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Thoughts on this name?

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I like Liberty (nn Libby?), but I think pairing it with Justice is overkill. Jane. Liberty Jane. Oh...I know why I thought that. I know someone who used those names together. But with Nora as a first name and then Jane and Liberty as her two middle names.

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I like both individually, but I think together they're a bit much. And really, who needs the pledge as part of her name? ;)


Liberty Jeanette

Liberty Juliette

Liberty Jenna

Liberty Josephine

Liberty Jane

Liberty Juliana

Hmm, running out of J names. I think either a one-syllable or a three-syllable name sounds best with Liberty and Goodwin. :001_smile:

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I like Libby and Justice, but not together.


If you need a "J" name for the middle name how about one of these:


Jana, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joy-Anna, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordan, or Josie?




Sorry. When you said you wanted a "J" name it was all I could think of. :001_smile:


p.s. - I did have to look all of those names up.

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I like Liberty. At my first job ever I met a very nice young lady named Liberty, and I thought her name was great. A word middle name is overkill, though. A middle name may not be commonly used, but I wouldn't really want people to giggle when they found out.


Liberty Justine has a lot of the same sound without doing the "two words" thing.


You could also try Liberty Juliet, Liberty Joan, Liberty Joanne, Liberty Jacqueline, or Liberty Josephine.

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By the way, this isn't for the current baby we are awaiting, her name will be Savannah Juliet. This is for a hypothetical 4th girl.


Can't use:









Loralei Jenna


Yes, I know it's not Liberty, but it just popped into my head. :001_smile:

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I have a "values" name. I wouldn't. The jokes get really, really old. :glare: I REALLY wouldn't with the middle name combo. Especially since your other children aren't named similarly. Liberty is cute but I don't think I would.




First thing I thought of was how the Puritans all named their kids after virtues.

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I'm so sorry, but I don't like it at all.

I agree it sounds like a good name for a horse or other animal. Not to be mean...


I will say Justina is my mom's name, and I've always thought it pretty, but to me, it's a harsh name--not in the way it sounds (I think it's sonorous), but in the way it stands for untempered justice.

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Lorelai has been on our short list (along with Liberty and Trinity).


I like the way you spelled it better. I just made that up.


Trinity immediately brings to mind The Matrix. Love it though (so that's kind of too bad).

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How about "Jae" for the middle name?


That is Littlest's middle name because I wanted to use my maiden name (starts with a J and a common female name) but DH didn't like it. So then I suggested just "J", as in the single letter. He agreed but only if we spelled it out, hence the "Jae". We spelled it with an "e" instead of a "y" b/c I thought it more feminine and my middle name is "Rae" with an "e". Now I love the name "Jae" for a girl, even though Littlest goes by her first name (which I love, too).

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I of course Love it :D We have a Liberty, she goes by Libby most of the time though. Her middle name is Justine. We never even thought about the name until she was born 3 weeks before her due date on July 4th.


ETA: I do think Liberty Justice is too much though, dh thought of that for her middle name then but i thought it was too much together so we went with Justine.

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I'm not generally a fan of virtue names. I think Libby is an adorable nickname though, and paired with Josephine or Johanna she could go by Libby Jo. How cute!


I wouldn't go with Liberty Justice. It's just too much, IMO. Then again, I once suggested Rain as a middle name to someone on this board considering November for a first name, and I'm sure a lot of people would find that completely obnoxious. I really like it though.

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I of course Love it :D We have a Liberty, she goes by Libby most of the time though. Her middle name is Justine. We never even thought about the name until she was born 3 weeks before her due date on July 4th.


ETA: I do think Liberty Justice is too much though, dh thought of that for her middle name then but i thought it was too much together so we went with Justine.


You and I must be on the same wave lengths name wise, cause I swear I thought up Justine as a middle name before seeing your posts.


Then again, I have a Piper and want a Dakota as a girl's name next. :tongue_smilie:

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Yeah, agreeing with everyone else here: one or the other, but not both.


Liberty Josephine


Liberty Jasmine


Liberty Jemima


Liberty Joelle


Liberty Jillian


Liberty Johanna


Liberty Jonina


Liberty Joy



... even Liberty Justine.


But Liberty Justice? I think she won't be fond of it.

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I of course Love it :D We have a Liberty, she goes by Libby most of the time though. Her middle name is Justine. We never even thought about the name until she was born 3 weeks before her due date on July 4th.


ETA: I do think Liberty Justice is too much though, dh thought of that for her middle name then but i thought it was too much together so we went with Justine.


I have a Liberty too... born on the 4th of July :)

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