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My lovely blog comment today.

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I think they only have to look in the mirror to find that person! Sorry you had to deal with this today. I've seen you post on here enough to 'recognize' you and I think that you are a perfectly lovely person. Try not to give that comment another thought.


:iagree: You have even helped me answer questions in the past, so I recognize you. I have always thought you were pretty nice. That comment:glare::001_huh:

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Really, it just amazes me that people even spend their time posting something like that.


So sorry someone did that to you. and it's weird that they mentioned WTM, like they want to give you a hint, but not come right out with who they are.


Anyway, try to let it roll off you. We like you.:grouphug: Btw, I have *never* seen a pretentious post from you.

Edited by woolybear
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This comment was posted to my blog today.




I thought it was just a nice, lovely comment. Is everyone from Beckley, WV so pleasant? Fortunately, I understand that plenty of people disagree with you and that most people have the common decency to keep these kinds of opinions to themselves. Have a lovely day Anonymous!


I'm sorry. I'm having a bad day. I didn't mean it.


Wait! I'm from NH!!! It wasn't me!!!:D


Glad you deleted it. I hope after posting about it here you didn't waste your time giving it another thought. Imagine how miserable that person must be! Poor pitiful fool.


I have always enjoyed your posts. Now THAT is what matters. :lol: Move along. Ignore miserable people who want to drag you down to their level.

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Some people think that ALL bloggers are self-absorbed and egotistical because they write about their lives. Well, that's the point of a blog! I think your anonymous commenter doesn't quite understand the purpose of a blog.


Clearly, her only purpose was to stir the pot. If she just honestly didn't enjoy reading your blog, she would have stopped reading it. She's just trying to cause drama, and that's HER problem, not yours.

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:lol::smilielol5: Pretentious? You? And they can't find someone more so than you? Even if they were to realize what they just wrote on someone's blog?


Bless their hearts.


I love how you end that. :D



FTR, I have met Joanneqn irl and she is every bit pretentious as that poster claimed her to be . . . not.


She even sat in my unbelievably messy, filled with boxes house and chatted for some time. Never once passing judgement. For that she will always be one of my besties of wtm. :D

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I love how you end that. :D



FTR, I have met Joanneqn irl and she is every bit pretentious as that poster claimed her to be . . . not.


She even sat in my unbelievably messy, filled with boxes house and chatted for some time. Never once passing judgement. For that she will always be one of my besties of wtm. :D


Now that is great friend! :hurray:

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What a RIDICULOUS comment!!! And it doesn't even really make sense. Almost makes me wonder if it was some nutso angry teenager or something! Not that teenagers are generally rude, but it's so hard to imagine that being a parent. If so, I feel sorry for his/her kids.

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She even sat in my unbelievably messy, filled with boxes house and chatted for some time. Never once passing judgement. For that she will always be one of my besties of wtm. :D


Mine back home was just as messy...only I didn't have the excuse of being in the process of moving. BTW, Mika still asks to visit your way again. And your daughter is so sweet to email both her and Sam regularly. She's a wonderful girl.

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That's just unbelievable! I got a nasty comment awhile back on my blog too, and it was so hurtful, so.... unnecessary. Why do people have to be so devious? Just because they CAN?


Well, just remember that it's really their problem and not yours.





P.S. Yeah, delete the darn thing.

Edited by HSMom2One
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This comment was posted to my blog today.

I thought it was just a nice, lovely comment. Is everyone from Beckley, WV so pleasant? Fortunately, I understand that plenty of people disagree with you and that most people have the common decency to keep these kinds of opinions to themselves. Have a lovely day Anonymous!


What a cowardly ass. Hiding behind anonymous comments and spewing venom. Grow the hell up Anonymous.

Sorry you had to deal with that, I'll take my Chinese spam comments anytime over that crap.

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Wow! I hang out here less than most and the last word I would ever use to describe you is pretentious. I would use real and kind and lovely. Like water off a duck and forget it. Annon needs help so don't let it get to you.

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Wow. See this is why I have my comments on moderate.


This is a good suggestion for anybody. When I had my blog, this is what I ended up doing. We have two children through adoption, and apparently adoption (especially international adoption) is a topic that can really bring out the weirdos. People seem to be very brave when they can hide behind an anonymous post.

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This was on Susan's FB. I thought it was relevent ;).


"Brilliant blog instructions I just found: "Please use the comments to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data, ability to repeat discredited memes, and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. Also, be sure to create straw men and argue against things I have neither said nor even implied. Lastly, kindly forgo all civility in your discourse. You are, after all, anonymous."

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I know another WTMer IRL and she had an almost identical anonymous comment posted on her personal blog, the link for which is in her signature. I think it's just a troll with nothing better to do. Delete and ignore.

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Well, I never would have thought to call you a pretentious - - - - . But, I am intrigued now to go read your blog! :)


I hope you can be the duck and just let it roll. Obviously this poor fool has many issues that even Dr. Hive cannot fix!

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Remudamom, you crack me up.


JoAnn - here's another vote for letting it roll! I have never found you at all pretentious. Of course, now I have to go read those old blog posts, so I might change my mind...;)

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