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If YOU were 13 years old again????....

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Don't be ashamed of your love of reading.


Pay attention in P.E. class! Someday you will wish you knew the rules to those sports. :lol:


It's okay if you are the only one of your friends who doesn't have a boyfriend and a date to the dance. In a couple of years you will meet the love of your life.

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You are quite right that your aunts are incorrect about school being the best days of your life. Don't listen to anything else they tell you either. Mum is wrong about family always being there for you so you have no reason to listen to those aunts.


Mum is right that you need to learn some tact, but most of the problem is she doesn't really like you. She doesn't know that, so don't hold it against her. Just keep your head down. You'll be moving out of home two weeks after you turn 20.


Join the SCA. That's where you're going to finds friends with your levels of tact. ;)



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First thing that comes to mind is to take school seriously and never let your credit score slip...I never drank, smoked, or tried any drugs, so I wouldn't have to tell myself that ;)


:lol: I'm just imagining telling my 13 yo self, "Watch your credit rating!"


I'm going to go with, "Invest in mobile phone technology." Or maybe "Buy stock in Google."

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Don't be so self-conscious! Mostly people Aren't watching you to see what idiot thing you'll do next or thinking about how stupid you look with your big nose and your geeky clothes. And the ones who Are watching and thinking those things aren't worth stressing about anyway!

Keep reading and dreaming, enjoy all the nice people (and Most people really Are nice, once you get to know them), and be happy!

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You're not the one who's crazy. It's the dang town.


It's ok to be smart, even if you're a girl. Listen to your father. Do not intentionally dumb down your schoolwork so as to not stand out.


You are not ugly. Your big brother and his buddies are messing with your head. Stand up straight and smile.


Nobody in the sane world cares if you can't play basketball. Find some other way to get exercise and tell the abusive coach to shove it. Don't wait another two years.


More people like you than you realize.


[Edited to remove oversharing. :) ]

Edited by MamaSheep
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Nothing. Really. Butterfly theorist over here. Considering DD was conceived when I was 19 and making many, many, many, MANY bad decisions (and wouldn't have been conceived if not for my bad choices), I can't take anything back.


Well, maybe I'd tell my 13 year old self not to go crazy with the credit cards at 18 and preserve my credit rating... :tongue_smilie:

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Nobody is really looking at you like you are an ugly dork, get out there and be friendly and have some fun. It is ok to be smart


Lol, yeah. But if they are really looking at you as though you are an ugly dork, it is only because they are bored. It's not as personal as it seems. You're going to bump into some of those same people when you are in your 20s and they'll greet you as though you've always been good mates.


School was so much fun. :rolleyes:



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Stop being mad at your mom Live up to your word Forgive your father he won't be here much longer and you won't ever get to tell him you loved him you will regret this your entire life Do not smoke you will regret this as well Be kinder to people who need a little extra help one day your son will be one of those people and how the world treats him will keep you up at night crying Be the person you started out to be before you let the anger control your every choice. Be nice to your step dad as a teen he may be a monster but it will take years to have a good relationship and when you do you won't wanna trade it for nothing.


Then I would hug that little tough 13 year old and tell her no matter what she thinks she is loved

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Fun thread!


In 20 years the drama club will be cool, you love it and are pretty good at the whole stage thing...so just do it!


Mom is actually not a great fountain of wisdom, she's got some issues and they needn't be your burden.


You are smarter, prettier and stronger than you give yourself credit for. In 20 years when you realize it, you'll wonder why you wasted any time believing otherwise.

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Follow your heart even if no one else takes your desires seriously. You don't have to live a "status quo" life. The things you dream about doing are not just those "things other people grow up and do" like you were told. Someday there will be this thing called the internet that will show you the world is much smaller than you realize. Get out of your comfort zone and live YOUR life.

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ask your Dad to give you stock in Microsoft as a graduation gift. In fact, ask him if you can borrow $10,000. You will be able to pay it back. Really. You will. It will be ok for both of you if you do this.


then when you are ready to marry, skip the wedding. Ask your Dad to give you $15,000 and invest it in Starbucks instead.

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I think I'd just give myself a hug and tell me that I will survive.



I would tell myself that ALL of those other 13 year olds who seem to be so lucky and so perfect have issues... every single one of them. Some of them have the same issues I have, and some of them have WORSE problems. I'd tell myself that my future is BETTER than I was even daring to hope.

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