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s/o Do you have a crazy life?

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I was just reading the thread from AngelBee about being nice to new posters. It hit me that SOOOO many people say that their lives are crazy/full of drama. Many don't post about it because they figure no one would believe them (one even said she wouldn't believe herself!:lol:)


Is *everyone's* life so crazy? Or is it just some of us loons? Is it out perception of what is crazy that makes it so? If I make a list of what has happened to our family over the past 3-4 years, *I* don't believe myself. Is it because I think other people have boring, normal, stable lives when in reality none of us do?

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My life is crazy. It has always been on the far side of normal but it has been getting progressively crazier as time goes by. I only post about half the stuff I am going through at any given time but it is certainly enough that most people would think that I am running a three ring circus.

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Is *everyone's* life so crazy?
Nope. Ours is pretty boring, and I prefer it that way!
Or is it just some of us loons?
Well... ;)
Is it out perception of what is crazy that makes it so?
Uh, I don't think so.
If I make a list of what has happened to our family over the past 3-4 years, *I* don't believe myself. Is it because I think other people have boring, normal, stable lives when in reality none of us do?
No. Some of us do.:001_smile:


Seriously, though, aren't we inclined to want to come here and write about the oddities that happen in our lives? Those quirky stories that happen to people are fun to read about. And, yeah, misery loves company, so perhaps we all sometimes want read that others are going through some tough times just like we are. If that's what you need, you can certainly come here just about any day and read 20 such stories!

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The only really crazy thing in my life is my relationship with my MIL, but I think there are many of us here in that position. We do end up moving around alot due to dh's work as a contractor, but I don't think I have complained about that on here. I have posted some real life situations in response to other people's thread more to let them know that they aren't alone or that something good turned out of it. It isn't meant to be complaining just an I have been there kind of thing.

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I think it depends on what you think is crazy :)

I'm so thankful for my life that even though it is sometimes stressful (though a lot less so in recent months), I don't care if it is crazy.

If anyone else does? Seriously, I just can't concern myself with whether other people find my life too crazy, trollish, etc.


So the biggest four areas of my life which have also experienced a great deal of change evident on the board:


1) faith - I have gone back to my faith since being on the board.

2) health - I've had an almost miraculous restoration of some of my health since being on the board ("I can walk!").

3) financial issues - well, I doubt that is trollish considering how many people in this country have dealt with lay offs, foreclosures, moving, etc.

4) foster-adopt - I seriously doubt anyone is surprised I went back to fostering and am looking forward to adding to our family.


Hey, all that is good! Crazy and good? How much better can one have it?

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Oh, I could write a sitcom.:glare: I don't post about it, not b/c I'm afraid of people mistrusting me (so what if they do?:tongue_smilie:), but b/c I'm not anonymous enough here...and there is only so much a gal can think about it before enough is enough already.




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...If I make a list of what has happened to our family over the past 3-4 years, *I* don't believe myself. Is it because I think other people have boring, normal, stable lives when in reality none of us do?


I was going to answer something like "oh, nooooooo" with a big eyeroll toward my board name, but then point that my board name is sort of ironic because our life is pretty boring... But then I started making a mental list. :blink:


Ah, yeah. We've had some drama and craziness. We've had annoying, foisted on us drama. We've had crazy, life-changing drama...


My husband points out that it all depends on what your "normal" is, whether you notice the crazy in your life or not. What is the craziest carp that has ever happened to one person is a day at work for him.


And, on posting: I haven't posted much about the drama, except retrospectively. It's not because I'm private or concerned about what people think; when I'm in the throes of my life absolutely blowing up, it doesn't even occur to me to post. I'm a "go within" stress processor. By the time I crawl out of myself, I have fixed the situation (or have adjusted to it).


Interesting question, Renee.

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my life has been crazy for the most part, and when things aren't crazy they are extreeeemely boring. I asked my dd to make me a blog because I thought it would be good computer skill practice, and because I thought it might be fun to try blogging.

She figured out how to do it, and the first day I was going to make an entry I thought "my life is too crazy and people will think I'm a nut job", and then about a week or 2 later I was going to make my first entry and I thought "my life is so boring, no one read this"...well a month or 2 has gone by, and now I can't even remember what my blog was called to try to start!! sheesh! :tongue_smilie:

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Most of the time my life is normal and slightly boring, occasionally punctuated with crazy episodes. I learned a while back that if I post on a message board about any craziness that happens, I will probably regret it.


I can't seem to convey the proper tone or give enough information for people to understand what I am trying to say about a situation, so lots of misunderstandings abound. It's less stressful for me to keep my private life private.


I must say that after being here for a while, my crazy seems downright mild. :-)

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Our life is crazy, but in a good way. :D Our daughter moved in with us for a year while her husband is deployed. We have our 6 month old grand-baby here and dd is pregnant. So, this is a little crazy sometimes. I forgot how much work a baby can be. We have been homeschooling double lessons for a month, with one more month to go. We are trying to finish up school and prepare for another military move. That's always a little nerve wrecking.;)

We found a house in VA and are preparing to move by purging and cleaning this house up really well. We have a crazy Border Collie that we adore. She's definitely crazy fun. Our oldest dd is still working in Kuwait, I miss her. It's crazy having your kid so far away. So...I guess all in all..we are a little crazy, but in a good way! :D

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Crazy here. I am done trying to pretend that it's not crazy at my house. My oldest daughter has borderline personality disorder. All 9 criteria. Right now she's in a residential facility and seems unable/uninterested in working through the levels to earn her way out of there.


Our lives are insane when she is home. Insane. I am exhausted, mentally and physically. I have panic attacks almost every day some weeks. Our insanity is sad and scary and sometimes pretty extreme.

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Our lifestyle is sort of naturally filled with a certain degree of drama due to dh's job (I hardly ever talk about the drama here, but it is present). I have a son with an unknown rare lung disease. My youngest sister has some issues that I have mentioned here. So, yes, our life has some drama, but I mostly come here to get away from the drama in *my* life.

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I Is it because I think other people have boring, normal, stable lives when in reality none of us do?


I have a boring, stable life, as does my extended family. May be a matter of perception. (I was raised with a lesson of "the sun rises tomorrow".) May be a matter of personal habits. (I tend to keep a lot of routines, and no matter what happens, those comfort me.) May be some luck.


As for normal, who knows. My life is full of statistical unlikelihoods.

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Yesterday morning I was rescuing chickens from drowning and today I was chasing a cow at 6 a.m. A year ago that would have seemed beyond crazy to me. Actually, standing in the field this morning at dawn it seemed pretty crazy.


I think you are talking about a different kind of crazy.

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Yesterday morning I was rescuing chickens from drowning and today I was chasing a cow at 6 a.m. A year ago that would have seemed beyond crazy to me. Actually, standing in the field this morning at dawn it seemed pretty crazy.


I think you are talking about a different kind of crazy.


I hope to have that kind of crazy someday. It sounds heavenly.

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Yesterday morning I was rescuing chickens from drowning and today I was chasing a cow at 6 a.m. A year ago that would have seemed beyond crazy to me. Actually, standing in the field this morning at dawn it seemed pretty crazy.


I think you are talking about a different kind of crazy.


Nope, that falls into crazy. Never chased a cow. Chased plenty of pigs, chickens, goats, etc.

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I was just reading the thread from AngelBee about being nice to new posters. It hit me that SOOOO many people say that their lives are crazy/full of drama. Many don't post about it because they figure no one would believe them (one even said she wouldn't believe herself!:lol:)


Is *everyone's* life so crazy? Or is it just some of us loons? Is it out perception of what is crazy that makes it so? If I make a list of what has happened to our family over the past 3-4 years, *I* don't believe myself. Is it because I think other people have boring, normal, stable lives when in reality none of us do?


My life really is pretty crazy right now. But I don't post about the crazy here.


I have another forum I post on that is specifically for people who have that brand of crazy in their lives. They get it and don't think I'm making up stuff.


I posted about it some on another forum that is made up of mostly former Sonlight users. People got sick of it and stopped responding/weren't supportive.


My crazy is due to the fact that I recently divorced my husband of 25 years. Our marriage counselor finally told me that the man probably has a personality disorder. People who have been through a "normal" divorce don't believe/don't understand what it's like dealing with a crazy man.


The latest is that he's threatening to take me to court to switch which weekends he has visitation. And he chose his weekends to begin with. That's insane. If I came on here whining about every new bizarre thing my ex does, y'all would think I was some kind of drama queen/troll. I wouldn't blame you, either.


I think most people go through tough times occasionally and sometimes several things hit at once. For instance, there's a huge hunk of our country who just had an earthquake and now they're getting a hurricane. If somebody put that in a movie or a novel, they'd be laughed at for coming up with something so preposterous.

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No. My life is not crazy at all.

DH and I come from fully functional families. Both the Inlaws and my parents have been married for 40+ years; so no drama there. DH and I have been together for 24 years, married for 18.

Our kids are healthy, have no special needs, and are a joy to be around.

We are blessed to be in good health.

We both work in jobs we like; DH has a LOT of work, but he enjoys it.

We have always lived way below our means, so no financial drama.


Are things always smooth and wonderful? No.

MIL is in extremely bad health and had to go into a nursing home. My brother is mentally retarded. My sister's daughter was born prematurely and has cerebral palsy. In order to get a job, we had to move across the Atlantic, live in the US, have all our family in Germany, and only get to see them once a year.

But that's not crazy - that simply is life.

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Crazy here. I am done trying to pretend that it's not crazy at my house. My oldest daughter has borderline personality disorder. All 9 criteria.


I'm so sorry. My former marriage counselor told me that he thinks my XH has a personality disorder. Most people have no idea. :grouphug:

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My life was crazy for the past 7 years...it is much calmer now, but I do believe I am suffering from PTSD ....serious, it was THAT crazy.

All stuff totally out of my control...not pretty from a control freak. I did bare some of it here...and this board was my lifeline many times. I do not ever tell my friends irl about this place because somehow I would feel vulnerable.


If I wrote down all the crap of the past 7 years, it would read like an afternoon soap, yet that was life here. Now....it is calm....and I am somewhat reeling...but getting better every day:D



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Not really crazy, no. I am trying to really look and see that our lives are pretty darn easy in comparison to much of the world. We have not gone hungry, we can pay our bills, DH has a steady job. We have our health. We can homeschool.

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Life is as full as you make it. No one GAVE me 6 kids. We know how it happened so I can't blame the craziness on the number of kids I have. I don't HAVE to homeschool. I tread very lightly complaining, if at all, about that to friends and family b/c I know the answer will be, "Well put them back in school."

Scouts, dance....whatever-not mandatory.

Family drama is different, as is marital drama. I do find though that people with the most fires to put out generally travel with matched in their back pockets. Some may not want to hear that but some people thrive on drama and perpetuate it. Many times they aren't even aware they do it.

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My life has periods of craziness. For the most part things are pretty normal here. By in one 18 month period my DS broke both arms, had to have 3 surgeries to reconstruct his hand from a BoyScout camping trip (he is stilled limited in his use) my father got fired from his job, had a quintuple bypass, went blind and had his foot amputated, our church went through a split and we lost half of our friends because of it.

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My life is crazy. It has always been on the far side of normal but it has been getting progressively crazier as time goes by. I only post about half the stuff I am going through at any given time but it is certainly enough that most people would think that I am running a three ring circus.


:grouphug: I love your posts...and you have always been there to help me when things got rough. Crazy...maybe....but everyone is a bit nuts, it is the mean people ya gotta watch out for;)




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Life crazy? Yes. In fact if it's calm I get fidgety because I feel like the sky is going to fall soon. I don't share everything, or hardly anything. I have to say I appreciate those that do share the chaos of their lives here. It makes me feel less alone in my conundrums.

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Nope, things are pretty calm around here. We have a happy marriage and healthy kids. DH has a steady, well-paying job and we are content with the life choices we've made.


At one point there was a little more drama with our extended families that we couldn't extricate ourselves from, but we've learned from that and haven't made the same mistakes twice :D.


I am very, very thankful that we have been in an extended calm period. I fully expect things to come up sooner or later though, because like Regentrude said, that's not crazy, that's simply life.

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I posted on the thread about fake posters...

I have no idea, but it wouldn't really surprise me. I try to keep my personal drama... personal and that's why I stopped blogging ;)


Life is hard. I'm always surprised when I meet people that seem to steer a smooth and even course. People with ups and downs and craziness seem pretty normal to me :p




So, my life is pretty crazy. That's why my presence here is so sporadic. :lol: I would not believe what happened this week (earthquake, in Virginia :huh:, with an impending tropical storm, followed by a hurricane... say what :huh:). And that doesn't even include the family hooha.

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I don't think I have a crazy life, but even if I did, I wouldn't feel compelled to tell everyone every single thing that happened in my life.


We've had job losses, we have some crazy neighbors, difficult relatives, etc... I think it's immature and drama-seeking to constantly be bemoaning every little thing happening in your life. I just try to "take it like a man" and get on with life.


That's not to say that people should never share their pain and joy, but the constancy with which some do gets annoying after a while. I like the ignore feature here.

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I am a resolutely private person who is perpetually surprised by personal information people share on a large internet forum, but I do sometimes experience a voyeuristic entertainment, and sometimes empathy, from reading such posts. My standards for posting about issues are quite simple: would I want to read that information posted about me on an internet forum. The answer is usually no. That could explain my low post count. I would not want to be defined by low points in life, and neither would my husband, children, relatives, or friends.

Edited by annandatje
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I have a completely boring life. I do have an annoying mil and sil- but seriously, that's all they are. Mildly annoying. No one in my extended family has any drama.

We don't have a perfect life, but it's not bad. (Ok- there is this one issue where we're living in a really awful apartment because we couldn't sell our house in another state- but it finally sold and we could buy a house now, but dh doesn't know if he wants to stay at this job long term. It's a really awful apartment and I HATE it here.....but it's not exactly drama.)

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Life crazy? Yes. In fact if it's calm I get fidgety because I feel like the sky is going to fall soon. I don't share everything, or hardly anything. I have to say I appreciate those that do share the chaos of their lives here. It makes me feel less alone in my conundrums.

I totally understand the sky is falling feeling when things are calm!


Yes, my life is chaotic and crazy. Yes, I post a fair bit about it, but not everything, although I'm sure some would find that hard to believe :lol:


I figure that a) posting about it helps me not to lose my mind completely, and b) if you can't be a good example, be a cautionary tale. If the crazy in my life helps anyone else at all, it serves a purpose.

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I do think it depends on how we look at life. When I was younger, I used to wonder why my life seemed to be so much more "interesting" than most people's. I mean, there was always some drama going on with family, friends, work, politics, vendors, traffic, . . . . I was dating long-distance and I'd blab a whole long story about something, and then when asked "what's going on with you?" he would usually say "oh, I can't complain, I work, I golf, getting some laundry done."


Now that I'm in my 40s, my drama mechanism has dried up for the most part. Stuff still happens, of course, but it usually doesn't strike me as something other people want to take the time to listen to or discuss. Of course, maybe I'm wrong about that, but that's my perception.


So I would not say I have a "crazy" life Busy, yes. I work 7 full-time days per week, and as a single mom to two 4-year-olds, my other waking hours are busy too. I am from a big family and we are all very close. This year my sister had a micro-preemie who recently came home, my niece graduated HS and started college, and my parents will celebrate their 50th anniversary. I am involved in multiple nonprofits. Life is certainly never dull. But it doesn't feel "crazy" most of the time.

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I do think it depends on how we look at life. When I was younger, I used to wonder why my life seemed to be so much more "interesting" than most people's. I mean, there was always some drama going on with family, friends, work, politics, vendors, traffic, . . . . I was dating long-distance and I'd blab a whole long story about something, and then when asked "what's going on with you?" he would usually say "oh, I can't complain, I work, I golf, getting some laundry done."


Now that I'm in my 40s, my drama mechanism has dried up for the most part. Stuff still happens, of course, but it usually doesn't strike me as something other people want to take the time to listen to or discuss. Of course, maybe I'm wrong about that, but that's my perception.


So I would not say I have a "crazy" life Busy, yes. I work 7 full-time days per week, and as a single mom to two 4-year-olds, my other waking hours are busy too. I am from a big family and we are all very close. This year my sister had a micro-preemie who recently came home, my niece graduated HS and started college, and my parents will celebrate their 50th anniversary. I am involved in multiple nonprofits. Life is certainly never dull. But it doesn't feel "crazy" most of the time.

I think, for some, that (in bold) is the big difference. I feel like people can only take so much, so I don't volunteer stuff anymore. It's not that they don't care (or I don't need the support), it's a matter of once a certain limit is reached people don't want to believe, because it's too much of a burden for them to carry.


I'm not sure it's the best way. It means that I don't get support. It also means that good friends find out about things, because they've talked to someone else and when I try to shrug it off and say it's alright, I'm guessing they feel hurt. Some of my best friends are in the hive and this is the biggest bestest prayinest group of people I've ever known, but I feel like... I don't want to take up half their prayer time.


Sorry, this was ramblingish :lol: I had a point, but I seem to have forgotten it :p

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Well, it "our" normal ;).


That being said we've had a strange couple of years, preceeded by a 1/2 decade of bizarre circumstances, preceeded by decades of odd things happening. People who know us say things like, "Ya'll have a crazy life!!" frequently. But they also comment that it's so obviously not anything we bring on ourselves, it's just "odd" stuff that happens. (Um, yeah, right).


Otoh, we also have lots of blessings and miraculous answers to situations and prayers. And it is obvious to others that they are answers that we couldn't bring about on our own.

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