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DH makes fun of me for the same things.


I think it's because a mother's mind is constantly in motion. You have eight million back burners going at one time- have to get laundry done so ds has pants for Sunday School, have to send out email about book club (oh, that reminds me, have to decide what I'm reading next for 52 books challenge, oh, and that reminds me, I have books on hold at the library), have to take the roast out of the freezer if I want it to thaw in time (oh, that reminds me, have to get onions), have to remember to clean the juice off the cabinet that I missed when I spilled the juice, have to bring toilet paper up from the basement for the upstairs bathroom, have to remember to take those movies back to the library when I pick up the books on hold, have to call someone about that leaking faucet because it's still leaking after I tried to fix it, have to remember to send niece a birthday card, have to make copies for tomorrow's assignment (oh, that reminds me, we are almost out of copy paper), have to call around because the car insurance just went up again for no reason, have to renew ds's prescription, have to send email about Cub Scout outing (oh, that reminds me, have to wash ds's Cub Scout shirt, or were they supposed to wear the Tshirts to this one?), have to put that piece of mail that was delivered wrong back out in the mailbox before the postman gets here, have to buy more juice because I spilled it all over the floor (yeah, don't forget to wipe up that spot on the cabinet!), have to figure out something for lunch (oh, that reminds me, did I feed the fish this morning?), have to clean out the car before we pick Grandma up on Tuesday, have to see if their winter boots still fit before we go sledding . . . ALL THIS in the 10 minutes you are trying to teach your kid to find the area of a rectangle. So, it's no wonder we get confused and say the wrong things.


I'm convinced this is what's going on in dh's brain:


(Morning) Have to get up and go to work. (Day) Have to do work.

(Evening) Have to come home and either do what wife says or watch TV. (Night) Have to sleep.


No wonder he never gets confused about anything! :lol:

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i am seriously crying with tears here. Thank God for this thread this morning! My kids compensate and translate for me in public. And forget about knowing some of my kids' names. I have one son Yaman who is almost permanently called Hady-Yaman (notice the hyphen since my brain knows that the child is not his four year old brother Hady...).

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Just wondering if any of you do the following:


*walk into a room to get something and forget what you were coming to get


*look at something and call it a completely different name (for example, say you are watching a movie about a dolphin and you call it an elephant)


*get distracted during a conversation and then totally forget what the conversation was about


*begin to tell someone something and have them say, "Oh, you actually already told me that."


*lose your train of thought mid-sentence


*forget that you did or said something (like forget that you took your kid's ipod for sassing until said kid brings it to you and says, "Mom, remember you took this?") I guess this would include frequently forgetting where you put something.





Now, I'm not saying any of these have happened to me or anything, especially the part about calling a dolphin an elephant. :tongue_smilie:


In all seriousness, I'm trying to figure out how much is normal, how much might be some meds I am on, how much could be from insomnia/exhaustion, and how much is just plain weird. I am still young, but I did read that people begin to become forgetful in their 30s, and I am mid-30s. I am also a medicated, tired, overworked homeschool mom of 3, lol.


Answer to all of the above, yes. I am 46. :D

I have Hashimotos, don't know if that figures into it all.

My older dd does it too because she has the classic Lyme brain issues. Together we are a real riot. Thank God for the 11 year old. lol

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*walk into a room to get something and forget what you were coming to get


*look at something and call it a completely different name (for example, say you are watching a movie about a dolphin and you call it an elephant)



These happen to me all the time. Particularly the calling something by the wrong name. This actually scares me - I've been wondering if I'm losing my mind. Sometimes I don't even realize that the wrong word has popped out of my mouth. Sometimes it takes me two or three tries to find the right word - I'll just keep trying with different wrong ones until the right one shows up. Sometimes the right word is behind a locked door in my brain and I'll just stop in the middle of a sentence.


I don't know if it helps to know that I'm not the only one...

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All of the time. Part of it is my Aspie distracted nature. The other part is working part time, sometimes up to 30 hrs/week, plus 4 kids, homeschooling, and dealing with things like my son's dyslexia and remembering to be on peanut/nut patrol for my daughter's allergy. I think if I had a more relaxed situation I *might* get my in the moment wits back... Also, I will be 43 soon... it may just all be a perfect storm memory killer.

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Just wondering if any of you do the following:


*walk into a room to get something and forget what you were coming to get


*look at something and call it a completely different name (for example, say you are watching a movie about a dolphin and you call it an elephant)


*get distracted during a conversation and then totally forget what the conversation was about


*begin to tell someone something and have them say, "Oh, you actually already told me that."


*lose your train of thought mid-sentence


*forget that you did or said something (like forget that you took your kid's ipod for sassing until said kid brings it to you and says, "Mom, remember you took this?") I guess this would include frequently forgetting where you put something.



umm.. Yes. And, I will sometimes repeatedly ask my husband a question that he already told me the answer to - because I wasn't really listening and I don't really know what we were talking about. :blush:


Yesterday I made a plan with my friend to let our kids skype and then completely forgot about it! I didn't even see her text until 45 minutes after she sent it - asking if we were ready to skype. :eek:


I think I'm going to start calling it what it is - senility. (I'm 33 !)


At one point in life I could blame it on the babies and lack of sleep... but not anymore.

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Now, I'm not saying any of these have happened to me or anything, especially the part about calling a dolphin an elephant. :tongue_smilie:


Oh, my goodness! I did this! Are you watching me through my monitor??? I did this while reading aloud Dolphin Adventure (or was it Dolphin Treasure? LOL!) years ago. My DH still teases me about it. A lot.


In all seriousness, I'm trying to figure out how much is normal, how much might be some meds I am on, how much could be from insomnia/exhaustion, and how much is just plain weird. I am still young, but I did read that people begin to become forgetful in their 30s, and I am mid-30s. I am also a medicated, tired, overworked homeschool mom of 3, lol.


I tell my family I do these things (and I do every, last thing on that list, btw) b/c I have a head full of mercury fillings. That usually gets some sympathy from them. Sometimes one of my dc uses the wrong word like that, and I tell him/her, "You're starting to sound like ME!"


No, seriously, I think we have so much going on that it's only normal that we do these things. Oh, at least you don't open the right side of the fridge when you wanted to open the left side of the cabinet next to it.(That's the right of the fridge. Does that make sense? I got close, but one over, and the wrong thing, fridge instead of cabinet!) That happens more than I like to admit here.


I'm not enjoying that you did the elephant for dolphin thing, but I'm sooooo glad I'm not alone!

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DH makes fun of me for the same things.


I think it's because a mother's mind is constantly in motion. You have eight million back burners going at one time- have to get laundry done so ds has pants for Sunday School, have to send out email about book club (oh, that reminds me, have to decide what I'm reading next for 52 books challenge, oh, and that reminds me, I have books on hold at the library), have to take the roast out of the freezer if I want it to thaw in time (oh, that reminds me, have to get onions), have to remember to clean the juice off the cabinet that I missed when I spilled the juice, have to bring toilet paper up from the basement for the upstairs bathroom, have to remember to take those movies back to the library when I pick up the books on hold, have to call someone about that leaking faucet because it's still leaking after I tried to fix it, have to remember to send niece a birthday card, have to make copies for tomorrow's assignment (oh, that reminds me, we are almost out of copy paper), have to call around because the car insurance just went up again for no reason, have to renew ds's prescription, have to send email about Cub Scout outing (oh, that reminds me, have to wash ds's Cub Scout shirt, or were they supposed to wear the Tshirts to this one?), have to put that piece of mail that was delivered wrong back out in the mailbox before the postman gets here, have to buy more juice because I spilled it all over the floor (yeah, don't forget to wipe up that spot on the cabinet!), have to figure out something for lunch (oh, that reminds me, did I feed the fish this morning?), have to clean out the car before we pick Grandma up on Tuesday, have to see if their winter boots still fit before we go sledding . . . ALL THIS in the 10 minutes you are trying to teach your kid to find the area of a rectangle. So, it's no wonder we get confused and say the wrong things.


I'm convinced this is what's going on in dh's brain:


(Morning) Have to get up and go to work. (Day) Have to do work.

(Evening) Have to come home and either do what wife says or watch TV. (Night) Have to sleep.


No wonder he never gets confused about anything! :lol:


I can so relate to this. I've been wondering if I can convert to a more linear way of thinking and doing things but then I think we would have a roast but nothing to go with it!

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some of these are really making me laugh.


My dd gets so mad when I call her by ds's name and ds always gets called one of the cats names.


A couple of days ago we had friends over, dh was telling them about our upcoming Disney trip (his sister is coming with us). well dh, said "And Maryann is coming with us". His sister's name is nowhere near the name Maryann. Dd and i were hysterical, we were saying "who is Maryann, and why is she coming to Disney with us?". Dh did not appreciate our comments lol.

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I think it's because a mother's mind is constantly in motion. You have eight million back burners going at one time- have to get laundry done so ds has pants for Sunday School, have to send out email about book club (oh, that reminds me, have to decide what I'm reading next for 52 books challenge, oh, and that reminds me, I have books on hold at the library), have to take the roast out of the freezer if I want it to thaw in time (oh, that reminds me, have to get onions), have to remember to clean the juice off the cabinet that I missed when I spilled the juice, have to bring toilet paper up from the basement for the upstairs bathroom, have to remember to take those movies back to the library when I pick up the books on hold, have to call someone about that leaking faucet because it's still leaking after I tried to fix it, have to remember to send niece a birthday card, have to make copies for tomorrow's assignment (oh, that reminds me, we are almost out of copy paper), have to call around because the car insurance just went up again for no reason, have to renew ds's prescription, have to send email about Cub Scout outing (oh, that reminds me, have to wash ds's Cub Scout shirt, or were they supposed to wear the Tshirts to this one?), have to put that piece of mail that was delivered wrong back out in the mailbox before the postman gets here, have to buy more juice because I spilled it all over the floor (yeah, don't forget to wipe up that spot on the cabinet!), have to figure out something for lunch (oh, that reminds me, did I feed the fish this morning?), have to clean out the car before we pick Grandma up on Tuesday, have to see if their winter boots still fit before we go sledding . . . ALL THIS in the 10 minutes you are trying to teach your kid to find the area of a rectangle. So, it's no wonder we get confused and say the wrong things.


I'm convinced this is what's going on in dh's brain:


(Morning) Have to get up and go to work. (Day) Have to do work.

(Evening) Have to come home and either do what wife says or watch TV. (Night) Have to sleep.


No wonder he never gets confused about anything! :lol:


I so, so, so agree with all of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is cousin to the "Might as Well" syndrome associated with reonvating an old house. "If we're fixing X, we might as well do Y..." Good grief.

We call it the "As Long As We're..." syndrome. :lol:


Our master bathroom's cultured marble sink had some cracks in it. It wasn't leaking, but, you know, we figured we should be proactive, so we decided that we'd replace it. As long as we were doing that, we should probably replace the vanity, and as long as we're doing that we should probably take out the carpet and put in some other kind of flooring, and as long as we're doing that we should probably get rid of the wall paper and put up new curtains...

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We call it the "As Long As We're..." syndrome. :lol:


Our master bathroom's cultured marble sink had some cracks in it. It wasn't leaking, but, you know, we figured we should be proactive, so we decided that we'd replace it. As long as we were doing that, we should probably replace the vanity, and as long as we're doing that we should probably take out the carpet and put in some other kind of flooring, and as long as we're doing that we should probably get rid of the wall paper and put up new curtains...



And this is why I rarely bother to start on things like painting a room lol I am starting the boys room. I had planned to pain and now it will be a complete remodel with new flooring, light fixture, curtains the whole works. Oh and since I am doing the floor in their's and it is attached to the floor in the "hallway" (actually a little alcove both bedroom are off of) I am going to replace that floor too, and since I am doing that floor I have to paint the walls there which means ripping down the 70s mirrored tiles and fixing the wallboard. All because I wanted to put a $15 paint job on the boys walls lol Of course the girls are clamouring for me to do their room next. Oy!

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You all are awesome! These posts are making my day. I wish I could comment on each one, but a big ole' THANK YOU because now I am confident I am not losing my mind. Or if I am, everyone else is too.


One day I went back to my bathroom to brush my teeth FOUR times, forgot what I was there for, came out and went to pour a cup of coffee, remembered that I wanted to brush my teeth, went back to the bathroom... forgot... came back out and when I went to pour coffee the fourth time and realized that what I really wanted was to brush my teeth I called out,


"Hey, Cody! In 30 seconds I need you to yell back to me, 'Mom! Brush your teeth!', so that I can remember what I am doing!"


And, I think I've done everything in Nakia's op recently...




That is HILARIOUS! And a very good idea, actually. :D


It's the dementia of having small children. I think homeschooling extends it.


  • You can hide something from me completely by covering part of it with a piece of paper.


YES! YES! YES! Me too!!


DH makes fun of me for the same things.


I think it's because a mother's mind is constantly in motion. You have eight million back burners going at one time- have to get laundry done so ds has pants for Sunday School, have to send out email about book club (oh, that reminds me, have to decide what I'm reading next for 52 books challenge, oh, and that reminds me, I have books on hold at the library), have to take the roast out of the freezer if I want it to thaw in time (oh, that reminds me, have to get onions), have to remember to clean the juice off the cabinet that I missed when I spilled the juice, have to bring toilet paper up from the basement for the upstairs bathroom, have to remember to take those movies back to the library when I pick up the books on hold, have to call someone about that leaking faucet because it's still leaking after I tried to fix it, have to remember to send niece a birthday card, have to make copies for tomorrow's assignment (oh, that reminds me, we are almost out of copy paper), have to call around because the car insurance just went up again for no reason, have to renew ds's prescription, have to send email about Cub Scout outing (oh, that reminds me, have to wash ds's Cub Scout shirt, or were they supposed to wear the Tshirts to this one?), have to put that piece of mail that was delivered wrong back out in the mailbox before the postman gets here, have to buy more juice because I spilled it all over the floor (yeah, don't forget to wipe up that spot on the cabinet!), have to figure out something for lunch (oh, that reminds me, did I feed the fish this morning?), have to clean out the car before we pick Grandma up on Tuesday, have to see if their winter boots still fit before we go sledding . . . ALL THIS in the 10 minutes you are trying to teach your kid to find the area of a rectangle. So, it's no wonder we get confused and say the wrong things.


I'm convinced this is what's going on in dh's brain:


(Morning) Have to get up and go to work. (Day) Have to do work.

(Evening) Have to come home and either do what wife says or watch TV. (Night) Have to sleep.


No wonder he never gets confused about anything!


Are you in my head? This is exactly what it sounds like in there!


umm.. Yes. And, I will sometimes repeatedly ask my husband a question that he already told me the answer to - because I wasn't really listening and I don't really know what we were talking about. :blush:


Yesterday I made a plan with my friend to let our kids skype and then completely forgot about it! I didn't even see her text until 45 minutes after she sent it - asking if we were ready to skype. :eek:



Yep. I do that to my husband a lot. I no longer automatically blame him for communication problems. :lol: And I actually totally forgot two doctor appointments this fall! TWO! I've never done that before. They were even on my calendar. :tongue_smilie:


Oh, my goodness! I did this! Are you watching me through my monitor??? I did this while reading aloud Dolphin Adventure (or was it Dolphin Treasure? LOL!) years ago. My DH still teases me about it. A lot.


I'm not enjoying that you did the elephant for dolphin thing, but I'm sooooo glad I'm not alone!


I am sooooooooooo glad you posted!!! My kids are still laughing at me. We were watching Dolphin Tale. Dumb movie anyway. :glare:


We call it the "As Long As We're..." syndrome. :lol:


Our master bathroom's cultured marble sink had some cracks in it. It wasn't leaking, but, you know, we figured we should be proactive, so we decided that we'd replace it. As long as we were doing that, we should probably replace the vanity, and as long as we're doing that we should probably take out the carpet and put in some other kind of flooring, and as long as we're doing that we should probably get rid of the wall paper and put up new curtains...


This is why "As Long As We're..." syndrome usually leads to "Screw it, we'll leave it like it is!" syndrome around here. :D

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It's the dementia of having small children. I think homeschooling extends it.


  • You can hide something from me completely by covering part of it with a piece of paper.
  • I have said to my children (and the dog) "Don't worry about whose name I said. I'm looking at you, so I'm talking to you."
  • "Dishwasher" became my all-purpose noun at Lowe's the other day. We were buying paint. For the bathroom.


Around here things don't even need to be covered with a peice of paper, they can be in plain sight and I just can't recognize them for what they are. Items are often not located until AFTER I make an arse of myself and accuse some child of taking things that don't belong to them. And then I turn around and it is exactly where I thought it was in the first place and where I looked repeatedly, and apparently never realized I was looking right at the item I was looking for.

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Around here things don't even need to be covered with a peice of paper, they can be in plain sight and I just can't recognize them for what they are. Items are often not located until AFTER I make an arse of myself and accuse some child of taking things that don't belong to them. And then I turn around and it is exactly where I thought it was in the first place and where I looked repeatedly, and apparently never realized I was looking right at the item I was looking for.


Okay, that's it. I'm printing this off for my kids to read so that they can see I am not the only mother who does this stuff. :lol:

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Yesterday my daughter stepped on some piece of food and I told her to go wash her foot in the toilet. Um... :001_huh: Right, yeah, cause that's totally normal. "I meant TUB, PLEASE USE THE TUB!!!!"


LOL That was me last week...it seems my 3 yr old boy child has been missing the toilet a little too frequently. I'm thinking it's not solely on accident, but anyway. The trash can is right next to the toilet, THAT's where it was all going. I went to swap out the trash bag and noticed drops on the bag and you don't even want to know how much was in the can itself. :glare:


So, anyway, I then proceed to scold the children over peeing in my toilet.


Yes. Something along the lines of "I wish you children would learn how to stop peeing in my TOILET....."


stunned looks, a couple of snickers...


"TRASH CAN...I mean trash can!" Gah! Way to confuse the 3 yr old. Maybe that's why he was peeing in the can in the first place...I've had this 'discussion' with the children before, perhaps I was saying 'toilet' when I meant 'trash can' then too *snort*


And yes to all the other stuff too...except the elephant for a dolphin. Hehe sorry, that one's out there.

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Just wondering if any of you do the following:


*walk into a room to get something and forget what you were coming to get


*look at something and call it a completely different name (for example, say you are watching a movie about a dolphin and you call it an elephant)


*get distracted during a conversation and then totally forget what the conversation was about


*begin to tell someone something and have them say, "Oh, you actually already told me that."


*lose your train of thought mid-sentence


*forget that you did or said something (like forget that you took your kid's ipod for sassing until said kid brings it to you and says, "Mom, remember you took this?") I guess this would include frequently forgetting where you put something.





Now, I'm not saying any of these have happened to me or anything, especially the part about calling a dolphin an elephant. :tongue_smilie:


In all seriousness, I'm trying to figure out how much is normal, how much might be some meds I am on, how much could be from insomnia/exhaustion, and how much is just plain weird. I am still young, but I did read that people begin to become forgetful in their 30s, and I am mid-30s. I am also a medicated, tired, overworked homeschool mom of 3, lol.










Sounds normal to me! :grouphug:

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My kiddos are still laughing about the time I got frustrated trying to get them all ready for bed. I said in my firmest, most serious voice "GO brush your pajamas and put your teeth on." Now anytime I am searching for a word that just won't come to my mind they just repeat this command and we all get a good laugh.

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I have. All of the above. I've even called the kids by a running list of names - Oldest, youngest, middle, bassethound, labmix, cockerspaniel, Dh.... and not even realizing when I got the right one. I follow that up by saying 'Whatever your name is....'


I think Bill Cosby had something like that in his 'Himself' monologue. I think he said his Mom did it. I realized the other day Bill was a lot funnier before I saw myself doing some of the things he describes his wife and his mom doing.

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Oh my I have laughed so hard because I see myself doing everything listed. AND I am only 27 so I can't really blame it on age. We don't even have a dishwasher but every appliance in the kitchen is a dishwasher most days. Poor DD doesn't know what to think when I tell her to close the dishwasher.

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Do you get enough sleep? Everything you listed are classic signs of sleep deprivation.


No, I do not get enough sleep. I've suffered from insomnia for years. Plus I work night shift. I've tried different meds, but they either give me the hungover feeling the next day or make me do weird things like walk around in the house in the middle of the night and eat random stuff. :glare:

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I do stuff like this all the time. I got so frustrated once, I yelled...DON'T DO WHAT I SAY?????DO WHAT I MEANT!!!!!


Then we all just cracked up....Jeesh!!:D



:lol: I often wonder if my frustration with my children never actually listening to me is because they have learned it takes me 3 tries to say the right thing anyway so why bother listening until it makes coherent sense right. Dang those non-mindreading children :lol:

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Bless you for this thread. I do almost all of these things and ask dh about once a week if I have alzheimers. He always says no. I am glad it is just homeschool mom brain.




Dh says he heard recently that one reason you forget what you are doing is because you just walked through a door into a new room. It resets your brain or something and makes it more likely to forget if you weren't really concentrating on that thing at the time. Like when I walk into the pantry and can't remember why I came downstairs. Then I remember that I was really supposed to go to the laundry room.

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No, I do not get enough sleep. I've suffered from insomnia for years. Plus I work night shift. I've tried different meds, but they either give me the hungover feeling the next day or make me do weird things like walk around in the house in the middle of the night and eat random stuff. :glare:



Oh Nakia, that is QUITE the side effect. I'm sorry, but it made me snort laugh. :lol:


Oh, and I do all the things you listed, and I'm actually quite relieved to hear so many others do, too. My maternal grandmother died of Alzhiemers, so I've been worrying lately.


Sometimes, I'll stop mid-sentence when speaking to dh or the kids, because I can't find the noun I want to use. Usually I can find it in my brain after 4 or 5 seconds, but it's always a concerning pause. Sometimes I'll throw out clues so dh or the boys can find the word for me.


Me: "You know, that thing that men wear."

dh: :001_huh:

Me: "When they dress up."

dh: :001_huh:

Me: "Around their necks, tied into knots."

dh: Um, a tie?! :tongue_smilie:

Me: Yes! So anyway, the other day at the store, I saw this guy wearing the neatest TIE...



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Have you tried trazodone yet? It's been absolutely wonderful for my 13yo. She has a little congestion with it, but it's worth it for the ability to actually sleep at night. The only side effect she's had is the congestion. She did have to fiddle with dosage to find the right amount that would let her sleep all night without making her groggy in the morning.

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Today I meant to pm someone about a book they

were selling called "The Ramsey Scallop" about a

girl in the Middle Ages.


I sent the person a pm that said:


"Rapscallion. Do you still have this?"


The second I sent it I knew it was wrong but it was too



I later sent a pm saying sorry but they haven't

pm'd back and I don't blame them!!!


So, I'm on your team! I also do the calling things by completely

different names and have my family laugh...

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Wow, I am so glad I am not the only one who does this. Since yesterday, I have called C by the dog's name when telling him to climb into his carseat, had to have dh ping my phone twice because I couldn't find it (darn those black countertops with my black phone), had to have my sister or best friend finish my sentence for me and had to have dh refill the toilet paper roll because I couldn't figure things out.


I would blame on pregnancy brain (that was my go to excuse for the past 3 years) but as M is now 18 months, it's not working out so well. Ugh! At least I'm in good company. Sigh, I swear I wouldn't turn into my mother. :001_huh:

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Sometimes, I'll stop mid-sentence when speaking to dh or the kids, because I can't find the noun I want to use. Usually I can find it in my brain after 4 or 5 seconds, but it's always a concerning pause. Sometimes I'll throw out clues so dh or the boys can find the word for me.


Ohhh, yes. I do that all the time. We were having dinner with friends a couple weeks ago and she found one of those difficult nouns:


Her: "So I was at the shop the other day and saw the cutest... ... ..."

Her husband: "buffering... buffering..."

Her: "... boxes for storing whatever in" yadda, yadda

:lol: I laughed. Hard.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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THANK YOU SO MUCH! For at least 10 years I have worried just a little bit that something is wrong with me. "Put that in the dishwasher... um, microwave... um, FRIDGE! I mean fridge!" as the kids patiently wait for me to come up with the right appliance or gently suggest possibilities, LOL. I can come up with the correct word if I stop talking and wait for it to form in my brain, but why wait when you can snap out... the wrong word. And follow it up with another bad try. Hah! I LOVE the "buffering... buffering..." narration by the husband. That's exactly how it feels!


Yes, also, to the walking through doors and forgetting whatever I had in mind. For me, going upstairs or downstairs does the same thing. I'm okay if I'm holding whatever, such as laundry, thankfully! For years I've helped myself remember what I'm doing or what I need to do by putting a related object where I will see it -- especially if it's not in "the right place" -- and consciously tell myself whatever it is I need to remember. Say, pill bottle next to the coffeemaker to remind me to call & refill that prescription in the morning.


I do get the right amount of sleep for me (8 hours), though this stuff is much worse when I have had no quiet, alone time for days. I guess I started homeschooling just when I might have emerged from the mother-of-young-children fog with my two kids....


Again, thank you for the discovery this morning that I am okay, I'm really okay :D

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DH makes fun of me for the same things.


I think it's because a mother's mind is constantly in motion. You have eight million back burners going at one time- have to get laundry done so ds has pants for Sunday School, have to send out email about book club (oh, that reminds me, have to decide what I'm reading next for 52 books challenge, oh, and that reminds me, I have books on hold at the library), have to take the roast out of the freezer if I want it to thaw in time (oh, that reminds me, have to get onions), have to remember to clean the juice off the cabinet that I missed when I spilled the juice, have to bring toilet paper up from the basement for the upstairs bathroom, have to remember to take those movies back to the library when I pick up the books on hold, have to call someone about that leaking faucet because it's still leaking after I tried to fix it, have to remember to send niece a birthday card, have to make copies for tomorrow's assignment (oh, that reminds me, we are almost out of copy paper), have to call around because the car insurance just went up again for no reason, have to renew ds's prescription, have to send email about Cub Scout outing (oh, that reminds me, have to wash ds's Cub Scout shirt, or were they supposed to wear the Tshirts to this one?), have to put that piece of mail that was delivered wrong back out in the mailbox before the postman gets here, have to buy more juice because I spilled it all over the floor (yeah, don't forget to wipe up that spot on the cabinet!), have to figure out something for lunch (oh, that reminds me, did I feed the fish this morning?), have to clean out the car before we pick Grandma up on Tuesday, have to see if their winter boots still fit before we go sledding . . . ALL THIS in the 10 minutes you are trying to teach your kid to find the area of a rectangle. So, it's no wonder we get confused and say the wrong things.


I'm convinced this is what's going on in dh's brain:


(Morning) Have to get up and go to work. (Day) Have to do work.

(Evening) Have to come home and either do what wife says or watch TV. (Night) Have to sleep.


No wonder he never gets confused about anything! :lol:


I just read this to my husband (who woke up from a 2 HOUR nap), and he said, "Yup, that's about it."


ROFL! You should publish this, it is hilarious. And true.

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I'm glad I'm not alone!


Carol Barnier gave a lot of great tips for the highly distractable mom (or any mom) at a homeschooling convention. One of my favorites was using sign language. Hold the sign of the first letter of what you're looking for, the topic of discussion you need to have with someone (use while you are waiting on the person), etc... It's not something others will notice and will keep you from getting distracted. I recommend taking a look at some of her books.

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I do all of the above but I don't think my answer will help you much. Today, I told my family to remind me to get the Swedish eyeballs before we left Ikea. Of course, I meant Swedish Meatballs and they laughed at me. Sometimes I spit out several nouns before I find the right one. At leasst I know that I am in good company.


That one made me laugh!


And yes, I will go through several nouns too before finding the right one.


The most embarrassing is when you are trying to explain something to an adult and you have to ask them for the correct words!

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Today I meant to pm someone about a book they

were selling called "The Ramsey Scallop" about a

girl in the Middle Ages.


I sent the person a pm that said:


"Rapscallion. Do you still have this?"


The second I sent it I knew it was wrong but it was too



I later sent a pm saying sorry but they haven't

pm'd back and I don't blame them!!!


So, I'm on your team! I also do the calling things by completely

different names and have my family laugh...




I would have been wondering how on EARTH you knew. ;)

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