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So heavy hearted. You probably don't want to read this.

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A girl who was one of my dds best friends in middle school shot herself a few days ago. She is on life support right now, but it doesn't look like she'll pull through. Sorry to be so bald about it, but right now I just feel so stark and bleak.


I am having a really hard time with this, which is so insignificant compared to what her young husband and parents are feeling. We've not really been involved in each other's lives the last few years, but I still have so much love for this precious young woman.


Sad sad sad sad


Thanks for letting me let my hair down about it. I'm trying not to fall to pieces too much in front of my kids.

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Suicide is never pleasant, but it is particularly wrenching when a young person does it. You don't get a chance to tell them that life can get so much better than the confusing early years.


And one wonders if one every had a chance to say something, and missed it.




I HATE suicide. This dear, dear girl...


:grouphug: I'm so sorry. One never can make sense of it.


No, I can't make sense of it.


Thanks for the hugs; they are soso welcome tonight. My teen girls probably feel hugged out the last couple of days. Thankfully, they are tolerating my squeezes, but they aren't home tonight. So, here I am. Hug away, please!

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Natalie, I just tried to call you. I'm so sorry. Please know I'm thinking about you all and praying for you. For all of you debs, for her, for her family. Please, please tell me if I can do anything for you. I have to go to bed by 9:30, but if you see this and want to, please call.


:grouphug: I love you. :grouphug:

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I am so sorry! Praying for the girl, her family and yours!:grouphug:


My step-daughter's best friend committed suicide shortly after the start of their sophomore year. It really affected DD and was a major turning point in her life (not for the better, either). The suicide wasn't the only thing going on for DD but it definitely pushed her much further.


This was the scrapbook page I did for DD to honor her friend, I thought it might be a comfort.




The hidden journaling on a tag behind the photograph reads: "You hurt because you lost your best friend. That is an indescribable pain that no young person should have to experience.


Chelsea, your dad and I mourn with you for the beautiful young life that was lost too soon. But there is an even deeper pain you will not know until you become a parent yourself. We hurt because we have to watch you suffer and we do not have the power to fix it. We are terrified because the loss of a child reminds us that it could be our own. How a parent faces that is a pain I cannot imagine. Our job as parents is to protect you, but the reality is that there are some things that we cannot protect you from and that scares us. The world will tell you lies and have you believe otherwise, but always know you are valuable, you are worthy, we are proud of you, and above all you are loved."



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I am so sorry. Call me anytime. If you want me to come over and just sit or walk or talk or whatever, let me know.


Thank you so much. You are so sweet. I feel like I need to press on for school with my little ones...so I don't have to add homeschool-mama guilt on top of my grief. But if I decide I just need to go for some walks with the kids, Coulon would be nice. :)


I am so sorry. It's OK if you go to pieces. It might be the thing your daughters need to see. Suicide is horrible. We are on week 3 of dealing with one, ourselves. Not our family, but close. It's horrible.


I graduated high school in 1975, with a class of around 225 kids. Within months, THREE had taken their own lives, and I have my suspicions about 2 more. It was horrible, and it rocked the families and the town...some families never really recovered--they were blown to bits by this.


All that was, and all that could have been is just ... gone.


I am sad for you and for yours. And for the family, and the girl.


Lord have mercy.

Hugs to you, too, Patty Joanna. Lord have mercy, truly.


Natalie, I just tried to call you. I'm so sorry. Please know I'm thinking about you all and praying for you. For all of you debs, for her, for her family. Please, please tell me if I can do anything for you. I have to go to bed by 9:30, but if you see this and want to, please call.


:grouphug: I love you. :grouphug:


Your bouncer told me you were in bed! Knowing you are praying is comforting. I love you, too!


I am so sorry! Praying for the girl, her family and yours!:grouphug:


My step-daughter's best friend committed suicide shortly after the start of their sophomore year. It really affected DD and was a major turning point in her life (not for the better, either). The suicide wasn't the only thing going on for DD but it definitely pushed her much further.


This was the scrapbook page I did for DD to honor her friend, I thought it might be a comfort.

The hidden journaling on a tag behind the photograph reads: "You hurt because you lost your best friend. That is an indescribable pain that no young person should have to experience.


Chelsea, your dad and I mourn with you for the beautiful young life that was lost too soon. But there is an even deeper pain you will not know until you become a parent yourself. We hurt because we have to watch you suffer and we do not have the power to fix it. We are terrified because the loss of a child reminds us that it could be our own. How a parent faces that is a pain I cannot imagine. Our job as parents is to protect you, but the reality is that there are some things that we cannot protect you from and that scares us. The world will tell you lies and have you believe otherwise, but always know you are valuable, you are worthy, we are proud of you, and above all you are loved."




Thank you for sharing. There is just a big jumbled mess of pain for all concerned right now. I am walking around in a kind of stupor, just generally shaken, wishing I were Superman and could fly around the earth in the opposite direction, turning back time.

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I HATE suicide. This dear, dear girl...




No, I can't make sense of it.


Thanks for the hugs; they are soso welcome tonight. My teen girls probably feel hugged out the last couple of days. Thankfully, they are tolerating my squeezes, but they aren't home tonight. So, here I am. Hug away, please!

:grouphug: and kisses to you!!


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Praying. And so sorry for all involved.


I talk to my children a lot about suicide. We have been in your shoes, with friends who have killed themselves or family friends' children who have. I want them to know that no matter what, I will pay whatever it takes to get them the help and therapy they need if they ever feel that they feel they can't go on.



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...my heart goes out to that family and also to her friends...the confusion it will cause plus eventually the anger as grief takes it's course over time. This reminds me that this wonderful planet is not all wonderful. It gives me a heavenly perspective as our kids are being raised in a world that fights to reject God at every turn. It's a hard world to raise kids in....my son use to cut himself...it was a horror to hear about. Why? He was copying the behavior of fellow swimmers. He had an amazing life and was very popular, but he told me later he was 'drawn to it' once he had experimented with it. It's all satanic...it really is. Satan is gaining more & more foothold on our childlren....thus that same son said to me one day.."Mom, had you NOT homeschooled me, I don't know where I'd be today, for I'd have been much worse."....today he is a young man, married...serving God full time and full of love & joy. God has a plan for our kids but so does this world....

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