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Receptionsit in Ortho Office ~ Creative Suggestions Please

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She's not nice at all - all smiley on the surface - but a complete and total pain. We have no choice on this tiny island where competition is scarce. She plays favorites and they don't take appointments. You sign in. It's meant to go by turns, by order. She shows favorites. My kids might be #9 and #10, but because one of her friends shows up (and this fab receptionist seems to have a lot of friends) who's #19, she gets ahead of my dc.


What to do? What to do?


Can anything be done?


I smile and eat it ...


If you complain, she gets worse.


Can I get a voodoo doll or something? :lol: My dd is ready to start making one. She's good with sewing.


I hate this lady.


We're stuck there for HOURS every single month. These people infuriate me.



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Become her new best friend?


I'd go with this. I'd bake something 'for the office' everytime we went. I'd find something to compliment her on every time; anything from 'I love your necklace' to 'dd just loves dr. So_and_so'. Who knows, you might make a new friend. Even if not, I always feel better when I do something nice for someone I don't particularly 'enjoy', yk?

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(trying to be Lil' Miss Sunshine here) Is it possible that the system is more complicated than simple number order? Maybe one doctor specializes in reconstructive surgery and another is great at adjusting braces. If that were the case, the numbers would go out of order so that each doctor gets the patients that he works best with.


Feel free to set Lil' Miss Sunshine aflame... I totally sympathize with long waits for appointments. :grouphug:


ETA: Just realized that ortho could mean orthodontist or orthopedic, in which case my examples look pretty lame. Either way it stinks to have to wait with kids.

Edited by LibertyH
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her friends shows up (and this fab receptionist seems to have a lot of friends) who's #19, she gets ahead of my dc.


What to do? What to do?


Can anything be done?




Have you talked to her BOSS? you know, the person you are there to see?

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No way would I schmooze with someone like that.


I would have a serious problem with schmoozing also.


What I would do: when I signed in, I would take a close look at the list. I would also say to my child, "so, you are now 5th in line- so it shouldn't be too long now!" And every time someone went in, I would do a count-down.


If someone went in early, I would go to the receptionist and ask nicely- "um, excuse me- but I think someone made a mistake- that person was #10 on the list when she got here, and I was #3. I'm confused as to why they went in before me- can you help me out?" And I would ask every single time it happened, getting progressively louder so everyone else waiting could here. I would also ask (joking around at first) how I can get priority to move up the line faster.


Sometimes the squeeky wheel gets the grease. Especially if the squeeky wheel is right.

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Maybe you coukd install yourself next to her and talk about something reeeeeally boring and not stop until your kid gets in. Like


You: Have you ever thought about waxing your eyebrows?

Receptionist: No. I'm naturally perfect.

You: Because my cousin just opened a shop.

Receptionist: Yeah, well, I go to someone already. Anyway I'm perfect.

You: You sure are! But if you ever need anything done, you should see my cousin. She's on Main Street. If you tell her you know me, she'll give you a pedicure for free.

Receptionist: yeah, okay.

You: Did you know how important it is to eat enough fiber every day?

Receptionist: No, I don't think so.

You: Do you have problems in the bathroom ever?

Receptionist: What?!

You: I consider you a close friend, that's why I ask.

Receptionist (speechless)

You: If you increase your fiber intake, you can make your skin and hair very healthy! And regular bathroom habits make you feel better all around. Now, let me look at your hands. See, it looks like you are overworked at this job! Let me show you this cream I've got. (squirt on her and rub in) I've started selling it, only $20 for the tube. If you rub it on twice a day, your hands will be smoother with fewer wrinkles.

Receptionist: You know, I've got work to do.

You: I know, you work so hard! But let me tell you, I want to use my time waiting, talking to you. I think you're so interesting! Do you ever make roast chicken?

Receptionist: Sometimes.

You: What do you use?

Blah blah

until she screams and sends you in to avoid you


....it could work. It might at least entertain you.

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Oh, I don't know about this one...like Prairie said..Island cultures are big time different.


I've seen this dynamic myself when traveling.


The rules are different and being all corporate about it is sorta asking for trouble.


:iagree: Especially with the highlighted.


This is a case where unabashed bribery is called for. Bring her treats and chat her up. You don't have to share your personal life with her--just chat about the weather or the price of eggs or something. The treats are key, though.


Edited to add: We have had to do this when living in the city. We were in a poor neighborhood with rotten city services. Our dear neighbors made a point of giving the trash collectors soda so that they would come take the trash. No, we shouldn't have to do that, and yes, we could have complained up the chain of command, but those avenues would have absolutely NO effect on getting the guys to take the trash. Or rather, the complaints and so forth would actually have had a negative effect.


The point is that you have to recognize which battles are worth fighting.

Edited by strider
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Even if it's inconvienant, suppose you get there 30 minutes before they open in the morning and then make sure you're the absolute very first person in the door. I might be inclined to try that out desperation.


I also like the idea of trying to be over-the-top friendly with her (bring her baked goods, etc.) but it'd kill me inside because I'm not naturally inclined to kiss butt and/or be that kind to people who annoy the crap out of me. If I'm going to spend my time baking cookies to give away I'd loathe to give them to someone I don't actually like, LOL. :tongue_smilie:


I do unfortunately agree with some of the other posters that complaining in this situation is likely only going to make it worse, so you're pretty much stuck with trying to figure out how to make the existing wait system work in your favor.

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Thank you all so much.


I hope I don't sound too negative by saying that there really seems to be no solution to this problem. :glare: Dh, dc, and I have all racked our brains. Nothing. It's a lose-lose - it seems. Really hate it when I can't do something about a problem like this.


Who is her boss? Tell that person.

I can't. The boss will find out and the receptionist will only get meaner.

You can't complain freely here as you do in the U.S. Then you'll only be worst off than before. This island is so small. Once you complain and burn bridges, forget it.


Become her new best friend?

I've tried. Not easy.


Bring her a muffin next time and stand there and chat for a while.

I thought of this - baking something. But it's often taken the wrong way here. She would see right through it. I might try it once and see how it goes, but I'm very cautious and skeptical.

The culture here is very different to that of the U.S.

In the U.S. - most are sweet, nice, and efficient. Not necessarily so in other places. Very, very different.



Is it possible that the system is more complicated than simple number order? Maybe one doctor specializes in reconstructive surgery and another is great at adjusting braces.

No. He flies in to this island from another island once a month. Nothing like that. He's the only one in the office. He himself is very nice. But doesn't care if the receptionist is that way. He's getting the business regardless. Doesn't affect him one iota. Or all his very frequent trips to Vegas. He's rolling in it, trust me.


Unabashed Bribery is how I'd roll. Get er done.

Love it. Yes, bribery works a lot here.


Can you get there first?

No way would I schmooze with someone like that.

We've tried that. We still do that.

You're right. I hate schmoozing with her. I've tried. I can't. Makes me want to puke every time.

BTW, love your siggy quote (or lack of it :lol:).


How much longer do you have to go there? That would direct my strategy.... Small town (or island) dynamics here dictate that it is much, much better to offer bribery than to potentially burn a bridge.

You're very smart and insightful. Yep. This is what my dh reminds me of after every visit. Cannot burn bridges on small islands or in small communities.

How much longer - dd - several more months. Yay!

ds - few more years - :banghead:.


I would have a serious problem with schmoozing also.

What I would do: when I signed in, I would take a close look at the list. I would also say to my child, "so, you are now 5th in line- so it shouldn't be too long now!" And every time someone went in, I would do a count-down.

If someone went in early, I would go to the receptionist and ask nicely- "um, excuse me- but I think someone made a mistake- that person was #10 on the list when she got here, and I was #3. I'm confused as to why they went in before me- can you help me out?" And I would ask every single time it happened, getting progressively louder so everyone else waiting could here. I would also ask (joking around at first) how I can get priority to move up the line faster.

Sometimes the squeeky wheel gets the grease. Especially if the squeeky wheel is right.

Your suggestions are very helpful. Thank you. I have tried variations of this, but I'm going to do this, I think. The only reason that very recently I haven't, is that the office smells give me a MAJOR headache every time. So I've been forced to drop the dc off and pick them up when they're done. I cannot sit there in the office without getting a horrible headache. Plus, few chairs in the waiting room - and very uncomfortable ones too. :cursing:


Island cultures are big time different.

The rules are different and being all corporate about it is sorta asking for trouble.

So true. As dh reminds me, "This is not your father's Oldsmobile". :tongue_smilie: Very, very different culture here. You cannot ever get corporate about it.


Maybe you coukd install yourself next to her and talk about something reeeeeally boring and not stop until your kid gets in. Like

....it could work. It might at least entertain you.


She turns on Family Feud and other similar shows while we're all waiting. She and I laugh and comment together. Maybe I should stop laughing with her and start being a total pain so that she'll want to get rid of us fast.


Or maybe bring something REALLY smelly to eat every time you come, and, if you haven't been called, go out and get another one!

This is gold. I'm going to do this. I know exactly what to take. Very, very smelly.




Even if it's inconvienant, suppose you get there 30 minutes before they open in the morning and then make sure you're the absolute very first person in the door. I might be inclined to try that out desperation.


I'm not naturally inclined to kiss butt and/or be that kind to people who annoy the crap out of me. If I'm going to spend my time baking cookies to give away I'd loathe to give them to someone I don't actually like, LOL.


Me neither. I hate to kiss butt or bake stuff for annoying people and those whom I dislike.

We do get there SUPER early already. I'm going to go even earlier.


Thank you all so much. Feels good to vent. :grouphug:

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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Find a friend who will loan you their rambunctious 3 or 4 year old, then let the kid loose in the office while you wait for your appointment!! :D Speaking from experience, it is the only thing that lit the fire in a situation where I was left sitting forever!! Granted, I didn't set out to do it on purpose, but finally got fed up telling my child to sit quietly. She had had enough, so I just let her jump on the couch and be loud. Who knew it would get us out of there so quickly?? ;)

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Find a friend who will loan you their rambunctious 3 or 4 year old, then let the kid loose in the office while you wait for your appointment!! :D Speaking from experience, it is the only thing that lit the fire in a situation where I was left sitting forever!! Granted, I didn't set out to do it on purpose, but finally got fed up telling my child to sit quietly. She had had enough, so I just let her jump on the couch and be loud. Who knew it would get us out of there so quickly?? ;)


This has happened to me too....hahahaha!! :D. I said shunning...one too many times, then let him let loose. We were out of that office pronto!

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Find a friend who will loan you their rambunctious 3 or 4 year old, then let the kid loose in the office while you wait for your appointment!! :D

Better yet --a rambunctious 4 year old who will eat something smelly, touch everything with dirty hands, AND suggest the receptionist get her mustache waxed ("Are you a man?...Then why do you have that mustache?")! ha.

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Can I get a voodoo doll or something? :lol: My dd is ready to start making one. She's good with sewing.


I hate this lady.




Negin, this part had me :lol:. I agree with some of the others: become her best pal. If I were there I'd bake her some cookies for ya. Bake some brownies. If that doesn't work put Ex-Lax in them next time. (Kidding! Totally kidding....don't everyone flame me for trying to give the receptionist the runs!)

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Find a friend who will loan you their rambunctious 3 or 4 year old, then let the kid loose in the office while you wait for your appointment!! :D Speaking from experience, it is the only thing that lit the fire in a situation where I was left sitting forever!! Granted, I didn't set out to do it on purpose, but finally got fed up telling my child to sit quietly. She had had enough, so I just let her jump on the couch and be loud. Who knew it would get us out of there so quickly?? ;)

:iagree:This is what I was thinking. If you can't rat her out w/ the boss, can't bring her cookies, then bring in the noisiest, stinkiest, stickiest kid you can find and shrug your shoulders when she looks over and say, "my friend begged me for last minute babysitting. What could I say??"


If she's going to make you miserable . . . do as the Romans!!!



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This is what I was thinking. If you can't rat her out w/ the boss, can't bring her cookies, then bring in the noisiest, stinkiest, stickiest kid you can find and shrug your shoulders when she looks over and say, "my friend begged me for last minute babysitting. What could I say??"


If she's going to make you miserable . . . do as the Romans!!!






Find a loudest, most rambunctious kid you can borrow for the next appointment. Bring the messiest treats you can come up with, like chocolate chocolate chip muffins, for him to eat while there. Perhaps some pudding without a spoon; just announce that your sorry you forgot a spoon, just use your fingers to eat it. Don't even try to control the child's behavior or mess. I'm sure the crumbs, melted chocolate and pudding all over his face/fingers, and the noise will get you in and out quickly. If not, she'll have fun cleaning up afterwards.

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In light of the above, I'd definitely go with the voodoo doll. Sounds as though it's your best chance of results


After reading the entire thread (and initially having suggestions that others have already offered), I'd go with the voodoo doll.


:lol: Dd will gladly make one.


Find a friend who will loan you their rambunctious 3 or 4 year old, then let the kid loose in the office while you wait for your appointment!!


Could you arrange to bring a very small, VERY noisy child with you?


I like this. I think I know the perfect child for this.


Maalox muffins aren't nice, right???

While baking muffins yesterday, I thought of this.


Better yet --a rambunctious 4 year old who will eat something smelly, touch everything with dirty hands, AND suggest the receptionist get her mustache waxed ("Are you a man?...Then why do you have that mustache?")! ha.



I agree with some of the others: become her best pal. If I were there I'd bake her some cookies for ya.

Tried the best pal route. It's not that she hates me or anything. Not that I think so, anyway. She just far prefers her own friends.

She would see right through the cookies/brownies route. Doesn't work too well here in that sort of situation. Very transparent. Plus everyone sees and they will know what I'm up to.


This is what I was thinking. If you can't rat her out w/ the boss, can't bring her cookies, then bring in the noisiest, stinkiest, stickiest kid you can find and shrug your shoulders when she looks over and say, "my friend begged me for last minute babysitting. What could I say??"

If she's going to make you miserable . . . do as the Romans!!!



Now to get a hold of that kid. Take him to KFC first and not allow him to wash his hands afterwards. :lol:


Bring the messiest treats you can come up with, like chocolate chocolate chip muffins, for him to eat while there. Perhaps some pudding without a spoon; just announce that your sorry you forgot a spoon, just use your fingers to eat it. Don't even try to control the child's behavior or mess. I'm sure the crumbs, melted chocolate and pudding all over his face/fingers, and the noise will get you in and out quickly. If not, she'll have fun cleaning up afterwards.

Love it. Last time we took this very kid to KFC, he started eating the Strawberry Parfait with his fingers and he used his Fries to dip into the pudding. :lol:


Do something that's ostensibly culturally appropriate but just a bit more obnoxious than usual. That way she can't quite complain, but she will be irritated.

Also a good option. I can be good with this. :D


Even though I love this boy, he'd have been great for this situation.




But maybe Stewie would be more appropriate for this situation.



Edited by Negin in Grenada
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My Southern Girl method is to kill her kindness, bless her sweet little heart! Paste on the smile of a thousand suns and ask her all about herself. Love everything she loves. Tsk-tsk everything she tsk-tsks. Don't become her new best friend. Darlin', you already ARE her new best friend. She just needs to learn that!



If that doesn't work, PM me for my voodoo doll instructions and pattern kit.

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Maybe you coukd install yourself next to her and talk about something reeeeeally boring and not stop until your kid gets in. Like


You: Have you ever thought about waxing your eyebrows?

Receptionist: No. I'm naturally perfect.

You: Because my cousin just opened a shop.

Receptionist: Yeah, well, I go to someone already. Anyway I'm perfect.

You: You sure are! But if you ever need anything done, you should see my cousin. She's on Main Street. If you tell her you know me, she'll give you a pedicure for free.

Receptionist: yeah, okay.

You: Did you know how important it is to eat enough fiber every day?

Receptionist: No, I don't think so.

You: Do you have problems in the bathroom ever?

Receptionist: What?!

You: I consider you a close friend, that's why I ask.

Receptionist (speechless)

You: If you increase your fiber intake, you can make your skin and hair very healthy! And regular bathroom habits make you feel better all around. Now, let me look at your hands. See, it looks like you are overworked at this job! Let me show you this cream I've got. (squirt on her and rub in) I've started selling it, only $20 for the tube. If you rub it on twice a day, your hands will be smoother with fewer wrinkles.

Receptionist: You know, I've got work to do.

You: I know, you work so hard! But let me tell you, I want to use my time waiting, talking to you. I think you're so interesting! Do you ever make roast chicken?

Receptionist: Sometimes.

You: What do you use?

Blah blah

until she screams and sends you in to avoid you


....it could work. It might at least entertain you.


I'm seeing this late, and I have no real advice, but I just had to say THIS is pure gold :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Negin, that would drive me absolutely insane. I hope you can figure something out!

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My Southern Girl method is to kill her kindness, bless her sweet little heart! Paste on the smile of a thousand suns and ask her all about herself. Love everything she loves. Tsk-tsk everything she tsk-tsks. Don't become her new best friend. Darlin', you already ARE her new best friend. She just needs to learn that!

If that doesn't work, PM me for my voodoo doll instructions and pattern kit.

Audrey, love the Southern Girl method. I can easily play that one like a violin :D ;).


Thank you, all.


Dd laughed at the voodoo doll pattern kit :lol:.

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I'm dyin' here! Someone, pass me the kleenex box! Breath...


Maybe you coukd install yourself next to her and talk about something reeeeeally boring and not stop until your kid gets in. Like


You: Have you ever thought about waxing your eyebrows?

Receptionist: No. I'm naturally perfect.

You: Because my cousin just opened a shop.

Receptionist: Yeah, well, I go to someone already. Anyway I'm perfect.

You: You sure are! But if you ever need anything done, you should see my cousin. She's on Main Street. If you tell her you know me, she'll give you a pedicure for free.

Receptionist: yeah, okay.

You: Did you know how important it is to eat enough fiber every day?

Receptionist: No, I don't think so.

You: Do you have problems in the bathroom ever?

Receptionist: What?!

You: I consider you a close friend, that's why I ask.

Receptionist (speechless)

You: If you increase your fiber intake, you can make your skin and hair very healthy! And regular bathroom habits make you feel better all around. Now, let me look at your hands. See, it looks like you are overworked at this job! Let me show you this cream I've got. (squirt on her and rub in) I've started selling it, only $20 for the tube. If you rub it on twice a day, your hands will be smoother with fewer wrinkles.

Receptionist: You know, I've got work to do.

You: I know, you work so hard! But let me tell you, I want to use my time waiting, talking to you. I think you're so interesting! Do you ever make roast chicken?

Receptionist: Sometimes.

You: What do you use?

Blah blah

until she screams and sends you in to avoid you


....it could work. It might at least entertain you.

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Could you arrange to bring a very small, VERY noisy child with you? :D


I kid you not, this is what my MIL did several times.


When she had her own littles, she was working very hard to parent them well as she sat forever in the car dealer's service waiting room while the techs fixed something very simple.


Once she had had it with the wait, she told the kids (known as the R_____ Rogues in their neighborhood) they could feel free to look at and try out any of the new cars in the showroom.


Twasn't long before they had her repair complete.


On another occasion, she actually borrowed a wee tot to get her service expedited at a place that was notorious for long waits.

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Negin, you have a great sense of humor about all this! I hope things get better in there for you soon.

Bridget, thank you :grouphug:.

Everyone's posts has certainly helped me maintain my sense of humor with this. I know, I just know, that next time we're there, I'll get the giggles. I'm often that way. :D

This on my pinterest is so true, I find. Not sure if the link will work.

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