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s/o Names you love, but would never use

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I tend to name my kids names that I like, and I generally don't care what other people think of them. They both have virtue names as middle names, and I feel free to make them as ridiculous as I want, because people generally just don't use them. This time around, if I want to use "Comfort" as a virtue name for a girl, I'm a-gonna do it, no matter what my MIL might think. :tongue_smilie: I think the names (at least the girl names) for this baby are...unusual (as in uncommon, not free of vowels or made up), but if it turns out to be a girl, I'm just going to enjoy everyone's reaction until they get used to it. Do you have names that you love, but for whatever reason will never use? Any reason, besides that DH hates it? Which is obviously a pretty valid reason.

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We loved the name Aiden, it means firery, which I loved and would have fit our son. However we choose not to use it because everyone else in the world was having an Aiden! We also liked Ethan but someone once told me that every single Ethan they met was whiny. I started running into a lot of Ethans and they were! Lol now I know that has nothing to do with the name but it kind of sealed the deal for me (lol pregnancy hormones!).


For a girl we liked the name Julianna Grace. My sil is Julie Anne so that wouldn't work. Grace is my mothers middle name and as much as I adore the name I would never in a million years give my baby a name that matched with that woman. :)


Wow this reply sure makes me sound shallow! :D

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I've always like Charlotte, which is an old family name in my family. I would have strongly considered if if we'd had girls, but I would have pulled back because it's SOOO popular now. I wouldn't want my kids to have a name that seems trendy or that they're likely to know half a dozen others with the same name. I always remember the year I had a single class I taught with FOUR Jeffs. Ack.

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I really like the name Miles, but my husband would never consider it for one of our children. One of our favorite book series features Miles Vorkosigan, whose mother suffers a chemical weapons exposure during pregnancy that results in severe birth defects. So, yeah. His wife was never going to be pregnant with a "Miles."

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My parents passed on some favorite names because:


* A close family member had recently had a miscarriage/stillbirth and used that name.


* The boss, whom nobody liked, had that name and it would look like sucking up.


* It was too soon after the death of a loved one with that name.


* It sounded yucky to the other parent. "Gretchen," "Melanie," "Sandria."


I would have named DD2 the first name of DD1 and vice versa. But then DD2's initials would have been ASS. And having worked in a field where you always had to sign your work with your initials, ASS seemed cruel.

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I love some of the names from 100 Years of Solitude, Aureliano and Amaranta. But some of the characters are really depressing so I wouldn't want that association. :) I love other traditional Spanish names like Astrid and Remedios, but dh said they are the Spanish equivalents of Eunice etc. And it's a good thing we don't have all boys since there was only one name we could agree on. Every Spanish boy's name that I put out there, Antonio, Alejandro etc, dh had a horrible story about one of his cousins with those names!

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I can't think of any right off that I like but wouldn't use other than dh not liking them. I don't much care what others think. I do look at meanings and initials, but haven't come across any issues in the past. I've also found that people often don't like a name when given, but they get used to it over time. Nearly everyone thought we were crazy for naming our oldest Race. They learned to like it and it fits him to a t. :D

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My MIL made negative comments about all 3 of our boys' names!


But honestly, she doesn't like us, so ANY name we would have picked would have gotten a negative comment. She is just a negative person.




i love Sarah and Rebecka buttt Dh had adult neices with the names, so they are out.


I Love my MIL hates both our boys names.

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I've always like Charlotte, which is an old family name in my family. I would have strongly considered if if we'd had girls, but I would have pulled back because it's SOOO popular now. I wouldn't want my kids to have a name that seems trendy or that they're likely to know half a dozen others with the same name. I always remember the year I had a single class I taught with FOUR Jeffs. Ack.


Charlotte is one of my favorite girl names, but I wouldn't use it for the same reason. Plus, we have good friends who have a daughter named Charlotte.


I love Eleanor (with Nora as the nickname), but wouldn't use it because I have two friends who have Eleanor/Noras.


I really wanted to name the new baby Theophilus (and call him Theo). DH immediately vetoed it, but if he hadn't, I probably wouldn't have gone with it, anyway. For one, our two other kids both have names starting with T (and "Th" at that!), and I was afraid of starting a trend that could get creepy. Two kids with the same first letter was a coincidence, three would have been maybe okay, but if we had a fourth, then we'd be in "that family" territory.


Plus, if he had grown up and been an atheist, unless he had a well-developed sense of irony, he probably would have hated me.

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I tend to name my kids names that I like, and I generally don't care what other people think of them. They both have virtue names as middle names, and I feel free to make them as ridiculous as I want, because people generally just don't use them. This time around, if I want to use "Comfort" as a virtue name for a girl, I'm a-gonna do it, no matter what my MIL might think. :tongue_smilie:


I don't know the rest of her name, but Comfort is what everyone calls her. She's a retired lady, probably in her 60s. I love the name.

Edited by ereks mom
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I have loved the name Dagny for a girl for many moons now. Someone close to me, who shall remain nameless (unless she outs herself, lol), and who is known to be uber-supportive of most baby name choices , gasped, "You can't name your baby that!" when I told her we were thinking about Dagny. Every person in our family liked it.


It's not for that reason I wouldn't use it at this point (there's another one), but that still makes me laugh when I think about it. I still like the name. A lot.

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Ever time I think of the possibility of another son and needing a name, I immediately think of Caleb. But I would never use it because name meanings are important to us, and after giving sons names that mean "The champion of God is the victorious one" and "Firm, enduring gift of God," I can't give a child a name that means "dog."


I also love Michael and Daniel, but I don't want a Mike or Dan (nothing against those names, but I hate it when people automatically shorten my kids' names.)


I LOVE the name Emily, but it means "rival." :sad:

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I was just looking at flowery names...


Did not know that Orchid meant "testicle" yikes!!:eek:

It's not a name I was considering but wow, that's a doozy!:tongue_smilie:


Yes, I do in fact. If a dog has only one testicle he is referred to as "monorchid."


Yes, quite a doozy!



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I have loved the name Dagny for a girl for many moons now. Someone close to me, who shall remain nameless (unless she outs herself, lol), and who is known to be uber-supportive of most baby name choices , gasped, "You can't name your baby that!" when I told her we were thinking about Dagny. Every person in our family liked it.


It's not for that reason I wouldn't use it at this point (there's another one), but that still makes me laugh when I think about it. I still like the name. A lot.


Are you an Ayn Rand fan?


We loved the name Aiden, it means firery, which I loved and would have fit our son. However we choose not to use it because everyone else in the world was having an Aiden! We also liked Ethan but someone once told me that every single Ethan they met was whiny. I started running into a lot of Ethans and they were! Lol now I know that has nothing to do with the name but it kind of sealed the deal :)



:seeya: My Ethan's not whiny! Okay, maybe he has been whiny this week, but I'm attributing it to him being two and sick.


I was just looking at flowery names...


Did not know that Orchid meant "testicle" yikes!!:eek:

It's not a name I was considering but wow, that's a doozy!:tongue_smilie:



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My husband has a very unusual name (just in that it's old fashioned and not used much but it's one that people know). It was really important to him that our kids names also be fairly unusual. That got rid of a lot of names that I liked but he deemed "too common". (Hannah, David, Jack, Anna) It got to the point that if he knew someone who had a child with that name he'd say "too common" although I quickly pointed out how difficult he was being. We also didn't want names like River or Storm or something made up so we those preferences narrowed it down a lot.


I really really like the name Ruth in theory. It was my great-grandmother's name, I love the Biblical reference. But it just didn't sound pretty to me with our last name. If our oldest had been a girl he was going to be Ruth but I think in retrospect I must have "known" it was a boy because I was never thrilled about the name.

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I always wanted to use the names Mara and Isolde for girls but found flower names more appealing when the girls made their debut. I always wanted the name Jasper-Rose for a boy, but best for the boys that DH overruled my choice. The boy still have very romantic names most associated with girl names than boy names, but the boys found that girls just loved their names which I guess was my point in naming them as I did. Strange how they grew into their names too.

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everyone hated our name choice for DS2. Some were more polite about it than others, we had people really trying to convince us to change it - they even made it into a joke and taught it to our older children. :glare:


But we still went ahead with it, we still love it, and it suits him amazingly well.


Like others, popularity, meaning and getting DH to agree were the main issues! Also biblical names which we liked the sound of, but were bad guys... like Absalom, we love that name.


DH loves Hedeon for a boy, but I couldn't agree because it means 'destroyer' - although he thinks it would be appropriate for our boys...

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I love the name Agnes when said in French. I do not like it in English. My mother was pushing for us to use it, but she is French speaking. She also pushed for Heather, but I refused to use a name with "th" in it, since mom pronounces "th" as "d." So, instead of Heather, she would have said Hedder. Um, no thanks. :)

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We loved the name Jack, but with our last name it easily became inappropriate. :sad::ohmy::blushing:


See who guesses our last name first. :lol::tongue_smilie:


Daniels is my first guess.


After that, Frost.


ETA: oops, I knew I should have read all the comments before posting . . . .

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I love the name Agnes when said in French. I do not like it in English. My mother was pushing for us to use it, but she is French speaking. She also pushed for Heather, but I refused to use a name with "th" in it, since mom pronounces "th" as "d." So, instead of Heather, she would have said Hedder. Um, no thanks. :)


Our name that we want should this turn out to be a girl (though I have my doubts :)) is Temperance. I like it pronounced Temp er ance. Go figure, huh? But my MIL says it like "Timprince" and it makes me have the crazies. She also refused to believe me when I mentioned that in Violet (first DD) the "O" is not silent. :willy_nilly:

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