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Breaking news: school shooting by 9yo

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ugh. Come on people, I have no issue with guns, but how hard is it to keep it locked up???? If you can't afford a good safe you can't afford a gun.


As an aside, I found it odd they mentioned who the school was named after at the end of the article, as if that had anything to do with anything.

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I am glad that the bullet missed her vital organs and it sounds like she will live.


Whatever adult let the child have access to a gun is culpable for this crime IMO. Little kids in small towns do not have access to guns unless they get them at their house or someone else's house.

Edited by kijipt
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the parents have to be so disconnected with their children for this to happen.

I disagree. THat *could* be the case. And it is likely that someone very close to the child is irresponsible with guns (as are families on this board, btw). However, as a parent of a child who did something *almost* unimaginable today, that seemed about impossible, that no doubt other parents are really upset about, I have to say that this doesn't have to be the case. Sometimes very involved, hands-on parents who are trying very very hard to help their children have children who make incredibly poor choices which effect many people. Add to that that they simply cannot fully comprehend the consequences of their choices.....

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I disagree. THat *could* be the case. And it is likely that someone very close to the child is irresponsible with guns (as are families on this board, btw). However, as a parent of a child who did something *almost* unimaginable today, that seemed about impossible, that no doubt other parents are really upset about, I have to say that this doesn't have to be the case. Sometimes very involved, hands-on parents who are trying very very hard to help their children have children who make incredibly poor choices which effect many people. Add to that that they simply cannot fully comprehend the consequences of their choices.....



:iagree: and if they find out that the parents did not take precautions then of course they should be held responsible.

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So sad :(. In Killeen, TX, today. 4 yr old accidentally shot and killed his 3 yr old brother. Both are tragedies.


Oh, how tragic!


And the OP story is scary - 9 years old. Wow. So glad the little injured girl was not killed.


Pamela H, sounds like you've had a tough day. Here...:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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:crying: I keep looking at my 8 yr old and wondering how on earth a child so young not only had access to a gun, but could fathom bringing it to school and shooting another child. I can not imagine the heartache that little girl's family must be feeling. My prayers are going out for her recovery and for her family.

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:( This is such a sad story.


Guns need to be kept in secure from children, and I don't understand how a parent could leave a gun in an area where a child could potentially/accidentally get access to it. Even MORE than that, I can't imagine leaving a LOADED gun in the house. :confused:


My DF wants to own a gun (well, likely several), and I told him the first thing I will do is buy him a gun safe. I will keep the ammo in a separate cabinet with a separate lock. This is all before we even own a single gun!


... At least I feel a little better knowing the gun was accidentally discharged, and it wasn't intentional. IMO, there is a difference.

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The prosecutor is charging the boy...sigh. They should be arresting his parents or guardians. :glare: My Dad had guns when I was growing up, but they were kept locked away and/or out of reach.


The boy didn't aim and shoot. The gun went off from his backpack. BIG difference. Horrific results, but not the same *crime* as if he had taken aim and fired.


"The boy brought a gun to Armin Jahr Elementary, where it discharged from his backpack, piercing through and hitting Kocer-Bowman in the abdomen and arm, according to authorities. On Wednesday, Bremerton police characterized the shooting as accidental."--Source

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The prosecutor is charging the boy...sigh. They should be arresting his parents or guardians. :glare: My Dad had guns when I was growing up, but they were kept locked away and/or out of reach.


The boy didn't aim and shoot. The gun went off from his backpack. BIG difference. Horrific results, but not the same *crime* as if he had taken aim and fired.


"The boy brought a gun to Armin Jahr Elementary, where it discharged from his backpack, piercing through and hitting Kocer-Bowman in the abdomen and arm, according to authorities. On Wednesday, Bremerton police characterized the shooting as accidental."--Source


Ok, so not only did he have access to a loaded gun, but one that could accidentally discharge like that. Glad I have a Glock. You can throw them on the ground and they don't discharge. That said, It is locked up, and although the magazine is kept in the same safe you would have to break into the safe, know how to put the right magazine in the right gun (there are 2-3 in there at a time) and then know how to and have the physical strength to rack the slide, which would be pretty impossible for an 8 year old I would think. Many grown women can barely do it. I just don't understand how people can't take basic precautions. It is a cheap safe, under 50 dollars. It is mounted to the studs, and has an electronic keypad. With an 8 digit code. If you get the code wrong 3 times it locks down and you can't open it for a certain time period. Easy enough way to keep kids away from it. WHY don't people do this????????????


(I also believe kids should be taught about safety, the power of guns, etc, which may have prevented this too, but the mainstay of prevention is preventing access in the first place.)

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Just like in the other crime thread though, there must be SOMETHING the prosecutor knows to believe he can bring the boy up on charges. And though I don't know that a child can fully comprehend the full ramifications of what he's done, most children *are* capable of knowing basic right and wrong as well as some of the consequences of most choices. Even my four year old knows that a gun will *really* hurt someone. Now, he may not understand that it will kill someone and that person will never come to school again, that person's family will be sad, etc. But he most certainly gets hurting someone as he's proven.


But obviously, there is at least ONE other adult who has some culpability here.

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:crying: I keep looking at my 8 yr old and wondering how on earth a child so young not only had access to a gun, but could fathom bringing it to school and shooting another child. I can not imagine the heartache that little girl's family must be feeling. My prayers are going out for her recovery and for her family.


Uncle, who has custody, claims he got it from Mom's house. Mom and Dad both have "extensive criminal histories". Washington is NOT one of the states where adults are liable for a child getting their guns.


Or so the news says.

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:iagree: And yet another reason to ban handguns entirely.


Banning handguns would not have prevented this from happening; as has been noted, the parents were criminals to begin with. No law is going to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, after all, they are criminals and don't really bother with obeying laws now do they.



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I disagree. THat *could* be the case. And it is likely that someone very close to the child is irresponsible with guns (as are families on this board, btw). However, as a parent of a child who did something *almost* unimaginable today, that seemed about impossible, that no doubt other parents are really upset about, I have to say that this doesn't have to be the case. Sometimes very involved, hands-on parents who are trying very very hard to help their children have children who make incredibly poor choices which effect many people. Add to that that they simply cannot fully comprehend the consequences of their choices.....



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Banning handguns would not have prevented this from happening; as has been noted, the parents were criminals to begin with. No law is going to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, after all, they are criminals and don't really bother with obeying laws now do they.



There are criminals and there are criminals. Many people who steal a car don't have a gun. Carjackers perhaps, but not *ev*ery criminal. Many a small time local pot dealer is not willing to carry an illegal weapon. Beyond DV, lack of childsupport, and drug charges I'm not sure what the parents have on them.


I meet lots of criminals. They tend to have MOs. A forger may well never rape, and a rapist may never extort. To generalize that every criminal is willing to break every law is too.... general.


I admit I have broken the law, much more so when I was younger. However, it never crossed my mind to carry heat.

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Banning handguns would not have prevented this from happening; as has been noted, the parents were criminals to begin with. No law is going to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, after all, they are criminals and don't really bother with obeying laws now do they.



:iagree: Though as I've been reading, the only criminal about the dad I can find are DV complaints (maybe other stuff, but I haven't seen anything) by 'the known to the police' druggie mom (she's been arrested for drugs mutliple times.) the gun was her boyfriend's. the little boy was very troubled in the home situation and wanted to run away - he brought a gun to protect himself. the gun was in his backpack when it went off.

mom is a druggie, and it can probably be safely assumed boyfriend is too. druggies generally only have illegal guns, and no law will keep one away from them.

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