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Please pray for my grandson

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My son and his wife sent me a text this morning saying that our grandson (7 1/2 month) had a big welt on the back of his head and big welts under his arm. He's very itchy, miserable (especially itchy on his face). They took him to the er (their ped. still has not called them back...they've called more than once...and it has been "all" day:glare:). The er kept saying that the welt on the head was a bump from hitting his head. (????) Now dil says there are big welts on his head. They said to give him benedryl and get a steroid cream. (??) As of an hour ago, she said the welts are getting bigger. The last new intro. to a food was peas. I keep telling them to go to another er. I'm so worried about him. We are states away.

Oh, and she said they just got a new bottle of Baby Magic Baby wash/shampoo.

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I sure hope that this resolves quickly... in case it doesn't, I will share that my oldest son had an allergic reaction which gave him welts that came and went and came and went for three days. I went to the ER twice during that time. I was treated as an unintelligent mom and scolded. My little boys welts were horrible. It's scary! I DO NOT share this to scare or to compare, but to share that sometimes it takes a while for allergic reactions to work their way out of the body.


Poor little boy! I hope to hear a relieving update soon. Prayers being said now.



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Well, I have some more info. Son and dil are not happy with diagnosis. The dr. said it is Erythema Multiforme. This is an allergy to medication. He hasn't been on any medication whatsoever. So, they asked if it could be from the vaccines. They were told no...to long. I think it is about 40 days since. Well, I did some googling and 'EM' can result from vaccines. They didn't give him any antibiotic or a skin biopsy. They are just to "keep him comfortable." They don't know what to do. I'm hoping they go to the pediatrician tomorrow. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, I have some more info. Son and dil are not happy with diagnosis. The dr. said it is Erythema Multiforme. This is an allergy to medication. He hasn't been on any medication whatsoever. So, they asked if it could be from the vaccines. They were told no...to long. I think it is about 40 days since. Well, I did some googling and 'EM' can result from vaccines. They didn't give him any antibiotic or a skin biopsy. They are just to "keep him comfortable." They don't know what to do. I'm hoping they go to the pediatrician tomorrow. :tongue_smilie:


Seriously I just want to cause shaken doctor syndrome sometimes.


:grouphug: Hope the ped will pay attention to the fact that baby has not had any meds to react to.


ETA: Is the little on still breastfeeding? Has the mother taken any meds or vitamins lately that are different that usual?

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:grouphug: So sorry for your grand baby.


One more lead... The new shampoo... My allergic kiddo (multiple allergies) gets massive hives from cocamidyl chemicals... They are listed in various ways... Cocamidyl Propyl, etc - derived from coconut. It is very difficult to find shampoos/soaps without those ingredients, as it is a foaming agent (I believe). Son's allergy was confirmed via skin prick test.


If this is an allergy, and it sounds like it is, then that might be one more avenue to explore.

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Well, Dil called the pediatrician today. They have an appt. tomorrow morning. She was told this, "You will have a total of 15 minutes with the dr." DIL said, "I will not leave the office until I have answers." Good for her. She said they have 3 different diagnosis (es ?) ;). Will keep updating.
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Well, Dil called the pediatrician today. They have an appt. tomorrow morning. She was told this, "You will have a total of 15 minutes with the dr." DIL said, "I will not leave the office until I have answers." Good for her. She said they have 3 different diagnosis (es ?) ;). Will keep updating.


I think it is inexcusable that the doctor won't see him today.


If the inability to get an appointment and that kind of terrible attitude ("You will have a total of 15 minutes...") is par for the course at that office, I would be looking for another doctor immediately.


I hope your DIL makes a point of mentioning his receptionist's comment when she goes in for the appointment.

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I think it is inexcusable that the doctor won't see him today.


If the inability to get an appointment and that kind of terrible attitude ("You will have a total of 15 minutes...") is par for the course at that office, I would be looking for another doctor immediately.


I hope your DIL makes a point of mentioning his receptionist's comment when she goes in for the appointment.


:001_huh: I agree! I've never had a ped who wouldn't see a suffering child the same day, even staying after hours if necessary! That would really tick me off, and I agree about looking for another ped after this is wrapped up (or in trying to wrap it up even).

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DIL called this morning. He does have that Erythema Multiforme but the ped. says it is probably caused by a virus and his immune system was down. If he had sores in his mouth than we would have a problem. So it's not that dangerous form of EM. All the welts are around his lymph nodes. He really doesn't have a medication except motrin. It may take a few weeks to go away. The pediatrician wasn't happy that the ER doctors did not explain this to dil.

I will keep you up to date if there are any changes. Thank you for praying and being concerned for him. :001_smile:

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DIL called this morning. He does have that Erythema Multiforme but the ped. says it is probably caused by a virus and his immune system was down. If he had sores in his mouth than we would have a problem. So it's not that dangerous form of EM. All the welts are around his lymph nodes. He really doesn't have a medication except motrin. It may take a few weeks to go away. The pediatrician wasn't happy that the ER doctors did not explain this to dil.

I will keep you up to date if there are any changes. Thank you for praying and being concerned for him. :001_smile:


Poor sweetie :( Well, I'm glad that it's not worse news, that's for sure. I hope they can make him comfortable and he's better soon.

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DIL called this morning. He does have that Erythema Multiforme but the ped. says it is probably caused by a virus and his immune system was down. If he had sores in his mouth than we would have a problem. So it's not that dangerous form of EM. All the welts are around his lymph nodes. He really doesn't have a medication except motrin. It may take a few weeks to go away. The pediatrician wasn't happy that the ER doctors did not explain this to dil.

I will keep you up to date if there are any changes. Thank you for praying and being concerned for him. :001_smile:

Glad they have some answers.


If the ER drs should have explained more then she should complain to the hospital.


And I agree sounds like they need a new ped. I can't say enough good about our peds office. It is a group, but we can see our choice dr. but we can always get in. They have been great about me even running late for an appt still seeing us with no problem.


The drs HAVE always spent what time we needed for issues.

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