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Furniture item that is OUT .....

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Yeah, I just wanted to shout, "Hold your horses, there, Buster. Plenty of use yet in those books, and plenty of reason to keep the shelves!"


I thought it was going to be about entertainment armoires.


Oh, and I followed a

while I was on yahoo, fwiw. :001_smile:
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I have a clock, lawn chairs and a china cabinet to go with my bookshelves. I guess there is a reason that I never pretended to be trendy.



No kidding! I was just thinking of some kind of futon because of my limited space and need for something larger than a twin in the guest room LOL!

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Two words: "oh" and "please."


FTR, since when were CD racks "furniture staples"? And rolltop desks while fun to own haven't actually been *staples* for a very long time. For that matter, futons haven't, either. Or waterbeds.

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Two words: "oh" and "please."


FTR, since when were CD racks "furniture staples"? And rolltop desks while fun to own haven't actually been *staples* for a very long time. For that matter, futons haven't, either. Or waterbeds.


The person writing the article was stuck in the 70's too long and just now came out of the smoke induced haze. :lol:

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This guy is definitely going back about 20 years with some of this stuff.


Our wall clock was a necessity for teaching ds to tell time. We don't have a cable box and the dvr for our satellite dish doesn't have the time on it but I wanted analog, not digital anyway.


We definitely don't have the space for a coffee table and we only have one permanently set up side table. We use adjustable height folding tables when we need them.


Those picnic chairs they show aren't exactly a NEW thing. We had those 20 years ago.


We have a small china cabinet/hutch but I keep books in it. :D


No way will I ever give up my bookshelves. I don't care if it makes me hopelessly out of date. I'd have to win the lottery to replace even a portion of my favorite books on an e-reader.


I had a futon as my primary bed for years when I was single. It never took two people to open it and in fact, it was one of the few pieces of furniture I owned that was easy to move. Although I will say that fold-out lounger couch is kind of cool but it looks uncomfortable.

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Two words: "oh" and "please."


FTR, since when were CD racks "furniture staples"? And rolltop desks while fun to own haven't actually been *staples* for a very long time. For that matter, futons haven't, either. Or waterbeds.


Yeah, I thought it'd be more interesting than it was. Lawn chairs are out? Isn't a camp chair just a different version of a lawn chair? We did get rid of the coffee table, though. LR is much roomier without it.

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Yeah, I thought it'd be more interesting than it was. Lawn chairs are out? Isn't a camp chair just a different version of a lawn chair? We did get rid of the coffee table, though. LR is much roomier without it.


Exactly, a picnic(or camp chair as we call them) is just a more portable awn chair that takes longer to dry and gets more damaged if it is out in a wind storm.


I want more bookshelves and that's with owning an e-reader.


We don't have a coffee table. We have the space but prefer open floor space for small kids to play. I like the idea of one, but it's not practical with how we live.


I do own a china hutch, it looks pretty and holds all the antique tea sets I've inherited and am not allowed to get rid. :glare: When I was younger I turned part of it into a liquor cabinet. Now I use it to hold kitchen stuff that isn't every day use(apple peeler, pasta maker, fondue pot)

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Bookcases are all over the place at my house! Can't imagine not having them. In fact, I'm not sure that we have a room (other than the bathroom), that doesn't have bookcases! We've even added some to the hallway! They're certainly not out of style at our household!


We also have a hanging clock, a coffee table, a china cabinet, and even a sideboard! And I really don't see how lawn chairs are passe' simply because their style/design changed! We don't actually have any of the ones the article featured, but I do have the generic white plastic ones, as well as some of the folding camping chairs.


I guess I'm just horribly out of fashion, but what else is new?! :D

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  • 2 months later...

Wow, this is good news for me. I'm currently trying to find a decent corner china cabinet for our dining room. Perhaps I can get one cheap since they're "out" . ;)


I collect clocks. I love them. I can't imagine not having them around. Although 1/2 of mine don't work. :glare:

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Well not everyone has a school in their house so... :D


As the kids get older I plan to phase out a lot of our books though in favor of e-books. I'm running out of room! And I am so sick and tired of lugging my books when we move. Not that I plan to EVER move again, but I never planned it before and I've moved a lot so who knows. I just can't bear the thought of lugging them anywhere again.


My BIL, who is a huge bibliophile, has pared down his book collection by at least 80%. He just hated the idea of moving them too.


We have a lot less books now too. Not so much because we're big e-book fans, but books are so easily gotten when needed - why save them? Especially the ones I know I'll never read again. I pretty much keep only books I know are hard-to-find or have sentimental value.

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IMOW a recent TV designer recently said, " trends are what a bunch of magazine editors decided to write about and don't fall for it."


Coffee tables are a must in my house, as are book shelves. However, my bookshelves these days hold photo albums and fewer books. The wall clock doens't work but it belonged to DH parents and someday I will convince him to either check on getting it fixed or move it on out.

I have lawn chairs from both categories, and when they don't work anymore we will toss them.

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Someone commented to Dh the other day about waterbeds and DH said:

there is NOTHING like sticking your cold feet into a heated bed in January, or like laying on a cooled surface in July. You will pry my waterbed from my cold dead hands! (which will be warm if I die in my sleep)



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If our new director at our library has her way the bookshelves will be gone in the near future. She's also tossing books that haven't been checked out in TWO years. Apparently we have way too many books and she can get grants to buy new ones. She wants to be able to see all the way through the library to the windows without the bookshelves getting in the way!!!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead: Sorry, venting!


But, on the bright side my db will be delivering a family rolltop desk later this summer:D

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I appreciate the irony of photographing the "in" side table (which can be stationed in front of the couch/sofa/divan/settee instead of the "out" coffee table... Because that's so different) in front of the futon... Which, of course, is out a few pics in.


And, out though they may be, the webbed lawn chair is making a comeback. One of the moms at lacrosse has one and just about the time I decided she was an awesome throwback, who takes great care of her vintage chair, I saw them for sale. I'm pretty sure it was at Walmart.

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I hope someone who lives near me reads this and decides their wood-frame, tan (or brown or cream, I'm flexible) futon with at least an 8" foam mattress is "out" and wants me to take it off their hands for next-to-nothing. I was actually out shopping for one today - almost $250! I think futon prices are tied to college tuition hikes, because I'm pretty sure the bar-up-your-butt thing I owned in college ten years ago wasn't even close to that.

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If our new director at our library has her way the bookshelves will be gone in the near future. She's also tossing books that haven't been checked out in TWO years. Apparently we have way too many books and she can get grants to buy new ones. She wants to be able to see all the way through the library to the windows without the bookshelves getting in the way!!!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead: Sorry, venting!




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Bookshelves? BOOKSHELVES?!? Clearly this "writer" has never met the Hive! I've been contemplating another set! :D


Nakia, I also feel cheated that my Satellite/DVR box doesn't show the time. I personally like clocks. But I can almost always see the time on my laptop. I can ignore bedtime just as easily that way.


Susann... I think I'd be fighting to keep the bookshelves and throw out the librarian!! ;) Who DOES that?!?

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Hmmm... I guess I'm not "in" at all!


Wall clocks: we have them in nearly every room. Unlike digital displays, they don't need to be reset every time the power goes out ;) And they are good for teaching kids how to tell time!


Bookshelves: I'd like more! I do have a Kindle, but it is not the same as holding a real book!


Futon: We have one in the family room. Not that hard to fold out, and makes a great guest bed.


And my coffee table was handcrafted by my (deceased) grandfather probably 50-60 years ago. That means it is not going anywhere, but in my home!

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