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Boys claim "something" bothering them (ghost or something)

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I don't even know how to type this to avoid sounding insane, but here goes...


My middle son, age 10, has been complaining for about a year now, of what he says are 3 or so demonic spirits that bother him. They wake him up, they make strange noises, they have black shadows that scare him. Says they call him by his name, and stand around his bed talking to him when he tries to sleep.


There was one very scary night of things that happened that even my husband and I saw... To the point where we didn't think this was TOTALLY the imagination of a kid (maybe some of it was, but not all)...


(we are Christian)-- We have prayed over the entire home, told the "things" to leave, we annointed the entire home in oil, put better lighting in his room (thinking the shadows might have been the bad lighting in the room), put "happy" posters of puppies in his room, keep a Bible on his headboard (that he regularly reads), painted and carpeted the room, even changed out the blinds to a less creepy set.


Ever since the latest annointing with oil, things have improved, but once in a while he still mentions the problem.



NOW... my 12 year old son is saying "they're" bothering him too. He says they've been bothering him for a few months, but he was afraid to say anything. Says that he doesn't even want to go into his room during the daytime anymore. Actually asked to sleep in our room lastnight-- after coming into our room 4 times with noise complaints. He hasn't asked to sleep in our room since he was about 7. He's always slept alone and never minded, at all... Now he's afraid of his room too!


Third son is pretty oblivious. He doesn't feel or see any problems, except when he is in the other two rooms... then he says he feels creeped out sometimes, like something is watching him...


Hubby and I don't really feel creeped out anywhere in the house. The dog isn't afraid of any areas either, but she rarely goes into their rooms because she's almost blind and there's always stuff on the floor that she gets hurt on.


We are the only owners of this house-- 13 years now. No wigi boards (sp?), no seances (sp?), nothing that I can think of that would invite anything bad.



Ok, so I need peace in my house. And I need my kids to want to sleep in their rooms again. And I need whatever it is-- real or imagination-- to go away, forever.


Monster spray isn't going to work here, any other suggestions?



If it is their imagination/fears, I'm out of ideas on what to change to make it better! We've changed the lighting, painted, carpeted, added "happy" posters, even changed the blinds in all their rooms! Not much else we CAN do!


If it's "real", I'm really out of ideas on what to change/make it better!


And I feel like a really crazy person for even posting this.


My 12 year old wants to talk to me to tell him how to make this GO AWAY, and I have no clue.

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Have your home checked for mold, and have your boys checked for allergies to mold.


Black mold in a house can cause hallucinations. Our house that had it was built in 1917, but mostly it occurs in newer houses where something was done wrong in construction. If you are the only owner and your house is 13 years old...At the time we were having our house inspected (12 years ago) the mold inspector told us that several builders in our city were having problems with black mold in their brand new houses. It was even on the news.


Try googling "mold hallucinations"


(I'm perfectly willing to believe in ghosts, but I prefer to start with the physical world.)

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Call your local Catholic parish and make an appointment to speak with the priest. Tell him what is going on and ask if he can bless the house. Also if you think it is needed each diocese has a priest trained in exorcism.


It isn't something to attempt to do on your own. You could possibly make it much much worse.

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The above advice is a start. The mold idea is great. Something concrete to deal with.

However, if non of the above helps. Then I would read up on anointing of oil. I dealt with something similar when living in our first apartment. Actual seeing a large thing luming over our bed. Eyes glowing in dark. And other things that now sound like it was from a horror film. We talk with our pastor and he gave us oil to anoint the windows and door (and advice on how to pray) but was very adamant about the order the oil was put on the windows and doors. If you did it in such a way as to lock the spirit in then it is stuck. You need to start at one end and systematically work it to one exit point.

Just because you are the only who have lived in your house, it does not mean the builders where not into something dark. One worker could leave behind baggage.

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Thanks everyone!


Especially for not thinking we're crazy! LOL


I have a neighbor who is a professional contractor, who also works for Allstate doing house inspections. He just left my house. There's no sign of any mold in any part of the house. He also confirmed that all the wiring appears to be ok in that part of the house-- he mentioned something about wierd/excessive electrical can cause hallucinations too...


Ruled that out.


One smoke detector defective though, and my front door is leaking alot of cold air in. LOL


I did have an interesting conversation with the neighbor. Seems his daughter has been having identical things happen. She's 5. Two doors down from me. Our kids really don't play together because of the age difference.


Kinda freaky.

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Thanks everyone!


Especially for not thinking we're crazy! LOL


I have a neighbor who is a professional contractor, who also works for Allstate doing house inspections. He just left my house. There's no sign of any mold in any part of the house. He also confirmed that all the wiring appears to be ok in that part of the house-- he mentioned something about wierd/excessive electrical can cause hallucinations too...


Ruled that out.


One smoke detector defective though, and my front door is leaking alot of cold air in. LOL


I did have an interesting conversation with the neighbor. Seems his daughter has been having identical things happen. She's 5. Two doors down from me. Our kids really don't play together because of the age difference.


Kinda freaky.

The bolded has been mentioned a few times on Ghost Hunters on the SyFy channel. So it isn't unheard of.

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I like the suggestion of sleeping in your dc's rooms. Spend a couple of nights, maybe you in your ynger dc's room and hubby in the older. Have your ds with you. You'll be able to see what he is experiencing. You will be able to observe him in that environment too. I hope you get some answers. :grouphug:

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Do your kids sleep well when they are not at home, like at Grandma's house or when you're on vacation?


Personally, if I thought there was even a possibility that there was something harmful or threatening to my child in my home, I would move out. I know a lot of people would think it was crazy, but I wouldn't take any chances. Is it an old house? Do you know it's history?


BTW, I think it's great that you are taking your children's concerns seriously, and that you're doing everything you can to figure out what is going on.



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Thanks everyone!


Especially for not thinking we're crazy! LOL


I have a neighbor who is a professional contractor, who also works for Allstate doing house inspections. He just left my house. There's no sign of any mold in any part of the house. He also confirmed that all the wiring appears to be ok in that part of the house-- he mentioned something about wierd/excessive electrical can cause hallucinations too...


Ruled that out.


One smoke detector defective though, and my front door is leaking alot of cold air in. LOL


I did have an interesting conversation with the neighbor. Seems his daughter has been having identical things happen. She's 5. Two doors down from me. Our kids really don't play together because of the age difference.


Kinda freaky.


If your neighbor's child is having similiar problems, do you know the history of the land your house(and the rest of the neighborhood) is built on? I would be looking for someone with more expertise who you are comfortable with.

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I like the suggestion of sleeping in your dc's rooms. Spend a couple of nights, maybe you in your ynger dc's room and hubby in the older. Have your ds with you. You'll be able to see what he is experiencing. You will be able to observe him in that environment too. I hope you get some answers. :grouphug:





Meanwhile, I don't know how you ladies who have actually seen things (glowing eyes!!) have survived. I'm about certain my heart would stop.

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I like the suggestion of sleeping in your dc's rooms. Spend a couple of nights, maybe you in your ynger dc's room and hubby in the older. Have your ds with you. You'll be able to see what he is experiencing. You will be able to observe him in that environment too. I hope you get some answers. :grouphug:


This is definitely where I would start. Then I would talk to a pastor / priest as well. We are Christians and I always tell my kids there are no such things as ghosts, but I do believe in evil spirits for sure!


Keep praying!! I will shoot some up for you RIGHT NOW as well.

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Thanks everyone!


Especially for not thinking we're crazy! LOL


I have a neighbor who is a professional contractor, who also works for Allstate doing house inspections. He just left my house. There's no sign of any mold in any part of the house. He also confirmed that all the wiring appears to be ok in that part of the house-- he mentioned something about wierd/excessive electrical can cause hallucinations too...


Ruled that out.


One smoke detector defective though, and my front door is leaking alot of cold air in. LOL


I did have an interesting conversation with the neighbor. Seems his daughter has been having identical things happen. She's 5. Two doors down from me. Our kids really don't play together because of the age difference.


Kinda freaky.


This would really concern me.


As other have said, I really think you should talk to a priest, and your personal pasture. Children are more open/susceptible to anything spiritual in nature. Or at least this is what I have heard.


My now 7 year old brought tears to my eyes one day when he looked out the window and got very excited because "he saw" one of our friends outside waving bye to him. DH and I had just come home from the hospital, our friend had passed away from cancer. My kids had not yet been told he was even sick. It just so happens that we had his widow and 3 month old with us, because she was moving in for a few months. This seem to bring her some peace.



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Start by believing them completely. If they are sleeping with you, they are telling the truth. I have 2 friends who's parents didn't believe them until they moved out and the parents tried to use the room for other things.


Sleeping in the room is a good idea...and the electric issue is a big possility. EMF is what he was talking about. It causes all sort of paranoia and hallucinations if you are sensitive to it and it is high levels.


ALSO, is there power lines ANYWHERE near your home?


I do think that a catholic priest would be a bit more equipped to handle this personally. Every man in my family who is over 18 is a pastor...and I can tell you there is very little training given to pastors... the catholic church at least has specific age old rites and ways of dealing with it.


I would be very careful who came in a "worked" on the house because as someone else mentioned it is a very specific thing.


If you CAN move, without people knowing the house has issues then I would personally. It may only get worse before better.


Hugs, I am sorry you are dealing with this. Even if it has gotten better, if he is telling you there are still issues then believe him... as he may be keeping some of it to himself.

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Do some history on the land this street was built on. What's up with the area? Any native ties? Battles?


Our previous home gave me the creeps. Dh bought it without me being able to see it (states away). It gave off such a weird vibe (I know that sounds hokey to some) that I wouldn't have bought it. I was never so glad to move out of there.


There were also some weird incidents (which I will not recount here) and I feel quite certain there was KKK activity on the property at some point. I was not surprised to find out they had been very active in our area well into the time just before the house was built (70s). I could never find documentation of anything on our particular property (3 acres), but there was little documentation anyway.

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Assuming you've ruled out any physical causes, I agree that you should get some sage bundles and try that. Sage is often very effective.


From what you've said, it sounds like these spirits haven't actually caused any physical harm, which is good. If you don't want to move, is it possible for you to learn to live with them? I'm one of those who believes that many of what we think of as "ghosts" are just echoes of strong events or people from the past. I definitely wouldn't refer to them as "demons" if you want your kids to sleep ever again. :tongue_smilie:


You could always find stories of people who have learned to live harmoniously with these kinds of spirits and share those with your kids.

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If your neighbor's child is having similiar problems, do you know the history of the land your house(and the rest of the neighborhood) is built on? I would be looking for someone with more expertise who you are comfortable with.

:iagree: I would research that. I would contact the local Parish and talk to a Priest. To be honest, my first thought was, I would move.

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I believe you and your kids.

As a child(from about age 9 to 13) we lived in a manufactured house on land that, as far as we know, nobody ever lived on before--it was an old cow field. Anyway, I swear there was something in that house. I was never comfortable in the master bedroom or bathroom after dark, even with all the lights on, and neither was one of my sisters. My parents just thought we were nuts--until three of our younger sisters, ages 2-6 at that point, started waking up with nightmares, screaming about red eyes staring at them, something terrible in their bedroom, etc. I think my dad still thought we were just overreacting to normal children's fears, but my mom took it seriously. They had the house anointed and prayed through by our pastor and deacons, hung a cross in the bedroom, and began praying with them every night. To be honest, it went away for a while, then came back.

We moved a few months later. It stopped completely.

Nobody has lived in our old house for more than a year since, though I honestly don't know the reasons and it's been almost twenty years since we moved.


:grouphug: If you don't get anywhere with your pastor, I second calling your local Catholic church. My parents are extremely conservative evangelical Christians, and before we moved my mom had contacted a priest(as prayers of our pastor/deacons had stopped working at that point). They were more than happy to talk to her, and nobody thought we were just a bunch of crazies.



Just wanted to add...we were a stereotypical, large, homeschooled, somewhat sheltered family. No television, no occultic influences or toys, nothing. No scary movies or books, either.

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because I am tired and forgot everything I wanted to say
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I believe you and your kids too and I would take it very seriously. I was exposed to this type of stuff as a child because my mom loved dabbling into that. I have had experiences similar to your son.


I would definitely have your house blessed and/or exorcised - whatever it is that your Christian faith prescribes (I am going out on a limb and assuming you're a Christian from your avatar).


I would teach your son the Lord's Prayer and the 23rd Psalm... also a good one is Ps 121 which the Orthodox pray as part of our morning prayers. I would give him an icon of his guardian angel to hold when he is frightened at night.

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I had something similar happen to me, that really freaked me out! I would see looming figures about me while I slept or was trying to get to sleep. Then, I got my wisdom teeth taken out and it went away. So...have your kids recently gotten their wisdom teeth in?

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I honestly don't believe in anything supernatural, but I strongly believe in the power of fear to ruin a child's world temporarily. I heard and saw "supernatural" things all the time when I was a kid and was constantly terrified. I spent many sleepless nights too terrified to move. I agree with PPs: Please let them sleep in your room, or you & dh could sleep in their rooms. Do what you have to do to help them feel safe. Whether or not these demons are real doesn't matter. Right now, they are 100% real to them. I don't have to believe in ghosts to believe that this is a big, scary, REAL issue for your family right now. :grouphug:

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My now 7 year old brought tears to my eyes one day when he looked out the window and got very excited because "he saw" one of our friends outside waving bye to him. DH and I had just come home from the hospital, our friend had passed away from cancer. My kids had not yet been told he was even sick. It just so happens that we had his widow and 3 month old with us, because she was moving in for a few months. This seem to bring her some peace.




Something similar happened with friends of the family (my grandmother's best friend's grandson). They had several children including a late-in-life baby girl (a couple years older than me). She was very close to her dad, and when she was pregnant (days away from giving birth) her father died. It was such a sad situation. She was his favorite child -- his baby-- and had been looking forward to his grandson's birth. She was distraught, and if I remember correctly, she went into labor with her son at the funeral. Anyway, because she was so upset over her father's death, her mom put away all the pictures of her dad so as not to upset the daughter.


4 years later, the girl's little son had never seen a picture of his grandfather or anything. He started telling stories about his grandfather talking and visiting him. At first everyone thought it was a child's imagination, but the stories got more and more specific. The child knew stories and jokes that his mom had learned from her dad, but no one in the family had told him those things. One day they were looking through old family pictures -- now remember he had never, ever seen a picture of his grandfather -- and as soon as they turned to a picture of him, the boy piped up, "There's Grampy!"


2 of my cousins -- both adults-- told me that the night my grandmother died, they were visited by her. One in his dream, but the other felt someone sit on her bed and stroke her hair, and just "knew."


I agree with those who have told you to research the land your house was built on.

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:grouphug: Bless your hearts. Once I heard a visiting Baptist pastor tell of his experiences as a missionary in a very dark and sinister village. He was troubled with these types of things. He said that he would immediately start singing 'Nothing But the Blood of Jesus' and the apparitions would leave. In case you would like to teach it to your children, here is one example:


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Ghosts do not exist. Cleansing rituals may offer a "placebo effect" in the short term but they also encourage the superstitious beliefs that are the root source of the problem in the first place.


To borrow a phrase from Franklin Roosevelt, "there is nothing to fear but fear itself."



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Ghosts do not exist. Cleansing rituals may offer a "placebo effect" in the short term but they also encourage the superstitious beliefs that are the root source of the problem in the first place.


To borrow a phrase from Franklin Roosevelt, "there is nothing to fear but fear itself."




:iagree: but fear is a powerful thing. I had horrible night terrors until I was about 13. I was totally paralyzed by fear and "saw" all kinds of terrifying things (that honestly weren't there). I'd have your kids sleep together and see if things improve. Sleeping alone was awful for me. Having someone else in the room improved things 90%. It didn't eliminate all of my irrational fear but I realized that it was, in fact, all in my head.

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A few months ago, we painted the house and re-carpeted. I personally went through every.single.thing in their rooms to purge the toys/junk/outgrown clothing, etc... There MIGHT be something, but I have no idea what it might be.


We dont' even have any harry potter movies or books, or any books on werewolves, vampires or witchcraft. Not even kids' fiction books-- my kids just don't like that stuff, and I'm good with that! LOL


To get a little more specific on to my oldest son's most recent description:


Last night, son felt like he was being watched and felt "creeped out" while trying to go to sleep. He said he prayed to God that anything Bad would be kicked out of the room and leave him alone so he could sleep. He said IMMEDIATELY after that the room felt good again. Like a big breath of fresh air. THEN, he started hearing stomping/banging noises in the attic above his bed. He got scared that his prayer getting "something" kicked out of his room made the thing mad. he was then too terrified to do anything so came to our room and slept there.


Hubby checked the attic lastnight and again this morning. The area above his room is nothing but insulation. there's no hard floor for something to stomp. And there is no evidence of rodents in the attic-- hubby recently had an exterminator check and they didn't find anything. (but did put poision up anyway and that poision is untouched).


Son and I went up to the attic again this mornig to check again. We cant figure that one out.there's no pipes, no anything above his room, or really near it. Those things are above MY room. And we didn't hear anything.


Trust me, we are TRYING to debunk or find any explanation for what they are experiencing.



I did not post it on the thread earlier, but one night my husband was wide awake, in bed praying and working on a Bible study that we used to email out to friends. Suddenly SOMETHING punched him in the arm and SCREAMED in his ear, "STOP IT!"


That same night, me, hubby and all 3 kids had the same identical dream of snakes and demonic creatures. When we talked to the kids seperatly, the descriptions of the things were identical.



So we have experienced enough on our own to believe the kids. There is probably a mixture going on here.... some real, and their imagination going wild based on what they are experiencing. I just need to sort the real from the fear. then deal with the real.

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We moved into my house in spring of 2010. Before moving in we had quite a bit of renovating just to make it habitable... (plumbing, electric, painting, etc.) We spent a month just working on that before we could move in. We would spend days here at the house and never was I so relieved to go home at night to our townhouse. The house had a bad feeling to it - which I chalked up to my own paranoia when we had viewings. My husband (who prior to this was not sensitive to stuff like that and thinks I'm full of melo-drama) came home from a late night of painting and told me had a conversation with the former owner of the house. The house was an estate sale and the original owners were deceased. We are free-will baptist - I absolutely do NOT believe in ghosts, however I do believe in evil spirits and the fact that they will disguise themselves as something friendly to trick us. The next morning I was on the phone with my brother (a Catholic priest) who came in and gave the house an old-rite Catholic blessing... I had to use chalk above the bedroom doors - the whole nine yards.


Other than the occasional bump in the night that I attribute to the house's age, but I'm not afraid to live here and my kids have no problems sleeping in their rooms alone - with the occasional closet door fear that most kids have.


Just wanted to say that even if you aren't Catholic (in my case my brother calls me a non-practicing catholic although I attend a baptist church every week) contacting a priest worked for us. I think it was easier for me since I already had the connection to my brother.


I also agree with OP is it possible that someone brought something into your house that you aren't even aware of? Its interesting that your neighbor is having similar issues with his daughter - that said she's five and it could just easily be developmental for her - 5 was around the age that DS1 refused to sleep in the room with the closet door open. Now at 7 he's fine with it and even sleeps in our spare room from time to time on his own. (he shares with his brother usually) I really do like the idea of your boys sharing a room for the time being, as well as you sleeping in there for a week or so.

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I did not post it on the thread earlier, but one night my husband was wide awake, in bed praying and working on a Bible study that we used to email out to friends. Suddenly SOMETHING punched him in the arm and SCREAMED in his ear, "STOP IT!"


Is why this is a bad idea

I would go to my pastor and in the meantime; play Christian music, pray, speak bible verses, I believe everything you are saying.
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I have a niece who has always seen spirits. When I was talking about this to an elder of my church, she said she, too has this gift.

She explained that the distiguishing of spirits is a spiritual gift (1 Cor 12:8-10).


This can be as simple as feeling things to be off in a person or as complicated as seeing and hearing spirits. If you move, they will follow. (they always followed DN)


She (niece) was always taught to not believe in these things and felt that she was "wrong" or "tainted" She turned away from God until I could get my elder to talk to her. There are ways to "tame" this gift and ways to protect the individual.

My Elder cleanses her house with oil and prayer regularly, she demands in the name of Jesus all spirits leave and puts oil all around the house and perimeter of the yard. Over every entry (doors and windows) (Even the pet door has an oil cross over it). She does a lot of spiritual teaching and has numerous people in her house so she cleanses her house frequently.


I cannot say I do or do not think you have spirits, I do know the damage that was done to my niece as a result of noone believing her and helping her to understand what was happening.



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That same night, me, hubby and all 3 kids had the same identical dream of snakes and demonic creatures. When we talked to the kids seperatly, the descriptions of the things were identical.




A very rational, thoughtful friend has described this same sort of thing occurring within a group of people -- shared nightmares, in their case the death of each one's father. She's from India, and it happened while she was still living there. She waves her hand and says, "I know you westerners don't believe in things like this, but we see it a lot in our part of the world." Or maybe they're simply more willing to admit it exists, who knows.


So, yeah, believable to me. And I think your thought about it being a mix of real things happening and imaginations running wild is spot on. Some sort of cleansing, be it a priest or waving around sage, would probably do for both -- both clearing out the REAL, and calming the imaginations.

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Have your home checked for mold, and have your boys checked for allergies to mold.


Black mold in a house can cause hallucinations. Our house that had it was built in 1917, but mostly it occurs in newer houses where something was done wrong in construction. If you are the only owner and your house is 13 years old...At the time we were having our house inspected (12 years ago) the mold inspector told us that several builders in our city were having problems with black mold in their brand new houses. It was even on the news.


Try googling "mold hallucinations"


(I'm perfectly willing to believe in ghosts, but I prefer to start with the physical world.)

I'm not a Christian, but if I were in your shoes I would go ask my pastor for advice, and bring the boys with me so they could describe what they have been experiencing.


Google sleep paralysis.



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Have your home checked for mold, and have your boys checked for allergies to mold.


Black mold in a house can cause hallucinations. Our house that had it was built in 1917, but mostly it occurs in newer houses where something was done wrong in construction. If you are the only owner and your house is 13 years old...At the time we were having our house inspected (12 years ago) the mold inspector told us that several builders in our city were having problems with black mold in their brand new houses. It was even on the news.


Try googling "mold hallucinations"


(I'm perfectly willing to believe in ghosts, but I prefer to start with the physical world.)


:iagree: There are several fungi that cause hallucinations and delusions... it can grow in inconspicuous places.


Also, do you eat any sprouted grains...Ezekial Bread and whatnot comes to mind. If these become contaminated with certain types of fungi, it can cause Ergot poisoning which also causes extreme hallucinations. The effects can be mitigated by strong immune systems, the better flora and fauna of one person's gut over another, and the consumption of dairy products with active probiotic cultures since the cultures weaken/kill the fungi..thus one person in a household can exhibit symptoms of Ergot poisoning while another does not...in particular, rye is prone to the Ergot fungi.


Another possibility is PANDAS if either of the boys has recently had strep...I have a friend whose 12 year old boy ended up in the psyche ward for hallucinations...extreme ones and he ended up attempting to seriously hurt his younger sister. It was a psychiatrist who ordered the blood work that determined it was PANDAS. He is doing much better now with medical treatment.


I'd look for medical answers and not only spiritual answers though I certainly would not rule out getting spiritual help.



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You guys are freaking me out.



But I believe you. I believe there is a sirirual world...so, I have to believe it.


A short story...2 weeks before my mom passed away, she told me she got up at night to go to the bathroom. When she got back to her bed, my dad...who was gone 7 years before was lying on her side of the bed. She told him to move over and make room for her. He did. She told me about it the next day. She got sick the following week...and was gone and next to my dad one week later.


I believe she just wanted to be with him and he came to get her.



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"I claim the protection of the blood of the Lamb," and "In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave.". These are for immediate situations only, not for long term protection. Evil spirits need to listen to Christ.


Our priest, studying to be an exorcist, says do not mess around with this kind of thing. Get your home blessed and anything else they (Catholic exorcists) recommend. He also said evil spirits use situations involving drug use as open doors - perhaps you had a drug user help build your house?


Please do not attempt to handle this yourself - and teach everyone those prayers!

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I would also recommend calling a priest, Catholic or Orthodox.


However, I would also look for physical or medical causes. Your son who is most bothered, do you have any other reason to think that there might be a problem with his physical or psychological health? If he has not had a recent checkup then I would do that. (I go to that possibility because in our family there is a history of people 'seeing things' or 'hearing things' which was actual psychiatric illness, which could be controlled by medication. God forbid your family should ever be affected like this! But I would rule it out.) Because it's also possible to get so worried that one might get scared and start freaking out at every little noise and shadow. Maybe that is what is affecting the rest of the family.


I'm not discounting your story at all, please don't think that. I would just look for every explanation.


Let them sleep in your room, by all means, until they are comfortable.

Blessings, and I hope you will have some peace soon!:grouphug:

Lord have mercy!

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Call your local Catholic parish and make an appointment to speak with the priest. Tell him what is going on and ask if he can bless the house. Also if you think it is needed each diocese has a priest trained in exorcism.


It isn't something to attempt to do on your own. You could possibly make it much much worse.




I wouldn't mess around with this, call the pros!

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