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My dad is in the hospital.

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I just got a call. My dad (who is a couple months shy of his 90th birthday) fainted today and was transported to the ER. He's been admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. It was a shock because prior to today he had no symptoms, not even a cold. They think that his heart is fine (he's had multiple heart attacks in the past) and they think that he hasn't had a stroke. If he does not improve quickly they will do more tests to determine if he's had one or not. We already have plans to go visit my parents across the country in December to celebrate the shared 90th and 10th birthday of my dad and my daughter. I'm praying that this pneumonia responds well to treatment. I'm a bit concerned because of my dad's age.


Update: I talked to him this morning. He was lucid and sounded "normal". He is on antibiotics and is on bedrest. They say that he has an inner ear problem which is why he initially collapsed and vomited (sorry for the tmi). My brother e-mailed me that it was quite some time before my dad was able to get the attention of my mom who is extremely hard of hearing. So initially he was wiped out from the effort. He told me that he will be kept in the hospital for another night. Our talk was interrupted by the doctor coming in so I don't know the newest from the doc.


Monday Update: They were supposed to discharge my dad from the hospital today. But now they are talking about keeping him another day. When he got up to walk, his oxygen level dropped. He's impatient to go home. I talked to him about being patient now so that he doesn't talk them into letting him go home too early, thus increasing his chance for a relapse. Please pray that he listens to me and to the doctors.


Wednesday Update: Dad is home now. He is on oxygen which they've attached to his walker. He's still on antibiotics. He is more upbeat but still is not out of the woods. He seems to be listening to the doctors, though, for which I am very grateful. Thank you so much for the prayers and hugs.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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aaaw Jean, I'm so sorry! I also hope he can fully recover from the pneumonia.


My younger son had walking pneumonia twice. He would be fine for days, sweat profusely at night, feel sick, then fine, etc. It is frustrating. For us, just when I felt ds needed to go to the dr he'd get better. I'm not so surprised to hear your father had it and didn't know.



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please update us when you can, Jean.:grouphug:


How's he doing?


Update: I talked to him this morning. He was lucid and sounded "normal". He is on antibiotics and is on bedrest. They say that he has an inner ear problem which is why he initially collapsed and vomited (sorry for the tmi). My brother e-mailed me that it was quite some time before my dad was able to get the attention of my mom who is extremely hard of hearing. So initially he was wiped out from the effort. He told me that he will be kept in the hospital for another night. Our talk was interrupted by the doctor coming in so I don't know the newest from the doc.

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Update: I talked to him this morning. He was lucid and sounded "normal". He is on antibiotics and is on bedrest. They say that he has an inner ear problem which is why he initially collapsed and vomited (sorry for the tmi). My brother e-mailed me that it was quite some time before my dad was able to get the attention of my mom who is extremely hard of hearing. So initially he was wiped out from the effort. He told me that he will be kept in the hospital for another night. Our talk was interrupted by the doctor coming in so I don't know the newest from the doc.


That's great that he sounded good! I hope he has a restful night and can recover well at home. :grouphug:

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Monday Update: They were supposed to discharge my dad from the hospital today. But now they are talking about keeping him another day. When he got up to walk, his oxygen level dropped. He's impatient to go home. I talked to him about being patient now so that he doesn't talk them into letting him go home too early, thus increasing his chance for a relapse. Please pray that he listens to me and to the doctors.

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Monday Update: They were supposed to discharge my dad from the hospital today. But now they are talking about keeping him another day. When he got up to walk, his oxygen level dropped. He's impatient to go home. I talked to him about being patient now so that he doesn't talk them into letting him go home too early, thus increasing his chance for a relapse. Please pray that he listens to me and to the doctors.


Praying for this specifically, Jean. :grouphug:

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Monday Update: They were supposed to discharge my dad from the hospital today. But now they are talking about keeping him another day. When he got up to walk, his oxygen level dropped. He's impatient to go home. I talked to him about being patient now so that he doesn't talk them into letting him go home too early, thus increasing his chance for a relapse. Please pray that he listens to me and to the doctors.


Parents can be as stubborn as children! :grouphug:

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