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Have you actually tasted the foods you don't like?

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I have not. I go by the smell, usually. There are some foods I just know I won't like them -- mostly white, creamy foods like sour cream, yogurt, and cream cheese.


So, while I make delicious (according to others) cheesecakes, I have never tasted one.


Our guests brought a raspberry cheesecake yesterday. I tried it, to be polite. Never again! The taste, the texture ... I could not bring myself to eat more than one bite, even if I did feel impolite.


OTOH, I have tasted and disliked raw tomatoes forever. I tried them again within the last 2 years, and I love them. I never liked asparagus until I ate it at a friend's house to be polite, and now it is my favorite vegetable.


What foods that are popular do you dislike?

Edited by RoughCollie
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I am always willing to try or re-try foods though sometimes a certain dish will look less appetizing than normal so I won't choose it even if I normally like it. I think the only food I've consistently disliked no matter what are raw carrots (though I don't mind a few shredded ones on my salad).


I find it really interesting (yes, odd) that you MAKE a food you hadn't even tried and expected not to like.

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I find it really interesting (yes, odd) that you MAKE a food you hadn't even tried and expected not to like.


I love to cook and bake. Everyone I know loves cheesecake, and none of them make them at home. I like making them because there are so many varieties, they look great, they are easy to make, and people love them.


I like feeding people food they love that tastes great. I love handling food and cooking it ... somehow that satisfies my appetite. If there were a pill I could take instead of eating, I'd do that most of the time. But I would never stop cooking as long as there are people around who love to eat.

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I don't like goat cheese. It tastes the way they smell. :ack2: I also don't like the taste of lamb or veal. Most "normal" foods I don't have a problem eating. Probably why I weigh so much. :glare:


I had lamb in a restaurant once that was absolutely wonderful. I made a leg of lamb at home, trying to replicate the recipe, and it was a waste of money. Our guests loved it, so they took the leftover lamb home with them.


I don't eat or cook veal because of the way it is raised.


I like feta cheese crumbled on salads, which I first tried during the past 2 years.

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Wait, I don't think I've tried liver. The smell alone makes me gag.


I hate broccoli, though I've tried it every which way.


I love liver! Besides my dog, I don't know anyone else who likes it. Broccoli, I eat because it is healthy. Chocolate, I can live without. I have tasted Nutella and I cannot eat that stuff. I don't like sour food except for pickles, and that includes lemon meringue pie, which DH loves. I don't mind lemon flavor in cakes and cookies, but I don't like too much lemon taste.

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Shrimp. Actually, most fish. I didn't try shrimp until a few months ago. I was right. I don't like it. I've tried enough varieties of fish to know that I probably won't like it.


Shrimp! I tasted it for the first time when I was 20, and loved it. When I was 30, I had my first (severe) allergic reaction to it, so I can't eat it any more. I am allergic to shrimp enzymes, not shellfish in general.


I don't like most fish and shellfish, and I do try it because it is such a healthy food. Lobster or crab legs, I could eat all day, every day. Just boiled, without clarified butter.


My dad's family eats frog legs. I tried them, and they were good, but not worth extra money they cost compared to chicken. Plus, frog legs remind me of dissecting them, which I would rather do.

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Yes, I've been trained to eat anything - esp. if I do not ask what it is first. This is very handy when you are in an inter-racial marriage where your mil serves thins like purple squid and blood pudding for the holidays. OK - I take that back. I've never been able to make myself to eat balut.


There was nothing weird at last night's dinner - rice and lumpia (Filipino eggrolls) and a kind of translucent vermicelli with shrimp and a kind of fruit salad made with a gelatinous white sauce, but nothing I would consider weird. I majored on the turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce that was also served. The Korean exchange student thought those things were weird and that the Filipino things weren't:001_smile:

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Yes, I've been trained to eat anything - esp. if I do not ask what it is first. This is very handy when you are in an inter-racial marriage where your mil serves thins like purple squid and blood pudding for the holidays. OK - I take that back. I've never been able to make myself to eat balut.


I would not eat that stuff. My in-laws would have to cope with it.


When are you going to post this year's pig head in your fridge photo? My kids want you to stick an apple in its mouth. Actually, they want me to roast a whole pig, with an apple in its mouth ... but I told them that for that, they'd have to go live with you - and I have feeling you only serve the front part of decapitated animals.


Now they want to know what you do with the rest of the pig. I told them you shop at a market called "Heads Up", and that's the only part sold.

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I began trying things at other people's houses because I was embarrassed, and sometimes found I liked them.

When I was TTC or pregnant, I remember consciously trying things I hadn't liked (raw tomatoes, for instance) because I knew the nutrients would be good for my baby. I didn't like them, but I made myself eat a little.

As far as unusual foods (it's all relative, I know), I've tried Indian foods on a couple of occasions. I was fine with the milder ones but had to stop halfway through the serving on a curry-based dish. I really tried. I think I could get accustomed to it over time, but the sensation was jarring.


That said, I cannot CANNOT stand the texture of soft bananas in my mouth. I know they're still good when they're ripe, but I can only eat them when they're firm. My ds with Asperger's likes bananas in the 6-hr window of perfect (to him) ripeness. :lol: Once they're soft, they head to smoothies or banana bread. :D

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I'll eat peas if they're in a dish that's well seasoned enough to mask their taste. But I can only choke down one mouthful of them on their own, the taste is awful to me. I can't even manage one bite of papaya, unless it's been candied. Other than those two, most of what I'd rather not eat isn't likely to be served as the only option anywhere I go.

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I have not. I go by the smell, usually. There are some foods I just know I won't like them -- mostly white, creamy foods like sour cream, yogurt, and cream cheese.


So, while I make delicious (according to others) cheesecakes, I have never tasted one.


Our guests brought a raspberry cheesecake yesterday. I tried it, to be polite. Never again! The taste, the texture ... I could not bring myself to eat more than one bite, even if I did feel impolite.


OTOH, I have tasted and disliked raw tomatoes forever. I tried them again within the last 2 years, and I love them. I never liked asparagus until I ate it at a friend's house to be polite, and now it is my favorite vegetable.


What foods that are popular do you dislike?


:iagree: with you on the sour cream, yogurt, and cream cheese. Buuuutt.....I will have to say that I absolutely love, love, love cream cheese (fat free :001_smile: ) in enchiladas and lasagna. Other than that....I won't touch it.


Tofu. Seafood (except tuna or fish sticks). Brussel sprouts. Cooked spinach. Liver and other organ meats (gag me!). Cooked green beans (I've had baaaaad experiences with those as a kid). Cottage cheese. I'm sure there's more.


Funny how if our kid says...."I don't like that" and I'll say, "But you never tried it. Here....take at least one bite". But yet.......I can say I don't like it and I won't try it. :001_huh: :001_smile:


ETA: I guess I posted this a little wrong. I HAVE tried cooked green beans (this was by force) and cottage cheese (a tiny bit on my tongue). Never ever ever again!

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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I have not. I go by the smell, usually. There are some foods I just know I won't like them -- mostly white, creamy foods like sour cream, yogurt, and cream cheese.


So, while I make delicious (according to others) cheesecakes, I have never tasted one.


Our guests brought a raspberry cheesecake yesterday. I tried it, to be polite. Never again! The taste, the texture ... I could not bring myself to eat more than one bite, even if I did feel impolite.


OTOH, I have tasted and disliked raw tomatoes forever. I tried them again within the last 2 years, and I love them. I never liked asparagus until I ate it at a friend's house to be polite, and now it is my favorite vegetable.


What foods that are popular do you dislike?


I WILL taste most anything dairy, starchy, veggie or sweetie. :)


I will NOT taste unusual meats (unusual for me!) or unusual parts of my usual meats. So if it is not usual beef, chicken, turkey, pork, I won't taste it. I will taste fish. I stop breathing when I eat shellfish so all that is out.

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Nope - and I am the opposite of you, since I have no sense of smell, hence a (as far as I know) far lesser sense of taste. I rely heavily on appearance, texture, "mouth feel". I will not go near a banana (grossly mushy), grated coconut (horrid texture!), and think putting raisins in cookies, etc. is disgusting (why ruin a perfectly good cookie, crisp outside and tender inside, with a small wrinkly blob of chewy gunk that sticks to the teeth?)


I will cook stuff, bake stuff, for others but won't eat it!

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There is very little normal American food (I can't speak to all cultural food) that I don't like. I would say that the winter squash family and sweet potatoes are "not my favorite". I will eat them. I tend not to like cooked fruit pies and things with raisins. I will eat them. I found that there were several foods growing up that I didn't like, but eventually came to like them (mushrooms, cream cheese, sour cream). I think people's tastes change. So I make an effort to try things.


My SIL is rather picky and once we went to a family style restaurant. She does not like vinegar, mayonnaise and uncooked tomatoes. So they served slaw and I was hogging it since I knew she didn't like the vinegar. She finally asked for some. Opps. Sorry. She ate it until she found out it had vinegar in it. She's done the same with pasta with fresh tomatoes once. She can eat it until she finds out that it has one of the ingredient she supposedly doesn't like. Seems like it is for attention. Oh well. So given that experience, I am a little suspect of people who make loud protests about what they don't like.

Edited by OrganicAnn
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I would not eat that stuff. My in-laws would have to cope with it.


When are you going to post this year's pig head in your fridge photo? My kids want you to stick an apple in its mouth. Actually, they want me to roast a whole pig, with an apple in its mouth ... but I told them that for that, they'd have to go live with you - and I have feeling you only serve the front part of decapitated animals.


Now they want to know what you do with the rest of the pig. I told them you shop at a market called "Heads Up", and that's the only part sold.


Yes, I've tried the foods I don't like, with the exception of sauerkraut. I just can't get that past my nose.

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Now, there are some foods I won't try. Possibly I'd like them if I did, but I cannot bring myself to go there. Fried pickles, for one; catfish, for another. And my reason for not wanting to try catfish is very silly. Nevertheless, I won't even taste it. It's my mother's fault. :D

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Yes, I've been trained to eat anything - esp. if I do not ask what it is first. This is very handy when you are in an inter-racial marriage where your mil serves thins like purple squid and blood pudding for the holidays. OK - I take that back. I've never been able to make myself to eat balut.


There was nothing weird at last night's dinner - rice and lumpia (Filipino eggrolls) and a kind of translucent vermicelli with shrimp and a kind of fruit salad made with a gelatinous white sauce, but nothing I would consider weird. I majored on the turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce that was also served. The Korean exchange student thought those things were weird and that the Filipino things weren't:001_smile:


Oh my, I don't think I could eat Filipino. My dh has taken some of our kids (one at the time) to the Philippines and always had the "You will eat what you are served" talk with them first. They did.


The only thing I can think of that I really don't like is cilantro. I love liver. :001_smile:

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As much as I love Japanese food, I haven't brought myself to eat any sushi with raw fish in it. (I felt better about this when I found out that one of my Japanese friends doesn't like sushi, either.)


I don't like beans (legumes), and I have tasted them. I can handle a few mixed into another dish, but I have no interest in eating beans on their own, or a dish with mostly beans. It's the texture.


I don't like peas. I still remember when dh brought me home to meet his parents, and his mom made a chicken dish full of peas.


I am not a huge seafood fan, although I like shrimp and most mild fish. (Not tuna!) My dh loves all seafood. Lucky for us, there is now an Asian seafood buffet right near our house. He loads his plate with mussels, crab legs, frog legs, crayfish, etc. I load mine with tempura, kalbi, orange chicken, and little steamed buns. Win-win.



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When I was younger, I couldn't stand things with "things" in them... like nuts or raisins. I have gotten better about it, but generally I am not a fan of mysterious lumps and crunches.


I do not like pies. I just don't.


I don't like veal. I am glad that I dislike its taste and texture.


I will usually taste things even though I know that I won't like them, if I have never tried them.


I am not a fan of cheeses that smell like animals or gerbil cages, but sometimes they can be really good. Goat cheese gives me an immediate weird headache.


I will eat many adventurous things. I will eat sushi with abandon, although even I will not try sea urchin. My father says that it tastes like a combination of wood putty and baby sh*t. I don't need to spend $5 to see if he is correct.

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I will not eat sauerkraut, just can't get past the smell. I will eat shrimp but won't eat lobster or crab. The crab is another one where the smell gets me, but I did try a bit of lobster once and thought, "What's so great about this, it's like eating a rubber ball" my mom assured me it was cooked great. I will not eat organ meats, but that's another smell issue. I had a grandma that could cook anything until it resembled shoe leather or the rubber sole of said shoe. So I was very picky for a long time.


I have tried raisins many times because I love dried cranberries and was convinced that if I had raisins in the right way I'd love them too. Nope, never happened.


I have tried many things to see if I'd like them when visiting family, but drew the line at my MIL's stuffing the Thanksgiving we were home. It looked like grey wall spackle in a bowl with green inch worms crawling through it (celery). I wasn't going to touch that with a 10 ft. pole.

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This is such a funny thread to me because in most cases, no, I have not tasted the foods I claim not to like :tongue_smilie:...In a few cases, I have tasted something and didn't like it...In most cases, if I don't like the way it looks or smells, I am not going to eat it under normal circumstances...Like the OP, I also don't like white, slimy, creamy stuff, so blue cheese dressing and stuff that looks like it is out...I do eat yogurt and mayonaise though...


DH says that I never try new foods...He enjoys trying new foods so I let him do it...Give me the stuff I know and love, or at least a new food that looks and smells appealing! :D

ETA: As for a popular food I dislike, I don't like nuts in my ice cream and dislike Butter Pecan Ice cream...I also don't like potato salad, though most people I know love it...That one I actually have tasted and disliked...

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I always try things before I decide I don't like them. And if I don't like something at first, I will try it again occasionally (like every couple of years) because sometimes my tastes change and I find I really enjoy something I used to despise. Of course, there is very little I don't like to start with - I love food! ;)

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I love liver! Besides my dog, I don't know anyone else who likes it. Broccoli, I eat because it is healthy. Chocolate, I can live without. I have tasted Nutella and I cannot eat that stuff. I don't like sour food except for pickles, and that includes lemon meringue pie, which DH loves. I don't mind lemon flavor in cakes and cookies, but I don't like too much lemon taste.


I never liked liver until I figured out how to prepare it. I soak it in lemon juice for several hours, then pound it very thin. Fry until just cooked. It's tender and lovely every time. The kids love it.


Food dislikes are never a taste thing for me. It's always about texture. As I'd rather not throw up I avoid trying food that have textures that are gross to me.

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I would not eat that stuff. My in-laws would have to cope with it.


When are you going to post this year's pig head in your fridge photo? My kids want you to stick an apple in its mouth. Actually, they want me to roast a whole pig, with an apple in its mouth ... but I told them that for that, they'd have to go live with you - and I have feeling you only serve the front part of decapitated animals.


Now they want to know what you do with the rest of the pig. I told them you shop at a market called "Heads Up", and that's the only part sold.


I have absolutely zero say in what will be on the holiday table. The only reason I had a pig's head in my fridge once was because MIL landed in the hospital and dh said that we would make the "pork roast". Boy was I surprised when I looked in the bag!


MIL shops in China town. We went there once looking for chicken feet for a biology experiment. They were right next to the duck heads. It was one of those bizarre things that grossed you out but you couldn't look away!

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I don't like capers, brussel sprouts (the smell), rutabaga (the smell again), strong leafy greens ... these I have tasted and don't like. Actually, I hate capers. I had ordered something in a restaurant thinking it was something else and it came with capers on it. I thought I would like them, but it was disgusting. Most other things, I can tolerate.

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I'm adventurous when it comes to food, so yes, I will taste something and give it a fair try before casting it on to my yuck pile. Foods I will NEVER like or try again in any form are liver, coffee, grapefruit, raspberries, apricots, cooked carrots, olives and anything seasoned with curry or cilantro. I also hate fake peach anything.

For me it really is the taste; texture doesn't bother me and even smell isn't a huge factor, I mean coffee smells amazing, but in my opinion, tastes nassssty.


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I have tasted everything I don't like--otherwise, I wouldn't know if I liked it or not.


I don't like lima beans or beets. That's pretty much it.


I am not especially fond of cheesecake, but I don't hate it and would eat it if served to me. Not sure that I would eat limas or beets if served at someone's home.

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Okra. I've had it multiple ways (fried, stewed, raw, pickled, in Indian spices, etc) and just hate the taste. The only way it can be gagged down is to have it heavily breaded with cornmeal, fried, then use one piece to hold the ketchup on the fork. At that point, it's no longer a vegetable, so what's the point?

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Yes. If it's something I haven't tried, then I won't say I don't like it. I may say that something doesn't sound or look appealing to me, but I can't say that I don't like it if I've never tried it. Being raised military, I ate a lot of foods that were different, was taught that you at least try everything once and before you say "I don't like it", and you eat what is put before you when you are a guest...no matter what.

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Yes, I have tasted my two detested foods. WHY do restaurants think everyone likes pickles? Some places will stick a pickle right on top of a sandwich. Even once you pick it off, there's still a taste of pickle juice in the bread. *shudder*


I can't stand it when the pickle juice hits my food. GROSS!

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