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If You've Stuck With A Curriculum for 3+ YEARS...


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R&S English 2-7th grades: We're just now taking a break from it. Great program and my son has learned a ton...just got a little worn out half-way through this year. So, we're going through CW Homer for Older Beginners and he's loving it!


R&S Math Grade 1-Grade 6 He was a year ahead in this text, so he did the 1st gr. book in kinder. and so on. But, I wanted to switch him to a series that went through High School. After MUCH agonizing we moved into Saxon 7/6 and haven't looked back...they are two solid math programs.


Getty-Dubay Italics Kinder-3rd This was the only handwriting program we used. I forgot what book we got up to, but sometime after third grade I took handwriting off the schedule. If something looks sloppy he has to redo it. He used a computer based typing program in the 4th grade and that was one of the best decisions we ever made.


Sonlight Core 1-7 Yes, I know they have new lettering for the core names, but I don't care. I've left Sonlight once, but came back to it midway through 6th grade. I love the idea of WTM history, but love the reality of Sonlight history, at least through Core 100.


BJU Science Grade 3-7 We've tried one of the Apologia Elementary Science books, The My World Science that one of the ladies on this board (Ria, I Think) wrote, but didn't care for them, so stuck with what got done every day. I keep waffling on whether I'm going to switch him to the Aplogia High school texts...we tried BJU's online this year and he couldn't stand having to sit through a 30 min. lesson every day and still have more work afterwards. He loves independent reading and then discussing with me or answering questions on a worksheet.

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With ds1 we used:

Explode the Code until the bitter end (there were a lot of errors in book 8 of the copy I had)

SM since it was third edition with Earlybird we were at the cusp when the program kept changing editions. So he has done something in each edition.

Grammar portion of Hake grammar and will probably continue.

Logic Safari and Logic Lift off books.


With ds2, I don't think I want to use the same materials since he is such a different child than his brother.

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SOTW--4 years

Getty Dubay Italics--6 years so far

AAS--4 years (levels 1-6)

Singapore--4 years

Miquon--3 years

MCT--3 years so far

Lively Latin--3 years so far, we are partway through Big Book 2

Critical Thinking Company--4 years (various resources)

Core Knowledge--6 years so far (What your ____ grader needs to know)


That's all I can think of right now.

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Rod and Staff, for 5 yrs now with 2 different kiddos with 2 different learning styles. I just adapt it for each however it is needed. Works great.


I use R&S for math, english, phonics, handwriting, spelling, and music worksheets. I don't love handwriting and spelling. But I do love the english and math. I have one advanced learner. We just use certain subjects a year ahead for her. I have one average learner who is very kinesthetic. I find ways to incorporate movement into the routine, and slow down the lessons where I need to for her.


Story of the World. We are in vol. 4, so I have used it for 4 yrs now. We will continue the 2nd round of it next year with my younger child that will still be grammar stage.


WTM science Not a particular curric, but we have followed WTM since 1st grade, so for 4 yrs now.


What Your X Grader Needs to Know for 4 yrs as a supplement for art and music especially, but also for poetry, stories, history and science. These are great books to keep around.



Others that have been used for 2 years and that we will continue next year making it 3 yrs:


Memoria Press Latin We have done PL and LCI so far. Will continue next year with First Form probably.


Drawing with Children for art


I am not a hopper obviously. I find it much easier to stick with a way of doing things and adjusting it than thinking I will find something better over the horizon. I know there are lots of good things out there. I researched and chose what I liked and stick with it. I was fortunate to find WTM before I started 1st grade the 1st time. I have roughly stuck to its schedules. It makes planning essy for me.


Things I may change: Right now, spelling is on this list. I am considering switching to Spelling Workout for vocab, instead of sticking with R&S through logic stage.

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CLE Math: My daughter has used grades 2, 3, & 4. my son has used grades 1 & 2. Can't imagine switching anytime soon.


Hooked on Phonics. I've used levels K, 1, 2, and Master Reader successfully.


Christian Liberty Press Nature Readers: I have used Books 1-5 & begin incorporating them when my kids are about 5 or 6. Love these nature readers!



There may be more curriculum. These come to mind immediately though. If I think of more I'll share.

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This is only our first year homeschooling, and I already feel like I've gone through three years of materials. :) I get a big dose of grass-is-greener syndrome.... "Look, something shiny!!" ;)


So I'm hoping that I'm finally settling on a few pieces, and if you ask me in three years, hopefully I'll be able to list a few, LOL!!


right there with you!!! :tongue_smilie:

Starting classican conversations and associated curriculum this fall....should be pretty consistent from that point on!

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I am a major curriculum hopper and even though we have homeschooled for more than 12 years I don't think there is a single curriculum that we have used for more than 3 years in a row.


I have a few things we used for up to 2 years:


Calvert Spelling (used this when dd was younger)

Mastering Mathematics

Key to math books

Soaring with Spelling and Vocabulary (have used for the last 2 years and still going!)

K12 Math and History

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Math-U-See is about the only thing that has been a consisten,t day-in, day-out staple in our house from Primer through Gamma.


We have used SOTW in some way for 3 years now and HOD tweaked to death for 4 years.

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I just went into a slight panic before realizing we're only in our 4th year of independent homeschooling! :lol:


This is our fourth year with SOTW and WWE, but we're just finishing up volume 2 and level 3.

We're on level 3 of AAS and intend to go all the way.

I'm very confident that we're staying with Saxon math and MCT.

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After a year of homeschooling, I feel like I am done hopping for awhile. It has really been difficult for me to stick with some of the choices I made because I wasn't familiar enough with my kids and my teaching style. I now feel like I have things figured out...for now... :lol:



The only thing I have had from the beginning and will never stop using are the Struggling Reader games and the Right Start Math Games. My whole family loves these!

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Math Mammoth only for MM 1-3 (1st-3rd grade).

At fourth grade, I found that kiddos need a spiral curriculum, so I use Horizons 4 with select chapters from MM 4 (mainly for concept development and word problems). I'm planning to do the same through MM 6/Horizons 6 or prealgebra (not sure).


Spelling: Apples and Pears


Teaching reading:

- First few pages of Phonics Pathways and alphabet cards to teach blending.

- Bob books (first set) and first book of Progressive PHonics for CVC words.

- Reading Made Easy (for CVC words and beyond).

- Early readers: Elson, a Primary Reader, Beacon, etc.

- Webster speller book: for practice reading long words.

I've used these for two kids, and will use them in a year w/ my third one.


Comprehension, summarizing, applied grammar, copywork/dictation: WWE 1 and 2 . Good for 1st - 3rd grade.


Gentle grammar, usage, writing for 1st-3rd: combination of Serl's PLL and Maxwell's vintage book.

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Spell to Write and Read (w/Cursive First). The cream of the crop, IMHO.


RightStart. I've attempted to supplement here and there, first with Singapore and then (at present) with Math Mammoth, but it really hasn't ever been necessary per se.


FLL. Admittedly, we've had intermitten bouts of Shurley or MCT thrown in the mix at different times, but FLL is our primary focus. We'll move on to Level 4 next year and then... BRING ON ALL! If no ALL, then perhaps a JAG/AG and MCT combo?


WWE. We're currently in Level 3, and I plan to continue on with WWE/WWS each year. A previous poster mentioned IEW's theme based writing and that may be a possible addition in the future, but only if it's complementary.


Veritas Press! (Nuff said.) Seriously though, in the past few years - ever since we started homeschooling - we've used many of VP's curricula suggestions for Bible, History, Geography, and Literature. This year we actually began their five year Bible and History cycles. We've truly been happy with, and thankful for, these resources. We're going to utilize their NTGR Self-Paced Online Course this upcoming school year, thanks to the recent group buy discount.


The following curricula doesn't qualify for 3 years quite yet, however, I foresee us meeting and surpassing that time frame with the use of...


God's Design Science. It's been a been a good spine for us. I'm undecided as to whether or not we'll cycle through the whole series again, once we've eventually finished it, or move into BJUP Science. Time will tell.


Classical Conversations memory work (at home). A handy and useful supplement for several subjects (Bible, History/Timeline, Geography, Science, Math, Latin, and English Grammar).


History Revealed audios. We appreciate Diana Waring's enthusiastic and insightful delivery of Biblical and Historical events.


Nothing New Press - All Through The Ages and Miller's revised H.A. Guerber "The Story of" history series.

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We used FIAR for our first 4 years of homeschooling & then moved on when our children were too old for it. We've now moved to SL and don't plan, at this point, to move away from it. In otherwords, we plan to stick with it until the end of their school "careers". Of course things could change, but that's the plan. ;)

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Hmm? I've used a lot of programs for two years in a row, but only a few for three years in a row of my 13 years homeschooling:


Reading Reflex 3yrs. (started in prek, k, 1, and some second)

Explode the Code

Megawords (did all 8 books in 3 years)

Ace paces-we use a subject or two every single year

Christian Light math-actually used for 2 and a half years

Math U See-used Geometry, Algebra 2 and now using Pre-Cal.

Spelling Plus-We have used this for four years, going on 5 next school year


That's all I could think of at the moment. We don't change much once our year starts, but the following year can totally change products if I find that they did not work or produce the results desired.

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R&S English



These are always the core.


I don't think that you can stay with one resource. It isn't the grass is greener for me. It is finding what best fits for the goals for the year. A good example for us is spelling and vocabulary. The goals were met for the previous year. I need to adjust and meet a different set of weaknesses head on for the year coming. I have to change and adapt. This is why I homeschool! I won't leave a child behind, and I won't compromise the subject content either!

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