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If you know someone with ADD please read this

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I have debated writing this for some time, but here goes:


It has become apparent in the past couple of months that my dosage of Adderall is no longer sufficient to treat ADD. At first I thought it was just the fact that dh was deployed, so I put off talking to my Dr. about it. I even talked to dh about it when he returned and he said that maybe it was just stress and it would normalize. I laid in bed last night thinking about writing this and my thoughts were so scattered I couldn't even calm it all down enough to do so.


Let me say first of all that this is NOT an excuse. I am not about to tell you that nothing is my fault because "poor me I have ADD so you can't blame me for anything". Not at all.


I will call my Dr. tomorrow because I have finally concluded that, yes, this is really a problem. So many things that needed to be done while dh was gone were forgotten. So much chaos, so much confusion because when I go to do ONE thing I do 17 different things, all with very different goals so that nothing is actually accomplished. Like yesterday:


I went to the bathroom and noticed that we were almost out of clean hand towels, so I went to the laundry room, after I washed my hands and changed laundry loads. While there I noticed the pine cone bird feeders we made last year and I never got around to putting outside. Then I remembered that I needed to mix the henna. Off to find the henna. Mixed up the henna and remembered that I needed to take meat out for dinner. While in the freezer for the meat I remembered that I needed to sweep the floor. Swept the floor, but couldn't find the dustpan so went off to look for it. There is more, so much more, but I think you get the picture. Also, I split this up into paragraps because it is easier for others to read and absolutely drives me crazy when people don't do that, but.....in my head it is all one paragraph, just all running together.


It is maddening. Absolutely maddening. Lately I read threads here and most of the time don't reply because by the time I get to the reply box it seems overwhelming to have all of the words that are whirring around in my head to line up so I can put them onto "paper". (the screen)


I know that this is different than normal. I know that it affects my kids. I hate that my family has to deal with it.


I'm just letting you know because even though I make jokes about it......I hate it.

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I was diagnosed at 27 with severe ADHD. Worst case she had ever seen. :( it has damaged my relationshipd, my professional reputation, and my trustworthiness. (Inability to follow through with things I said I would do)


It is a daily cross I carry. :grouphug:



Yeah, I was diagnosed a few months after my brother died. I casually mentioned to my Dr. that I was (said jokingly), "gonna kill someone in my Sociology class". He asked why and I said,"Well, between the two girls who won't stop talking, the guy behind me who keeps tapping his foot, the woman who clicks her pen, the girl at the back who sucks the snot thru her sinuses I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!"


After he diagnosed me I saw a psychiatrist whose words of wisdom were, "write yourself a note and tell yourself to ignore it". :glare:


I explained to her that writing something down is how I jog my memory. That was no help. :lol:


Like you, Angelbee, it has caused problems in our marraige (in the past) as well as numerous job problems. There are some wonderful things about me, but this sure isn't one of them!

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I have never bothered with an official diagnosis or meds. I've always been able to manage through external means-lists, strict schedules, listening to music or audio books while I was focusing, not having too many things on any given day, etc. However, my schedule has become SO busy and SO much is expected of me in various arenas, that I don't feel like I am doing a good job at any of them. Things are starting to slip through my fingers. I hate that. SO, I sympathize. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:




Every online test tells me I have moderate to severe ADD. My life is very much like what you describe. My family laughs at me and my little notebooks, but (as long as I don't lose them:tongue_smilie:), they are my lifeline.

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Yeah, I was diagnosed a few months after my brother died. I casually mentioned to my Dr. that I was (said jokingly), "gonna kill someone in my Sociology class". He asked why and I said,"Well, between the two girls who won't stop talking, the guy behind me who keeps tapping his foot, the woman who clicks her pen, the girl at the back who sucks the snot thru her sinuses I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!"


After he diagnosed me I saw a psychiatrist whose words of wisdom were, "write yourself a note and tell yourself to ignore it". :glare:


I explained to her that writing something down is how I jog my memory. That was no help. :lol:


Like you, Angelbee, it has caused problems in our marraige (in the past) as well as numerous job problems. There are some wonderful things about me, but this sure isn't one of them!

I was told to get on high doses of medication, stop breastfeeding, and have no more children. I was preggo with number 3 at the time.


Clearly....I didn't listen! :lol: Mother of 7...who just breastfed Colton. :)

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Yeah, I was diagnosed a few months after my brother died. I casually mentioned to my Dr. that I was (said jokingly), "gonna kill someone in my Sociology class". He asked why and I said,"Well, between the two girls who won't stop talking, the guy behind me who keeps tapping his foot, the woman who clicks her pen, the girl at the back who sucks the snot thru her sinuses I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!"


Hey, that's how I feel at church. I discovered that learning to sign helps me tune everything out and worship. Unfortunately, we moved and I'm not attending the church where I was learning anymore. I really want to learn ASL and become fluent in it.


I went to the bathroom and noticed that we were almost out of clean hand towels, so I went to the laundry room, after I washed my hands and changed laundry loads. While there I noticed the pine cone bird feeders we made last year and I never got around to putting outside. Then I remembered that I needed to mix the henna. Off to find the henna. Mixed up the henna and remembered that I needed to take meat out for dinner. While in the freezer for the meat I remembered that I needed to sweep the floor. Swept the floor, but couldn't find the dustpan so went off to look for it. There is more, so much more, but I think you get the picture.


I do that too. I looked into getting diagnosed but can't afford the testing my doctor wants before he'll prescribe meds. My husband has gotten better about accepting how distracted I am, and he often redirects me when I get distracted (usually when food is involved and not getting prepared).


I've given up on volunteering or leading for the most part. I'm just not reliable anymore. I used to be a leader but then I had kids. Four of them overloaded my abilities to cope. Fortunately, with concerted effort I am getting better with day to day stuff but I still let things slip...like not depositing four checks for the support group I'm treasurer for before the bank refused them.

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I am so glad you all mentioned notebooks and writing. I use many evryday. I sometimes never look at my notes, but I can "see" them in my head.


I tell my hubby all the time that I have to write it down or it doesn't exist for me. I don't ever have to see the paper again, but I MUST write it down or I won't remember it.

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I'm with you :grouphug:


I have my lists...many of them and a hubby who knows how I am. He is very calm and laid back so he reminds me of things I need to do...just now he remined me to go put my dog out to potty...that I said I was going to do about 10 min ago ;), but wasn't able to at the time because I was getting ready to make bread, but headed over to the computer to print the recipe, while printing got to checking my email and then got on here trying to find something else. Getting sidetracked is a pain, but most of the time I'm able to function with my lists and help from hubby. I'm grateful for him for sure.


Now to get back to my bread baking, lol.

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:grouphug: YOu know I had to laugh when I read your list of doing 17 things when you go to do 1. I am like that only I have done the testing for adhd and it showed I do not have it. So I think that part at least is as mush ADD as it is just being a busy mom.


My daughter commented a few years back that I was a planner not a doer. In order to remember everything I make lists, lots and lots of lists. But then like what you posted I get sidetracked very easily and end up doing too many things and never finish even 1 item on my list. That comment has stuck with me and I use it to grab to when I find myself doing too many things and not accomplishing any of them. I make myself stop in my tracks and finish what I was doing before moving on. So for the missing dustpan (and it happens here often) I have been known to not move from that spot and instead hollar for my 2 big kids to find it and bring it to me. I have been called lazy for this making them do that. But it is the only way I will not start on something new without finishing the sweeping. kwim.


I also understand where you are coming from about the classroom setting you were in. Only mine is due to sensory issues with my hearing. I have it still, and it is bothersome. WOrking last year in a public school space (our daycare was right in the school) was hard because the buzzing of the florescent bulbs drove me nuts. Other sounds are like nails on a chalk board, I tend to keep on background noise (like the radio, or eating in front of the tv) to drown some of it out. That doesn't work as much in the classroom but I found things that worked when I was in college that if my adhd kids need to use it to succeed in the class I will encourage them to do. (I sat near the front but always on an outside row. I would put in 1 earbud to listen to soft music as background noise to drown out the rest of my classmates but then listen with the other ear to the professor. SInce I was at the front I had an easier time staying focused to him/her rather than the noises).


Like I said I do not have adhd in the clinical sense but I have traits of it tied to other things (sensory stuff for instance)


I am glad you are talking to your Dr tomorrow about it. Are you planning on just increasing the Adderall or trying something new?

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I have never bothered with an official diagnosis or meds. I've always been able to manage through external means-lists, strict schedules, listening to music or audio books while I was focusing, not having too many things on any given day, etc. However, my schedule has become SO busy and SO much is expected of me in various arenas, that I don't feel like I am doing a good job at any of them. Things are starting to slip through my fingers. I hate that. SO, I sympathize. :grouphug:


I also deal with it this way. I LIVE by what is written down, including a schedule of when things get done. If I don't keep/make lists, my head is a whirl of confusion.


:grouphug: I'm sorry it has gotten unmanageable for you.

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I tell my hubby all the time that I have to write it down or it doesn't exist for me. I don't ever have to see the paper again, but I MUST write it down or I won't remember it.



I say this all the time. I am a visual learner so I assumed it went with that. I can replay in my head something I wrote down, and visualize where I was, what it looked like etc. I don't have adhd but can see many similarities with much of what you all are saying.


Those of you that were Dx just by talking to a dr without further testing, don't you think it is possible you only have traits of adhd caused by a specific learning style, etc but not actual adhd (specifically those of you who do not takes meds but just have learned a way to make it work for you)

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My 15-year-old son is currently undergoing neurofeedback treatment for his ADHD. Once we have the money, I'm next. ;) I tried Strattera, but had bad side effects.




Wendi how is the neurofeedback going? My ds13 will be doing it as soon as I raise the $800 for the first EEG, it is for his adhd and other issues.

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Wendi how is the neurofeedback going? My ds13 will be doing it as soon as I raise the $800 for the first EEG, it is for his adhd and other issues.


Very well, actually. He's had about 12 sessions already. We are noticing improvement with concentration and calmness during schoolwork. :001_smile: My son says he feels like his brain is waking up. The doctor has also seen some improvement on his EEG. (His initial qEEG showed significant theta waves, which make the brain sleepy.)



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I've never heard about neurofeedback for ADD before. I'll ask my Dr. about it.


I use a lot of notebooks, too. Unfortunately, I lose it and then start in on another notebook. And another. And another.


You should SEE the list of things I wrote down to do for "Deployment Projects". Yikes. Such high and lofty goals and only some of them done. Most half-done.


I did make an undercabinet spice rack, though! I had my brother-in-law screw sheet metal to the underside of the cabinet and glued magnets onto baby food jars. Now I can see what I have! (Good for someone for whom 'out of sight equals out of mind'!) :D I glued magnets to the ends of my whisks, too so it looks like they are just hanging from the cabinet by magic. :tongue_smilie:

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Honest question from an obviously oblivious gal here....


I thought EVERYONE was like that? Seriously? I over compensate my entire life for numerous things. I'm fairly open about it bc most people picture me entirely different from who I am.


They think I am very organized.

I know I am over compensating big time.


They think I am really strict with my kids.

I know I just can't stand the constant banging about and bickering, so I nip it way faster than others. Drives me insane that to me it's loud and obvious and my dh seems off in lalaland until I yell at him to for the love of all that is holy pay attention man!


It reminds me of that if you give a mom a cookie scenario. I completely get that. I am just like that. I figured the reason so many moms found it funny is because they identified with it too?


So seriously? I guess I'm muddling along just fine in my ignorance, but staying awake with a whirring brain is not normal? (dh goes straight to sleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. How annoying of him! LOL) Sitting here taking 15 minutes to post bc I have been interrupted or distracted or trying to think of proper phrasing isn't normal? Other people don't make lists they don't finish? (I never expect to finish my lists. Life here is an on-going never ending list!)


I don't doubt it is frustrating.


I just figured it is a normal life occurrence!?

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I just figured it is a normal life occurrence!?


It is for me. Like I said I have actually gone and done the same testing my kids have done for adhd(well the adult version of them) and I do not have ADHD but I have lists galore and do not finish them all, and the noise will get someone killed, and sidetracked all the time, must read at night to settle my brain enough to sleep etc. It is all normal life to me, and not adhd.

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Ds 14 wanted to try not taking medication. We discussed it with his doctor, and everyone agreed to give it a go. As he has matured, he's been able to do a better job controlling the hyperactivity and impulse issues but focus is still a problem (he was dx'd with ADHD combined type).


It was fine over the summer. However, when fall came and we started school I noticed a difference though he insisted I was wrong. One day recently I asked him if he was willing to try taking meds again, and he agreed to try. We had an almost full bottle of Vyvanse when he stopped taking it, so it was easy to just start again. The next day I asked him if it helped. He said, "Oh, was it the medicine? I thought I was just having a really good day. When I looked at my math problems they seemed easier, and didn't overwhelm me."


We've now reached a point where he takes it on days when we do school. On weekends and days off, he decides based on what's going on that day. Sometimes he will choose to take in even on a day off if he knows he'll need to focus on something.

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Very well, actually. He's had about 12 sessions already. We are noticing improvement with concentration and calmness during schoolwork. :001_smile: My son says he feels like his brain is waking up. The doctor has also seen some improvement on his EEG. (His initial qEEG showed significant theta waves, which make the brain sleepy.)




Do you have any links on this sort of therapy? What type of provider? You could PM me:) I appreciate any info:)

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Cyndi, I've been thinking of you a heck of a lot lately, much more than normal, which, as you know is a lot anyway. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I have never bothered with an official diagnosis or meds. I've always been able to manage through external means-lists, strict schedules, listening to music or audio books while I was focusing, not having too many things on any given day, etc. However, my schedule has become SO busy and SO much is expected of me in various arenas, that I don't feel like I am doing a good job at any of them. Things are starting to slip through my fingers. I hate that. SO, I sympathize.

This is me to a t lately. I have never felt so overwhelmed as I do these days. Not during college, grad school, or my dc's early years. :D

I don't believe that it will always be this way. I strongly believe and hope that in 10 years or less, there will obviously be changes and life will be easier.


I do believe that for me anyway, the computer & internet have made things worse.

Yes, I use the computer for all my lists. My main list of things to do is more than 30 pages long. I have a blast categorizing them and all that. But they never, ever get done. Except for when they really and truly have to.

But I think that the internet has been a mixed blessing for me. I love the connections, friendship, and all that. But it's just overwhelming and doesn't help. I often miss the days when I would just read and watch TV. Don't know if I'm making sense.

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I have debated writing this for some time, but here goes:


It has become apparent in the past couple of months that my dosage of Adderall is no longer sufficient to treat ADD. At first I thought it was just the fact that dh was deployed, so I put off talking to my Dr. about it. I even talked to dh about it when he returned and he said that maybe it was just stress and it would normalize. I laid in bed last night thinking about writing this and my thoughts were so scattered I couldn't even calm it all down enough to do so.


Let me say first of all that this is NOT an excuse. I am not about to tell you that nothing is my fault because "poor me I have ADD so you can't blame me for anything". Not at all.


I will call my Dr. tomorrow because I have finally concluded that, yes, this is really a problem. So many things that needed to be done while dh was gone were forgotten. So much chaos, so much confusion because when I go to do ONE thing I do 17 different things, all with very different goals so that nothing is actually accomplished. Like yesterday:


I went to the bathroom and noticed that we were almost out of clean hand towels, so I went to the laundry room, after I washed my hands and changed laundry loads. While there I noticed the pine cone bird feeders we made last year and I never got around to putting outside. Then I remembered that I needed to mix the henna. Off to find the henna. Mixed up the henna and remembered that I needed to take meat out for dinner. While in the freezer for the meat I remembered that I needed to sweep the floor. Swept the floor, but couldn't find the dustpan so went off to look for it. There is more, so much more, but I think you get the picture. Also, I split this up into paragraps because it is easier for others to read and absolutely drives me crazy when people don't do that, but.....in my head it is all one paragraph, just all running together.


It is maddening. Absolutely maddening. Lately I read threads here and most of the time don't reply because by the time I get to the reply box it seems overwhelming to have all of the words that are whirring around in my head to line up so I can put them onto "paper". (the screen)


I know that this is different than normal. I know that it affects my kids. I hate that my family has to deal with it.


I'm just letting you know because even though I make jokes about it......I hate it.



Wow! This is me! No official diagnosis.

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I tell my hubby all the time that I have to write it down or it doesn't exist for me. I don't ever have to see the paper again, but I MUST write it down or I won't remember it.


This is me too. I have the kids trained to help me remember as well. I can know that I need to stop and sign them up for swimmming lessons, be out running errands and get distracted and forget to do it. But if I write it down, even if I forget the list I remember for some strange reason.

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Okay, everything you all are describing about how you are and how you cope is just like me. I've never considered that I might have add or ADHD. My DH really helps keep me focused throughout the day, and I have tO have my lists or I'm in trouble. Funny thing is, I don't really have issues with homeschooling. Maybe because I have all my plans laid out for the year. Plus, the girls keep me accountable, lol. Is it beneficial to get an official diagnosis? I'm nursing and plan to continue for at least another year.

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Thank you for posting this. We're fairly certain DS has ADHD (neuro-psych appt. this week) and I've been beating myself up with the great medication debate. It helps when I hear stories of adults with ADD/ADHD and how medication helps them get by. It also helps to hear what goes on in your head because I'm fairly certain DS has a similar thought-process.


I know you wrote this to explain why you haven't posted as much lately and why you've been so scattered, but though it wasn't your intent, you helped give me some perspective.


I hope you get things straightened out and it gets easier for you to manage things. :grouphug:

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My dh is ADD. :grouphug: His smart phone is his friend.



I do think this can help some folks. You just can't lose it, and you have to keep it charged. If that can happen, the smart phone is a fabulous tool. I wouldn't say I have ADD, but I have a lot on my mind, and my phone programs/apps have helped to keep me on track. It buzzes many reminders, and I am very grateful for the heads up! It has saved me many a time!

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I tell my hubby all the time that I have to write it down or it doesn't exist for me. I don't ever have to see the paper again, but I MUST write it down or I won't remember it.


This is me and this is why studying for the CPA exam takes so much time for me. The popular advice is to do as many multiple choice questions as possible, reading the explanations for the answers.


It doesn't work for me. I have to actually WRITE down the explanations, then re-write my notes, incorporating the notes from my lectures/textbooks with the notes from the MCQs.


And yes, I have lists for my lists.

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Thank you for posting this, it is exactly how I feel. I have combined-type ADHD and if I didn't have my iPad I would be completely lost. It used to be a notebook, but now I can keep everything in one place and not lose it. Between that and my phone, I have alarms set for all day long to remind me what I need to do. It truly is debilitating when I forget to take my Adderall. I'm worried about my dd who also has ADHD--since our insurance deductible rolled over January 1, her Strattera is over $200 a month instead of $60. I just can't pay for that, so she's going to have to try a different medication, but the three others she tried had such horrible side effects for her.

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I went to the bathroom and noticed that we were almost out of clean hand towels, so I went to the laundry room, after I washed my hands and changed laundry loads. While there I noticed the pine cone bird feeders we made last year and I never got around to putting outside. Then I remembered that I needed to mix the henna. Off to find the henna. Mixed up the henna and remembered that I needed to take meat out for dinner. While in the freezer for the meat I remembered that I needed to sweep the floor. Swept the floor, but couldn't find the dustpan so went off to look for it. There is more, so much more, but I think you get the picture. Also, I split this up into paragraps because it is easier for others to read and absolutely drives me crazy when people don't do that, but.....in my head it is all one paragraph, just all running together.


It is maddening. Absolutely maddening. Lately I read threads here and most of the time don't reply because by the time I get to the reply box it seems overwhelming to have all of the words that are whirring around in my head to line up so I can put them onto "paper". (the screen)




Wow! This is how I live. I could have written these two paragraphs except I don't have a bird feeder but you actually made me think, "Hmmm...should I have Hudson make a bird feeder? That might be nice.":lol:


I just figured this is the way I have to live. No?


I hope your doctor is responsive to you and helps to with a solution.:grouphug:

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Oh, I also just counted and I have 25 tabs open right now in my browser.:blushing: Every time my kids or husband walk by my computer they say, "Why don't you close some of those tabs? How do function like that?"


My question back is, "How in the world to you manage to only have one or two tabs open at a time??":tongue_smilie:

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Oh, I also just counted and I have 25 tabs open right now in my browser.:blushing: Every time my kids or husband walk by my computer they say, "Why don't you close some of those tabs? How do function like that?"


My question back is, "How in the world to you manage to only have one or two tabs open at a time??":tongue_smilie:



:lol: My DH says that all the time. Oh, and we don't have a bird feeder, we have old yucky pinecones with peanut butter and birdseed stuck to them. And hungry, angry birds. :001_huh:


I went to the dentist just after dh deployed and the combo of the nitrous plus way too much novacaine (or whatever they use these days) had my head spinning even more than usual and it was like this (half fun/half terrifying, if you can imagine, all swirling in a vortex):


"Hey, this is kinda' cool, WEEE! I'm spinning, I'm spinning! I just got new red shoes! I just made vanilla from scratch! I wonder how long that vanilla sugar will take to cure? My toes are all tingly!!


AAAAA!! It's terrifying!! Make it stop!! Spinning too fast!!!


I just got new red shoes! I think I'll take the kids to Germany! I wonder if I can find a green wedding dress in Germany? How do you say 'dress' in German? I wonder what size I wear in Euro sizes? I just made homemade vanilla! DH is gone! I want him back!


AAAA!! It's terrifying!! Make it stop!! Spinning too fast!!!


Hey, this is kinda' fun!.....NO IT'S NOT!!!"

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I have never bothered with an official diagnosis or meds. I've always been able to manage through external means-lists, strict schedules, listening to music or audio books while I was focusing, not having too many things on any given day, etc. However, my schedule has become SO busy and SO much is expected of me in various arenas, that I don't feel like I am doing a good job at any of them. Things are starting to slip through my fingers. I hate that. SO, I sympathize. :grouphug:


I tell my hubby all the time that I have to write it down or it doesn't exist for me. I don't ever have to see the paper again, but I MUST write it down or I won't remember it.


These 2 quotes sum up my life. ;) Well, until very recently, anyway. I was always able to "manage"... but it took SO. MUCH. ENERGY. And then, baby number 4 came along, and all of my plates came crashing to the ground.


I remember meeting my DH at Arby's for lunch, and I apparently looked as though I was about to lose it. He asked what was wrong, and I said something about the guy at the drink station filling his cup one ice cube at a time, the lady at the next table typing on her cell phone with the "clicking" noise turned ON, the beeping of the deep fryer/drive-through/whatever going off, and the hair on my arm that had fallen from my head and stuck to my shirt sleeve that I couldn't find but could FEEL. He was :001_huh:


I finally mentioned it to my Dr., and she prescribed an older med. that wears off toward the end of the day, which is okay for me. She was worried about me being able to sleep, but one of the first things I noticed was that I fall asleep so much faster. My brain is finally able to shut down. Yay! Apparently, that's ADD---a med that would keep other people awake helps us sleep. :lol:

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Oh, I also just counted and I have 25 tabs open right now in my browser.:blushing: Every time my kids or husband walk by my computer they say, "Why don't you close some of those tabs? How do function like that?"


My question back is, "How in the world to you manage to only have one or two tabs open at a time??":tongue_smilie:


Closing tabs actually causes anxiety for me. :001_huh:

If I close it, how will I ever find it again?! Which may make sense for some of the more obscure sites and articles - after all, my bookmarks are a mess. But I'm talking even amazon.com. Or facebook. Or the hive. If they're gone, I might forget to look at them! :glare::lol:


Drives my husband NUTS!

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My dh is ADD. :grouphug: His smart phone is his friend.


My dh believes he has it. After ds was diagnosed, dh said he thinks that was his problem all along. He has always had lists and reminders galore. He never thought he wanted a smartphone, but I talked him into one. Once he realized its organizing possibilities he fell in love with it.

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Maybe you ladies who have been diagnosed with ADD can help me with relating to my dh.


I've been wondering if maybe he has mild to moderate ADD, or if it's 'just how he is', or if I'm the weird one, or what.


If he's working on something, say a work project (he's a computer engineer/programmer), and I come into the room and ask him about something, it TOTALLY throws him off. I mean, I GET that it's annoying to be interrupted if you're doing something heavy/important, and I try not to do it frequently. But the man is ALWAYS working; I can't just NEVER talk to him. Anyway, it doesn't just mildly irritate him. It seems to throw him way off, and he gets kinda annoyed because it seems like he has a hard time going back to concentrating on what he was doing. Sometimes, I can't even just sit there and wait until he gets to a 'stopping point' so I can discuss something with him. Just the fact that he knows I need to speak with him makes him unable to concentrate on what he's doing.


Also, if he's working at the dining room table instead of in the bedroom, he needs me and the children not to be talking/making a lot of 'distracting' noise, but he wants a movie or something on as background noise. (Usually it's a Winnie the Pooh movie, LOL. :D) I don't get that at ALL. Which is another reason we set him up with a space upstairs to work; so that he can concentrate, and we don't have to be SILENT.


Is this just normal stuff, and dh and I just 'work' differently, or what? He'd not take kindly to me even INSINUATING that he has any sort of ADD, since he doesn't even like when I talk with him about his sensory issues. Don't even get me started on THAT. :tongue_smilie:

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:lol: My DH says that all the time. Oh, and we don't have a bird feeder, we have old yucky pinecones with peanut butter and birdseed stuck to them. And hungry, angry birds. :001_huh:


I went to the dentist just after dh deployed and the combo of the nitrous plus way too much novacaine (or whatever they use these days) had my head spinning even more than usual and it was like this (half fun/half terrifying, if you can imagine, all swirling in a vortex):


"Hey, this is kinda' cool, WEEE! I'm spinning, I'm spinning! I just got new red shoes! I just made vanilla from scratch! I wonder how long that vanilla sugar will take to cure? My toes are all tingly!!


AAAAA!! It's terrifying!! Make it stop!! Spinning too fast!!!


I just got new red shoes! I think I'll take the kids to Germany! I wonder if I can find a green wedding dress in Germany? How do you say 'dress' in German? I wonder what size I wear in Euro sizes? I just made homemade vanilla! DH is gone! I want him back!


AAAA!! It's terrifying!! Make it stop!! Spinning too fast!!!


Hey, this is kinda' fun!.....NO IT'S NOT!!!"


Yer funny.


I'm just wondering if you actually SAID these things out loud, or just thought them. 'Cause it's WAY funnier if you said them out loud. :D

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