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Worst book of 2011??

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Land of the Painted Caves by Jean Auel. She wrote such a crummy book to end the series that it wasn't even worth me buying (and I have all the rest). The writing was sloppy, to include duplicate paragraphs, and the entire book read like she was doing it just for the money, not because she wanted to finish the series. I was honestly mad I wasted the time waiting for it.

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I think the worst one I read this year was The Shipping News by Annie Proulx (I'm sure I've got her name wrong).


I'm not big on "rules" for writing and I have a certain appreciation for sentence fragments. The Shipping News went way overboard with fragments. I could only read a little of it at a time or I'd start thinking in fragments.

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The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. Yuck. I hated it and kept asking myself, "Why am I still reading this?" I still don't know why I finished it. I think I kept hoping that it would get better.;)


Ahhhh, how funny. I read this book in my early twenties and LOVED it. So much so that I still think about that book. My teen daughter read it and loved it. Maybe I should read it again and see what I think now that I'm MUCH older. You know how some books affect you and stay with you and other books you forget about almost immediately? This is a book that stayed with me.


I can't think of any books I read this year that I hated.

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I think the worst one I read this year was The Shipping News by Annie Proulx (I'm sure I've got her name wrong).


I'm not big on "rules" for writing and I have a certain appreciation for sentence fragments. The Shipping News went way overboard with fragments. I could only read a little of it at a time or I'd start thinking in fragments.


Funny! I read this YEARS ago, and I loved it!


The Handmaid's Tale is on my shelf awaiting reading... curious to see what I will think since reviews are varied.


As for my worst book, I can't think of any because I end up dropping them and not wasting my time if I can't get into them.

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If a book doesn't grab me in the first 10%, I usually give up on it or put it aside for later. I tried twice with The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Didn't like it at all.

I read most of Water for Elephants, but that was in 2010 and I hated that.

I also hated the Outlander book (2009).

Never read The Handmaid's Tale, but absolutely loved the movie.

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Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. Trite, formulaic, and predictable every step of the way. I mean, I knew it was going to be a light read, but ugh. I almost bought it on a whim but decided to delay gratification and get it from the library instead. It was the best $10 I never spent! I'm sorry, I hope I'm not offending anyone, but really, I think it was the worst book I've read ever, not just in 2011! I was so bummed :(

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Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. Trite, formulaic, and predictable every step of the way.


I read my first Kristin Hannah book a month or so ago, Winter Garden. I don't expect reality from fluff fiction, but this book was so completely stupid that I will likely never pick up another book by this author again.:tongue_smilie:

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Night of the Living Trekkies. It's not like I expected this to be a good book, and I guess it wasn't terrible for fan lit. I have maybe watched two episodes of Star Trek in my life. I read it for a book group. Next worst would be Phantoms by Dean Koontz which I also read for said book group.:glare:

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I read my first Kristin Hannah book a month or so ago, Winter Garden. I don't expect reality from fluff fiction, but this book was so completely stupid that I will likely never pick up another book by this author again.:tongue_smilie:


Lesson learned here too! I literally skimmed the whole book, got to the ending and cursed out loud because I just KNEW that was how it was going to end, and returned it to the library with 6-7 pages to go.

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Worst? Snowdrops, by AD Miller. I don't need heavy foreshadowing in every chapter! A little hint then let me get there on my own! Have a little trust in my intelligence!


Best of the year? Maybe The Sense of an Ending, by Julian Barnes, or The Stranger's Child by Alan Hollinghurst.



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Loved Water for Elephants, and the movie was just as good. Its a story complied of true stories that happened with the circus in those days. Loved reading The Help. I know the movie comes out this week on DVD. I hope its as good or better than the book.


Anways, I'm reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. I'm not sure if my problem was that I saw the movie first. But I'm just clawing my eyes out reading it. Its just so wordy and lengthy. If that's possible. Its like I'm reading, and trying to skip to the parts that are familiar to me in the movie. Some parts just drag in the story too.

Maybe had I not saw the movie first , I may not feel this way. I don't know. But I'm just not enjoying it. But I do want to finish reading it.

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Twilight. It just didn't grab me at all, and I thought I'd like it. I finished it, but I didn't read any more or see any of the movies. I was bummed because I hoped it would be like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, but no, it was just a cheesy, dumbed-down Interview with the Vampire.


I detested Twilight and I was similarly revved up to get drawn in. And could there be a more insipid, empty-headed lead female than Bella?


I don't know anyone IRL who hated Twilight.

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I didn't get past chapter 2. :ack2:


I wrestled with it because I was reading it for a book club, but after 100 pages I decided I hated wasted enough of my life on it and chose to bring a bottle of wine to book club as my penance for not being able to participate in the discussion.

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I wrestled with it because I was reading it for a book club, but after 100 pages I decided I hated wasted enough of my life on it and chose to bring a bottle of wine to book club as my penance for not being able to participate in the discussion.


:lol: I have no idea what the book was even about, but I'm guessing the wine was more stimulating than the book discussion.

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Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. Trite, formulaic, and predictable every step of the way. I mean, I knew it was going to be a light read, but ugh. I almost bought it on a whim but decided to delay gratification and get it from the library instead. It was the best $10 I never spent! I'm sorry, I hope I'm not offending anyone, but really, I think it was the worst book I've read ever, not just in 2011! I was so bummed :(


I didn't like this either!!

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How about the worst books I started but couldn't finish? LOL!



To Kill a Mockingbird



What?!?! To Kill a Mockingbird is on your worst list? That's my favorite book of all time!:)


Hands down, The Book Thief.


I can't believe it! This is my top book of the year.


But, of course, I'm in the minority on The Handmaid's Tale.:ack2:;)

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The Elegance of the Hedgehog by muriel barbary


It is still on my nightstand -- I may have to go back and try again in a few months. There was alot of sadness and bad news that I had learned of when I began reading it and that may be why I could not get into it. I will probably give it one more try.

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The Handmaid's Tale is one of my and dh's favorite books. I have read it several times. But then I HATED the Time Traveler's Wife which so many loved. We are all so different in our taste.


Loved The Handmaid's Tale. I read it about 8 years ago. Also hated The Time Traveler's Wife. It was a book club choice some years back. I don't know if I hated the book as much as I just really disliked the two main characters.


The Hunger Games is one of the worst books I've read. I just couldn't get past the fact that it is about kids killing kds with little or no remorse. I really don't like dystopian society novels either, but it really bothered me that this book was marketed to middle school kids.


This was my problem with The Hunger Games. I read it because ds really wanted me to. He wanted to be able to discuss it with me. I didn't hate it, but won't be reading the rest of the series unless he begs me to. Since I don't waste time finishing books I truly hate, I guess this one counts a my worst for 2011.


The worse book was a book for book club and since I had read it for another book club a few years ago and didn't like it then, I didn't actually read it this year but it is the only book I should have read this year I don't like-

The Thirteenth Tale.


I remember when we read that. I didn't hate it, but it wasn't a favorite either.

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But, of course, I'm in the minority on The Handmaid's Tale.:ack2:;)


I'll join you in the minority!! I hated The Handmaid's Tale. I tried reading it 3 years ago and had to put it down and not finish it. I rarely do that! I didn't want you to think you were alone ;)


I'll also be the minority here... I loved Twilight. Sad, but true. :D I reread them all this fall before the movie came out. Even though I know the story and had already read them, I still couldn't put them down. Before you judge me too harshly, I've read plenty of Jane Austen and Shakespeare this year ;)


I had to look back at my list to see what book I really didn't like. I guess my pick would have to be Lessons at Blackberry Inn by Karen Andreola. I liked Pocket Full of Pinecones and thought I would enjoy this one, too, but ugh! I trudged through it.


The book I tried so hard to get into and just couldn't would have to be A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens. I told my friend I would try and I really did but :ack2:

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I didn't hate The Thirteenth Tale but didn't like it much which is why I didn't reread it. I only put it on the list since it was the only book I choose to read or was supposed to read that I didn't like. I don't read books I don't like usually. The only exceptions are book club or maybe something like a Sunday School class.


I didn't like Time Traveler's Wife either but wasn't slated to read that this year so not on my list this time.

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I tried Beloved by Toni Morrison for a month or two - I made ot to p.258 out of 322 and at that point I couldn't renew it from the library again and I was still hating it - I could see no way for that book to improve at that point.:tongue_smilie:

I also could not get into The Other Queen, which is strange since I usually like (if not love historical fiction)

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo....I just couldn't get into it at all. I read maybe 50 pages, and couldn't take anymore. I felt so alone since most people I know IRL seemed to love it.


Hunger Games....I couldn't get past the entrails of the dead cat in the first couple of pages...not a book I needed to read, so I put it down. Another one of those books where I feel so alone in my opinion.


The Time Travelers Wife...I read several years ago and I remember thinking I felt like I had schizophrenia trying to keep up with the story. It jumped around a lot and for me was hard to follow.

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