna.


I thought Hermione was a fierce and loyal friend, not to mention just precious.


I like Hagrid too.


The person I HATED was Umbridge - gosh I loved when they ran her off!

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My favorite adult female character is Mrs. Weasley.

My favorite adult male character is Snape.

As far as kids, I LOVE Neville (especially loved watching him grow up through the books) and Weasley twins (sniff sniff).

Gosh, I could go on and on. I just love HP.

OH! My very least character, by far, is Moaning Myrtle. She just creeped me out in the books, and especially in the movie!

Nakia, what an absolutely fun thread. Thank you for starting it. :grouphug:

I love, love, love HP. We went to Platform 9 3/4 last summer. :D And we also went to Number 4 Privet Drive.

Agreeing with you on all the characters you mentioned, and yes, I also couldn't stand Moaning Myrtle.

I really loved the entire Weasley family - especially Fred and George. I loved their sense of humor, particularly when they did that flying off thing in the school :lol:.

I hated, hated, hated that teacher who wore pink - can't remember her name at the moment. The one who made Harry write all those lines.


Remus Lupin.

Yes, loved Remus and Tonks.


I like Hagrid too.

The person I HATED was Umbridge - gosh I loved when they ran her off!

Okay, Umbridge was her name. Yes, I loathed her. :glare:

Loved Hagrid to pieces. :)


If anyone wishes to see my HP board ... :D



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I could never pick one single favorite.


I love Ron. He always comes through in the end.


I love how Hermione's knowledge comes in handy all the time.


I love how we got to know more about the real Dumbledore in the end and how he was a flawed individual and not just the invincible headmaster.


I love MacGonagall, Snape, Neville, Fred & George, Hagrid, and Dobby.

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Mrs. Weasley was the Mom I want to be. Tough, loving, good cook and knitter:)


Snape was the Sidney Carton of the series in a way and I admired that in him, though he did not love Harry, but protected him out of a sense of loyalty, to keep his promise to Dumbledore, and to hold onto his one true, unrequited love a bit longer.


Dobby gave his life trying to protect the people he care about.


Hermione was me when I was a kid-a brainy geek who ultimately found her place.


They are all my favorites!

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There are so many, but I just love Luna.


I don't get the love for Snape. He was a horrible person, and even JK Rowling didn't like him. Unrequited love doesn't give you the right to be a jerk.


I'm glad someone said it! He was mean and unjust. I respected him more at the end and cried when he died, but he was still a total jerk to Harry.

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Well - my first thought was Luna.... But then reading the other posts -

How is one to chose!!!!

I'd say Lupin, McGonnagal, and yes - Snape. I don't think a lot of people "love" Snape, per say - but he is an outstanding character, and although he's not all cuddly - he sacrificed his whole life for Harry after his (unintentional) role in Harry's parent's deaths.

Yes - he was slimy and mean, and downright rude - but when we look at pure character development on the part of Rowling, Snape is pure genius.

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I think Hermione is my favorite. As much as I like Ron, I think she was clearly Harry's truest friend through the series. She stood by him every. single. time. I think her loyalty is unmatched (although one could make a strong case for Sirius' loyalty to Harry/James and Snape's to Lily). The scene where she cleared the memory of her parents broke my heart. Although I preferred how the series ended in the book as compared to the movie, I loved the scene they put in where Harry said goodbye to Ron and Hermoine. She knew what Harry was going to do even though she hadn't seen the prophecy, and the first thing she said was, "I'll go with you." And I truly believe she would have walked to her death beside her friend (although I'm also sure she knew Harry wouldn't let her). You don't, however, see Ron beating down the door to go with him. ;)


I think Snape is a fantastically *interesting* character, and he must have been an extreemly accomplished wizard to have been able to fool Voldemort for so long.


Luna and Neville make my heart smile. The scene in the hospital where Neville's mother gives him the gum wrapper made me cry. His bravery is awesome.


McGonagall is great. A true Griffindor.


Mrs. Weasley raised a whole family of loyal warriors for good. Her home was welcoming, with good food and much laughter. I want to be like her when I grow up.

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I think Hermione is my favorite. As much as I like Ron, I think she was clearly Harry's truest friend through the series. She stood by him every. single. time. I think her loyalty is unmatched (although one could make a strong case for Sirius' loyalty to Harry/James and Snape's to Lily). The scene where she cleared the memory of her parents broke my heart. Although I preferred how the series ended in the book as compared to the movie, I loved the scene they put in where Harry said goodbye to Ron and Hermoine. She knew what Harry was going to do even though she hadn't seen the prophecy, and the first thing she said was, "I'll go with you." And I truly believe she would have walked to her death beside her friend (although I'm also sure she knew Harry wouldn't let her). You don't, however, see Ron beating down the door to go with him. ;)


I think Snape is a fantastically *interesting* character, and he must have been an extreemly accomplished wizard to have been able to fool Voldemort for so long.


Luna and Neville make my heart smile. The scene in the hospital where Neville's mother gives him the gum wrapper made me cry. His bravery is awesome.


McGonagall is great. A true Griffindor.


Mrs. Weasley raised a whole family of loyal warriors for good. Her home was welcoming, with good food and much laughter. I want to be like her when I grow up.


This whole thread, but especially this post is making me sob. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I loved these books so much. :crying: :lol:

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McGonagall both the character and the actress.


Snape - Yes, he was mean to Harry but I think he played that the only way he could. Think of the skill it took to convince Voldemort that he was on his side while all the while never causing Dumbledor to doubt his loyalty. It was necessary for Harry's protection. And lest we not forget Snape was carrying a lot of pain and anger towards Harry's father for taking not only the love of his life but also his best friend. And yet, his loyalty to Liliy, Dumbledor and Harry won out in the end at great expense to Snape. Snape walked surely to his death with narry a whimper to protect Harry once again.


Sirius - No other particular reason than I really liked the way he looked.


I loved almost all of the other characters, Harry, Ron and Hermione of course, and Neville, Luna, All of the Weasleys, Lupin, Hagrid. ANd I hated Umbridge more than I have ever hated a villian before.

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Not surprising to me, but I find it kind of interesting no one has said Harry yet.


I am having too hard of a time narrowing down a favorite from a list of at least ten...many of them already listed.


ETA: We are getting ready to leave the house for the day, but I can tell already that this question is going to plague me for the rest of the day, as I try to narrow it down to just one...


ETA #2: Sorry, I see I did miss a nod to Harry.

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