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Adoption fell through

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Oldest dd and her husband were matched with a birthmom and the little baby was born in the wee hours yesterday. They spent the past 36 hours taking care of the baby, and the birthmom just told them she's decided to parent.


Sigh. I know all of this is in God's hands, but it's still hard.

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I am so sorry this happened to your family. We also had an adoption fall apart. The best consolation is when I look at my son who we adopted a few months later. I can't imagine life without him, and if that adoption had happened we wouldn't have him in our lives. God, the universe, fate, or whatever you believe knows the child meant for your family. Hugs to all of you though, because I know how hard it is to hold on to that thought in the midst of the moment.

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I am so sorry. Such tremendous heartache. :grouphug:


This is why we went international. The parents have surrendered their parental rights before the child is matched with a family. We didn't set eyes on our daughters until they were in total custody of the orphanage. And we knew the orphanage wouldn't want to keep them.

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I am so sorry this happened to your family. We also had an adoption fall apart. The best consolation is when I look at my son who we adopted a few months later. I can't imagine life without him, and if that adoption had happened we wouldn't have him in our lives. God, the universe, fate, or whatever you believe knows the child meant for your family. Hugs to all of you though, because I know how hard it is to hold on to that thought in the midst of the moment.


^^ This same situation has happened to several of our friends. An adoption fell through, some of them truly heartbreaking, but a short time later their forever child(ren) were placed with them. I know it doesn't make it easier NOW, but in retrospect it did offer some comfort to my friends to know there was another plan for them. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to all.

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I'm so sorry! Stories like that are the main reason I chose international adoption. It's hard not to feel in your heart that baby is yours once it's in your arms. I knew that was a heartache I couldn't bear. I hope your DD and her husband are matched again soon, everything goes through, and they heal from this experience.

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We had several failed adoptions or ones that fell through. I'm so very sorry for your family.


I do tell people that it part of the adoption process. those that make it through and persevere are the ones that end up with children.


We did domestic adoptions. We worked through an agency.

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I am so sorry. We had a failed adoption over two years ago. I never saw or held our baby though. I can't imagine how much harder that would be! I still think of her and wonder if her birthmom is happy with her decision and if she is well cared for and loved.

Praying for your family in this time of sorrow :grouphug:

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Oldest dd and her husband were matched with a birthmom and the little baby was born in the wee hours yesterday. They spent the past 36 hours taking care of the baby, and the birthmom just told them she's decided to parent.


Sigh. I know all of this is in God's hands, but it's still hard.


Praying for them in their loss and grief :grouphug:

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