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Who here has cloth diapered their babies or currently is cloth

Do you/have you use(d) cloth diapers on your child(ren)?  

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  1. 1. Do you/have you use(d) cloth diapers on your child(ren)?

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    • No
    • I do/have part-time
    • I have with some children, but not others

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Only cloth for both mine. :D


Me, too.


With my daughter, we used a diaper service, because I was new to the whole idea of cloth diapering and felt intimidated.


With my son, we started with the diaper service, but then decided to just strike out on our own. I had the covers I had purchased from the diaper service, so I just bought some cheapo diapers from Babies R Us and never looked back.


The few times we tried putting either of them in disposables (travelling, for example), they would end up with a rash.

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Didn't use them for first DS, had no clue and very mainstream, plus worked full-time so DS was in daycare.


I remember browsing for cloth diaper services when pregnant the 2nd time, thought it would be cheaper for twins. Thought you had to have a service though. Ending up with premature labor, twins in NICU, whole life altering events, cloth diaper thought fell by the wayside.


By the time last pregnancy rolled around, we were HSing, starting to live more naturally, learn about our food choices, about what we put on and in our body, etc etc, basically getting "crunchy".


Friends were CDing...I started to research it.

Used them on the youngest DS from birth to age 3....LOVED them!!! Want another baby just so I can use CD, lol!!!

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I did cloth diapers for the first four. Just the cheap fold 'em yourself with plastic pants. No diaper service. Hot water and bleach. I got a surprise diaper shower (disposables) with #5. I got enough diapers to last 6 months. I just could not go back. I was sick to death of rinsing out poop in the toilet. It seemed so luxurious to just wrap it all up right there at the changing table and throw it away. I know that sounds stupid. But that's what made me crazy. We took cloth to church nursery and everyone was so good about tackling that with us. We even took cloth when we traveled out of town. But I really HATE cloth diapers. I'm beginning to hate all diapers.period. My youngest is over 2 1/2. He is scared to death of the potty. I've never let it go this late before. But I'm at my wits end. Argh!

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We've always used cloth diapers in my family.


In fact, my youngest child (5) was in diapers that had also been used with my youngest sibling (19). Right now some of those diapers are being used on my nephew LOL.


You know how lots of Westerners thought only poor, primitive people homebirthed, breastfed and cloth-diapered (or early pot trained) their kids?

We were those poor, primitive people :D ... and I suppose we still are, in practice!

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I've cloth diapered since my oldest was 8 months old. It's mostly full-time, but I like using disposables better and do on vacation or when I'm not feeling well or when we have babysitters. I've found that a combination of the two works better for us, but we use primarily cloth. My second daughter seems to get a rash if she stays in one kind of diaper for too long, so I have to pretty much alternate for her. At night she's in a disposable and about every 4th or 5th day as well.


Cloth diapering isn't my favorite, but it's fine and not the biggest deal and I will continue to do it until I have no more children.

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Cloth for both most of the time, except for those times when visiting others etc, when disposable was more convenient. Disposables gave mine nappy rash so they weren't really an option, but also I find them just plain wasteful.

However, a lot has changed since I had babies- there are a lot more eco-nappies on the market nowadays. I just did cloth and pins mostly.

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Nope. It just wasn't even something I heard about here until my youngest was born. By the time I decided it might be a good idea he was year old and we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he was the last baby. It seemed silly to start then.


If I were having babies now I would probably use cloth.

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#1: Used disposables.


#2: Started CDing at 10 months and did (mostly) until potty training.


#3: Intended to CD, but had a very emergent c-section and couldn't keep up with the extra changing and laundry demands. When I did feel up to it and attempted it, she'd wake up and scream every time she wet them, and with two older kids I decided a baby who would sleep was more important to me than my ideals, ha ha. Plus I'd forgotten how convenient sposies really are. I know the die hard CDers insist that cloth can be just as convenient. . . no, no it really can't.

Edited by LemonPie
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I didn't with my first, didn't know anyone who did and it never occurred to me.


2nd ds was in cloth for the first 6 months or so. I had coin op wash and I really needed to run another cycle to get a good rinse. It cost less to buy disposables.


I planned to use cloth for 3rd ds from the beginning. He was in the NICU for his first month+ and when he came home I was a bit overwhelmed. I started cloth diapering him at about the same age I stopped with ds2. He is turning 18 mos now and we will CD until he potty learns.


Barring any unforeseen circumstance, any future children will be in cloth. I already have the dipes, and they are just so cute. Of course, if we ever have a girl, I'll have a whole new excuse to buy more (pink, flowery) diapers.:D

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Yes. My 5 yo was CD'd, my 16 mos old is currently CD'd, and baby on the way will be once he arrives. They've always been CD'd, even while traveling (though washing dipes on a cruise ship was a pita, and I don't recommend it as their washers are kind of junky).

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We've cloth diapered three of our four and will do it with this last one too! I'm not crazy "crunchy" but we are on a pretty limited income and this saves us a ton of money, as I have always had two in diapers at once.


We used mainly Fuzzi Bunz on the middle two and with the last one we've used those same Fuzzi Bunz and some Bum Genius and now mostly extended tab bamboo prefolds and wool covers. I've been able to switch it up by selling our old ones and buying the new ones used. Can never resell a used disposable:D

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We cloth diapered in the 90s with ds16 and dd12. They were in cloth for about the first year, the majority of the time. Disposable were used for travel or times when it was more realistic to use disposable. They were both completely potty trained by 2yo. Ds went into disposables full time because he was having skin rash issues and switching him out of cloth was one thing we tried (we thought the outer wrap was irritating his skin where the edges rubbed him).. When we figured out that the diapers weren't part of the problem, he had changed sizes and I needed all new supplies. We didn't switch back mainly due to the expence.


Dd12 was switched out because once she was on solids full time, her skin would crack and bleed if urine was on her skin for more than a couple of minutes. Her urine is very acidic and her skin sensitive. Disposables solved this for her too.


DD4 came to us as 5mo. She was already in a large diaper and we didn't know when she was going home so I didn't think it was realistic to start her in cloth with the expense being so high starting out. She was in disposables full time.

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I use a mix with DS and will with the upcoming kiddo as well. I mostly use cloth, but when sick I switch to disposables. I also use disposables at night...he sleeps for 12 hours straight and I haven't found a way to make the stuff in my stash work for that. It's too smelly and there's too much ammonia build up.

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With dd, I couldn't wait to put her in the cute prints of the throwaway diapers at the time!! But I got HUGE pressure from my mother AND MIL to put her in cloth----so much that they both purchased a bunch of cloth diapers for us. I was hesitant because I thought it was disgusting---but we were broke so I tried it. WOW!!! I couldn't believe how much better it was for dd's sensitive skin and just how satisfying clean, fresh cloth was to put on cute little baby behinds :) When ds came along, it was only cloth from the start. I had some fancy pocket diapers for him, but my most favorite and the easiest were just velcro closing diaper covers and about 5-6 dozen of the plain foldable cloth diapers. We also realized that with cloth, they toilet train a LOT faster.

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I did cloth diapers for the first four. Just the cheap fold 'em yourself with plastic pants. No diaper service. Hot water and bleach. I got a surprise diaper shower (disposables) with #5. I got enough diapers to last 6 months. I just could not go back. I was sick to death of rinsing out poop in the toilet. It seemed so luxurious to just wrap it all up right there at the changing table and throw it away. I know that sounds stupid. But that's what made me crazy. We took cloth to church nursery and everyone was so good about tackling that with us. We even took cloth when we traveled out of town. But I really HATE cloth diapers. I'm beginning to hate all diapers.period. My youngest is over 2 1/2. He is scared to death of the potty. I've never let it go this late before. But I'm at my wits end. Argh!



This is my story, verbatim...down to every last detail! I was wondering if the posters who LOVED cloth diapers had a service. In our case, I was the service, didn't even have a dryer with the first one. I did it out of economy as well as health. The last two never had a cloth diaper on their behinds. Somehow, I never felt a twinge of guilt. :D

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We have used cloth the majority of the time and I wash them myself. (when I looked at diaper service costs, it was higher than disposables)


It has been a good experience for us. I hope I will get to buy cloth diapers for my grandchildren!

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Also I had read you werent allowed to throw out. Paper diapers with a bm in them and first had to remove the bm.


Say WHAT? I don't know anyone who has ever done that. I've never heard tell of such a thing… was this maybe just some weird law in your town? [i'm Canadian too, and have lived in four diff provinces…which is why I wonder!]


As to the poll - nope. No cloth diapers… I can't even imagine trying to keep up with the extra laundry.. I'm naturally disorganized and life is chaotic enough. :laugh:

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I used cloth diapers with all of them until the twins. Having 4 kids in diapers kinda did me in!:lol:


So three out of five had cloth diapers. And the twins actually did for the first few weeks until that load of diapers sat in the laundry room waiting to be washed for a week and a half! And I said--what was I thinking.

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I wanted to CD dd(4yo), but we lived in a tiny walk-up apartment when she was born, and we did not have a washer-dryer on site. I really didn't know where to start either, because it's not like any of the big box stores sell quality CDs or want you to use CDs. They would much rather that you buy cases and cases of disposables.


With dd(8mo), we just started two months ago. I went to the homeschooling convention, and telephoned Loverboy two hours later about wanting to do cloth diapers. "Well, think about it. If you still want them, you can buy them when you go back tomorrow." I came home with a big bag of them that night. :D:D:D


Last year I bought a wheat grinder and Bosch mixer from the homeschooling convention. This year, cloth diapers. Loverboy is going to ban me from going to Homeschooling Conventions!!! :D:D:D

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I CD'ed 2 of the 3 of my dc. If I was more aware when I had dc#1 she would've been in cloth too!


DS potty trained before he was 2 so we've been out of cloth for a littl while now. I weeded out any really stained and bad diapers. The rest I stripped, sunned and put them all in a space saver bag and saving them to give to the kids when they have kids OR to someone else if God leads me to gift to someone else in need along the way.

Edited by mamaofblessings
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