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When did your son outgrow you?

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It dawned on me today eventually Pigby and then Digby will grow taller than me. I would say baby girl possibly could, but I need her to stay a baby forever;). How much longer do I have? My husband and I are average heights; me 5'6" and DH 5'10". Five years have already gone by so fast, I have a feeling I'll blink and the next five will be gone too. :crying:

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I am 5'6" and XH is 5'7".


Two oldest dd's will never outgrow me. They both stopped around 5'3". Third dd was 12 when she outgrew me. She is 5'7". The boys outgrew me around age 15. They are now 5'10" & 5' 6 1/2". The boys are both still growing.


I have a friend whose 14yo son is 6'3". The dad is 6' tall so the kid is the tallest one in the family.

Edited by Liza Lee
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I'm 5'5", dh is 5'9".


1dd is shorter than me - we tell her her hair (of which she has TONS) held her down.

2dd was taller than me by 13, and taller than dh by 14. (she's a hair under 5'11")

1ds was taller than me by 13, and taller than dh not long after. he's happy to be taller than his sister, by maybe 1/2". He was done growing by 16 - he has not grown since and he's 22.

I have a pic of 2ds when he "only" came up to 2dd/1ds shoulders. great pic. He was ecstatic when he passed them both. I think he was 17, but he started growing late. He's now 19, and does seem to still be growing at 6'1".

3ds - well, since he's only six (but recently shot up), 1dd says he doesn't count as being shorter than her.

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Dd - never (she's 5 ft 1/2 inch and I'm 5 ft 3"). Ds at 12 - he grew 5 inches over the summer - about 5ft 6" now. According to ped - he's in tanner stage 2 and has a lot of growing left to do. My kids seem to start early (as dh did). I'll worry about youngest ds later on - he's the allergic, underweight, short one.

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I'm only 5'3", and DS is consistently on the extreme high end of the height chart. At 4, he can pass for a linebacker-esque 6-year-old. I expect he'll out grow me between 10 & 12. Really, that doesn't make me feel too bad. My cousin is 5', and her DH is 6'7". Their little (er-- not-so-little) guy is the same height as her at age 7. Before he's 8, he'll be bigger than his Mama.

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Dd - never (she's 5 ft 1/2 inch and I'm 5 ft 3"). Ds at 12 - he grew 5 inches over the summer - about 5ft 6" now. According to ped - he's in tanner stage 2 and has a lot of growing left to do. My kids seem to start early (as dh did). I'll worry about youngest ds later on - he's the allergic, underweight, short one.

What is Tanner stage 2?


Ok, I'm gonna guess 12-14 based on everyone's responses. I wouldn't be surprised if Pigby was earlier and Digby was later. Although I know of boys who didn't hit their big growth spurt until 20ish, so I won't be surprised if that's the case either. But reading about everyone else's kids growing up makes me cry. I'm guessing I'm just hormonal today. I know the alternative is worse, but I can't imagine my babies so big. Ok, thanks everyone for the cry. It's normal for me to cry over weird things.

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Well my ds's are still to young but my 13 year old daughter is VERY close. I think we are the same height right now (5'10) but I think she is gonna creep taller than I. Its very weird looking at your daughter and being eye to eye to her. We measured ourselves at the beginning of the summer and I was still 1/4" taller but I am afraid to measure again now because I think she will be a tad bit taller :001_huh:



Dh is 6'2" FTR

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I've got about 1.5 - 2" on my 14 year old yet. He's shaping up to be about the same height as his dad (5'8" ish).


My oldest was taller than me at that age, and is now taller than his dad too. He's about 5'10". I think he could still have an inch or so to go as he's almost 18 and not yet shaving (He may want to do that soon though...).


I think my dd will top out at about 5'3" (I'm 5'6"). She's itty bitty and seems to be built like my sister who is a petite 5'3". The youngest, now 7, will very likely be taller than all of us. (I've thought this since he was about 3.).

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I am 5'5¼" in my stocking feet.


ER and I were the same height by the time he was 12. By age 15, he had attained his current height; he is 21 now and just shy of 5'10".


EK and I were the same height by the time she was 14. Now she's 16 (17 in a couple of weeks), and she's ½" or so taller than I am.

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It dawned on me today eventually Pigby and then Digby will grow taller than me. I would say baby girl possibly could, but I need her to stay a baby forever;). How much longer do I have? My husband and I are average heights; me 5'6" and DH 5'10". Five years have already gone by so fast, I have a feeling I'll blink and the next five will be gone too. :crying:


My son turns 11 this month, and I have about half of an inch on him still. My 10 year old nephew is taller than me by about as much, and their friends have been my height or taller for the past year or so.


I'm not a tough one to surpass in height, though :tongue_smilie:.

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I think all three of my kids will be shorter than dh and I. We aren't tall (I am 5'6.5 and he is 5'11.5) but all are currently shorter than their same sex parent. My son outgrew me probably around age 15 or 16 but he is only about 5'9" and now 22.5 so he will always be shorter than his father. My 18 yo dd if 5'4.5" and has been now for about 1.5 years so I think she is done too. MY 14.75 yo dd is 5'4, and she has grown at least 2 inches this last year. She may reach my height but probably not.

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I'm 5'7", and my DH is 5'9". I think my son outgrew me at 12. Last winter, right after he turned 13, he outgrew his Dad. He's now taller than everyone in our extended families as well, though not quite as tall as my dad was in his prime. I expect he'll be a little over 6 feet when it's all said and done. It's still weird looking up to him, though, and DH does this funny standing-on-tiptoes thing whenever they pose for a picture together :D.



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