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Late night scorpion sting...

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Last night I was up late grading tests... It was a bit chilly so I decided to put on a warm set of jammies... I did not know at the time that a LARGE scorpion had decided to sleep in the jammies too!.


As soon as I put the jammie bottoms on I had no doubt that I was sharing! Yep, he got me several times in my tush.


I yanked the jammies right off-- and shook them out-- the scorpion was about 4 inches long-- it was real squishy too (thanks to a nearby shoe!).


DH applied antibiotic ointment and topical Benadryl... I popped 2 Benadryl and tried to go to sleep... I had the creepy-crawlies until the Benadryl kicked in and I zonked out.


My tush is still sore--but luckily not burning--this morning.


I have not been stung in over 10 years-- I guess it was my time... We have a pest service that treats the outside--but occasionally one gets through...


I'll be shaking all of my clothes/shoes out for a while now.

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Ouch! I have the creepy crawlies just reading this!


Have had my share of scorpion stings, too, when we lived out west. :) Last one happened in the car... scorpion on my head rest, got me on the back of the head. So strange. I didn't want to get in that car for months! DH and I traded cars for awhile.


Glad you are one less scorpion in the house!

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So sorry! I've finally quit carrying around a flashlight at night because we haven't seen one in months. Guess I need to still be on guard for any that have decided to spend the winter inside with us. Yikes! I HATE scorpions!!!


You handled it better than I would have. I would have been a screaming lunatic!!

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That scares me...and I have found 2 black widows in our house in the past week! Can't move to WA soon enough now!


What is there to be afraid of in WA? Someone please enlighten me so I'm prepared. :lol:


It depends what part of WA. I grew up in the northwest corner, and we didn't have poisonous snakes, Black Widows, or any really nasty things. You have the normal creepy crawlies, the occasional bear or bobcat and even a cougar if you get up in the mountains, but as far as nasty things are concerned, I think it's heaven! Now, the eastern half of the state is a different story. There are rattle snakes on the other side of the Cascade Mountains! Good luck with your move. I miss the ocean & mountains!

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It depends what part of WA. I grew up in the northwest corner, and we didn't have poisonous snakes, Black Widows, or any really nasty things. You have the normal creepy crawlies, the occasional bear or bobcat and even a cougar if you get up in the mountains, but as far as nasty things are concerned, I think it's heaven! Now, the eastern half of the state is a different story. There are rattle snakes on the other side of the Cascade Mountains! Good luck with your move. I miss the ocean & mountains!


Western, between Olympia and Tacoma so phew! Thanks for making me feel better. :)

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I always find it so strange that they hide in clothes folded and put away, where there is no food or water source.:confused:


My favorite thing about scorpions is that they eat roaches, so you don't usually have both. :001_huh: And they move slow, so if you do see one creeping along your baseboards you can scoot them outside quickly.



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Okay, I'm really glad I don't live in Texas. I'll take the banana spiders, the water moccasins, the gigantic mosquitoes, and the cockroaches. None of those hide in your clothes and then sting you! Well ... fire ants sting, but they still don't hide in your clothes!


I'm really glad you're all right. Just reading your story had me freaked out.

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I got my first sting this summer while camping in OK. :grouphug::grouphug:


They unfortunately can be anywhere, thanks to wiki for informing me of this fact. As I was so ready to move from TX where ever they weren't


We had several around our house for about 2 weeks, since we have gotten some moisture I haven't spied any in the house.

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My favorite thing about scorpions is that they eat roaches, so you don't usually have both. :001_huh: And they move slow, so if you do see one creeping along your baseboards you can scoot them outside quickly.




Hmm, I'm at my wits end with the roaches. Maybe I ought to import a few scorpions? ;)


Okay, I'm really glad I don't live in Texas. I'll take the banana spiders, the water moccasins, the gigantic mosquitoes, and the cockroaches. None of those hide in your clothes and then sting you! Well ... fire ants sting, but they still don't hide in your clothes!



We used to live in an apartment that had a fire ant infestation. We always had lots of them in the dirty clothes basket. They chewed a hole in one of dd's shirts where she had spilled some chocolate. :001_huh: But thankfully they did stay out of the clean clothes. It would make me crazy to have to worry about bugs in our clean clothes!

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Okay, I'm really glad I don't live in Texas. I'll take the banana spiders, the water moccasins, the gigantic mosquitoes, and the cockroaches. None of those hide in your clothes and then sting you! Well ... fire ants sting, but they still don't hide in your clothes!


I'm really glad you're all right. Just reading your story had me freaked out.


I'd trade all these in, in a heartbeat. I found that it was much easier to live with the scorpions :)

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Oh my goodness. That would have been a seriously traumatic experience for me. I am glad you didn't have a bad reaction. My neighbor has had scorpions in her house, but so far we haven't seen any. Black widows abound outside on the exterior of our house (and love the front door), and wolf spiders love to come inside.

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Oh, my word.:grouphug:


Last night I was up late grading tests... It was a bit chilly so I decided to put on a warm set of jammies... I did not know at the time that a LARGE scorpion had decided to sleep in the jammies too!.


As soon as I put the jammie bottoms on I had no doubt that I was sharing! Yep, he got me several times in my tush.


I yanked the jammies right off-- and shook them out-- the scorpion was about 4 inches long-- it was real squishy too (thanks to a nearby shoe!).


DH applied antibiotic ointment and topical Benadryl... I popped 2 Benadryl and tried to go to sleep... I had the creepy-crawlies until the Benadryl kicked in and I zonked out.


My tush is still sore--but luckily not burning--this morning.


I have not been stung in over 10 years-- I guess it was my time... We have a pest service that treats the outside--but occasionally one gets through...


I'll be shaking all of my clothes/shoes out for a while now.

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Nothing, there is nothing to be afraid of here (well, maybe earthquakes). Its lovely! Welcome!


LOL Unless you include earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanos, vampires and werewolves, right? :D:lol:


Thanks for the welcome. We are actually very excited and ready for adventure! After the drought this summer, I'm even looking forward to all the rain. :thumbup:

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Okay, I'm really glad I don't live in Texas. I'll take the banana spiders, the water moccasins, the gigantic mosquitoes, and the cockroaches. None of those hide in your clothes and then sting you! Well ... fire ants sting, but they still don't hide in your clothes!


I'm really glad you're all right. Just reading your story had me freaked out.


I agree with you! I'll take all this humidity to know there aren't any scorpions in my clothes!

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I was stung by a scorpion on the side of one of my BooKs in the middle of the night while in high school. Oh! My! :eek:


I did get to skip school for a few days, though. Mom decided my education was NOT so important as to make me show up to school braless! :lol:

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LOL Unless you include earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanos, vampires and werewolves, right? :D:lol:


Thanks for the welcome. We are actually very excited and ready for adventure! After the drought this summer, I'm even looking forward to all the rain. :thumbup:


Yeah, well tsunamis are not likely on the sound and even then you'd get notice. Same with volcanos - lots of notice there with eruptions, although lahars can be very sudden but also very infrequent (once every 100 years or so). Vampires and werewolves are far, far away (Forks is in the sticks, way far away from the Sound). And as for rain, it is sunny and beautiful here today, albeit cold.

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LOL Unless you include earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanos, vampires and werewolves, right? :D:lol:


Thanks for the welcome. We are actually very excited and ready for adventure! After the drought this summer, I'm even looking forward to all the rain. :thumbup:



Hate to burst the bubble, but there are Western Black Widows (rarer but present) and Hobo Spiders (fairly common). As PP said, there are no poisonous snakes. The PNW is beautiful though! We love it!:)

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Well, I don't know... I'm back in CT now but I am so cold this evening...:chillpill: I want to go take a hot shower just to get warmed up. I think about the years I spent in TX every so often and dream sometimes of going back. Yes, I did have a scorpion in my bottom floor dorm room, right on the wall above my pillow! But all I had to do was get a cup and let the scorpion fall into it and then dumped it down the toilet. Easy, peasy!


Now as for the rattlesnakes, well I just didn't worry about them... or the tarantulas, coral snakes or copperheads... but I did have a friend that got bit by a brown recluse spider and she developed a big crater in her arm... Oh, yeah, and we did have some fire ants in the trailer I shared with a roommate one time. Okay, so I guess it's easy to forget the bad and just remember the good when we are dreaming.... :tongue_smilie: But I sure loved seeing irises in full bloom in early March... those were the days when spring really meant spring!!! Though I don't know what's happening with those poor irises now that Texas has had such a drought!!!



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Oh my, Twigs and Bonnie ... oh, my. I'm going to be searching my clothes for ants now. :001_huh:


We did have fire ants in the dorm I lived in. I can't believe I forgot about that! They were coming out of a shower drain, of all places. :confused: The girls who lived in that suite were being bitten when they showered. WHY would they think that was a good place to live!?

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That scares me...and I have found 2 black widows in our house in the past week! Can't move to WA soon enough now!


What is there to be afraid of in WA? Someone please enlighten me so I'm prepared. :lol:


Depends on where you are going! They have one of the biggest volcanoes in the world. Mudslides, avalanches, hmm lets see :tongue_smilie:

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Oh man....Wisconsin is looking better and better. Bring on those below-zero days/weeks/months. They keep the scary stuff away!


:iagree: I live in Minnesota most of the time, and I will take my cold winters and very occasional tornado risk over all the freaky creeepy crawly things that bite and sting and poison. Or tsunami, earthquake, hurricane and volcano risks.:tongue_smilie:

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I live in Minnesota most of the time, and I will take my cold winters and very occasional tornado risk over all the freaky creeepy crawly things that bite and sting and poison. Or tsunami, earthquake, hurricane and volcano risks.:tongue_smilie:


Note to self - if given the option between living in Texas or Minnesota, choose Minnesota.


Jann - hope you heal quickly!

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