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This is the face of the guilty fellow who stole my family's dinner

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This guy stole 5 organic, grass fed burgers awaiting grilling from my kitchen counter. To his credit, he did leave 1/2 of a burger, but only because he was caught red handed. During his admonishment, he burped and licked his lips repeatedly. Does this look like a thief who even begins to understand the full heft of guilt? I think not.




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I'm not as mad as I should be...this is our third dog, and you know how it goes with the youngest.


Our first dog ate 7 prepped grilled cheese sandwiches - she got into a lot of trouble for that.


Our second dog steals pancakes - she just did it two days ago. But she has the good sense to go into hiding right afterward so we are all scratching our heads wondering where the pancakes went until we all have the Hallelujah of Understanding fall upon us. But by then, she's far from being caught.


This dog, the third child, just gets a "bad dog" and his picture snapped while dh runs out to the grocery store to buy more burger and my fries get over baked.

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I'm not as mad as I should be...this is our third dog, and you know how it goes with the youngest.


Our first dog ate 7 prepped grilled cheese sandwiches - she got into a lot of trouble for that.


Our second dog steals pancakes - she just did it two days ago. But she has the good sense to go into hiding right afterward so we are all scratching our heads wondering where the pancakes went until we all have the Hallelujah of Understanding fall upon us. But by then, she's far from being caught.


This dog, the third child, just gets a "bad dog" and his picture snapped while dh runs out to the grocery store to buy more burger and my fries get over baked.



I will tell you what I tell my kids, ALL THE TIME, you can't get mad at a dog for doing what a dog does. Of course that is when they are chasing her down for stealing their food! Sometimes right out of their hands.

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Our dog stole a whole rack of bbq ribs of the barbecue a couple of summers ago. They were really expensive ribs too. I chased him around the yard, got them back, cut off the end that was in his mouth and popped them back on the grill. Then we ate them! You just weren't fast enough!


When we're just moving into a house about 6 years ago my mom was over helping me paint and things. She wanted to grill some chicken so I busted out the only grill I had, a little smokey. She got it all ready, put the chicken on, checked and turned it, but then came in the house and left the patio door open. She went back out just a few minutes later and I heard her yell, "Hey where's my chicken?"


My dog ( she was a lab/ sharpei mix) had snatched it right up. To her the grill was the same height as a coffee table, and thus fair game. It was our fault because DH and I had always let her have anything we didn't want anymore or that our oldest son was done with off our coffee table. She always waited for an ok, unless it was left unattended.


After realizing this my mom said " oh yeah, I forgot that grill is Rumples fair game height" and we had a good laugh.

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Late one night, I took out some organic, free range chicken breasts and laid them on counter to thaw overnight, intending to put 'em in the crockpot first thing in the morning. I woke up and discovered shredded styrofoam everywhere, but I assumed my darling pup had found an empty egg carton (we save them to use with the eggs from our chickens). An hour or so later, I remembered that I'd wanted to start the crockpot early, and looked around the kitchen, a little confused because I just KNEW I'd put it on the counter somewhere...


Yep. A pound and a half of organic, free range, partially thawed chicken...no wonder my pooch wasn't hungry for his breakfast! (Mind you, he still ate it, but not with the gusto he usually displays!)


He's incorrigible, he is - he apparently can nudge the step stool over to another part of the kitchen. :confused::glare::lol: But look at how adorable he is (he's my avatar picture)! Gah! Now, if I nee to leave food out *at all*, even if it's just being left while I leave the kitchen for a minute or two, I put it into the microwave. Of course, I also have to remember to put away the sponge - he loves those, too, but he has NEVER tried to take any of this stuff while we're watching... :sneaky2:

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This guy stole 5 organic, grass fed burgers awaiting grilling from my kitchen counter. To his credit, he did leave 1/2 of a burger, but only because he was caught red handed. During his admonishment, he burped and licked his lips repeatedly. Does this look like a thief who even begins to understand the full heft of guilt? I think not.




What a con artist!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Cute dog and great thread! Just what I need after that monstrosity of a baseball game. :lol:


Our yellow lab ate our wedding cake (but left the topper because she clearly knew where to draw the line :lol:), a turkey carcass (post Thanksgiving carnage), and two loaves of bread still in their bag... She once ate three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches off the kiddie table in the time it took me to turn around and grab three cups of milk from the kitchen counter. :lol:

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At least my SIL's dog had the presence to look guilty when she was caught eating the Christmas ham.


Come to think of it, maybe the guilty look was for heaving all over my in-laws bedroom carpet afterwards. FIL's reaction would have any dog feeling guilty, I'm sure.


We still refer to it fondly as "The year Maggie ate the Christmas ham."

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Awww...he's too cute. We had a cat that did something similar. She had just been fed an entire pint of chicken livers, and the minute we turned our backs, she jumped up on the counter, dragged the roast out of the pot where it was cooling, dumped it on the floor, and started eating.

We also had a dog steal a pumpkin pie off the table and eat it.

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We had a Maltese that would eat anything dropped on the floor, even if it came off the stove. Mom dropped a piece of sizzling hot steak one time, she snapped it up, and refused to let it go even though you could hear it sizzling in her mouth as she tried to eat it.

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Our dog stole a whole rack of bbq ribs of the barbecue a couple of summers ago. They were really expensive ribs too. I chased him around the yard, got them back, cut off the end that was in his mouth and popped them back on the grill. Then we ate them! You just weren't fast enough!



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