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Poll: Does/did your 3rd grader know all the U.S. presidents?

What does your 3rd grader know?  

  1. 1. What does your 3rd grader know?

    • Yes- all or most of the presidents
    • No- haven't covered that yet
    • Yes- all or most of the 50 states and capitals
    • No- haven't covered that yet
    • They will know by end of 3rd grade
    • They will not know by end of 3rd grade
    • I'm not a resident or citizen of the US, but I like to vote in polls.

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don't have a 3rd grader yet - but we plan to learn these when we get there. I learned them through songs in the 5th grade. They're one of the few things I can remember from elementary school, and I've found the knowledge useful. I hope to find some great songs to help the memorization.

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DS knows the states in alphabetical order (Fifty Nifty United States) and learned them a couple of years ago (car song) - we'll work on capitals in the future. We're learning the Presidents via a song I learned when I was in elementary school, so he almost knows them in order - he can sing from Washington through William McKinley (his luck spread thinly, shot by a mad man's gun!) at this point - beyond that, we're still memorizing, but he can do it with prompts or if someone is singing it with him.

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I'm a wee bit beyond 3rd grade, but even I would struggle to name all of the US Presidents. I know the "biggies" and any that have been in office since I moved here. I'd guess my kids (K & 5th) know the roughly the same. I'd guess my nephews (4th, 6th, 8th and public schooled) know about the same, too. Great; now I really want to know what we all know LOL. I'm tempted to throw a fill-in-the-blank presidential pop quiz in everyone's stocking :D


We do all know the 50 states, even my K student, but we have family in other states and we travel A LOT. They track where I fly, we take trips every month or so to other states, and ... in general our lifestyle lends relevancy to their knowing states' names, locations/shapes, landmarks, and big cities (served by major airports LOL). I bet they'd do well naming most capitals, but I'm sure they'd confuse a few major cities for capitals (Dallas v. Austin, NYC v. Albany, etc.)

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Yes and No. Even the 1st grader knows the Presidents we have covered, but we have not covered them all and my eldest is a 4th grader. Theroretically, since we do history on a 5 year spiral as a group, one of my younger children may have covered them all by the end of 3rd, but it isn't a goal for us. We are covering states and capitols for the first time, outside of playing games, this year and I DO expect all of the bigs to know them when we are done.

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So good to know I'm not in the minority here. Someone accused me of being lax in my homeschooling because my 2nd and 3rd grader don't know all of the presidents (they can name Washington, Lincoln, Bush II and Obama, but that's it), nor do they know all the state capitals. I just said we haven't covered that yet, since they are ONLY in 2nd and 3rd grade and then passed the bean dip. But, it did get me wondering if this was something the average 3rd grader did know. I remember learning the states and capitals by myself from a book I got for Christmas one year. I didn't learn the whole list of presidents until high school.

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We've just memorized a song with the Presidents' last names.


It was in the Weaver Curriculum (now sold by Alpha Omega). We've had to add ". . . Bush & Obama".


Ray Charles also penned a song "50 Nifty United States"--all in alphabetical order.


It helps to understand history better, because you know that (for example) Tyler came before Lincoln.


But I would recoil at having the kids sing it in front of the grandparents!

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DD knew the states and capitals by 2nd grade thanks to the Animaniacs song:tongue_smilie:


On the advice of my father, when we began homeschooling I made her slowly memorize the names and some notable accomplishments of presidents (and other historical world political figures). It has proven to be an extremely helpful method of connecting events during history studies (and invaluable during AP tests).


I dont think it is totally necessary to memorize presidents, but definitely familiarizing oneself with them is not the worst thing one could do.

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I'm planning to cover this next summer, after one complete trip through the history cycle before starting cycle two. I don't think I'll require total memorization, though. Here the public schools do states/capitols in 5th, presidents not at all (just discuss the ones that come up in Am History classes).

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Two of my three who have completed third grade knew states, capitals and Presidents. One didn't, doesn't have a mind for that sort of thing (gets lost trying to get to her friend's house 1/2 mile away). My youngest just started on third grade materials ... she knows most of the states, and probably 1/3 of the capitals and about 1/3-1/4 of the Presidents.

Edited by higginszoo
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No and no. But I want dd to know the presidents because it helps with the order of historical events, and we will be working on the states/capitals because I want her to be very familiar with geography. We'll be memorizing most of the world countries and their capitals, actually. With the way the world is "shrinking," I want her to know where things are.

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