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What are your New Year's resolutions looking like?

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I have the usual. Something seems to happen around halfway through the year, and all my organizational skills fall by the wayside. I'm determined to stick with at least a few this year!



  • Get us ALL some real exercise at least three days a week.
  • Start making and keeping 3-meal meal plans (without them, for some reason, I tend to blank out on what food we have in the house and we end up eating way too much cereal and pasta :glare:)
  • Work on losing way too many pounds.
  • Attack the 52 Books in 52 Weeks challenge.



I'm sure there are more. What are you resolving to do in 2012?

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I'm doing a 2012 Happiness Project where each month for 11 months I take on an area of my life that if I tweak a little (make some changes), will bring me greater overall happiness...


So far, in no particular order, and subject to change:


worship, schedule/organization, find more ways to have "fun", health (eating and exercise), and some more that have currently slipped my mind...

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I will be ready for Christmas in 2012! You know well before the actual day, I will be ready. That is my main goal!


Read aloud more consistently to my kids.



Keep up with laundry. :smilielol5:


Oh please, tell me about it. I swear to myself every year that I'll do this. Then I get halfway there by the end of November...and spend the last week before Christmas scrambling to finish everything else :smash: Just once, I would really like to be able to enjoy the holidays because I'm finished with all the hard stuff already! (Actually, I'm still not quite done--I just realized I need to scramble today too!)


And yes to the readalouds. I'm OK with laundry because our schoolroom is next to the laundry room :D


I'm doing a 2012 Happiness Project where each month for 11 months I take on an area of my life that if I tweak a little (make some changes), will bring me greater overall happiness...


So far, in no particular order, and subject to change:


worship, schedule/organization, find more ways to have "fun", health (eating and exercise), and some more that have currently slipped my mind...


Oh Bee, you're so organized. I really wanted to do the exact same thing, but I don't think I'm going to have the time this year. I'm still thinking about it though...

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Pretty much the regular resolutions...


1. Keep up my diet and exercise. I have lost about 17 pounds since Thanksgiving, still have a (long) way to go. Get, and keep, the kids on a regular exercise schedule. They're already eating healthier because I do!


2. Keep the house cleaner, and get it more organized. We're starting off well since we cleaned like maniacs for the holidays - now I wan to keep it that way AND improve it!


3. Focus on saving money, and paying down a few debts. Actually keeping to the budget dh and I planned!


4. Be more organized with homeschooling. I'm taking a semester off from college classes myself, in between BA and MA, so I should be able to better organize homeschooling.:tongue_smilie:


Really it comes down to keeping my momentum up (health & housework), being more organized (homeschooling & housework), and sticking to the budget!


ETA: Can't believe, I almost forgot one of the most important! To get my dd8 actually reading. She can read, better than she thinks (she'll read something and then tell me she just guessed). Part of being more organized in our homeschooling I guess!

Edited by momto2Cs
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I will be ready for Christmas in 2012! You know well before the actual day, I will be ready. That is my main goal!


Read aloud more consistently to my kids.



Keep up with laundry. :smilielol5:



I tried so hard to start with Christmas stuff in August...I just couldn't do it. So I'm thinking that if I put things away better, then set up will be easier and (this involves putting a garbage bag over some of the trees and popping them in the attic, fully decorated). And I need to think about where it fell apart this year and see if I can shore some things up for next year. :001_smile:


Laundry-bane of my existence. I just don't have the time or willpower to grapple with it.

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I have found that if I just pick *one* resolution and make it very specific, it is easier to stick to! (like Onceuponatime said-"walk alone when my walking buddy can't make it")


When I have done vague or huge ones in the past like "read more books" or "stick to a diet", or picked more than one or two, they have been epic failures! I hated making big resolutions and feeling horrible by the end of January when I failed.


Anyway, I am praying and trying to formulate what my "one" for this year will be.:D


(last year was "smile often"-super easy to remember! I am usually wearing a rather stoic looking face so I wanted to improve on that. I wasn't perfect with it, but I came out of the year feeling more successful than that I had failed, which was great!)

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I have found that if I just pick *one* resolution and make it very specific, it is easier to stick to! (like Onceuponatime said-"walk alone when my walking buddy can't make it")


I've been thinking along the same lines. I'm thinking I might stagger the efforts I make--for example, Week 1 I'll start one the meal plans, Week 3 I'll start on the concerted effort toward exercise, etc. That way I'll have time to get the first one started toward becoming a habit.

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Mine is to get up an hour and a half before the kids. When I consistently get up early, I get so much done and start the day feeling positive. The last few months I have been hitting the snooze button.


I also like what HappyGrace said about "smile more often." I need to do that.

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Oh Bee, you're so organized. I really wanted to do the exact same thing, but I don't think I'm going to have the time this year. I'm still thinking about it though...


Melissel, I had hoped to have more of this planned out, and realized that so many times I stop myself from doing something because I don't have all the answers figured out... One of my personal commandments is to stop waiting for things to be perfect... just do it! I put up an introduction to my happiness project on my blog yesterday and would love for you to follow along with your own... The way I see it, I know my life is going to be very busy this next year, so I am going to take on just a couple of changes each month that wont overwhelm me (I hate shooting high and petering out... lol)... I hope you keep thinking about it! :001_smile:

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This is my favorite, favorite time of year! I LOVE to make New Year's goals! I actually keep a notebook for them during December so I can write a new one on every page and then use the rest of the page for the steps I need to take to achieve each goal. I have a problem, I know. Here are a few:


    • Run 2 marathons
    • Dedicate myself to a meaningful, daily yoga practice instead of the sporadic practice I have now
    • Keep my house clean
    • I'm brewing beer this year!
    • I will stay positive in conversations, I won't gossip or tear anyone down. I will treat everyone with dignity and respect, even if I don't feel like it
    • I am treating everyone who comes into my office as if they have entered my living room. There is now a coffee pot ON MY DESK. If someone wants to talk to me, I will listen, whether I feel like or not.
      • I will read 52 books this year and blog about it

      I will listen to my mother and let her talk to me about whatever she wants. She is my mother and she deserves my time, even when I don't feel like it.

      [*]I will have a date night with my husband more often

      [*]I will socialize with friends more often. I will say "yes" to invitations.

      [*]My company is starting a foundation to buy things children in foster care need for education, whether it is shoes for school, books, tutoring, a laptop for college, or a bus pass to get back at forth to their job and school. I feel strongly about this and will make it work in a giant way.

      [*]I will grow my business by marketing more aggressively and giving my best to my community.






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#1, sadly it has been my #1for a while now, loose weight

#2, waste not and use what I have. I have so much but I will buy and buy. My goal is to use up all the things I have before purchasing anything else. I have several bottles of lotions I have bought or gotten over the years, toothpaste we wanted to try but decided we didn't like, craft, yarn, and material I have tons of just sitting around. Even food, right now I have 6 different kinds of teas and I was about to buy some more yesterday. Curriculum is in this category...I waste so much every year.

#3, turn to God for everything big and small. Make sure he is kept front and center in my life.

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My number one resolution is to surround myself with people who inspire, challenge, and truly love me. This is going to take some work and some long overdue weeding out.


I really need to get up earlier. I get up when the kids get up. I want to get up when Patrick leaves (around 6:30), get the kids up about 7, and be ready for school by 8:30. That's my goal. The problem is only one of us is a morning person, and that's Emma. She is bright and shiny by 7 at the latest.


Make more time for things like art, music and Spanish. You know, the things that get pushed aside so easily. :tongue_smilie:


Be a better wife. I feel like my poor husband gets the worst of me. :(


Speak kindly to my kids. I fuss way too much.


Try not to put my oldest on the school bus. :glare:

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I actually keep a notebook for them during December so I can write a new one on every page and then use the rest of the page for the steps I need to take to achieve each goal.


Oh, Mad Charity, you are my kind of girl :lol: I have just the notebook, too!


#1, sadly it has been my #1for a while now, loose weight

#2, waste not and use what I have.


Yes :( and yes.


I really need to get up earlier. I get up when the kids get up. I want to get up when Patrick leaves (around 6:30), get the kids up about 7, and be ready for school by 8:30. That's my goal. The problem is only one of us is a morning person, and that's Emma. She is bright and shiny by 7 at the latest....


Be a better wife. I feel like my poor husband gets the worst of me. :(


I hear you on both things. Life in this house is SO much better when I'm up ahead of the kids. I don't feel so under the gun all day, and I feel like I actually got a little time to myself. As a result of that, when my DH finally gets home at 7:30, I'm stretched much too thin, am trying to hide from the kids, they end up going to bed too late, etc. And all of that is the cause of the problem resulting in your second resolution :(

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I haven't made resolutions in years, but I will for 2012. They are:


1a. Start exercising again. Regularly.

1b. Lose 50 lbs.

2. Relearn math, with the goal being to see how many calculus classes I can make it through. I will use Lial's at home until I hit calc, then I'll go to the local jc.

3. Learn how to play the piano.

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This is my favorite, favorite time of year! I LOVE to make New Year's goals! I actually keep a notebook for them during December so I can write a new one on every page and then use the rest of the page for the steps I need to take to achieve each goal. I have a problem, I know. Here are a few:


I am SO with you on the beer brewing! I was talking to my Dh about that yesterday. I love your list.

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I am SO with you on the beer brewing! I was talking to my Dh about that yesterday. I love your list.


Oh, thank you!!!!:D Every year, about this time, my husband and I sit and have a beer and share our lists. It is just so much fun. Then we have another beer and add to the lists. Then we have another beer and add to each other's list, ;) you get the point. It is our favorite time of year. We get to work together and our goals usually work together so it makes it so much fun. I love dark beer and would love to try my hand a good porter. I'll let you know. You should try it, too, and we'll compare notes!

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Instead of focusing on weight loss, I will instead attempt to have all of us eat healthier. I say that every year and it lasts a couple of weeks.


Work on my time management. Like the flylady.com site says, we live in

CHAOS (Can't Have Any One Over Sydrome). If I didn't spend my free time on the computer:glare:, I might actually have a cleaner and more organized home!


I have enjoyed reading the inspiring messages on this thread. I, too, really want to focus more on the positive things in life. I WILL be thankful for what I have and live more in the moment instead of worrying so much about the future.


Happy New Year to all!

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1. Create a budget

2. Do our best to stick to said budget

3. Start paying down debt

4. Create a rotating meal schedule (this should help us reduce debt because we get busy and eat out waaaaaay too much)


There are tons of other things I'd like to make as resolutions, but these 4 are so huge that I'll stick to these for this year and add some other things next year.

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Oh, I have about a million. As usual. ;) Somehow they all feel more POSSIBLE this time of year! :lol:


1. I'm going to do the 52 books challenge and am actually starting a blog to keep track of it!

2. Going dairy-free to see if it helps my son. I'm dreading this, because we're already gluten and corn free...but maybe it'll help me get more creative with food. Stupid needing to eat!

3. DH and I have decided to attempt a sort of anti-consumerism challenge this year. Besides food, we're going to try to buy nothing new. If we need something - really NEED - we'll look used or freecycle. I'm excited to try this and hope it'll help us get some perspective on needs vs wants. The only area where this idea freaks me out is books...but we have a good library system so hopefully that'll help!

4. Learning to use my DSLR better!

5. Getting our finances in better order and MOVING!

6. Spending more quality family time together. I find we tend to get very busy with individual projects, and want to refocus on the family.

7. I'm going to try, with every fiber of my being, not to say anything at all if I can't say something nice.


ETA: 8. I'm going to get my garden done this year! I am I am I am!

Edited by WarriorMama
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My main one, which covers a few areas, is to actual print out and stick to the daily schedule I've been working on for weeks. That will take care of: exercising every day, more organized school time every day, outside/active play time for the kids every day, keeping up on the house so it doesn't become a disaster zone that requires an entire weekend to fix.


In addition:


-I want to go back to eating right. I was doing pretty well until November when things feel apart. I felt so much better, less aches and pains.


-We need to start a budget and start paying down some debt and building up savings. DH will be starting his own company soon and there will be no more regular paychecks.

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Mine also tend to be similar from year to year. I probably achieve one out of half a dozen each year, so I do chip away at them slowly. This year:


- Spend time every day doing some writing (myself, not the kids).


- With DS7 and DS4, do more arts and crafts, and do French more regularly.


- Spend more time exploring my spirituality. (I have recently moved away from Christianity).


- Live authentically :lol:. For the past couple of years I've been going through a process of reassessing what's truly important to me, and also speaking my mind more. I hope this year to arrive at a point where I'm really comfortable with how I live my life and how I deal with people.



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- Live authentically :lol:. For the past couple of years I've been going through a process of reassessing what's truly important to me, and also speaking my mind more. I hope this year to arrive at a point where I'm really comfortable with how I live my life and how I deal with people.




I had resolved to have no resolutions, but I like this one!


I also like the idea of learning how to do something new, like brewing beer.


AND I'd like to do the 52 books in 52 weeks as well.

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I have a baby due in early February and a wedding in late August, I'd ideally like to lose the baby weight by then so I don't have to buy a new dress. The upside is, if I don't lose the weight, I get to buy a new dress! So I sort of win either way!:D


I also want to work on patience with my children. Between our recent move and the late stages of pregnancy, I've been snapping at everyone way. too. often. I need to focus more on God's patience with me and how I can praise Him for that by trying to translate that into greater patience with my family.


Additionally, I am more of an indoorsy girl and my children are stuck inside because of it. I want to get them outside into the fresh air more consistently. I'm going to order a book called "Last Child in the Woods" which I've been wanting to read for a while. Hopefully that will motivate me. We live in a great area for outdoor recreation and I need to enjoy it more.

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I'm going to honor "J", "G", and "C" in 2012.


J is my uncle. He died three days before Thanksgiving, of diabetes and pancreatic cancer. He was too young at sixty-five, and his death broke my father's heart. In honor of J I will follow a vegan diet this year. I'm doing Eat to Live plus juicing, to eliminate my own high risk for type 2 diabetes. J never could get a handle on the diet, but he'd want me to.


G was the first grown man who ever loved me. I didn't love him, and that was 20 years ago, but he was my friend and all my memories of him are good. G dropped dead of a heart attack three weeks ago. He was only 43. His widow is the same age as my husband, and his children are the same ages as mine. G excelled at enjoying life and looking for adventures. In honor of G I will forget the news, the internet, and all the stupid stuff I always stay up late thinking about and Live, Love, and Play with my family this year. We're going to see the world and just laugh.


C is my mother's best friend. He's about 50 years old and a quadriplegic after a horrible accident at work. C is Superman. He does exercises like the regime followed by Christopher Reeve after Christopher's very similar spinal cord injury, exercising for many hours every day while the tears roll down his face. He's able to lift his feet as he sits in his wheelchair now, and do many other miraculous things. My mother is his therapist. C is living life to the absolute fullest, yet he knows he might die at literally any moment. His road is short and full of pain, yet he sweats and smiles all the way. In honor of C I will walk 1000 miles this year. That's 3.5 miles per day, 6 days per week, all year.


That's it for me. I intend to keep on being a pitiful housekeeper and a slapdash cook. I intend to homeschool as well as I've always done. I'll keep dressing plainly and failing to join stuff I wish I wanted to join. I've accepted that these characteristics are just who I am and I'm done trying to be better at them! But I need to prevent diabetes and cancer for J, laugh and play for G, and walk for C, so those are my resolutions.


(Thanks for listening. I've been needing to say this somewhere.)

Edited by Tibbie Dunbar
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Nice post, Tibbie Dunbar.


As for me...I, too, am a pitiful housekeeper. All my adult life, I have had the dream of being able to HONESTLY say, "Yes, I'm an excellent housekeeper."


This is a special year, 2012. It is the perfect year to incorporate 12 habits. I've made a list of 12 housekeeping habits I want to develop in each of the 12 months of the coming year. Here they are in no particular order (I'm still working that out):


1. Establish an evening pick-up routine before my husband comes home from work

2. Clear the counters after the evening meal

3. Clear the counters after lunch

4. Clear the counters after breakfast

5. Sweep the kitchen floor every day

6. Vacuum every day

7. 'Swish and swipe' the bathroom daily

8. Make my bed daily

9. Train my children to do a new chore (to be determined)

10. Do a load of laundry a day

11. Shine the kitchen sink every evening

12. Do some kind of deep clean every day

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Losing 20 lbs.


Become more disiplined about my therapy exercises.


Being more careful about regulating food, sleep and medications.


Seriously declutter my house.


Major deep clean


Improve my wardrobe & grooming


Read more


Get back to heavy self-education plan


Get my finances in order.


The last year was really rough for me and I kind of lost control of everything. I intend to start the new year off but taking back control.

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I want to do a better job at honoring God in all areas, and at all times. I really feel like I slack in this area, and want to try to walk more closely with Him every moment of every day.


In addition to that:


I want to stick much more strictly to my vegan diet. This will entail doing some meal planning which I really stink at.


I NEED to get on some sort of exercise regimen. I'm not overweight, but I KNOW I'm out of shape. I want to get some body strength again.

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Mine are:


*Get my home daycare full of kids and bringing in a decent income


*take better care of myself, so proper diet and exercise, but also dressing right not frumpy, getting my foot issue addressed, actually getting my annual exam that I have not had done since I was 5 weeks pg with my youngest etc


*Get back out in the dating scene. I am starting this one early ;) but I will put it on there. In the 10.5 years I have been a single mom I have only dated two guys for a few weeks each. I find it really hard to put myself out there and try to start a relationship with someone.


*Increase my networth, such at by getting my dayhome running better, getting out of debt (minus the house -I will be in June if things go according to plan) and increasing the value of my home by doing improvements and renovations.


and lastly * find a church and start attending regularily. I have not attended church since we moved out here 1.5 years ago, I miss it.

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In no particular order:


*Exercise More

*Read More (books not related to homeschooling)

*Plan more meals


I've found that contrary to what everyone says if I get specific and then get derailed that sense of failure prevents me from getting back on track. I'm just going for improvement.


I also have been telling myself for years that *THIS* would be the year I send everyone birthday, anniversary and Christmas cards. I don't know if 2012 is the year but maybe... I'm just amused that I'm not alone in that resolution.

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I'm proud to say I kept mine from last year - start an exercise routine and stick with it and lose weight. Well, I'm still exercising very regularly (between 3-5 times a week, depending on how crazy my schedule is) and last year I lost 23 lbs and have kept it off all year long.


This year, my goals are still health related - First, I have 20 more lbs. I want to drop. Second, I want to start an eating routine that is healthy and that I love. (Which should help me with that 20 lbs.) I don't want to diet, I want something that is lifelong. Last year, even though I was exercising my heart out and lost weight, my LDL cholesterol went up 45 points!! YIKES!! I need to eat better for my heart!

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1. Get the house really clean and organized and keep it that way. The last part is the hardest.


2. Exercise daily. Dh got me a Wii Fit for my birthday nearly 2 years ago and I really have no excuse not to use it.


3. Attend mass more regularly. We are very sporadic in our mass attendance. We like to make excuses about how hard it is with a 2 year old, but she's not really that difficult in church.


4. Speak more positively and kindly...especially to my children.


5. Read 75 books. Last year I read 76, this year I read 60. I think I could hit 75 in the new year.


6. Have a set routine and stick to it. I am horrible with this--I get sucked into the internet and then chores don't get done, school stuff slides...I'm embarrassed at how often that happens. I need to have set times I can use the computer and then stay off the rest of the day.

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