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Do you put on makeup for when your DH comes home?

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This is a spin off of the post about making an effort to have your looks stay the same or as close to as when you married.


When we married I worked outside of the home so I put on makeup every day and I was about 30 pounds lighter than I am now. I also dressed up much more. Now I only wear make-up on Sundays when we go to church or when we go on a date or special occasion. He says that he hates makeup or alot of it anyway. And he says makeup ruins my natural beauty. I DON"T wear alot at all.


So do you put on makeup everyday? Why? I was just curious. :001_smile:

Edited by cseitter
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I have chemical sensitivity problems. But on the rare occasions when I do wear it, I put it on so that you can't really tell that I have it on. I asked dh once if he had noticed that I had it on and he said, "Isn't it supposed to be unnoticeable and just lightly enhance your natural face?!"


That's the way I wear it. The skin on my face tends toward pinky/red and shiny. I just wear tinted moisturizer and light powder, brown mascara, and Smith's Rosebud Salve on my lips. *I* feel better doing this everyday. I hate to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I look sunburnt! If my skin was less red and shiny, I wouldn't worry as much.


I do "powder my nose" and reapply the lip gloss when my husband comes home. I dig the guy. I don't want to look like a literal hot mess when he walks in the door :001_smile:.

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yes, i do put on make-up. i usually wear make-up every day honestly. it isn't a lot, but i love dr. pepper chapstick, mascara, and bare minerals. it just makes me feel happy. i also wear perfume when i'm not leaving the house. i love the way i smell with it. even if my husband is out of town, i tend to "get ready" for the day though - so it isn't as much for him as much as for myself. i like it.

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No, not when he comes home. But in the morning I do. I get ready every morning in the same manner. Showering, fixing my hair, putting on make-up, etc. it is all part of that routine. I was like this before I got married, so I see no reason to change just because I'm married now. I enjoy make-up, jewelry, perfume, coordinating outfits, exercise. I love it all.



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I do wear makeup almost every day. I prefer to get ready for the day before breakfast and school...doesn't always happen. I don't like to leave the house without it, though, and figure if that's the way I want other people to see me, that's the way I should present myself to my best friend {husband}, too. I also have horribly dark under eye circles, so concealer and my eye makeup are good friends :)

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I wear makeup daily because it makes me feel good. I don't reapply before dh gets home though.


THis is me also. I wear make up for me but I don't put it on everyday. Most days probably but not everyday. I also wear fairly light make up but I can think it just makes me look a little more smooth and polished. I like that look.

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I never leave the house without light makeup on, but if I'm not leaving the house or if I don't have anyone coming over, I usually don't wear it. I look really put together when I go out, but not at all when I'm at home. Thank goodness I rarely have people drop by without calling first. :lol:

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I put on make-up everyday, with rare exception. There are many days, especially weekends, where "make-up" means "just mascara and lip gloss." This is one of those rare days, though. I really don't feel very well, so I didn't put on any make-up at all.

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Oh wait! You were serious?


DH is lucky if I'm DRESSED when he gets home.:tongue_smilie:


Are you kidding me?? What dh doesn't think he's lucky to come home to an undressed wife? ;)

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Didn't used to makeup for hubby on a regular basis, but since DH now works out of town most of the summer, and comes home for visits every 4 weeks, I've started makingup when he comes home. If he doesn't get to see me everyday, then when he does see me I want to look nice.

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I do wear make-up every day. There are exceptions, of course, like if I'm sick.


My make-up is very light. My husband likes it. I wear it for a couple of reasons: he likes it :), it makes me look awake which I appreciate when I find myself in front of a mirror, it makes me feel ready for the day which makes me feel me feel more motivated.



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Yes, I wear makeup everyday. I have rosacea (just the flushing part), so I hate not wearing foundation. It only takes about 2 minutes to put on that, eye makeup and lipstick, and I think the results are worth it.


Now, I don't make an effort to dress up because I really do value my comfort and my husband should as well. I am caring for people, cleaning, cooking, etc. and I'm not going to deal with being uncomfortable or wearing clothes I don't mind ruining while doing it.


I'm a bit heavier than when I met my husband, but I didn't dress up all the time then. If he cannot deal with that, it's his problem.

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This is a spin off of the post about making an effort to have your looks stay the same or as close to as when you married.


When we married I worked outside of the home so I put on makeup every day and I was about 30 pounds lighter than I am now. I also dressed up much more. Now I only wear make-up on Sundays when we go to church or when we go on a date or special occasion. He says that he hates makeup or alot of it anyway. And he says makeup ruins my natural beauty. I DON"T wear alot at all.


So do you put on makeup everyday? Why? I was just curious. :001_smile:

That sounds like me.

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I wear makeup every day, but it really doesn't have anything to do with him. I have VERY dark circles under my eyes and I hate wandering in to use the bathroom and getting a glimpse of myself in the mirror when I don't have makeup on.

I feel better about myself when those awful things are concealed.

Edited by Crissy
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while there are days when I haven't dressed or showered, those days are rare, and are normally days I'm extremely tired or don't feel well. I'm quite busy during the school year so I need to be "presentable" on my terms to go out anyway. But when we're home doing nothing, I do like to have my hair styled and feel presentable. Dh doesn't care whether I wear make-up or not, but sometimes a touch of blush makes me feel so much better.:001_smile:

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Only for weddings, etc. I used to wear it every Sunday for church, but that ended once I had kids.

DH prefers no makeup. Whenever he has seen me really made up (MK parties, etc), he gives me odd looks, so I believe him :001_smile:

My facial features are not suited to makeup. I never can figure out what to do with blush and eye shadow. My face is just special, I guess. :tongue_smilie:

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If I go out, I have on my face. There are few days that I do not go out for some reason. There might be one time every couple of weeks where I don't have to see somebody, and I will sometimes give my face a rest. Generally, though my face is on for my dh b/c it is on for the rest of the world. I do not like to be seen without my face, but, obviously dh has seen me this way. I do not make a habit of being without make-up. Dh likes me better in it, I do believe. I'm going to ask later.


ETA: Dh married a woman who worked/dressed nicely/wore make-up/fixed hair every day when we married. I still try to maintain that standard. That was what he bargained for, kwim?

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I do wear make-up most days, even if it's just a dusting of mineral powder, light blush, and some lip balm. Sometimes the day gets away from me and I wind up doing it right before dh gets home. I like to look nice for dh. He doesn't care if I wear make-up or not, or so he says anyway.



This describes me. I also do something to my hair, but that usually just means pulling it back in a twist or ponytail. Funny thing is, I will have my face on and my hair neat, but I will probably be wearing his boxers and a tank top unless I have been out.

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I wear makeup every day, but it is for me. I love makeup, and love experimenting with color. It's like art for your face, that you can change every day.


DH (and probably the rest of the world) could care less whether or not I wear makeup. I'm not sure he even notices most of the time.


I also do my nails about twice a week for the same reason - it makes me happy. There are so many different colors and finishes of nail polish, and it just makes me happy to see a pretty pop of color when it catches the light. Doing my nails is also a calming and soothing activity, great for de-stressing.

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