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If you ignore threads...


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is it ever because of who posted it?



Disclaimer - Call me paranoid... I recently posted a couple of curriculum questions threads, and only a few have responded. Just wondering if it is me. :001_unsure:



Yes. But those are only a rare few.


I wouldn't take it personally if no one has responded to a curriculum question, especially if the curriculum in question isn't WTM or another mega-huge one. People use so many different curricula that there are usually only a handful using any given curriculum at any given time.


Also, it could be that others are wondering the same thing you are, so have no input to offer.

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is it ever because of who posted it?



Disclaimer - Call me paranoid... I recently posted a couple of curriculum questions threads, and only a few have responded. Just wondering if it is me. :001_unsure:


Awww, lol--I can SOOO relate! I've been here for eons and realize that people still don't know me. (And true, I lurk more than post.)


But no, I don't ignore threads because of the OP. Certain topics and titles catch my eye, and that's all there is to it.

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Perhaps not many people use that curriculum. Or some of us (like me) never go to the K-8 Curriculum board because I am comfortable with what I have. I do go to the high school board though because I'm still figuring that one out!



That's me, too. Ds is in grade 7 and we're comfortable with what we're using. I rarely ever check K-8 anymore.


I'm too scared to wade into the high school board. Frankly, I'm just not ready to be there yet. I long for the early elementary days. Kids grow up too fast. *sigh*

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I have some of my threads ignored, or nearly ignored. I always assume it's because of the topic and not me.


But then again when I was a kid and worried that everyone was making fun of me my Mom told me, "Don't worry no one every talks about you, you just aren't interesting enough."


ACK! That's awful. I can only imagine how that affected you as a kid.

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is it ever because of who posted it?
Yes, (and nothing against them) but only in the case of a few posters I recognize who use bold or coloured text. I will rarely read threads about programs I've never used and probably will never use. Otherwise, I usually only respond if I have a question or feel I have something to add. Edited by nmoira
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ACK! That's awful. I can only imagine how that affected you as a kid.


Actually it was no big deal. My Mom said many weird things. I was worried everyone was talking and gossiping about me for some no big deal thing, and she said ... So it was meant to be comforting, and I took it that way. (As in the fact you were mis-matching socks to school or some such thing wouldn't have anyone talking about you.)

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Thank you for the reassurance everyone!


I'm going to chalk it up to the curriculum I'm contemplating and the ages I teach :D.


Like most of you, I only ignore a thread if I don't feel I have anything to add to the topic. Or, if I've opened a threat, I may neglect to respond if many of my thoughts have already been expressed by others.

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Actually it was no big deal. My Mom said many weird things. I was worried everyone was talking and gossiping about me for some no big deal thing, and she said ... So it was meant to be comforting, and I took it that way. (As in the fact you were mis-matching socks to school or some such thing wouldn't have anyone talking about you.)


OOOoooo, I get it now. Relieved! I took it the other way--hard to tell in print sometimes. ;)

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If I ignore a thread, it is because I do not think I have anything meaningful to contribute to the topic.

ETA: Or it is because I have answered the same question so many times that I am tired of writing it yet again.




Though I often get that paranoid feeling when one of the threads I started gets no answers. :001_huh:

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I ignore most threads simply because I don't have time to read them all. So I choose the ones that have a subject I'm interested in, have something to contribute, or a combination of both. There are many threads I read but don't participate in because I either don't have much to say, or someone else already said it (usually better than I would have said it).

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For me it's the topic. I rarely look at who posted. Even if is a topic of interest, I rarely post if my post will be redundant. I usually only have time to skim the first page of threads and maybe pick one or two to view. I rarely go on the curriculum board just so I won't be tempted to purchase something else to add to my dusty collection. My bookshelves are over flowing as it is. :)

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I rarely go to the curricula boards unless I have a specific reason or somebody PMs me and asks for input. I am good with what we are doing. I did peek at your questions, just now. It looks like they were directed at MFW users? More general questions would result in a greater number of answers, but might also miss their target as far as what you were looking for.


It is rare that I skip a curriculum thread because of who posted it. Plus, you are on my good list. ;)

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Typically it is because I have no interest in that topic. Those threads I do not even open. Then there is the ones I open and decide I have nothing to say or contribute, or have no answers to a question posed. I can't think of a time I avoided a thread due to the author. I only notice who actually posted if it is a regular that I speak to often on here, if it is someone that rubs me wrong (I still do not pass those by, they might have something interesting to say), or if it is someone I am suspicious of. Generally speaking I do not notice the poster at all, it is all about the topic.

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No. But I really hate when I am the only one to reply, and then the OP pops back in and says "anyone else?". :tongue_smilie:






I realize they're just bumping it up, but still...



That's almost worse than having your thread be totally ignored. Makes me picture looking over the head of the kid waving their hand with the answer saying "Anyone care to answer this"

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If I ignore a thread, it is because I do not think I have anything meaningful to contribute to the topic.

ETA: Or it is because I have answered the same question so many times that I am tired of writing it yet again.

This. There are so many people here, I'm unlikely to even notice or remember anything about who wrote it most of the time!


If I don't respond, it is due to 1) time restraints/busy, 2) nothing to contribute because someone else has already said what I would say or 3) I really just don't know - for example, someone is asking about a new second grade program and I only have teens. I don't know the program at all, so I have nothing to say.

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I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner, but I've been ignoring this thread.


Just for spite. ;)


(BTW, I don't intentionally ignore threads; I don't respond to quite a few of them because someone else has usually already said what I was thinking of posting, or else I have no opinion or useful information to offer. I also sometimes ignore threads that I know are bound to turn ugly.)

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There's nobody here who I'd want to ignore. Although I don't always agree with everything everyone says, and some people can sometimes rub me up the wrong way, almost everyone I 'recognise' has something to say at some time that I find interesting, funny or insightful. The only posters I've ever felt like ignoring have turned out to be spam or trolls. I never ignore threads, but sometimes I just don't have anything to say, or it's already been said, or I just don't have time to post.


I'll look out for you in future jenL :001_smile:! Sometimes if I see a thread that's had no replies I will post something, just to bump it, even though I've not got anything profound to say. Mainly, I do this because, like you jenL, I've had threads ignored (lots of them actually), and I always think it's me :tongue_smilie:. It's not a nice thought :sad:.


Best wishes



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Okay, I *do* notice who starts threads. However, unless it is one of two people, I don't avoid threads for that reason. The one person, I avoid ALL her threads as she all but asked for. The other person, I only avoid her woe is me (usually discipline related) threads (as I simply don't believe that if the board hasn't helped her at all in all these years that we're going to miraculously make a difference now).


For most threads....I read what catches my eye and I post when I feel I can add something. THe reasons I post or not are often based on mood, honestly.


And look, you started a thread with lots of response. SO it probably isn't you :)

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I don't ignore people as others pointed out sometimes I don't have anything to add or times I realize what I am getting ready to post may not express exactly how I want to word something and I just erase what I wrote and may or may not try again to word a post the way I want.

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I can only tell you that if it is someone I really don't care for and wish to ignore, my curiosity often won't' allow me to ignore said threads and I just have to know what the person said! :lol:


However, I do ignore a lot of curriculum threads because I don't know a lot about curriculum I haven't used.

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How about when you comment on a lively thread and everybody's comments are quoted but yours? That really makes me feel like I have nothing worth adding to the conversation.:001_huh:


:iagree: Yep that too :tongue_smilie:.


Hope you feel reassured that you're worth quoting :D.


Best wishes



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Same here. This board moves so fast, I'm always behind.


And many times, I just don't have something to offer. We're engrossed in high school and K-6 was so long ago, I'm just too out of the loop to offer anything worth while.


I just went through the last 10 pages of posts and couldn't find any by you! So for me I'm not ignoring threads, I just miss them or can't even find them when I'm looking for them! :D
Edited by Tammyla
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