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Neighbors and Dog Poop

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Really, I think I'm on the edge of this one... It has been a consistent problem. We have a cute little neighborhood. Several years ago they built a cul-de-sac of five homes at the end of a road that has been existence for 20 years or so. We rent, so we weren't the original home-builders. The community gets along well and everyone is so very friendly.




We have neighbors who have dogs. This isn't an issue. *I* have a dog. I have a huge dog. He's great. In general, I'm a dog person. That said, I have a serious issue with dog poop. It stinks. Kids have a tendency to step in it. Those two things together make a bad combination. I have SEVERAL children. What are the chances my many children can go in the yard and NOT track in dog poop? Well, pretty darn good. Why? Because we trained our dog to poop along the back fence line of our backyard - 2 acres. It took a tiny bit of effort but being able to mow my yard bare foot was WORTH it.


Our dog isn't allowed in our front yard. It isn't fenced and there is no reason for him to be there. Ever.


So, imagine my husband's shock, dismay, and eventually anger, at stepping in dog poop in our front yard... Because, after all, it isn't OUR dog. But, hey, accidents happen.


Unfortunately accidents are happening 2-3 times a week. So I started paying attention.... The neighbors (3 of them, walking together, a couple & a woman) are walking their dogs every morning, down to the cul-de-sac, around, and then back up the road. Fine. One is on a leash, the other, not. And they let those TWO DOGS POOP IN ANYONE'S YARD. Goodness, the other day, the dog came over by herself to go the bathroom... That's our next door neighbor. Now, the dog, I understand, she's old, she's feeble. They have a 3 acre backyard. Seriously.


Do they pick it up? No.

Do they apologize? No.

Do they prevent it from happening? No.


So last night we all went to the library. And as we come home, the neighbor down the road is walking with both dogs because one just runs free and she has her dog on a leash. And she is stopped by our yard so the dogs can do their business. I got out of the van and looked at her, shook my head, and turned to walk back in. She laughs and says, "I'm sorry." And I turned and said, "Hm? What?" And she said, "I'm sorry she did that, I'm trying to get her to go in another spot." And all I said was, "We'd REALLY like her to go in another spot." I did not smile or chit chat as I normally would have, I turned around and went into my house. It was rude. I know it was rude. But at what point should people practice SOME kind of etiquette??????


How is this okay? I'm so confused. They allow the dogs to go in 2 of the yards down here... Both of us have dogs. I'm certain they think, "Oh, they'll understand. They have dogs." What they DON'T understand is that I HATE dog poop. And, frankly, I've trained my dog to go elsewhere. AND, moreover, if my dog DID poop in their yard, which I wouldn't allow, I'd clean it up.


So what in the world do I say?


I'm thinking of putting out snail & slug bait for the slugs and then going over and telling them, "Hey - I put out slug bait and I'd really hate for your dog to get sick, please keep him out of my yard." I'm pretty anti-pesticide, but I'm also pretty anti-dog poop. I do NOT want the dog to actually get hurt in any way, shape, or form, but I really, really, really need the two dogs to stop pooping in my yard. And I don't think this is unreasonable?!!?!?!?!


Vent over.

Maybe I'm just a huge, crabby, pregnant woman.

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I live in an area like that, and I have one of the largest lawns (I'm on a corner so you have lawn at both sides).


I actually opened up my window and yelled at a guy letting his dog go on our lawn.


There's a baggie law in town. Grown men walking up and down the street with baddies of dog doo. He's not too good.


No, you're not crabby, yes, it's beyond rude. We trained our dog like yours. I pay a lot in taxes to own all of this grass, my Dh is NOT going out to shovel up your dog's doo because you think being off lead is fun, or you're too good to reach over and pick it up.


So tell her, no more.

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You were way too nice in my opinion.


I would have yelled something along the lines of, "I don't want your dog sh*tting in my yard! You better clean that up and don't let it sh*t in my yard again!"


I have two dogs and I would never dream of letting my dog poop in someone's yard. Also, when we take them for a walk we have the doggie poop bags that clip to the dog leash, so they are always available and there is never an excuse not to clean up.

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Ooooooohhhh.....I'd be livid I can tell you that! I hate hate hate dog poop! We have a dog who is only allowed in the back yard. If he gets in the front...it's inevitable that somebody will step in it (usually me). One thing I can.not.stand is dog poop on the shoes.


I think you need to say something. Be on the lookout for those people again and then go out there. I really don't care if they think you are rude. What they are doing is far worse. If they have nothing to clean it up right then and there (and I would bet they won't) then maybe you could say something like..."well, I'll bag it this time....and I'll return it to your yard when I'm done."


I just can't believe the nerve of some people!

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When she apologized, you could have said, "Oh, that's okay! I'll be right back out with a bag for you to pick it up." When you got back outside, you would watch her and talk to her, firmly requesting she carry bags with her to clean up her dog's waste if she insists on trespassing on your property.


Anyway, the thing to do now is go over and politely ask her to clean up after her dog. She doesn't need to apologize. It does need to stop.


Carry a camera. Take pictures. If she doesn't stop, you can escalate the situation or let it go.

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Um, how rude. We're on a corner we find dog poop (not our dog) occasionally. I've been known to run off wandering dogs from our yard, and we have a big dog too.


Poop is rude, baggies are kind. Hopefully she'll get the message, otherwise I'd find a stay off the lawn sign.

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I would go knock on their door and say that if their dog poops in my front yard I expect it to be cleaned up. By them. Every. Single. Time.


It is a village ordinance here and I can report someone who violates it if I know who they are.


It is so rude and offensive, there is no need to tiptoe around the problem. I would just tell it to her straight.

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It's SO rude when people do this. We had it happen before too and I hate it. Really, I would let people know when you see them that hey, you really don't care for the dog poop in your yard, could they make sure their dog takes care of it's business somewhere else and make sure to clean it up? Or, put a sign up on the edge of your property asking people to not allow their dog to poop on your lawn. It's rude as heck that they do it, but make sure you are stepping up for yourself and letting them know it's not acceptable.


How about these for signs!


Any of your dog's poop that ends up on my shoe, will be wiped on your door mat.


I pay taxes on my lawn

It's not a public park

Keep your dog's derriere away

Or my bite will be worse than my bark.


Your dog may be cute

Your dog may be pretty

But letting it poop

On my lawn, is sh-----.


Or collect their doggy's doo, wrap it in a pretty gift box and return.


Just being silly. ;)

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It's SO rude when people do this. We had it happen before too and I hate it. Really, I would let people know when you see them that hey, you really don't care for the dog poop in your yard, could they make sure their dog takes care of it's business somewhere else and make sure to clean it up? Or, put a sign up on the edge of your property asking people to not allow their dog to poop on your lawn. It's rude as heck that they do it, but make sure you are stepping up for yourself and letting them know it's not acceptable.


How about these for signs!


Any of your dog's poop that ends up on my shoe, will be wiped on your door mat.


I pay taxes on my lawn

It's not a public park

Keep your dog's derriere away

Or my bite will be worse than my bark.


Your dog may be cute

Your dog may be pretty

But letting it poop

On my lawn, is sh-----.


Or collect their doggy's doo, wrap it in a pretty gift box and return.


Just being silly. ;)


Love the second one.

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We are having something similar happen with a neighbor allowing their dog to poop on our lawn during walks and not picking it up. We're waiting until we "catch" them, and then we'll run out with a bag, "Oh, here, it looks like you might need this!" It's someone with whom we want to have a good relationship.


Nothing will be as bad as the former neighbor who'd trained his dog to go in a common area at the end of the culdesac, next to our house. The dog never went at home, ever. The dog would leave his own house in the morning, go down two doors to the area, and pee/poop, and the dog would be walked out in the afternoons and evenings. My dh would occasionally spray the whole thing down with deodorizer. The guy's military ex-wife would come and scoop the poop whenever she dog sat, and if we complained, the guy would make his teenager do it. :glare:

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I would have said, "You ARE going to clean that up, right?"


I once lived on the corner and many neighbors used the front and side yards for their dogs. Another neighbor got so sick of one guy's letting his dog poop in her yard, she cleaned it up and put it in his yard or drive way, where he walked to get in his car. I don't approve of what she did (she had talked to him numerous times), but I understood her frustration.

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I totally understand a dog needing to poop, but it must be cleaned up! Maybe you could post something like this





I had the same idea. Before I got to your post I checked Amazon too. Here are some more. There's so many signs...who knew?? I kinda like the R.I.P. one. Kid Zone is a good one too.

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Completely rude. I feel your pain...only we do not like dogs at all in our family! Our neighbor has THREE dogs that they let out often during the day and they poop in everyone's yard but theirs. They are the annoying yippy kind of dogs and they bark at anyone who comes to my front door, as if it is their territory. Dd3 is terrified of dogs because these chase her and try to nip at her feet.


My dh shovels the poop and puts it on their front sidewalk to their door. We've called them to have their boys come over and clean it up before, too. But nothing changes...they could care less and don't see anything wrong with it. I just cannot understand how someone would think it was okay to do this...


I'm going to put either of these signs up:


If we wanted dog poop in our yard, we'd have our own dog!


Here lies the last dog that pooped in our yard.

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We live on a large corner lot with lots of bushes, the previous owners places a 2-3 foot high split rail "decorative" fence placed in a rock landscape all along the yard. It looks nice and we've never had a problem with walked dogs stopping in our yard.


Just in case anyone has a reason they don't want to confront a neighbor, there's always the landscaping option! :001_smile:


Otherwise, I'd wait outside to "catch" them, tell them your yard is not a dog toilet, and that they need to clean up any messes their dog makes.

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We have out of towners from various cities that vacation in my coastal town who wind up buying summer homes or moving here permanently. They are notorious for letting their dogs run free and poop everywhere, because they're "in the country". Uh, people "in the country" have free range poultry and other livestock that they don't want terrorized or worse by your dog. These are usually the people who also like to complain about the smell of cow manure. Ya know, in the country. :glare:


One of my favorite things to do was to take Tess, my Aussie, to the beach to run around. No more. Because of all the idiots who let their dogs crap all over the beach (despite the bag dispensers everywhere), it's now illegal. Yes, I'm bitter.

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"I don't care if you are sorry or not. Please pick it up. If you don't have a bag, I will get one for you right now."

:iagree: Train them just like you trained your pets. Hand them a bag. Make your request known, repeatedly, with a smile.


Yes they should know better, but since they don't, you'll have to train them.

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My parents had this problem. After talking to the neighbor repeatedly with no positive results, my brother started collecting all the poop and returning it to their yard. He would bag it, walk it down the cul-de-sac and upend it in their yard. It worked. The dog no longer used my parent's front yard as a potty.

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I might be tempted to leave the dog poo on their doorsteps. ;) You know flaming bags of poo and all that... Okay, so I'm not really THAT gutsy at all, but I mean if they are gonna leave it there you might as well put it to use. :P



I feel your pain. We have a walk track near by and we're allowed to take dogs on it. If your dog doos you're meant to clean it up. Yeah, most people don't and their dogs poo RIGHT on the track. It makes me very angry not to mention it's just down right gross..

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I generally think talking about things with your neighbor in a calm manner is the best route to go.

Go to them, talk about how you don't like it in your yard.

Tell them you have children who step in it, and the yuckiness of having to clean feet (and carpet from feet).

Tell them you like dogs, and you clean up your own dog's poo, please do the same for your own dog.


I had a neighbor that would let their dogs out every morning and every morning they would cross the street, poo in my yard, and go home, they even had a trail worn in the grass. The final straw was when my mother came to visit and stepped out of her car, on the driveway and stepped in poo--you see in the winter, the dogs would poo on the freshly shoveled driveway--not the snow covered grass. I had the talk, I was friendly, yet firm. It took a couple of times before they were diligent.


I think talking is the first move--it's also Biblical (if that matters).



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I wouod have told her right then, "I have several kids and I don't appreciate that we can't walk in our own yard without tracking your dog's poop into the house. Bring a bag and work on make sure he goes elsewhere."


As a side note, he will NEVER go elsewhere if she leave his crap in your yard. That is the first error of doggie poo training.


If that didn't work, I'd go to plan B here:


Get signs to put in your yard. The nicest lawns in our neighborhood have signs that say no dogs. And people respect them.


If that didn't work, I'd recruit my children for plan C here:


My parents had this problem. After talking to the neighbor repeatedly with no positive results, my brother started collecting all the poop and returning it to their yard. He would bag it, walk it down the cul-de-sac and upend it in their yard. It worked. The dog no longer used my parent's front yard as a potty.
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It's SO rude when people do this. We had it happen before too and I hate it. Really, I would let people know when you see them that hey, you really don't care for the dog poop in your yard, could they make sure their dog takes care of it's business somewhere else and make sure to clean it up? Or, put a sign up on the edge of your property asking people to not allow their dog to poop on your lawn. It's rude as heck that they do it, but make sure you are stepping up for yourself and letting them know it's not acceptable.


How about these for signs!


Any of your dog's poop that ends up on my shoe, will be wiped on your door mat.


I pay taxes on my lawn

It's not a public park

Keep your dog's derriere away

Or my bite will be worse than my bark.


Your dog may be cute

Your dog may be pretty

But letting it poop

On my lawn, is sh-----.


Or collect their doggy's doo, wrap it in a pretty gift box and return.


Just being silly. ;)


A story:

My mother and stepfather built a house in a heavily covenanted development. The board controlled when you painted your home, what color, plantings. Neighbors would tromp through wooded common areas looking for unauthorized wood piles and non-white backed window treatments. Trucks were not allowed in the parking areas... crazy rule followers.


We lived about halfway down the cul-de-sac, and walked the dog in the designated area across the main street from the opening of the cul-de-sac. We RAN with her, on the pavement, to keep her from fouling private or common areas.


Another neighbor had a cute little poodle, whom they happily and openly let crap in anyone's yard he chose. While talking to the yard owner. Never cleaned up, never apologized, shrugged it off when people complained and demanded he clean it up.


A third neighbor came home from a long day of work and stepped right in the pile left in her yard. Again. Later that night, the poodle owners came home in the dark, and noticed a foul smell approaching their door. It was the poo smeared all over their entryway and front door, with an accompanying note saying "clean up after your f***ing dog!"


They were... shocked. :001_huh:


Blatantly rude people evidently have some sort of filter that prevents them from understanding that they have committed an offense (repeatedly) until someone goes ballistic.


Perhaps you would like to share such a story with your neighbor as you hand her a bag.

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I have no advice, but sympathy.


We have a shared yard. Our landlord owns two homes on one lot, and our apartment and one of the apartments in the other duplex share the yard.


For three years, this was lovely. We had nice neighbors who took care of the yard with us.


Then, for two years, we had neighbors who had 2, and sometimes 3, large dogs. They seemed to think that our yard was nothing but a dog bathroom. They NEVER cleaned up the poop. Well, that's an exaggeration. They'd clean up the poop maybe once every 2-3 months, sometimes going longer.


We left notes. We talked to them. We talked to the landlord. The landlord talked to them. Other neighbors talked to them and the landlord. Nothing.


It was just disgusting. I mean, at times the yard was almost covered in poop; you couldn't walk a foot without finding some. It reeked year round. I'm pretty sure they didn't pick up any poop the entire winter--which here goes from maybe November to March--and when the snow all melted, it was pretty much the most disgusting thing I'd ever seen or smelled.


Several times this spring I got fed up, and spent about 2 hours in the yard, shoveling it up and piling it by their back steps. It would make quite a pile--a small mountain might be more descriptive. The pile would sit there for up to a week before they did anything about it.


It was just bizarre. I was left wondering if they were some kind of dog-poop hoarders. Otherwise, they were the most irresponsible dog owners and worst neighbors that I've ever seen.


Thankfully, they moved this spring, and we can once again use the yard.

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Dogs will be dogs. But, geeze, owners are supposed to walk around with plastic bags in their pockets to pick that crap up. It's one of the unwritten (or maybe it is written somewhere) rules. Even our parks and trails have doggie bag dispensers, and people voluntarily fill them with plastic grocery bags. Your neighbor stinks (and this is coming from someone whose dogs *love* to poop on my neighbor's much shorter grass).


My favorite dog poop sign is the one of the dog squatting with a big X through it. I don't know why, but it cracks me up every time.


Me too! It's so sad, and I'm kind of embarrassed, but I laugh out loud every single time.

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I was out walking in the neighborhood and saw someone had a cute but to the point yard sign. It said something about cleaning up your dog's poop. It was cute though. Maybe something like that? I don't know where they got it but surely somewhere online sells that kind of thing.


ETA: Something like this. Personally I like the "here lies the last dog that pooped in my yard" but probably won't win you any points with the neighbors. The one I saw was wooden and craftsy looking. But this is the general idea. Since many of the offenders are with their owners when it happens perhaps you can get your message out with a simple yard sign.


ETA #2: I like this one even better.

Edited by silliness7
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Later that night, the poodle owners came home in the dark, and noticed a foul smell approaching their door. It was the poo smeared all over their entryway and front door, with an accompanying note saying "clean up after your f***ing dog!"


. . .


Perhaps you would like to share such a story with your neighbor as you hand her a bag.


Oh.my.goodness. That's terrible, but it's terribly funny too. I can see how people would be driven to such extremes.

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CAYENNE PEPPER WORKS! It will not hurt the dog, but it will keep him and a whole bunch of other "varmits" away until they learn to go eklsewhere.


And you won't lose any neighbors since they can't smell it and will never realize why the dogs avoid your lawn. Replace after heavy rains.


It WILL hurt the dog! Have you ever had cayenne pepper in your eye?? Paws, scratching, rolling, fur...potential for eyes. Not okay.


Unless you mean somehow placing it out for the owners who are allowing their dogs to poop in your yard. Then, well, ...

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:iagree: Train them just like you trained your pets. Hand them a bag. Make your request known, repeatedly, with a smile.


Yes they should know better, but since they don't, you'll have to train them.




Years before dh and I got a dog, I helped out a blind young woman. She always picked up after her guide dog. Always.


That made a big impression on me. If a blind person can do that, so can I. So can you.


When I see people allow their dogs to go in other people's space -- lawns, parks, ballfields, the beach (!) and then start to walk away -- I very nicely say "oh, I noticed you didn't have a bag -- I'm sure I've got one here somewhere (in my car, beach bag)."


They always take it and pick up.


I agree -- especially since you know it's the same inconsiderate neighbors! Time for some good training.


Good luck. :001_smile:

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Perhaps you would like to share such a story with your neighbor as you hand her a bag.


Ever seen despicable me?


Gru sees his neighbor and says to him, "Your dog has been leaving stinky presents in my yard again."


Neighbor says, "Dogs.." {and goes on about them for a moment..}


Gru says, "Yeah, but not dead ones." Then rolls with laughter as though it were a "pass the bean dip, enter the kilt, bless you" type moment. ;)

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I might be tempted to leave the dog poo on their doorsteps. ;) You know flaming bags of poo and all that... Okay, so I'm not really THAT gutsy at all, but I mean if they are gonna leave it there you might as well put it to use. :P



I feel your pain. We have a walk track near by and we're allowed to take dogs on it. If your dog doos you're meant to clean it up. Yeah, most people don't and their dogs poo RIGHT on the track. It makes me very angry not to mention it's just down right gross..


We must live in the same neighborhood, LOL. I don't care where people let their dogs go as long as they clean it up.

Edited by grace'smom
Mrs. Mungo said my kitten would die...
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Dogs will be dogs. But, geeze, owners are supposed to walk around with plastic bags in their pockets to pick that crap up. It's one of the unwritten (or maybe it is written somewhere) rules. Even our parks and trails have doggie bag dispensers, and people voluntarily fill them with plastic grocery bags. Your neighbor stinks (and this is coming from someone whose dogs *love* to poop on my neighbor's much shorter grass).


I don't get not picking up after your dog.

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IMHO most people are not responsible enough to be dog owners. If you have a dog you clean up after it, train it, give it exercise, and keep it healthy. Most people just want something to snuggle.


I once lived in a neighborhood that was part of the bus system. What was great about it was that at each bus stop had a city trash can. It's so much easier to clean up after your dog if you don't have to carry the stinky poop for 2 miles!


I think the signs in the yard are a terrific idea!


Also a thought about "country" dogs -- my mother lives in the country and they (and their neighbors) regularly shoot dogs that bother their livestock.

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Thats a big Uh-uh out here, you don't pick up your dog poop, you get a fine from the council.


We're on 2 acres and the dogs mostly poop in our small backyard, its my job to go out and pick it up weekly (its winter here, i'd be picking up daily in summer) my dogs have their designated "poop" spots round the edge of the yard lol.


But if I take our dogs out (we do that regularly when we go out in the car) I ALWAYS pick up after our dogs.


I mean who just LEAVES their dog poop in a public or someone elses area? :001_huh: Its just wrong!

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Also a thought about "country" dogs -- my mother lives in the country and they (and their neighbors) regularly shoot dogs that bother their livestock.


I knew someone who, after getting nowhere with the owners of a dog that kept coming on his property and bothering his animals, finally got so fed up he spray painted a bullseye on the dog. A little extreme, but the dog never came back. The owners must have finally got the message!

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:iagree:Hand her a bag. Otherwise, take you dog to her yard to relieve himself. Well no, don't do that; maybe return the bagged poop to her.

"I don't care if you are sorry or not. Please pick it up. If you don't have a bag, I will get one for you right now."
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Well, apparently what I said was noted and passed on. The offending dog was on a leash this morning for her walk.


Honestly? I feel a little bad. It's silly but we're renters in a very small, close-knit area of less than ten houses. We live in Oregon - land of the free, roaming pet. We have a dog, and one who is an alert barker so I'm very conscious of the fact that great dogs can have issues that owners must deal with. And, finally, it's not town, it's a couple miles out and there are just different rules for town vs. out, kwim? At the same time, politeness is politeness. I just can't imagine letting my dog go in someone else's yard.


Frankly, I'd have rather never HAD to say a word. The neighbors? Nice people, friendly people. Just this ONE really offensive behaviour. Nice dog, just this ONE really offensive behaviour. KWIM?


And people? Well, they're easily offended when it comes to their beloved four legged children. But, seriously, I don't know how much longer I could have handled this... It's already been over a year.


So, to those moving soon into a new neighborhood, get a sign, own a sign, use the sign. Wouldn't it have been best to prevent right from the start? So much easier! I'm betting that there are now hard feelings which I would have liked to avoid. :(

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