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Baby Legs and Robeez Soft Shoes- do you know what those are?

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I think they are both super adorable on babies. LOTS and lots of babies around here wear Robeez. I wish I had used them with my daughter when she was little, but I just felt I couldn't justify the price. Baby legs make my heart happy! Cuteness! (And normal.)


I can't imagine anyone thinking anything bad...

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My baby has soft shoes. I love them. This is our first baby wearing this type of foot covering.


We usually don't put shoes on our babies until they are walking well since walking barefoot/with socks is better for their feet and balance. I look for very flexible soles for their first shoes, and it was basically impossible to find flexible-soled, hardy shoes for my 11mo boy. My baby also curls his toes and I haven't been able to get any real shoes on him consistently. So his first pair of shoes are soft shoes. It's fall, and he does need shoes from time-to-time. Socks aren't cutting it outdoors anymore as the temp drops.

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I love Robeez! They have been around for at least 10 years; I'd expect many parents with young kids to recognize the shoes, or at least the style. IIRC Nordstrom sold Robeez at one point.


ETA: I've never heard of Baby Legs, so I googled. They were invented after my kids were well past toddlerhood.

Edited by TrixieB
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Your replies so far confirm what I had always thought- mainstream, common on babies nowadays.


But the Baby Legs seem to be a love 'em or hate 'em thing. I think they're adorable and put them on my baby boy, (my dh doesn't care for them but he doesn't interfere with what I dress the baby in), but I had even girl friends who thought they were strange on a boy. He's a baby, so I guess I don't get gender assignments for clothing for a baby. I don't like mainstream baby boy clothes, with cars and dinosaurs all over everything.


And my (male) cousin was just surprised by my baby's Robeez in a pic on FB. He is a new dad though and has no clue. I told him they're much better for baby feet, especially as my ds is a new walker, and now he says he's looking into them.

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We usually don't put shoes on our babies until they are walking well since walking barefoot/with socks is better for their feet and balance. I look for very flexible soles for their first shoes, and it was basically impossible to find flexible-soled, hardy shoes for my 11mo boy. My baby also curls his toes and I haven't been able to get any real shoes on him consistently. So his first pair of shoes are soft shoes. It's fall, and he does need shoes from time-to-time. Socks aren't cutting it outdoors anymore as the temp drops.


Same here, I won't put hard soled shoes on a baby or toddler. My other kids wore Robeez and then shoes with a very flexible rubber sole as they got older, like See Kai Run and Livie and Luca. But I had to order online, they weren't as easy to find. Now, with having a new baby after a 6 1/2 year space, I find that very flexible shoes are much easier to find. It looks like Stride Rite owns Robeez now? And Stride Rite has a bunch of shoes for early walkers that are extremely flexible and light-weight.

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I had both for my youngest and LOVED them. SHe didn't even own real shoes until almost 2. SHe only wore robeez, and babylegs are the best thing ever. I still have 2 pairs for her to wear this winter. They were awesome when she was learning to crawl to protect her little knees.

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Love them, always looked nice. I might make it uncool as my baby is 12. My oldst dd (almost out of teen hood) had a pink tie pair of soft sole shoes (Bear Feet) around '95, and we got more compliments on those things. People loved them. My youngest had more pairs than I should say, and we loved the internet babylegs pe -Target. Before there was a mass market, some online folks were knitting them, and some of us were cutting up awesome cotton sweater sleeves and selvedging the ends. Super useful stuff. Also, Whole Foods sold Maggie's tie dye leg warmers, and the small sizes were super cool as babylegs. :) My youngest still adrores leg warmers. We got some nice ones at Whole Foods and the Tea catalog. Most of the babies I know here are wearing these cute/functional/comfy items. I still have some lilac robeez with the purple flowers and the pink ircles ones that I simply cannot part with. I keep wonderng how weird it would seem having them done in bonze book ends. lol

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I love them and think they are cute! My sister made me some BabyLegs(I have never had the name brand ones), and I bought the soft leather shoes for my two youngest from Target(ministar). They are made by Roobeez or the other name brand, but they are much cheaper. Man I wish my little man was still wearing them. I can't believe he is almost 2.:crying:

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Okay I'll be the weirdo who had to go look these up… I haven't seen either the Robeez shoes or the Babylegs in person anywhere, although I know I've seen "Robeez" ads on kijiji. That said, I'm the only person in my 'social circle' with a baby right now (and our other two are teenagers).


Honestly? I don't really like the shoes - well, there's a few there that I *might* consider... but not this style which seems to be the most common. these are kinda cute.


Babylegs.. the eighties are back for the little ones too eh? :laugh:


[they seem to be designed to be worn without pants? that doesn't seem very warm… legwarmers OVER pants, now that makes sense in the winter.. ]


It doesn't really matter what I think though… I'm glad the stuff exists for people who like it. That just ain't me.

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I love the idea of Robeez -- but in actuality keep shoes off of my kids until they are walking


I am trying to use babylegs currently -- to help keep her legs warm. They are still falling off so I use pants instead. (No, they are not warm enough for winter. Our temps outside are 80s during the day and 60s at night. And places I take her keep the a/c at 72 eek! So its to keep her warm in 60s and 70s type weather.)

Edited by vonfirmath
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Well, I cloth diaper so I've always used them. I think they are great even for those that don't cloth diaper though.


I've always cd'd as well. I still don't see much point to the babylegs. If it is cool enough I want their legs covered then I want them in socks as well, in which case I might as well slip on some pants and socks.

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I've always cd'd as well. I still don't see much point to the babylegs. If it is cool enough I want their legs covered then I want them in socks as well, in which case I might as well slip on some pants and socks.


Well, I use a lot of fitteds and prefolds with no cover when they're babies. I use babylegs and socks so they can be coverless. Pants would wick, so the babylegs are great.

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I know what Robeez are, but I always thought they looked weird. :tongue_smilie: I had never heard of Baby Legs (until I googled it now), but I'm not in baby mode anymore, so that figures. Some of the girl BLs look cute to me, but they seem weird on a boy to me. My boys just wore soft pants.

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Well, I use a lot of fitteds and prefolds with no cover when they're babies. I use babylegs and socks so they can be coverless. Pants would wick, so the babylegs are great.


Ah, I use strictly prefolds and flats but usually use covers. although if I'm lazy I'll leave them coverless it is usually pantless as well- the pants would wick awful

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Well, I know what they are and my children wear/wore them, but I get the same weird reactions. Why did you snap his onesie over his pants? Why don't her tights have feet? She'll never learn to walk in those shoes! Here, I bought him some real shoes. :confused:


I've explained it with every single baby. They're not pants or tights, they're leg warmers. Remember the 80s? I buy soft-soled shoes on purpose. That is what I want her/him to wear. Still the questions come next time, like they've all forgotten.


The other babies here (we're sort of in the boonies) wear big old-fashioned ankle-supporting shoes, long before they can even crawl, let alone walk. DH calls them "baby clodhoppers". But when we took my SIL to lunch in a hipster-ish area of the city, she saw all kinds of babies with BabyLegs, Robeez, parent-facing strollers, cloth diapers, and even *gasp* slings and wrap carriers! It blew her mind. She thought I was just totally crazy and made these things up myself. :tongue_smilie:

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But when we took my SIL to lunch in a hipster-ish area of the city, she saw all kinds of babies with BabyLegs, Robeez, parent-facing strollers, cloth diapers, and even *gasp* slings and wrap carriers! It blew her mind. She thought I was just totally crazy and made these things up myself. :tongue_smilie:


Ha, that is too funny. I have had people ask me "where'd you get that?" about various baby kid things as we live rurally as well. I have seen an upswing in baby carriers around here as of late and even one local stores sell robeez- so they are now becoming cool. I hate that a lot of people are turned away from something like cd because they are not available locally.

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We had a couple pairs of Baby Legs, but we didn't use them often. DS3 was a big baby, and his legs were always really red from wearing them (plus his chubby thigh fat would roll over the top). If I pulled them up any more, the cloth diaper would leak onto them. Plus, they were always getting lost in the laundry. Even though DS3 didn't wear them often, he stretched them out enough that scrawny little DS2 couldn't wear them.


I was too cheap to buy Robeez.

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I love Robeez! They have been around for at least 10 years; I'd expect many parents with young kids to recognize the shoes, or at least the style. IIRC Nordstrom sold Robeez at one point.


ETA: I've never heard of Baby Legs, so I googled. They were invented after my kids were well past toddlerhood.


I had heard of Robeez even though my "baby" is 15. I had to Google Baby Legs.

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Both Robeez and Baby Legs are popular in my circle of friends and acquaintances--making your own versions of them is popular too! I wouldn't expect someone who doesn't have young children to know about them though.


DS had 3 pairs of Robeez because our local store sells last season's pairs for 50% off and I planned ahead. I just bought two pairs at 50% off last week for a joint baby shower and they were a huge hit. A few of the older ladies didn't know what they were but everyone else (including several whose kids are teens) said, "Oooh--Robeez. Those are nice!"

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I just wanted to add that Baby Legs were originally created to keep legs warm during diaper-less times (if you were ECing or just giving baby some fresh air so to say) but many people discovered that they kept their crawlers from getting sores or rug burn on their knees. I used them for both purposes and also because they are so darn cute.


Soft soled shoes are the best kind for proper foot development if you insist on putting shoes on your child. From the pediped site "Doctors recommend shoes with soft leather soles because they most closely mimic barefoot walking and do not force children to change their natural stride." I have a pair of Robeez that have gone through all 4 of my kids (yes, girls can wear blue and red dinosaur shoes if they want ;))

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